Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 58

by Lauren Wood

  “Well it’s on my phone; I’ll just pull up my email. What section is it in?” Sara asked.

  “I don’t remember the specific section, but it’s where they are talking about your rebate. Read that part, the really small area.” Drex stated.

  Sara pulled up the contract on her email and made it larger. There were several things in the contract she wished she had seen before. But the part he was talking about was quite scary.

  The signee agrees that if they don’t like their match, but their match likes them, they forfeit all previous rights. Their match has the right to marriage, and the signee will be married, or executed.

  “What does it say if I don’t marry you I could be executed?” Sara looked at Drex appalled.

  “No not could be executed, but will be executed. There is no way out but marriage or death.” Drex stated.

  She sat there stunned at the contract she had so willingly signed the night before. “Wow, for once in my life I wish I would have read the fine print.” Sara said.

  “This is one of the main reasons most of the matches for this company come from Earth. I’ll be honest with you I don’t really like the policy, but they did match me up with you. It could be a lot worse; there are some races that will kill you even if they don’t like you. As I said our races are often at threat of becoming extinct without the right mate.” Drex said.

  “So are you just looking for baby ovens?” Sara scoffed.

  “Not me, I can’t answer for anyone else though, they might well be. I do know a few other military men who’ve used this service. They didn’t find love, but their wives are always pregnant. So let me ask you the same question back, are they just using them for new life, most likely.” Drex said. “I on the other hand wanted to find a connection. I want more out of my life then just kids. Sure I would like a couple of them. But honestly Sara, we won’t repopulate my planet, just the two of us. I would rather have a mate who wants to be a part of my life. But I also have to tell you something else about me.” Drex stopped for a minute.

  Sara looked at him. “Oh so know you’ll tell me something really messed up and I’ll have to decide on if I want to die or deal with it. How did I get into this situation? I mean I know I’ve had bad luck in the past, but this kind of tops it. I do like you; I’m not saying I don’t find you very attractive. But marriage?” Sara sighed.

  “Or death, yes those are your two choices, I’m sorry to say. But first let me tell you this. I am close to retirement even though I am only like your 24 years old here. In my society I am actually 650 years old. In 5 years I will be allowed out of my service, unless I agree to do more time. Honestly if I have a wife, I won’t sign up for more time.” He held his hand up as he saw her begin to speak. “Just wait a minute I’m not done. I have a lot of enemies around, and they may come after me. With you in my life, they’ll try and get to me through you. Because they will realize that you are going to create more warriors. That’s all they consider babies, just little warriors. If I could figure a way to get our family out of this type of life I will. But as of right now it is far too easy to track me, and the same will be for you and our children. We all have tracking chips installed into our bodies. When you and I marry, if you agree, you will be chipped as well. They will place us into their system, and any time we are gone too long, that’s it they’ll come for me. If we are lucky they will just take me and make me serve out the rest of my time in their jail. But most likely they would simply kill our whole family.” Drex explained.

  “That seems really extreme.” Sara said.

  “Our leaders are serious about continuing the race. All men are now required to sign up for a mail-order bride service from another planet. If we don’t marry someone within the first 5 months we are on the site, or sites, because many will sign up for more than one. Well we are then the ones who will be killed instead. They can’t let our race die out. Even if we are mixed with another race, they will be taught the same way as the other of my people.” Drex told her. “I really want to try to find a woman who will endure this with me, and find a way to be happy.”

  “Well honestly it doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice.” Sara sighed. “I don’t want to die, though you might be a lot older, I am still only 24 years old. I have such a long time left to live. So I will marry you.” Sara said.

  She was reluctant, but not enough to figure out how she would get around the contract. Sure she could go and say they tricked her into joining. But that wouldn’t be truthful. She had easily skipped the small print and signed the contract.

  “I’m very glad; you’ve just saved both of our lives!” Drex said. “It has been almost 5 months to the days since I joined this site. I didn’t think I would ever find a girl who made me want to take a chance on marriage or even a date. I looked through many women in the past 5 months, but you were the only one who appealed to me. Sara Abram I’m so happy to have your hand in marriage.” He smiled and took her hand and kissed it.

  Sara felt the softness of his lips on the back of her hand and the way he lightly kissed her hand and she shivered. The heat of his lips spread over her body and she felt a rush of juices go into her nether regions. She felt her skin heat up in embarrassment and excitement both.

  She pulled her hand away and was shocked at how the light kiss had made her feel. But she couldn’t help but wonder what his kiss would feel like on her lips. Then her mind flashed to what it would be like to make love to Drex. She wondered if the other parts of his body looked human, or were they also different like his ear lobes. It was something that as his wife she would either get to endure or enjoy though. She shivered once again in pleasure.

  “I hope that you will be happy in our life together. I will try to treat you like one of your Earth men would do.” Drex commented.

  “No please don’t treat me like the Earth men, there are many assholes here. They don’t know how to treat a woman.” Sara said.

  “Well then I will treat you the way I feel is right, and if it isn’t to your liking please tell me.” Drex said. “So we will be married in two days. I don’t know if you want to invite anyone or not, but do so quickly. We can start that after dinner though. For now let’s go eat, I’m starving and we have a good reason to celebrate!” Drex smiled over at her.

  She was still shocked that she was getting married. Now she found out she only had two days to prepare. She thought, so much for that Cinderella type of wedding. But as she studied Drex, she knew that he was one of the best looking men she had ever dated. Plus he does excite me so much with his touches.

  As they ate, she listened to him talk. The shock of not knowing the words of the contract and what she had agreed to earlier still making her mind foggy.

  “I know it is a lot to learn. I’ve heard stories from some of the other men about this. Most of the women though aren’t upset about their new life.” Drex said.

  “How do you know? What will my new life be like?” Sara said, realizing that everything would change for her now.

  “Well they’ve told me before in conversation, that’s how I know they aren’t too upset.” Drex said.

  Before he could continue though Sara interrupted him. “But they could be lying.” She told him.

  “Well one of my abilities is to read minds, and I can tell you several of them were being quite honest. When they lie, you can hear the truth being said loudly in their mind.” Drex said.

  “Wait you can read minds?” Sara asked. “Or just if they are telling the truth?” She asked, thinking about her earlier thoughts of him.

  “I can read minds; it comes in quite helpful with being able to find out the truth from an opponent.” Drex laughed.

  Sara didn’t say anything but turned a bright red. “Oh wow, this would have been a good thing to know a lot earlier today.” She laughed shyly.

  “Don’t worry; I barely heard the things you were thinking. The fact was I’ve been quite nervous since I’ve met you. Like I said you were my last chance to find what
I was looking for.” Drex said.

  “Wait a second; just how many did you meet before me?” Sara asked.

  “I met 3 other girls in the past months.” Drex admitted.

  “What happened to them?” Sara queried.

  “I didn’t find any of them suitable.” Drex stated.

  “But what happened to the women?” Sara pushed.

  Drex shrugged his shoulders and said. “Is that really important? You should be happy that I like you and find you suitable as a match.”

  “Did they die?” She asked.

  He looked at her straight in the face. “Yes, they did die. Not by my hand though, but the agency did it.” He said.

  Sara put her hand up to her mouth. “Wow, I don’t even know what to say. I’m so shocked. I’ve learned far more tonight about this world then I ever wanted too. Wait until Jen hears about this.” Sara said.

  “You can’t tell her. If you tell her the secret, they will kill her and you both. They want that high match percentage rate to stay that way. Every once in a while there might be a girl who they let live, but she hasn’t found out about the truth either. So she won’t spread it to the other women who might join the site.” Drex told her.

  “I won’t tell her then. But I just don’t see how they can get away with it; doesn’t anyone miss the girls who are killed?” Sara asked.

  “I don’t know it is your planet and society. I’ve quite often heard though that it is quite easy to buy someone off.” Drex said.

  She nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, they say money can buy you anything.” Sara said.

  “So your story to your friend should be convincing of how you feel about me.” Drex told her.

  The rest of the meal she ate in silence, letting all of it soak into her mind. She tried to accept it all as quickly as she could. There was no way she wanted to make Jen feel like something was wrong with her story. It would have to be the best lie she ever told though.

  Chapter 4

  After they had finished eating Drex had taken her to a special place by use of his transporter system. Sara looked down on Earth as only a few humans had seen it. She stood in space. He had protected her with his body shield that had made it possible for her to breath.

  “It’s stunning from here. I’ve seen pictures like this before, but to see it in person is amazing.” Sara said. She looked over at him and smiled. “Really thank you for bringing me up here. I love it.” Sara stated.

  “Well you can see it all the time after we are married if you want. You will see the stars in our system. We can stay on the ship if you would like. Some of the cities on my planet are a bit more dangerous, well as my wife they will be.” Drex said.

  “Why would they be dangerous?” Sara asked. She had forgotten that they had touched on this a bit at supper.

  “I’m a well-known assassin in the army and they send people after me at times. There are plenty of spies on the planet, and well I have a nice price tag on my head. This is why I would prefer that we stay on the ship. Spies are detected a lot easier there.” Drex stated.

  “An assassin, wow. I keep learning new things that make my mind spin. I think I’ll take the ship.” Sara said. She didn’t know if she could take any more of this though. “Please if there is something else to tell me can you wait just a bit longer? At least a few months after we are married?” Sara asked.

  Drex laughed and said. “I will wait; I don’t want you to choose death instead.”

  She wanted to laugh, but couldn’t quite find the voice to do that. He looked at her and bent down to kiss her. It was light and quick and tender. Sara felt her body react wildly to the kiss. Her mind flooded with visions of him naked.

  He laughed, unable to hide the fact he had seen what she was thinking. Sara turned bright red. “I wish you couldn’t read minds!”

  “Well it does come in handy in many ways.” He kissed her again, this time deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue into her mouth.

  Sara noticed that his tongue was fatter and longer than what most human tongues were. She moaned as he wrestled with her tongue.

  “Have you ever made love in space?” He asked her.

  She laughed. “How could I do that? The only reason I’m breathing right now is because of you!”

  “Do you want too?” He smiled.

  Sara bit her lip and looked around. Of course there was no one out in space. She wasn’t sure what she had expected to see as she looked around. But still her mind made her ask. “Can anyone see us?”

  Drex laughed. “I don’t know honestly. How good are any of the satellites that are all around us? Do you care though?” He asked, his eyes getting a smoky appearance. The bright sparks of yellow showing off more in his eyes.

  She looked around one more time and knew that she shouldn’t agree to it, but a part of her mind didn’t care. “Sure why not, I will be one of the only women to ever enjoy this!” She threw caution to the wind and even knew that she didn’t care about her old policy of not sleeping with a man on the first date. After all he’s going to be your husband in two days that voice in her head stated.

  He leaned in and kissed her again.

  “Wait what about my clothes though?” Sara’s mind snapped quickly. “If we lose them up here I’ll have to go home naked.” She said.

  “When I take us back down I can put us in your house!” He said.

  “Okay, then by all means kiss me again.” She growled at him.

  He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she moaned loudly. Drex undressed her quickly. “I’ll buy you new clothes later on.” He said and then moved his mouth down to her nipple.

  Sara arched her body towards Drex and moaned loudly. She had no clue where her or his clothes might have floated to by now, and she didn’t care. She just wanted him to make love to her now. “Please make love to me.” She moaned.

  He kissed her and pushed his member towards its goal. As she felt the tip push into her she shivered again with an immense rush of pleasure. Drex thrust inward, Sara swore she could feel his dick as it throbbed. She could feel each and every vein of him as he invaded her body. He pushed into her slowly and with each inch that entered her she felt a new spark of electricity cross over her body.

  They both moaned loudly as a climax rushed over her body and she squeezed her pussy walls on his member. Sara arched up and pushed his dick into deeper. She rang her fingers down his back and scratched him as the pulses of pleasure caressed her body.

  Drex pulled out of her and pushed into her so slowly. She wanted to push her body up to meet his downward motion. But he would pull back when she tried to go upward. “No we are doing it slow and steady. I want to show you want you’ll have all the time we are together!” Drex whispered into her ear.

  Her body rushed forward across the line of another climax and she screamed out in pleasure. She heard the deep rumble of his laughter. That was what she had noticed before, it had sounded sexy as well. She pulled him down and kissed him deeply, running her tongue into his mouth.

  Sara was the aggressor for a few seconds and he took back over as he thrust into her quickly. She moaned as she felt the full shaft of him ram its way into her walls and pussy deeply. “I love this.” She said and squirmed under him as another climax shot over her body.

  Drex bit her neck hard and growled at her. “Oh Sara I think you’ll always enjoy this. I know I will always love touching your body.”

  She laughed not feeling as embarrassed as one would think, but feeling as if she might have some sort of power over him. “I don’t doubt I’ll always enjoy it as well!”

  Sara felt the throbbing of their veins against one another inside of her pussy walls and felt another climax rushing towards her. She pushed up her hips and he begun thrusting into her too. They yelled out together as they went over the edge together. She could feel his sperm as it hit the walls of her cunt.

  He held her close to him and they both were trying to catch their breath. Neither of them spoke for seve
ral minutes.

  Finally Sara sighed loudly and said. “That was amazing.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “Yeah I know it really was!” Drex laughed. “I have to say the times I’ve had sex with Earth women in the past was nothing compared to that! Hell nothing compared to many species!”

  “Just how many women have you slept with?” Sara looked at him.

  “Remember that I’m 650 years old according to my species right?” He asked, he didn’t like the look on her face, he knew danger when he saw it.

  Sara relaxed a minute and remembered that. The fact was that Drex looked like he was all of 24; she had to remember he wasn’t. She felt her body as the tension was released. “Your right, I’m sorry. But still how many? No, on second thought I don’t care.” Sara said.

  Drex laughed. “Just know that I’ve never felt that way before having sex with anyone. Please keep that in mind because that was so amazing!”

  She laughed and agreed without words but only shaking her head in agreement.

  “Well I guess I better get you home now.” Drex said a little later.

  He took her straight into her living room and she smiled. “I like that way of travel, it is so nice and quick!” Sara said.

  “It is quick. I’ve had a great night, and I really look forward to having you as my wife. I’ll come over tomorrow if you would like.” He said.

  “Why do you have to go now? You can stay the night.” Sara smiled. She pictured him with her on top of him and moving in slow motion as they made love.

  “I saw that, and I must admit I like the idea. Sure I’ll stay over, but I can’t promise that you will get much sleep!” Drex laughed deeply.

  Sara growled at the sound of his laughter. “That’s so sexy when you laugh like that; it makes me want to jump you.”

  “Well I don’t have any clothes on, so why not?” He said and held his hands out to the side.

  She pulled him into the other room and they created the scene she had thought of just a few minutes before.


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