Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 2)

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Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 2) Page 17

by Elsie Charlotte

  Yet, this couldn’t be achieved due to Aaron’s back facing towards us.

  He was probably trying to hide his happiness.

  I scoffed quietly at her words before awaiting Aaron’s response.I watched as he dug his hands into his pockets and let out a heavy sigh.

  “I thought you were going to stay with your Dad in Scotland. Isn’t that what we agreed?” Aaron’s voice came out both professionally and harshly.

  Wait? Agreed?

  I gaped at his word; shocked at the fact that I was totally unaware of a settlement between the two heartbroken parties. I had been informed that she left out of humiliation, but was that not the case? Had she been told to move by, none other than, Aaron?

  She tutted before moving to Aaron. My blood boiled as I watched her put a hand on his arm. Aaron responded by flinching but, nonetheless, he didn’t make any plans to move her hand. He wanted it there.

  “My Mum stays here, Aaron. You can’t expect me to just stay with my Dad my whole life, can you? Plus, his girlfriend’s moved in along with her 3 kids and it’s a nightmare. I want to be back here!” She exclaimed, gesturing to the road around her. Tears were rolling off her cheeks in waves now. It was obvious she was upset.

  But, even then- amidst all the heartache - I couldn’t help but envy how beautiful she still looked. Her golden hair cascaded down to her shoulders in sweet curls and her green eyes glistened beautifully with the tears. She looked like something from a fairytale.

  Aaron stroked a hand through his hair before turning around to face her. It seemed as though he had forgotten I was there. All of his attention was on her now.

  “I don’t care that you’re back. It’s not in my authority to force you to stay there. The question on my mind is, why are you here?” He said, looking her up and down. For a second, his glare softened upon hearing a pathetic sob escape her mouth, but the glare was back as quickly as it had gone.

  Avalon put a stray hair behind her ear. She shrugged her shoulders slightly before turning to look at the sky.

  “I was in my car and saw you pass and needed to apologise again for what I had done. I’m not asking you to forgive me, Aaron. I know nothing can compensate for what I’ve done. I just needed to clarify with you that I really am sorry. I’m so sorry.” She said and, with that, she pressed her hands to her face, crying loudly.

  Although immediately hating her, I felt for the girl. She had lost Aaron on her own faulting. I could imagine the burning regret she must be feeling. I watched in sympathy as she raised her head, her eyes bloodshot red and her nose pink.

  Curse her for still looking hot.

  Aaron opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him with a hand.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Aaron. I just wanted to apologise and I’ll be out of your hair now.” She said before walking away. I watched her turn out of sight before gazing at Aaron. I couldn’t decipher the expression on his face. What he was feeling, I wasn’t sure, but I knew it was probably sadness. I moved closer to him, but he didn’t seem to notice me. He was too engrossed in his thoughts.

  I touched his arm and he looked down at me. Sending him a small comforting smile, I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Aaron himself. He gestured towards his car.

  “Let’s get you inside. I think I need to be alone.” He said hurriedly before walking towards his car.

  My heart dropped at his words. I hadn’t heard his answer, albeit probably already knowing the answer and- moreover- I wanted him to clarify how I had gotten to the hospital. Everything seemed so confusing and now Avalon was back. I looked to the sky as I walked towards the car.

  God, let everything be okay.


  “Darling, how long are you going to be gone?”

  I sat down to put my shoes on before looking at the time- 5pm.

  “Er, I’ll be home before 10, Mom!” I shouted down the stairs to my mom who was currently baking cookies in the kitchen.

  It had been 2 days since Aaron dropped me off. He had escorted me inside despite being very upset and even suggested that I don’t tell anyone that I had been treated. I had protested first, but Aaron had assured me that it would be fine; he had devised a plan. He had suggested a small barbecue with my family and friends who knew about the illness wherein I disclosed that I was no longer ill. I had whined at first, seeing my illness being treated as nothing but a small and insignificant even, but Aaron argued that ‘getting your life back was something worth celebrating’, so I had given in.

  Within these 2 days, mom had said a few occasional things about getting treated and I tried my best to act angry even when I was smiling on the inside.

  I sat up after doing my shoes up and looked in the mirror. The thoughts of Avalon were still strong in my mind, but Aaron seemed fine now. We had spoken on the phone this morning where he had called me over to hang out with him, Justin and Danny. He seemed happy as he told me to come over for a ‘movie night’ and how we’d also discuss a time for the barbecue.

  Danny and Justin were still unaware of me being treated. This was the first time I’d be seeing them since the day at the hospital. I had told Aaron to tell them about my current ‘healthy plight’, but Aaron spoke about how more amusement would be derived from secrecy. He claimed it would be fine and they too would be told on the barbecue day.

  I shook the thoughts of the past out of my head and walked out of my room and down the stairs. There, I bid farewell to my mother before leaving for Aaron’s house.


  I rung the doorbell before stepping back with a sigh. This was the first time I was seeing Aaron’s face since the whole Avalon ordeal. I just hoped he was fine now and that everything was over. My stomach clenched at the fact that he hadn’t given an answer about my love for him or about how I ended up in the hospital. He was leaving me in a pile of questions and my head was aching with curiosity.

  My thoughts were left short due to door opening and I turned to gaze at the boy in loved.

  Except, it wasn’t him.

  My gaze stopped harshly on the golden haired girl that stood in Aaron’s doorstep with nothing but a pair of tattered jean shorts and a tank top.

  It was Avalon.

  She smiled at me with a perfect row of teeth before jutting a hand out at me.

  “You must be Alexis. I’ve heard so much about you!” She exclaimed before sticking her hand in mine. Reluctantly, I shook her hand and I couldn’t help but curse at how friendly she was.

  Why couldn’t she be a bitch?

  Clearing my throat, I forced myself to utter the question that was currently plaguing my mind.

  “Er, thank you. What are you doing here?” I asked, but the smile remained on my face. I didn’t want her know I was upset.

  She smiled at my question and opened her mouth to respond, but a voice interrupted her. A voice that I had become too familiar to.

  “I asked her to come.”

  Aaron- he walked towards the door and patted her on the back to which she nudged his arm. They both were grinning as if they’d been possessed like Cheshire cats and I fumed at the sight.

  I wanted to ask ‘why he had called her over’, but I knew it would sound rude, so I kept mute and hoped it would be explained. Thankfully, Aaron was the one to do this. He looked away from Avalon and to me, a smile on his face.

  “Everyone deserves a second chance. I mean, she apologised and I thought about it. I could at least give her the chance to prove herself as a friend.” He said before looking down at her with a genuine smile.

  Although feeling slightly relieved that he accepted her only as a friend, I couldn’t help but shatter from the inside. A part of me knew that they’d end up together. They were made for each other.

  I coughed and immediately regretted it when both pair of eyes turned to me. I smiled pathetically before looking past Aaron.

  “Are Danny and Justin here yet?” I asked to which he shook his head.

��re stuck in traffic. They’ll be here in 10.” He said with a smile. I tried to smile back, but I couldn’t.Thoughts of being alone with these two for even 10 minutes brought a feeling of dread to me.

  Now, I knew what they meant by the word ‘third wheel’.

  Nonetheless, I feigned a smile and gestured towards the house.

  “So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get inside.” I said, mustering as much enthusiasm as I could and failing miserably yet none of them seemed to notice.

  They both turned to make their way inside and I walked behind them. I stared in shock as Avalon grabbed Aaron by the hand and pulled him towards the sitting room. He did nothing in protest, but- rather-encouraged it with a small laugh.

  I stared at them and didn’t even notice Avalon turning to me. She smiled at me before pointing at their conjoined hands.

  And, then, she winked.

  To be continued ….




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