What Hurts The Most 3

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What Hurts The Most 3 Page 4

by Tynessa

  “Aight cuz! Look, we need to just calm down. Now isn’t the time for us to be beefing. We need to be putting our heads together and tryin’ to take these mothafuckers down so I can get this bread.”

  Fuck he meant by so he can get the bread?! We supposed to have been splitting everything down the middle. After all, it was me that was risking my freedom by killing niggas because his aim game wasn’t strong enough. See what I meant when I said the nigga was grimy? Knowing my cousin, he would have me to kill them then turn my black ass in to the cops. I was really having second thoughts with fucking with his ass.

  “Yea, you right!” I agreed. I was going to sit back and ride this out with him, but the first time he tried to cross me, that was his ass. “Well I’m about to head on out. I’m heading to New York in the morning. I have to go make sure my lil shorty is straight, then I’m coming back in a day or two.”

  “I understand. I know how spoiled you have lil mama and you can’t stay out her sight for too long,” Lo laughed. I laughed as well, because he was telling the truth. Dapping my cousin up, I headed for the door.

  Lo was pathetic and didn’t give a fuck who he betrayed. You know it’s bad when your own family hate to see you come around. I felt bad for the mothafuckers that even considered him as a friend. I wondered what the fuck he needed me here for if he already had niggas shooting at ol’ dude. I just didn’t get this boy.

  Instead of going to a hotel, I headed to Asia’s house. I knew so many questions were running through her head, and I wanted to answer them. She’d asked me repeatedly why I was at the hospital, and how did I know she was there. To be honest, I didn’t know she was going to be there. I didn’t even know she knew that guy. So me seeing her and her pussy as ex there was a shocker. It wasn’t until they stepped into the hallway to talk to the doctor that I learned it was Asia’s ex’s brother. The same mothafucka I was supposed to be killing.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” Asia said once she opened her door for me.

  “Can I come in for a second and talk to you?” I asked her. Moving to the side, she let me in. Even in a pair of pajamas, tank to, and a scarf tied on her head, she was breathtaking.

  “Look, I know you’re wondering why I was at the hospital tonight and—”

  “Yea, as a matter of fact I am wondering that. How did you even know where I was?” she cut me off and asked. I wanted to be honest with Asia, but I didn’t want her to look at me as some thug type nigga that played her. I didn’t even know Asia and Lo ran with the same crew.

  “Look ma, I didn’t even know you would be there. When I left your house earlier, I rode around to clear my head and ended up at some bar and grill. The guy that was shot, I saw him there and we had a brief conversation. I didn’t know ya’ll even knew him. Not too long after he walked out, I heard gunshots. Once they stopped, I rushed to see what was going on, and by the time I got out there they started back shooting,” I explained.

  “Oh my god Ke’, why would you go out there if you heard shots being fired? That didn’t have shit to do with you,” Asia said angrily. I understood where she was coming from, but I knew this man had just went out there, so I was trying to make sure he was straight.

  “I was trying to make sure ol’ boy was okay, but as soon as I got out there they begun busting again. Once everything was over, I found dude on side of his car fighting for his life. I had someone to call the cops. When I went to the hospital, I went to make sure shit was all good with him, you know?” I explained once again. I didn’t bother to tell her that when I got out there, I started busting my gun. She already seemed to be upset that I’d even went out there.

  “Oh my God baby,” Asia said as tears rolled down her face. She slid over to me and hugged my neck tightly. “Thank you so much. If it wasn’t for you, then Tez would’ve been dead.” Kissing my lips, Asia pulled back and just stared at me.

  “No need to thank me ma,” I brushed her apology off.

  “I’m serious Ke’unta, and on behalf of Jay, I want to apologize for the way he came at you at the hospital. If he had known—” I held up my hand, cutting her off. I didn’t want to hear no bullshit excuse for that nigga coming at me the way he did. Asia knew just like I knew that he’d been coming at me that way because of her.

  “I did what I felt was right, but check this. I’m heading to New York in the morning for a day or two. I want you to come,” I said to her. Asia looked at me surprisingly as she studied my face to see if I was joking or not. I surprised myself by asking her to come, and I would definitely be risking a lot by taking her; but I was dead ass serious.

  Chapter 8

  He Loves Me/ He Loves Me Not!


  I’d just hung up with Asia when Kacey’s punk ass came strolling through the door of our bedroom. I was so damn upset with him that I had every damn intention of cursing his red ass the fuck out. His damn two hours he was supposed to have been gone turned into fucking five. That’s the bullshit that made me want to go upside his head. He was lucky Asia had called to tell me that Quintez was shot and they didn’t know how bad the condition was, or whether he would live or die.

  I don’t think I even said anything after hearing her say die. I jumped up out of bed and started getting dressed. I swear that it was taking every ounce in my body to hold my tears in out of respect for Kacey. I didn’t want him seeing me crying over another man. He asked what was wrong, and I let him know as I was exiting the front door. He had no other choice but to follow me. I was in no condition to drive. My hands were trembling, and I was beyond upset that someone would even be shooting at Quintez.

  After learning that Quintez was out of surgery and was going to be fine, everyone went on home, all but Jay. He went back to see Tez before he left. When Kacey and me got home, I headed straight to bed. I turned my back on him and didn’t say shit to him, and he knew not to say a damn thing to me. I was beyond pissed, but too tired to argue. It had been a long night, so all I wanted was to sleep.

  “Where you going?” Kacey asked when he rolled over and I was no longer lying beside him. I’d been up for a while getting dressed to go see Quintez. Kacey had been on some sneaky shit lately, so I felt I didn’t owe him no damn explanation. In fact, I was going to use the same shit he’d used on me continuously.

  “I’m going to take care of a little business.” Grabbing my purse, I walked my ass right out the bedroom and out the front door. Kacey could kiss my ass.

  I wasn’t dumb at all. I knew his ass was hiding something. He was always claiming that he was running errands for, Jay but he didn’t work that hard when he was out the first time, so he can save that bullshit he was trying to make me believe. It would come to light soon, and I would damn sure be waiting.

  Walking into the hospital, I stopped at the front desk and asked for Quintez’s room number, and after giving the nurse my name I finally received it. I walked to his room and knocked before I entered. The butterflies that were in my stomach were something serious. I was so damn nervous. If only I’d met him before I got with Kacey, I thought to myself.

  “Knock, Knock,” I said as I pushed the door open and walked inside. He was asleep and looking so peaceful. I just stood watching him with a light smile on my face; finally, I turned and was about to walk out until I heard Quintez speak.

  “Girl if you walk out this room, I’ll get out this bed and kick your ass myself,” his silly ass said. His voice wasn’t even raspy, so I knew he wasn’t sleep when I thought he was.

  “You so lame. Why you playing sleep and shit?” I asked as I walked back over to his bed. He was flashing that sexy ass smile of his with those dimples I just loved.

  “Because I knew it was you. I figured you would come see me so I put your name on the visitation list. How yo’ punk ass nigga feel that his name wasn’t on there?” Quintez chuckled. I just shook my head.

  Good thing I left Kacey’s ass at home, because he would definitely feel some type of way about this, and though I was mad at him righ
t now; I don’t think I would’ve came up and left him in the waiting room. That’s just flat out disrespectful!

  “You so damn childish! Why would you do something like that? I bet you didn’t leave that girlfriend of yours name off.” That was my way of seeing how serious they were. Well shit, I already knew they had to be pretty serious because Quintez had proven it when he kissed her that night we all went to dinner. To say I was hurt would’ve been an understatement.

  “Shawty do you hear yourself? That’s my girl! Why would I leave her name off? Kace ain’t shit to me! That’s yo’ nigga, not mine! He ain’t got no reason to come up here to see me,” he stated seriously. I just rolled my eyes, because I wasn’t trying to go there with Quintez.

  “So, what happened to you?” I asked him. “Do you know who shot you?”

  “Nah, it was dark.” He threw his head back against the pillow and sighed. “I don’t know shit. Best to believe I’m gon’ find out though or die trying. I ain’t about to let no motherfucker get away with this shit,” Quintez looked me dead in the eyes and said. I saw in his eyes that he was serious.

  “Don’t you think you need to let it go? I mean, look at you,” I gestured my hand towards him. “You need to be thanking God that you’re still alive instead of plotting revenge when you don’t even know who you’re plotting against.”

  “Man don’t start all that preaching shit! You don’t know if I thanked God already or not. And you right, I don’t know who I’m plotting revenge against but like I said, I’ll find out or die trying. That’s why your nigga couldn’t come up here because he might be a suspect in this shit. Nigga already feel some type of way about me because I stretched the pussy while he was locked up, now his dick just falls in the mothafucka,” he laughed. I looked at Quintez in disgust. I honestly didn’t see shit funny. This black ass monkey got on my damn nerves!

  “You so fucking rude and disrespectful. I can’t stand yo’ black ass! I’m about to go,” I said as I motioned like I was about to leave.

  “Man Tang, I was just playing. Damn. You can’t take a joke now?”

  I doubt Quintez’s dumb arrogant ass was just playing. He didn’t have to say all that shit.

  “Whatever! And I seriously doubt Kacey would actually try to kill you.”

  “Yea, well I guess we’ll see!” was all he said.

  We sat here in silence, us both lost in our own thoughts. I was debating if I should tell him that I was pregnant or not. I didn’t know why I felt I owed him an explanation when he wasn’t my dude nor was the baby his. Shit, I didn’t even want Quintez to assume that my baby was his. But I had to keep it real with myself for once; deep down, I was kind of hurt that I was pregnant by Kacey. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Kacey. He was my baby; but things had changed since he came home.

  Sometimes, I found myself wondering if he still loved me like he used to. With the disappearing act he’d been doing, could you really blame me for questioning his love. I pray and hope that things would change and we’d go back to the way that we were since I was pregnant with his baby, but I didn’t want to be one of those chicks–the kind that thought just because they were pregnant by a dude he wouldn’t leave them.

  The shit was stressing me out so bad to the point that I was really considering having an abortion. The thought of that scared me and that’s why when I got home, I was giving Kacey an ultimatum. Either he stopped with all the sneakiness or it was over. I refused to continue to cry at night when he was out until all types of hours at night. That shit stops today!

  Chapter 9

  A Kiss Is A Kiss!


  “Yo’ bruh, look who I ran into downstairs,” Jay’vion announced as he walked into my room with Grisela right behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked from me to Tang. “Oh, my baby Tan. I didn’t even know you was here,” he said.

  Nigga was acting like he’d just walked in on us fucking or something. It was funny that folks acted as if me and Tang couldn’t just be cool because we used to fuck around. That shit was in the past and though I didn’t like it, I respected her relationship with Kace. Grisela walked over to me and gave me a peck on the lips. Since I tongued her down to make Tang jealous, I had been giving her pecks since then.

  “God I wish someone would’ve called me last night,” Grisela said. No one probably called her ass because they had no way of getting in touch with her. Only Tang and Jay knew of her anyways. Kace did too, but his ass don’t count.

  “It’s okay. You here now,” I responded as I kissed her hand. Pulling up her a chair, she sat right beside the bed.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she kissed me on the cheek, then the forehead.

  “Well I’m about to get on out of here Quintez. I told Kace I wouldn’t be long. I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Tang stood to leave. I gave her a warm smile and thanked her for coming to check on me. I don’t give a fuck who I’m with or who she’s with, her sexy ass would always have a soft spot in my heart. I just wished she was mine, but it is what it is. I accepted and respected the fact that she was with Kacey and was going to continue to hold him down.

  Me and Grisela chatted for a while, mainly me informing her on what the doctors were saying about my condition. She was asking questions about if I knew who did it and yadda yadda. I kept my answers short and let her know that I knew nothing. It was the truth, I didn’t know shit.

  Looking over at Jay, he was texting away on his phone. That Rachel bitch was the first to come to my mind. I didn’t think I was going to tell Tang what her nigga had been up to, because I didn’t want to come off as a hater, plus I wasn’t a snitch ass nigga. Who was I to tell her shit about her nigga? That was their problem to deal with. I was going to tell my brother, though. I didn’t give a fuck! Yeah, I know he didn’t tell me what it was with Lo and Bree and believe me, I’m about to mention that shit.

  “Yo babe, could you give me and my brother a minute alone, please.” Like the good girl she was, Grisela kissed my forehead, let me know she would be in the waiting room, and walked out. As soon as the door closed, Jay’vion spoke up.

  “Yo, you know we’re gonna find the mothafuckas that did this shit to you. If that pussy ass nigga Lo wouldn’t have showed up here then I would’ve put my money on his ass. You know the nigga been on some fuck boy shit lately,” Jay stated angrily.

  “Oh word? He was here last night? Shit, that still don’t X his ass out though. I ain’t trusting none of these niggas. Speaking of Lo, how come you never mentioned that he was Bree’s baby daddy? And don’t act like you didn’t know they were fucking neither.” Jay couldn’t do shit but drop his head. He knew he was dead ass wrong. I would’ve never knew that kind of information from him.

  “Man to be honest bruh, I couldn’t find the words to deliver some shit like that to you. I mean, this nigga was your homeboy and that was the bitch you loved. Then you got out and started back fucking with her, it only made it harder for me to tell you,” Jay tried to explain, but I wasn’t trying to hear it.

  “Exactly! So, when I started back fucking with her that should’ve been the time you pulled me to the side and gave me the heads up. Let me ask you this; have you ever fucked her?” I looked him dead in the eyes so I could read them.

  “Hell fuck nah! I’m gon’ let you know this though. That bitch Bree ain’t been shit. Never have! And I’m talking before you even got locked up.” I just nodded my head up and down. I believed him when he said he didn’t fuck her.

  “I still feel you should’ve told me. I’ll always give you the heads up about your bitch, that’s why I’m going to let you know now that bitch Rachel ain’t who she says she is. Bitch used to work at the prison I was in,” I put him up on game. By the shocked expression, I could tell he didn’t know. “I don’t know if her and Kace working with the fed or what but—”

  “Whoa, what Breezy have to do with it?”

  “They have a baby together!” I told him about me running into her at Wal-Mart. I knew m
y brother wouldn’t tell anyone what I’d just told him, so I wasn’t worried about Tang finding out I knew unless I told her out my own mouth.

  “A baby together? Wow. Tang know? When the fuck did he have time to have a baby? Nigga just got out. That’s some bullshit right there!” It was some shady shit going on. I didn’t know what, but it was something and whatever games Kacey and that bitch was trying to play, they could do that shit without involving my brother. “So you think that nigga Breezy snitching or what? I honestly don’t think he is? I mean, he might be a lot of things, but a snitch I don’t think he is.”

  “Honestly I don’t know. Shit, I don’t put nothing past nobody nowadays. He might not be snitching, but it’s a reason that bitch came into the picture. Hell, she might be using you to get to him. You know, to get under his skin or something because he’s not leaving Tang for her.”

  Jay hunched his shoulder as if he didn’t give a fuck.

  “The bitch wasn’t giving up the pussy anyways. So what you want me to do about them? You know my trigger finger stay itching,” said Jay. Just the thought of him murking someone brought a sparkle to his eyes. This boy had no problem killing mothafuckas.

  “Just chill out for right now and be careful out there in the streets. Don’t go killing nobody yet gangsta, because we don’t know what’s going on,” I laughed as the nurse came in, followed by Grisela. This girl just couldn’t be out my sight for too long.

  Once the nurse had gone out, Jay left not too long afterwards. It was just Grisela and me. I laid here replaying the whole scene that happened the night I was shot. It was one question I kept asking myself who was the nigga that night at the bar? His face looked kind of familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I’d seen him before. That shit was working my nerves, because I’d been thinking about it since I woke up that morning. I knew it would come to me though.

  “Are you okay baby?” Grisela asked me. I looked over at her cute ass and smiled.


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