Foul Play

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Foul Play Page 9

by B M Queen

  Jon took a seat next to the door not ready to go anywhere. "Let's go Ms. Liesè." She dragged her inside the doctor's room leaving the three of us here.

  "Jon, you have to be inside with her, you're the father." Luke said.

  "I'm not going in there with her." Jon refused, a deep frown settling on his handsome face. "Why don't you go instead if you're this concerned huh?" He added.

  "We'll talk about this." Luke said and entered the doctor's room. I sat beside him while we waited for the two. Jon's eyes wandered all around the place in a deep trance.

  "A penny for your thought?" I asked my hand lightly tracing his broad shoulders.

  "I'm thinking about the possibility if I could make you the mother of my child instead of her."

  He was in a very vulnerable state and anything could get to him. I must talk to Luke later to watch how he talks to Jon or else, he might cut his tongue off.

  "Look on the bright side and imagine how your baby would look. Would it have your grey eyes or Anastasia's brown ones."

  He gave me his custom lopsided grin. "Is that supposed to be the bright side of this? Eye color guessing?"

  I smiled. He stared at me, gathering my hands in his.

  "Thank you. You're the last thing that's keeping me together right now. I owe you."

  I didn't get a chance to reply because Anastasia and Luke stepped out of the doctor's office.



  Luke shot me a very harsh glare and I quickly fetched my hand from his. Anastasia's face slightly fell.

  "Jon the doc wants to talk to both of us."

  He stood up without a word and walked in with Luke leaving her outside. I hastily turned the other direction.

  I felt her presence on the waiting chair beside me. She cleared her throat and a periodic silence ensued between us.

  "Um, I don't know how to say this right now...I'm so sorry this happened." She started.

  I didn't answer back and veered my attention to a male nurse passing by. A dejected sigh left her lips.

  "Listen, I know you want me dead but please I have no intention of taking Jon away or causing any drama. I have nowhere to go with my baby, this is my last resort." I turned to look at her.

  "You assume I want you dead? Well sorry for being the one to break this to you but I came with Luke to rescue you because I thought you were in danger!"

  She remained quiet trying to process what I just said.

  "Oh, and you're also welcome." I spat before getting out of the hospital to get some air. Minutes later, the trio emerged and we all headed to the car.

  After driving for a few minutes, Luke decided to break the silence.

  "We're all going to get something to eat, Anastasia hasn't eaten anything today." He swiveled his head to peek at her with a smile. My frown deepened.

  "I have far more crucial things to do than catch lunch dates." Jon retorted.

  "Then I advice you to catch a pack of condom next time."

  "Men, please! There's been so much drama for just one day. I hope that at least for the sake of Anastasia and her unborn child this will stop."

  The dispute died down causing Jon to look outside the window. After probably thirty minutes, we stopped in front of a local trendy restaurant.

  "We're here."

  We all got down and headed smoothly towards the restaurant. On the way, Anastasia lost her footing and staggered face-first heading for the ground but stopped in mid-air when Jon abruptly caught her in his strong arms.

  Her hands were currently gripping his large biceps.

  A loud gasp left her lips in surprise. He let go of her once she was stable resumed walking without a word.

  This side of Jon stunned me. I thought he wanted her dead. He tried to kill her three days ago and now he's saving her from falling. Not that it minded to me anyway.

  Upon entering the restaurant, a steam of freshly prepared food rushed in my nostrils. Staff walked around busily with orders while the customers ate and talked to fellow mates.

  We found an empty table and settled.

  A waiter came up to us with a large menu and we all took time in choosing the food we wanted. Minutes passed and no one uttered a single word.

  "So who is going to start the convo?" Luke said, his eyes flitting between Jon and I with a mischievous grin.

  "Is it so hard to shut up?"

  I gasped.

  This was the first time Luke had managed to get words like this out of me. Usually, Jon did all the work.

  He bent over the table to get closer. "What did you say again?" He threatened.

  I kept my mouth shut this time. He sat up properly when the server walked in with our order.

  While eating, I caught Anastasia stealing shy glances at Jon. When she saw me looking at her she quickly redirected her gaze to the food on the table.

  "Something wrong? You have barely touched your food. Little Jonny needs to eat." Luke said to Anastasia, earning another vicious scowl from Jon.

  Watching Luke trying to get Jon angry was like waiting for a volcano to erupt.

  "No, I'm just a little tired that's all."

  She grabbed her fork and continued eating in silence. None of us said a word till we finished eating and walked out of the restaurant to our car.

  "Drop me off at HQ." Jon said in a monotone. "Not yet, there's a new convenience store just down the street. She told me she needed some important items, it’ll be quick."

  He didn't reply but instead looked down at his silver wristwatch. We drove over to the convenience store down the street and after spending several minutes looking for a place to park we finally slid into a narrow spot in between two large cars.

  We all got down except Jon who was busily tapping away on his phone.

  "Here." Luke said, handing a black MasterCard to Anastasia beside me.

  "No, I have some money on me, I can manage."

  Well, it was either she was an honest and good person or she was a very skilled gold digger. I believed the latter.

  "I insist, Jon is like a brother to me so you're now in our care."

  She nodded, reluctantly taking it from him.

  "Angel, go with Anastasia, I have to talk to Jon." Luke said, sighing.

  "Please for the love of God, I hope you're not going to anger him. He is going through a very tough time and what he needs is a good friend to be by his side. If you can't do that then I think you are the one that should be staying away from him, not me!" I finished and stormed inside the store with her behind me.

  I found a wall next to an aisle in the corner and leaned against it, watching Anastasia grab some basic items. A Few months from now, she was going to show and I could imagine how beautiful she will look when pregnant.

  My phone rang sharply interrupting my thoughts as I reached into my jeans pocket for it.


  "Angel, something epic just happened, you won’t believe this." Elsa said from the other line with an extra cheery tone.

  "I'm listening." I said, switching the phone to my left hand to look around for Anastasia who had now disappeared. Where did she go?

  "Angel, are you there?"

  "Yeah, what happened Elsa?" I answered, turning my full attention to her.

  "So you remember Matt's new girlfriend right? The one she brought to the games?"

  "What about her?"

  "They broke up, can you believe it!"

  "Oh, I think that was entirely my fault.”

  "Don't worry, he deserved it. That was the update, I have some bunch of kids to tutor I'll talk to you later."

  "Sure, I love you"

  "Love you too Angel." The line clicked dead.


  I lifted my head to find Anastasia in front of me with chocolate chip flavored ice cream. I gaped at her in astonishment.

  "Your favorite?" She asked.

  I nodded with a smile, taking it from her. "How did you know?" I questioned with my mouth full of ice cream. "Lucky gues
s, I think. Figured you needed to cool down after the tiring day we all had."

  "Thank you."

  "Don't mention it." She said, walking away to get the rest of the items she needed. After, I helped her grab all the things she purchased and walked out of the store with her.

  The guys were leaning against the car when we got there and surprisingly, they weren't arguing. They strolled over to us and grabbed the bags from us, shoving them in the boot.

  We were about to get in the car when I heard Anastasia shout.

  "Watch out!"

  The whole thing occurred in slow motion.

  The sound of a bullet rang in the air as I watched her run and push him out of the way. They both landed on the ground with a heavy thump.


  That was all I saw.

  Jon was hit.





  The Play series (Trilogy)

  Foul Play

  Double Play — BOOK II

  (Coming soon)

  Power Play — BOOK III

  (Coming soon)


  B.M QUEEN is a self-published writer that writes for many platforms such as kindle, audible and other major book platforms.

  She usually isn’t tied down by one genre, but instead let’s her weird creativity take her from science fiction to nonfiction, romance and other genres that spark her imagination.

  She can be usually found in her room self-quarantining and listening 80’s songs, a thing which she consider a bare necessity.

  Foul play ® 2020. All rights reserved.




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