Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring Page 7

by Maggie Cox

  ‘I know I’ve made some bad decisions, but that doesn’t mean I’m foolish. I’ve given my trust too easily, that’s all.’

  ‘You haven’t trusted yourself—that’s why. You think that other people know better, and of course that’s not true. You need to see that you’re equally capable of making good decisions.’

  ‘I’m sure you’re right. But I need some more time before I answer your proposition. Will you give me that?’

  ‘How much more time?’

  ‘I—I don’t know...’ She knew her uncertainty must show on her face, but Seth wasn’t going to let that stop him from pressing home his point.

  ‘How about telling me tomorrow?’ he said. ‘I’d planned to take you out to dinner anyway. We’ll go somewhere classy and intimate.’

  ‘I’d rather talk in private rather than having our conversation somewhere public.’

  Narrowing his gaze, he fired an out-of-the-blue volley with a melting grin that was just about the sexiest thing she’d ever witnessed. He might as well have poured gasoline into her blood and set it on fire, Imogen thought.

  ‘In truth, so would I, beautiful. I’ll come here, then. We’ll postpone dinner and just talk. What time shall I call round?’

  ‘If you can drop by tomorrow afternoon I’ll let you have my decision then.’

  Lightly shaking his head with a rueful smile, Seth moved towards the door. ‘I’ll be on tenterhooks till then. You can count on it. Expect me around one, then.’

  Suddenly dismayed, in case her request had driven him away for good, Imogen clutched at her belly. ‘You’re leaving...just like that?’

  ‘The sooner I leave, the sooner you’ll have time to think things over. I’ve already indicated to you that it won’t be easy for me to wait. Anyway, I think it’s time we said good-night, don’t you?’

  Imogen hardly registered the fact that Seth had moved towards her, he’d moved so stealthily. However, she most definitely registered the warm and seductive touch of his lips as they brushed against her cheek just before he turned round and left...

  * * *

  Seth spent the most horrendous night, unable to sleep. Even as he scanned through the internet or watched television as a means of distraction he knew nothing would still his disquiet and impatience that Imogen hadn’t immediately accepted his offer of marriage.

  He owned that it had hurt his pride. It was no exaggeration that any other woman he’d asked to be his wife would have been nothing less than ecstatic at the prospect. But, although he couldn’t explain it, he also knew that no other woman interested or beguiled him like Imogen did.

  All he could do now was pray that she would see sense and give him the answer he wanted. Surely, in light of everything that had happened to her, she would start to see that Seth’s proposal was the only sensible thing that could guarantee her a happier future? After all, he was the one man who could provide virtually anything her heart desired...wasn’t he?

  * * *

  When he arrived at her flat the next day Imogen looked as though she, too, had had a restless night. Her soft brown hair was slightly disarrayed and there were faint dark circles beneath her eyes. He owned to feeling reassured. Whatever her decision, he saw that she hadn’t made it easily. That meant she was taking his proposal seriously—that she was giving it proper consideration.

  ‘All right, Seth,’ she began. ‘I don’t mind telling you I’ve had the worst night I’ve had since I was stood up in church on my wedding day.’

  He flinched, but quickly recovered. ‘I’d like to tell you I’m sorry about that, but that rather depends on your decision.’

  Her cheeks searing with heat, she answered, ‘Well, to put you out of your misery, I’ll tell you.’

  ‘Good.’ Aiming for a confident smile, he found he couldn’t quite manage it. His nervous anticipation at what she was going to say gripped his gut like a fist. If he’d had a mind to say a prayer just then, he would have offered one up.

  Imogen’s insides lurched as she glanced up at Seth. His proposal of marriage was even more daunting now that she saw him again in the flesh. When he had left yesterday she’d honestly feared that she might never see him again. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that he was becoming important to her...

  But how could that be? she asked herself. His proposal wasn’t a real one, in that it didn’t come out of love for her, and she would be cheating herself if she said that didn’t matter. It mattered a great deal. She shouldn’t give up on the idea of finding love and settle instead for a marriage of convenience—no matter how alluring Seth Broden happened to be. Having already been devastatingly taken in by her previous fiancé, she knew she was dicing with danger in even considering his offer...

  ‘Imogen?’ Seth prompted.

  Clasping her hands, she stole a shuddering breath. ‘I’ve decided to take up the offer of becoming your full-time companion.’

  Her mouth dried even as she said the words. The words that would change her life and give her a future she’d never imagined even in the most fanciful of her dreams. The words that would align her to a man she’d only met a couple of days ago—a charismatic stranger with a sorrowful past who had left the country to go and make his fortune.

  The success he’d achieved was astounding. But then, Seth Broden obviously walked his talk... He had trusted himself and it had paid off. Why couldn’t it work for her if she did the same? she mused nervously. After all, right now, what did she have to lose?

  ‘And my wife.’

  ‘And your wife.’

  Seth’s hypnotic smile vanished as soon as she’d agreed. In its stead, his expression became serious and businesslike. ‘Good. Now we can both move forward.’

  Trying to sound more confident than she was feeling, Imogen commented, ‘Presumably I’ll have to give in my notice as soon as possible, as well as give up my tenancy on the flat?’

  Even as she spoke she felt even more as though she were in a dream. Suddenly nothing seemed remotely real anymore. She might just as well have been on a raft, drifting out into an endless intimidating ocean with no hope of ever finding land again... That was how scared the prospect of living with Seth made her feel.

  He frowned just then, and it drew her attention to his smooth forehead and his exquisitely carved cheekbones. A frisson of excitement replaced her fear as she reminded herself that she had just agreed to marry him.

  ‘Yes, you will,’ he confirmed. ‘But you’ll be going on to something better on both counts. Don’t forget that. I can have the necessary agreements drawn up by my lawyer in the morning, stating clearly what you will be committing to. Then you can have it legally verified. After that, the marriage can be arranged. Can you let me have some ID?’

  Feeling a bit like a lamb startled by a wolf, Imogen felt her heart skitter wildly. ‘Give me a few minutes and I’ll get what you need.’

  She headed off to the bedroom, where she kept her personal files. When she returned and handed him the necessary documents Seth didn’t hide his relief. He slipped them into the inside pocket of his flawless silk-lined jacket.

  Then, taking up the conversation where they’d left off, he said, ‘I’ll book dinner at the Dorchester for us tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at around seven to take you to the restaurant, and once we’re there we can discuss things in more depth and start to get to know each other. Do you have anything suitable to wear? If you don’t, I’ll get something delivered to you.’

  The inside of Imogen’s mouth turned ever drier. She had never worn a really expensive outfit in her life. Outside work, vintage and secondhand clothing was more her thing. And Seth was taking her to the Dorchester. It was known to be one of the most revered hotels in the world.

  Desperately trying to make sense of it all, she knew her smile was shaky. ‘You don’t even know what size I am.’
  Lifting an amused eyebrow, he let those sapphire-blue eyes matter-of-factly appraise her figure. ‘I’m pretty good at making an assessment. Leave it to me.’

  ‘If your choice doesn’t work out I can always wear the dress I bought to wear at my wedding reception. It’s still hanging untouched in my wardrobe.’

  Straight away, she saw that he didn’t find the suggestion remotely acceptable—anything but.

  ‘I don’t think a reminder of what your ex did to you would be a good way of starting our you?’

  She was immediately chastened. Her skin had heated as though she were sitting beneath a raging sunlamp. ‘I was trying to be ironic. Never mind. I’ll expect to see you tomorrow at seven.’

  ‘You’ll need shoes to go with the outfit. What size do you wear?’

  ‘I’m a five.’

  ‘That’s all I need to know for now. In the meantime, I’d like to try to dispel any awkwardness between us now, rather than leave it until later when our plans are underway. Why don’t you come over here?’


  ‘Take a risk and find out.’

  As if compelled by some otherworldly force, she obliged. When Seth put his hand on her shoulder for a startling couple of seconds she was acquainted with the sensuous touch of his silkily warm flesh against hers. She couldn’t suppress a gasp.

  ‘Please forgive the liberty...’ he breathed softly, and gently adjusted the material of the same sweater she’d worn yesterday because the shoulder had gone awry again.

  Ever since he’d put his proposal to her she’d been dazed—too dazed to think about what to wear—and she had grabbed the first thing that had come to hand this morning. Glancing up at him, she started to say that it wasn’t a problem, and immediately tried to engineer some distance between them.

  But before she could slip out of his grasp he bent his head towards hers. Startled, Imogen knew that he was going to kiss her... When his mouth gently but firmly touched hers, she learned that even his lips tasted luxurious. Everything about the man was exclusive and expensive, and she was already in way over her head, succumbing to his charm, intensely focused and aware.

  Time seemed to thicken and slow down. The thought came to her that if she’d ever wondered what it would be like to be thoroughly seduced by a master of the art she’d just been given a delicious taster...

  * * *

  Even before he kissed Imogen, Seth guessed he would be entranced by the touch of that sultry mouth beneath his and he was right. Although he’d been annoyed with her for not accepting his proposal straight away, all was now forgotten because she’d finally said yes.

  What was more surprising was that any residual doubts he might have had completely fled as he touched his lips to hers. Now he realised that if they hit it off sexually it couldn’t help but make their partnership all the more sweet.

  But even as he had the thought his well-honed instinct for survival kicked in. It had long been part of the essential armour that protected him. It didn’t matter how much he wanted to trust Imogen, he couldn’t afford to let down his guard. He’d be a fool if he did.

  Carefully withdrawing his lips, he smiled. He also shouldn’t forget that she’d been well and truly taken to the cleaners by her ex-fiancé, and he didn’t want her to think that he might be similarly unscrupulous.

  ‘That was nice...’ he murmured.

  Briefly touching his hand to her incredibly soft cheek, he stepped away. Imogen grimaced. Her unsure expression suggested that she regretted the unexpected intimacy they’d just shared. Her next comment confirmed it.

  ‘I had assumed that this partnership wouldn’t involve any intimacy between us...that it would be purely for convenience?’

  Seth stared at her. ‘All I will say to that, Imogen, is why don’t we just wait and see how things unfold? I certainly wouldn’t expect you to be intimate with me if you didn’t want that, too.’

  ‘I’m glad we’re clear about that, then.’

  ‘Good. Now, let me give you my mobile number so you can ring me if you need anything.’ He opened his wallet and gave her his business card. ‘I’d better go.’ Heading towards the door, he glanced over his shoulder, adding, ‘If you’ve never been to the Dorchester before, I know you’re going to love it.’

  * * *

  Stepping into the prestigious West End showroom of which he’d just become the new owner, it was once more brought home to Seth why he loved the cars on display so much. Every time he set eyes on a Lamborghini his stomach flipped as if he’d just completed a one-hundred-and-fifty-degree roll in a stunt plane. They weren’t just classy. With their sleek lines, flawless bodywork and powerful engines, they oozed excitement. He still thought it a privilege to drive one, let alone to be the owner of several.

  The manager, a good-looking Italian called Paolo Bellucci, who had flown out to New York to be interviewed by Seth for the post, immediately came over to greet him.

  ‘Ciao, Signor Broden. Welcome to your new showroom. I trust you are happy to be home again in the UK?’

  They shook hands and Seth affirmed that he was. For the first time since he’d been back on British soil he found that he honestly meant it.

  ‘Can I invite you into the office to enjoy a cup of real Italian coffee and meet the rest of the staff?’ Paolo asked.

  Seth was pleased to oblige. Their simple little exchange had made him feel at home. Good customer service had been one of the cornerstones of his success, and he was always pleased to note it from anyone else.

  But that wasn’t the only thing that made him feel glad. Tonight he would be meeting Imogen to take her out to dinner. And he hadn’t forgotten the visit to the exclusive fashion house he’d arranged.

  A frisson of pleasure shivered through him as he thought about what kind of dress might complement her charming figure. He’d already decided it would be a dress and not a trouser suit. It would highlight her femininity. But whatever the outfit he chose, he knew that her glossy brown eyes and pretty face would undoubtedly enhance it.

  In the plush furnished office, a young assistant was despatched to bring Seth and the new manager their coffee.

  When he returned with the beverages, Paolo smiled and said, ‘I taught him how to make it myself.’

  Freeing the button on his single-breasted pinstriped jacket, Seth sat back in the comfortable leather chair and relaxed. ‘Any small touches that make the customer feel important are always an asset,’ he remarked.

  The other man nodded in agreement. ‘If anyone knows how to give the customer what they want, it’s you, Signor Broden. Your success in the industry speaks for itself. You epitomise everything about these cars. Frank Sinatra was once quoted as saying, “You buy a Ferrari when you want to be somebody. You buy a Lamborghini when you are somebody.” It must be very gratifying to know that.’

  Seth frowned. Once upon a time such a quote would undoubtedly have stroked his ego, but he was long past the stage when that alone gave him any real satisfaction. He wanted the chance to be accepted into the elite fraternity in Ash’s father’s kingdom that his friend had talked about, and that was because it felt like a final frontier he had to cross.

  To be accepted by a seriously important man like the sheikh would be high honour indeed. Maybe then the incessant desire to prove himself as being as good as anybody else and be accepted would finally start to ease. In the meantime he would concentrate on finding a different sort of satisfaction in something more meaningful. His priorities were starting to change.

  As if he intuited what he was thinking, Paolo commented, ‘No doubt your wife is also enjoying being back in England?’

  Firming his lips, Seth reached for his coffee. ‘I’m not married.’ Before he tasted the inviting cappuccino, he added, ‘But I intend to be very soon.’

Congratulations. Who is the lucky signorina?’

  ‘Her name is Imogen. But please don’t talk to anyone from the press about it. The lady is somewhat shy, and I’d like to ensure her privacy for as long as I can.’

  ‘But of course.’

  A knock at the door heralded the appearance of the rest of the dealership staff, and Seth brought his attention back to the business in hand. But almost unconsciously he regularly consulted the time on his Rolex. He expressly didn’t want to be late for his appointment at the fashion house, and nor did he want to get back too late to collect his agreement to marry Imogen from his solicitor...


  ‘THIS IS FOR YOU. I hope you approve. There are also some shoes that complement the dress. Why don’t you go and try them on?’

  Effortlessly handsome and imposing, dressed in yet another flawless bespoke suit, Seth stood at her front door. He handed Imogen a chic shiny carrier bag with the name of a famous French designer emblazoned on it.

  Accepting it made her nervous. She knew she was acting as though a live grenade was inside that might go off at any second... Even if she worked from dawn until dusk, seven days a week, she wouldn’t be able to afford even the simplest outfit from such an exclusive designer.

  ‘Thanks. I’ll check it out in a minute,’ she said quietly. ‘Why don’t you come in?’

  Once back in her living room, she felt a bit more as if she was on firmer ground.

  As Seth shut the door behind him, his glance was quizzical. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I know you said that you’d get me something to wear, but I didn’t expect you to spend this sort of money on it.’ Holding the bag aloft, as if to remind him who the designer was, Imogen wasn’t surprised when he responded with the most casual of shrugs.

  ‘Don’t you like her work?’

  She almost spluttered. ‘Don’t I like her work? I know who she is—of course I do. But her designs are well out of my league, Seth. You shouldn’t have spent so much. If you have the receipt I’m sure they’ll take it back. Just give me a few minutes longer and I can find something else to wear.’


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