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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 98

by Lauren Wood

  I looked to Lucas, the only one that knew anything about her and had to wonder if he was blabbing his mouth. I wouldn’t doubt it, but there wasn’t anything I could do. I was being an idiot and though I didn’t want them to know that, it appeared that everyone already did. I would never let them know about Angela. Then I would have the reputation that Joel had.

  “We aren’t really back together. Just needed a woman to keep me warm last night was all that was.”

  David grinned and told me that a heater may be better than a girl like Melissa. Everyone knew what she was and I was the moron that they thought didn’t seem to see it for how it was.

  “Yeah, I should have gone that way. I don’t know what I was thinking, but she still gives good head, so why not?”

  David shook his head. “I am ready to get back to work, aren’t you?”

  “I am. I don’t mind doing runs, but I am better at bashing heads together. Ever since you came here though, it hasn’t been that necessary. Almost sad when I think about it. I used to have enough work to keep me busy before and now it is too quiet. I am getting restless.”

  “Well it is good that people have learned not to mess with the Devils. I hear that the Arc Angels are trying to press in from Atlanta. We may have to go to task soon enough about them.”

  I wasn’t really listening. I had heard the rumors and I had seen a few of them at the bar, but so far they hadn’t made a move. It was anticipated, but I wasn’t going to worry about it until that time came. For now, it was just like any other day.

  “We will see David. I think you are a little too excited to get your hands dirty. I thought married life was good for you?”

  “It is, but that doesn’t mean that I still don’t want to smash a couple of faces every now and then too.”

  “Are you coming with me on the run to St. Bernard Parish?”

  “Nah, I think you are going solo. I am going up to Chicago for a few days. Now that Carlos and Lucas are working together, I am the go-between man.”

  “What about Joel?”

  “Well you know that Joel isn’t really too active here. He does a little work, but stays to himself with the complex. He has his hands full of that woman and all of those tenants.”

  I almost guaranteed that the woman he was with was harder to deal with than all of the renters combined.

  “Alright man, I will see you around. Hopefully not too soon, but I think you are right about the Arc Angels. They will make their play soon and we are going to have to be ready for them when they do.”


  The run was one that I had done many times before. I was only dropping off and picking up some money. Since the order was the same for almost a year now, the weekly drop off was not one that I was worried about. I knew that it would go like it always did and all I had to do was wait for the duffel bag of money after the purity was checked. It was a simple in and out situation that I didn’t expect any problems from.

  That was the problem with expectations though. It was too close to assumptions. When I got to the old U-pull it junkyard, there was no white Escalade awaiting me like there always had been in the past. Out of the many times that I had done this run, Santiago was always waiting for me. He was always on time or early enough to beat me. I should have known something was up then, but I was just thinking that everyone had a right to be a little late sometimes. Even Santiago.

  So I parked by the gates and got out to open the padlock so that I could wait inside. I didn’t like being so out in the open with all of the drugs I had on me. The bag in my hand was full to the brim with coke. I didn’t need to get seen by the police and have them sniffing around asking questions. I needed to stay out of trouble.

  The shot rang out and I saw the cling of the bullet hitting the gate right next to me, before the sound of the shot had reached my ears. There were only a few moments to really think before I felt a burn in my side. I didn’t have to hear the gun fire to know that I had been hit. It wasn’t the first time and the fact that I was still moving was a good sign.

  Getting back into the car, I looked down to see blood all over my shirt and more was appearing before my eyes. I had to get out of there fast.

  I slammed the car into reverse and backed out, whipping the car around. I still couldn’t see who my assailant was but I had a feeling it had to do with who I was talking to David about earlier. Maybe this was the Arc Angels way of starting something. I didn’t have time to wait around and find out though. All I was worried about was getting out of there in one piece. The way I was losing blood, I knew that I had to get back to base and find the Doc. A few more shots hit the metal side of the car and one went through the back window, shattering the glass into small little square pieces that sprayed the back of me. I felt a few bite into the back of my neck, but I couldn’t feel it to the throbbing pain in my side.

  Calling up Lucas, I told him what was going on and asked him to get the Doc to his place. I was going to need him. I couldn’t go to a regular hospital, not when they had to call in every gunshot wound that they treated to the cops. I really was trying to stay out of jail and the Doc was around to help with all of that. All I had to do was get to him. The seventh ward was aways away from Chalmette and when I started to feel so tired, I wondered if I was going to make it there.

  I had to pull over on the side of the road. I was starting to lose consciousness. I called David and told him where I was. “Just come get me man. I am losing blood and I don’t think I am going to make it to Lucas’.”

  “I’ll be right there Marcus. Just hang tight.”

  I told him that I would and hung up the phone. Cars on the interstate were passing me by quickly. A big semi-truck passed by close enough to make the whole car move with it. The last thought on my mind was to wonder what had happened. Who was shooting at me and to what end? Was it because of the gang or was it something more personal? I had too many enemies to really know for sure. Whoever they were, I hoped that they didn’t find me here before David did.


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  Be Mine

  A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

  She’s off limits. Way off limits.

  She thinks that I will just let her walk away.

  What she doesn’t know is how much her body makes it impossible.

  I couldn’t get the fiery redhead off my mind.

  I was wrong. I will pay for p*ssy.

  The problem is I don’t know if once will be enough.

  I have never been to one of these things before.

  Are these girls really willing to give up their innocence?

  Men like me didn’t want a relationship.

  Too much drama when women are a dime a dozen.

  I would rather hear them all scream my name, then stick with one.

  I always get bored. And walk away.

  I never f*ck the same b*tch twice.

  But damn if those emerald eyes and pouty lips didn’t make me break all of the rules.

  I wanted her all to myself.

  I had to own her.

  Body and soul.

  Was that for sell as well?


  Chapter 1


  “Damn Lucas, this is one hell of a party.”

  I clapped Marcus on the back as I hugged him to me. It had been too long since I had seen him. “Glad you could make it Marcus. I didn’t think you were going to come. Where is your old lady at?”

  Marcus had a look on his face that told me that she wasn’t with him. She had issues with this lifestyle and I was almost surprised that she had even let him come down for it. I never thought I would see Marcus listening to a woman, but he loved Angela and I was happy for them both. I missed one of my best enforcers though. He knew that he always has a job if he wants i
t, but I had a feeling that I was only going to see him when Angela let him come.

  “Well Angela is always welcome here.”

  “After what happened with the Arc Angels, I don’t think she is going to come back to New Orleans. I have told her that it is safe, but she isn’t trying to hear it.”

  It was strange to hear him talk like that. There was something so weird to hear one of my best men talk like that. He was in love. That was for sure. I swear there was something going around lately.

  “I can understand that. This is a hard life for women. They are the ones that get to patch us up, but she had a little more in-depth look in our life.”

  “I wish she hadn’t. Now I am working at a garage in Pascagoula.”

  “Are you missing the action?”

  Marcus wanted to say that he didn’t, but I could see it in his eyes. There was no way that he didn’t miss the excitement. It was about the only thing that kept me going some days.

  “It’s here when you want it.” I had a feeling that he wouldn’t want back in, but I was still holding out hope. David did a good job and he was bringing along Zach to learn a thing or two, but Marcus was the man that I had always went to when I wanted to get something done. He had been with me since the beginning, him and his brother.

  He made a noncommittal answer, but we both knew that he was out. I had joked about him being put out to pasture. He was so happy with Angela that he didn’t even seem to care about the ball-busting that had become a norm. All he was worried about was keeping her happy. It made me a little sick to see his balls clipped like that.

  “So who are you here with Lucas?”

  I looked around and shrugged. “Some little blonde that is running around here with a nice set of tits. I picked her up earlier and she gave me a hand job on the way over.”

  “Still going with the guarantees, huh?”

  “They are all guaranteed Marcus if you know how to play them. All this chick needed was a smile and a wink. You know how those bitches are. I can’t get away from their asses if I tried.”

  Marcus just shook his head and grinned at me. I know that he was missing more than just the action from the criminal shit. He was missing all the sluts that hung around as well. How could you not when there was a steady stream of strange?

  “One of these days you are going to have to settle down with one Lucas. You will find her and that will be that.”

  “She better have a hole as tight as a fist then, because I doubt it. I don’t care how good a bitch can suck, one won’t be enough.”

  “Suck what?”

  Ethan came up and got into the conversation. It was just as well. I couldn’t talk to Marcus like this.

  “Marcus is telling me that I need to find a wife.”

  Ethan laughed and I was comforted. At least someone else got it and wasn’t ready to marry the first good girl to give it up.

  “Fuck that, what the hell do you want a wife for?”

  I looked where he was looking and watched a little raven-haired beauty stripping on the table. She wasn’t the first or the last of the night, but she sure did have good timing. “No wife is going to do that Marcus. You barely get to see the pussy when you get married. Here, I see it all day every day.”

  The woman that had our attention smiled my way. I was starting to think that I needed black instead of blonde tonight. Her tits jiggled not too far from me and someone behind her started to pull her panties down. I got a glimpse of the shaved mons before she was grabbed from behind. I started to move forward and saw that she was smiling. Just another slut.

  I walked away with a bit of confusion and in the same thought, wonder of what it would take for me to get like Marcus was. I don’t think there is a woman alive that would get me to quit the gang and play it straight. If I was ever going to be with a woman, she was going to have to be down for me and the lifestyle I have. That was all there was to it. It was the reason that I was still single, that and I wasn’t too interested in forever with anyone. I was doing good to get through a day without getting bored with a female.

  Looking around, I thought of the one that I had met and invited here. I knew there was going to be a lot of people, but it was even fuller than I would have imagined. I had lost the short little blonde, but it wasn’t that much of a loss. I would either find her or I would find someone else. To me, women were easy come, easy go. I didn’t worry about it.


  She was back when I turned around. Why couldn’t I remember her name?

  “Hey there you are.”

  “I was looking for you. I went to the bathroom and when I came back you were gone.” Her cute little cherub face was pouting prettily and all I could think about was how those tits were going to feel in my mouth. But I didn’t like her tone .

  “Things move fast around here. I had to welcome some old friends back. Do you need a drink?” Cause you need something to calm your ass down.

  I knew this girl a total of thirty minutes and she was already trying to bitch me out for something that I didn’t even know I did. This was not looking good and the request to get her a drink was really just a ploy so that I could get some breathing room away from here. Glad that there were so many people to hide me, I set about losing her this time in the sea of people. I would find another bitch for the night.

  It took me upstairs to my bedroom. Everyone knew this floor was off limits and I listened to the music downstairs while I sipped my beer. My mood was dark for some reason and I didn’t want to go back down there. It was getting late, but the party would go on for as long as there was alcohol and women. There were plenty of both still in attendance.

  I looked out the window when I saw a reflection of flashing blue lights in front of me. I could have sworn that they would be here for me and the party, but instead the lit up car went to the neighbor’s house next door. There was a little distance in between houses, but not enough that I couldn’t see the police get out in the beam of light from the headlights.

  Not being one to get into other people’s business, I looked away and went back to my beer. My plans were to go find a new chick for the night to keep me warm. If I wouldn’t have heard screaming, I wouldn’t have looked back up. There was a high-pitched scream that I could hear over the loud music thumping under my feet.

  Now I was interested and I squinted to see a little better. One of the officers stood in front of the barely opened door and there was another one with his hand hovering over his piece like he was about to draw it standing behind the door to use it as a shield. The cop at the door was trying to get in, but the door was slammed from the inside and I couldn’t hear anything anymore. The silence was deafening, even with the background noise of the party downstairs.

  When the second cop finally drew his gun, it was clear that something bad was happening next door. I couldn’t think about that though. I had a crap load of people in my house and the music was jamming. I started downstairs to turn it off and try to make it so that the cops weren’t here next. There were enough drugs on the property to get me put away for a very long time.

  I didn’t know much about the guy that lived in the house next door. I tried to keep to myself and all I knew was that he was a small time dealer, but it wasn’t even enough for me to worry about. He didn’t cut into my profits, so there was really nothing to worry about. There had been whispers that the man dealt in guns as well, but those were just rumors and I liked to stick to fact as much as I could. It was easier that way.

  I got to the radio and turned the music down. There was a little ruckus from a few of them, but I didn’t care. I needed everyone to shut the hell up until the cops left. More than that, I wanted everyone to leave, but that wouldn’t be a good idea right now. Whatever was going on next door needed it’s space and it would just draw more attention. We were all just going to have to wait out the drama that was playing out next door.

  I found Marcus and told him a little of what was going on. I wanted him to be my eyes while
I tried to move some of the product. Anything that wasn’t hidden or locked up needed to be that way. I hoped that I wouldn’t have a reason to do this, but it was safer to just make sure that it was done anyways. It was better to be safe when it came to the police.

  I heard a shot ring out next door, followed by several more. Since there was no music, the talking drowned out most of it, but I moved back to the window upstairs to see if I could see anything. The screams of a woman were what bothered me most. The police around here could be brutal and I don’t know what pulled me to the glass pane, but I wanted to know what was going on. It was like I had to know or something. Not sure why, but there was some kind of reason in my gut.

  Watching the police shoot into the house, there was a couple of return fires that lit up when the bullet glanced off the metal. Both cops ran for cover and the screams started again. Why did I want to go over there and help? I was not the helpful kind of guy, especially when there were cops involved and it had nothing to do with me. But there was something about it all that made me on edge and I wanted to help.

  “Lucas, it looks like there is more cops coming. We need to get out of here. Let everyone else stay. We can get out with the back and down the alley. I say we get the hell out of here now before they are over here asking questions.”

  I looked towards the neighbor’s house again and I agreed finally. I didn’t want to for reasons unknown to me, but I was okay with that. The need to get out of the area before the place was flooded with police was definitely more important. I didn’t know anyone over there and I didn’t know that the woman screaming was worth saving.

  “Come on Marcus. We can’t have you getting caught here when you are supposed to be north. You know that the probation officer isn’t going to be happy with you. Don’t want you to get in trouble with the misses.”

  We both knew that wasn’t the half of it and that I had my own reasons. It didn’t matter why, we both needed to get out of there before something bad happened. As we were going out the back door, I saw a woman from the neighbor’s house climbing out of a window. Chaos was going on behind her and she looked up to meet my gaze for a moment.


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