Foul Play

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Foul Play Page 1

by B M Queen


  The play series trilogy



  Copyright © 2020 by B.M QUEEN.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2020.

  KD Publishing


  University College Residence.

  Email [email protected] for all inquiries.

  Table Of Contents

  ❖ Synopsis











  ❖ CHAPTER 11

  ❖ CHAPTER 12


  ❖ CHAPTER 14

  ❖ CHAPTER 15

  ❖ CHAPTER 16

  ❖ CHAPTER 17


  Agent Mikaelson works for Blackhearts Inc, a secret corporation of assassins, killers and dirty task takers.

  The story begins when the mayor of Athens, a money obsessed man hires Mikaelson to eliminate his only viable competition, Kostava.

  Boasting of a high profile and having a number of successfully executed missions, Mikaelson assumed this task was going to be an easy fifty thousand bucks. Well for starters, he thought wrong after encountering Kostava's daughter, Angel.

  Read more to find out what happens as love, lust, passion and most importantly power come together in a thrilling book.



  Blackhearts HQ,

  The man in front of me continued to talk without ceasing. I pulled out my gun and started inspecting every detail on it carefully. I've had this gun for years and it never failed at its job.

  Most of my victims had taken their last breath with the help of this tool and a smile made a way on my face as I recalled my recent task.

  "Agent Mikaelson!"

  He banged his chubby hand on the table in front of me. I slowly tilted my head to look him in the eye.

  "Were you even listening to me?" He seethed.

  "No." My gruff voice came out. He sighed, gently massaging his temple.

  "Here, I want you to kill the man in that picture. Fifty thousand when the mission is completed." He said and handed me a picture.

  The picture showed a man with greying hair who looked to be in his late fifties.

  "Remember, this is really important. Kill only the man in the picture, I don't want any trouble on my tail."

  "Is that all?"

  "Yes. Call me as soon as you get it done." He said, putting on his hat to leave. I shortly left and headed for my quarters. Several agents walked past, giving slight nods.


  I turned to see Luke trying to catch up with me. "Have you ever thought about any job apart from killing people?" He asked, wheezing playfully from his long run.

  "Why that random question?"

  "Every step you take covers about 10 meters. You should really consider track racing."

  I shook my head in disbelief and kept on walking.

  "I heard you got a mission, details?" He inquired, running to stand in front of me.

  "Yes, fifty grand for some old man."

  "Geez, go easy on him will ya?" He said jokingly.

  "I'll try."

  "Anyway, all these killings are going to make you grumpy, what about we catch some few drinks at Luxe's after your mission, I also have to guide some lady brat out of trouble."

  I turned to him in curiosity. "Which lady brat?"

  "I don't know her, but I think she's supposed to be important. I have to go now, later." He shouted across the hall.


  The next day came within a flash as I got ready to leave my quarters and start the mission. I carefully hid my twin guns on me and headed out.

  Several minutes later, I reached the selected address and monitored my surroundings. It was a large mansion and had double steel gates with a giant lock. Trying to blow up the lock would be a foolish approach — it was pin-drop silent. I swiftly searched my pocket and brought out a pin, skillfully twisting it in the lock. The lock clicked open after a few tries and I quickly slid in.

  Upon entrance, I sighted a man on the balcony making a call. I hid and took out the picture that my client gave me yesterday.

  "All set."

  I smiled as the pieces came to place, it was him. I hope he was on the phone with a loved one because this was his last call.

  I loaded my gun, aimed at the target and released a bullet as my hand recoiled by the force. The man fell over the balcony and landed on the floor with a loud thump.

  I heard him groan causing me to mutter a string of swear words, he wasn't dead yet. Deciding to act as a catalyst for his death, I run in his direction and unloaded a couple more bullets in his skull.

  He looked at me with his mouth full of blood. I saw confusion and pain in his eyes but there wasn't hate. He stopped moving after a few seconds and laid there like a brick — He was dead.

  I quickly turned to leave, dashing for the gates.

  "Wait!" A voice shouted, halting my steps. "Drop your weapons, I won't ask you twice."

  It warned strongly again.

  I let go of my guns, slowly turning around to meet him. A frail old man welcomed my sight.

  "The police are on their way, don't move!" He screamed.

  "Waiting for the police? That's boring how about we do something more fun." I said in wicked glee and stalked towards him. He didn’t get to shoot before I grabbed the gun from him and slammed the barrel into his head.

  He fell to the floor beside me, my full large shadow cast over him. Without wasting time, I shot him with the remaining bullets in his gun.

  I groaned and spat on his body. I had clear and direct orders not to kill anyone else. This mission was starting to get screwed.

  The silence around me was momentarily interrupted by a soft gasp. I whipped around to meet the eyes of a terrified young woman. My face immediately contorted into a grin.

  Dropping the gun I used on the floor, I made my way over to her slowly.

  Her emerald eyes showed great fear as she cowered backwards, trying to escape. I forcefully grabbed her arm and yanked her towards me.

  "You're hurting me!" She was spitting mad. The fear that was once evident in her eyes had turned to pure hate and fury.

  "Isn't that sort of the point sweetie?" I said sneakily, removing my dagger from my back pocket.

  "Freeze and drop your weapons! This is the police. I repeat freeze and drop your weapons"

  Police men dressed in all black started to flood in the mansion.

  I quickly pulled her towards my chest, snaking the dagger around her neck

  "Finally, what kept you so long?" I teased.

  "Drop your weapon!"

  I only smiled tightening my grip on her.

  "Let me go, please!" She cried.

  "Shut up."

  I cleared my throat and started to talk boldly. "In the next minute, I will leave with her as a hostage. All I ask is that you return the favor and drop your weapons."

  The men stood still. No one uttered a word.

  "Don't make me repeat myself." I yelled, pressing the sharp dagger slightly against her neck to draw blood. She leaned against me, her energy dissipating.

  They reluctantly dropped their weapons in defeat. I left pulling her along with me watching all my dire
ctions for any attack. I successfully escaped from the scene and got into my car.

  I threw her in the back seat and sped off.



  My eyelids slowly fluttered open to the sight of a large and strong back behind the wheel. I gasped. How long was I knocked out? Noticing I was awake, he shot me a sick grin through the rear view mirror. I just kept quiet and cradled myself into a ball. I had already accepted defeat and could feel my soul slipping away with every meter the car covered.

  After driving for minutes, the numerous skyscrapers around started to disappear and a slab of forestry came into view. He picked up his cell, shortly dialing a number.

  "Luke." He greeted the person on the other line. "There's something strange going on with my mission can you meet me at the mangrove?"

  "No, I can't explain right now I'll meet you there in five minutes." He finished, throwing the phone across the seat next to him.

  "Hey! Where are taking me to?" I yelled out, finally grasping some courage.

  No answer.

  If I was going to die, at least let me make his life a little shitty before.

  "Hello? I'm talking to you." I yelled even louder. I was going to give this guy hell if he wasn't going to talk.

  "Let. Me. Out. Of. Here!" I shouted each word, banging against his seat. He immediately stopped causing the car to screech to a halt. The effect of the force hauled me forward crashing my head against the seat.

  I groaned in paid and rubbed my head. It was then that I noticed that we were parked in front of some sort of large abandoned factory surrounded by thick forestry and plantations.

  I snapped my attention back to my dad's killer. He reached out for a piece of dark cloth, handing it over to me.

  "Put this over your head."


  "You heard me. Now don't keep me waiting." He retorted, cocking the gun at my head. I meekly pulled the cloth over my head. My whole vision turned to pitch black, I couldn't see a thing in here.

  He got down and brought me out of the car tying my hands tightly at my back with a rope. He nudged me as I stumbled forward.

  "You're early." I heard him speak, sensing the presence of another person around me.

  "Jon, is that her daughter? What are you doing with her?"

  So his name was Jon, I hope I remember this so I can make a report to the police if I ever get to live.

  "Luke, it's a long story. They want the girl and I need my money. Stay here and watch my back and in case anything happens you can swoop in and save my ass." He said, dragging me along to wherever he was going.

  "Okay pretty boy." His friend whom I suppose was Luke called after him.

  "Don't call me that." Jon growled beside me as I heard a metal gate squeak open. He ushered me in, closing the gate noisily behind me again.

  Our footsteps echoed throughout the place that I'm assuming was the large abandoned factory.

  "You brought her." A voice spoke into the silence halting our movement. Words couldn't even describe how terrified I was.

  Jon slowly pushed me behind him.

  "Money first." He said.

  "Ok we'll give it to you but wait, how do we know it's her?" The voice edged on.

  "Have a look."

  The cloth was snatched from my head in seconds revealing my setting. It was a very dim place and the only source of light were the few streaks of sun rays that filtered into the large factory. Huge boxes that had cobwebs all over them were scattered around.

  My eyes scanned the room trying to find the source of that voice. It landed on a man who stood with other goons beside him. What shocked me to the core was how big he was. He looked like a fat giant, and an ugly one for the record.

  "There's still one slight problem, Agent Mikaelson." The giant said, alerting his men to come forward. "My boss told me we shouldn't let the two of you walk out of here alive, but don't worry I'll bury you with the 50,000 bucks."

  Jon pulled out his gun with record speed as he held one of my wrists making us duck behind a huge metal box. Shots rang through the air making me squirm.

  "You're making a very grave mistake." Jon shouted beside me.

  "Our boss doesn't leave any loose ends Agent, you're going to die along with that sleazy bitch."

  "Hey, language!" I shouted, peeping my head from behind the box to give him a piece of my mind. Shots ran over my head and I quickly hid behind the box again.

  I turned to Jon and saw him reloading his gun. I hope he was really good at what he did because I definitely didn't want to die today.

  "Come on, you'll die no matter what so let's just speed it up for ya."

  "Sorry dude, change of plans." Jon's friend, Luke entered and quickly threw a spherical metal object in front of the giant and his men.

  White fumes suddenly burst out engulfing the whole place.

  It immediately became foggy as the white clouds of gas diffused throughout the large factory preventing me from seeing anything inside.

  "Let's go!" Luke shouted, firing a couple of shots in the air. I felt myself being lifted and thrown over Jon's shoulder. We rushed out, my chin bouncing off his well-built back every time he took a step.

  He dumped me at the back of the car like I weighed nothing.

  "That bastard." Jon growled as Luke started the engine.

  "So what are we going to do with her?" Luke asked, glancing at me through his driving mirror.

  "I'm taking her back to the headquarters."

  "Are you sure about that Jon? I don't think anyone there would be pleased to see a stranger around their space, including me."

  "I have a revenge plan cooked up for that bastard and she is apart of it."

  He turned to stare at me with a look I couldn't decipher.

  "You know 50,000 dollars is insignificant to the millions in your account right? Why waste your time plotting revenge?"

  "I don't want anybody using me as their fucking dummy, mess with me and you pay the price." He seethed.

  "Okay I understand. Oh and by the way, I need a favor. Can I borrow that penthouse you own downtown? I have a lady friend visiting and I don't have anywhere close. Besides, I think I'm going to make a good impression after she sees the place." Luke said, trying to lighten the mood.

  "No one is getting fucked in my bed." He announced dismissively.

  "But there's more than one bedroom-"

  "No! Now focus, I have things to deal with back at HQ." Jon exclaimed, cutting him off.

  We drove for hours which tired me out. I didn't even notice I was asleep till I felt a firm hand grasp my chin projecting my head up to meet a pair of familiar eyes.

  "Let's go, our boss is ready to meet you." Jon said, not bothering to even help me out of the car as he walked ahead.

  Once I got out of the car, I called out to him. "Please can you untie me now, my wrists are hurting so bad."

  He didn't answer and doubled his pace as I scrambled after him.

  "Jon please." I said in a soft voice about to tear up. He halted and slowly turned to make me notice the fact that I called him by his name. He had this unreadable look in his grey orbs. He then pulled out his dagger and started walking towards me with calculated steps.

  "What are doing, please stop you're scaring me."


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