Alessandro (Members From Money Book 21)

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Alessandro (Members From Money Book 21) Page 17

by Katie Dowe

  “It was one of the things I missed when you left. The second most important thing I missed.”

  Emily felt her cheeks flush as he looked at her. She felt strange looking at him. She wanted to jump his bones right there and then. But somehow, something was holding her back. She didn’t know what it was but whatever it was she hated it.

  “You know there is something I've always wanted to tell you, Emily.” She suddenly felt her heart begin to beat hard against her chest. “That day when Marty Bishop came to take you to the dance, I was…jealous.” His words caught her by surprise. “And I have never been so jealous of anyone the way I was of Marty Bishop that day.”

  By this time, she was sure her cheeks were hot and almost crimson. She looked at him and thought that maybe, this was the sign she had been waiting for. She put her plate down on the ledge and turned to look at him. She took a step toward him and she was relieved when he didn’t step back. She was now looking right into his eyes, feeling his caffeinated breath hit her cheek. She stood on tiptoe and slowly brought herself forward to give him a gentle kiss. He was not rigid either. He kissed her back. She pulled back and looked at him but instead of him taking the initiative to take the wheel he turned around and walked back into the house. She looked at him and followed him inside, confused.

  “You should go,” he said in a soft voice.

  Emily was now more confused than ever.

  “Excuse me?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “It’s been a lovely night, Emily. Thank you for coming out.” Alex didn’t even stutter.

  She had a million insults in her mind but she just couldn’t bring herself to utter them. She angrily made her way to the elevator and grabbed her coat from the rack. She had just put it on when Alex walked up to where she was.

  “You are full of shit, Alex,” she said angrily.

  “What?” he asked her.

  “You heard me, Alex You are full of shit.” She was now buttoning up her coat. “You come to my office and go to whatever base you want with me and you make me cum like a fountain and then when I make the same move you push me off?” The elevator doors opened and she stepped in. “Fuck you, Alex Brewer,” she said as the elevator doors opened separating her and Alex.

  But just as the elevator doors were about to completely close, Alex pressed the button opening the doors once again. He took her hand and pulled her back into the apartment before he pinned her to the wall. Then, without any warning, he kissed her. And it was not a gentle polite kiss like the one Emily had given him earlier. It was a deep searching kiss that left her feeling powerless.

  “What…what was that for?” Emily asked when he pulled off. Her angry, commanding voice had been reduced to a low submissive whisper.

  “I want you, Emily, like I have never wanted anyone,” he said.

  “I’m here. Have me.” She was still whispering.

  Alex pushed a strand of her hair back behind her ear and looked down at her.

  “I want to, I so want to,” he said as he buried his face in her neck. “But I don’t want to drive you away.”

  Emily pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

  “This…right now is pushing me away.”

  He held the back of her neck and looked down into her glossy eyes.

  “What if you don’t…” he could not bring himself to finish that sentence.

  She slipped a hand to the back of his neck and kissed him hard, and deep. She dropped her bag and then went ahead to unbutton her coat. She let it fall down to the ground and Alex slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him as they kissed.

  The only sounds in the apartment were of their breathing and their lips parting and meeting again. He then pulled away and took her hand before he led her to his room. He stood behind her and swept her hair off to one side before he kissed her neck and shoulder as one hand slowly pulled down the side zipper of her dress.

  She gasped silently when she felt the constraints of the dress finally loosen as it slid down her body to fall to the floor. She was feeling a little uncomfortable as he looked at her. She had not let anyone see her naked in a long time….that was putting it politely. She had not really been in any situation that would have ended up in anyone seeing her naked save for her OBGYN.

  Alex walked around and stood in front of her. “You are so…beautiful,” he said in a soft voice as he brought his head down to kiss her again.

  She closed her eyes and held his head as she felt one of his hands behind her undoing the clasp of her bra. She put her arms down and allowed him to pull her bra off before he gently lowered her on the bed. She was breathing hard as he worked his way down her body kissing her softly. She bit her lip when she felt him taking her nipple in his mouth. He was teasing it with his tongue and sucking hard. His other hand was kneading her left breast and she could not help but arch her back thrusting more of herself into his mouth. He released her nipple and took the other one into his mouth for the same treatment. She was moaning and writhing under him longing to feel him inside her. He then began tracing his kisses down her body to her navel. His hands were gently rubbing her breasts as he worked his way down to her waist line.

  She raised her head to see him bring one hand down to pull her panties down. He brought his other hand down to pull her panties down and she raised her hips allowing him to do so. She was now all his to do with her as he pleased.

  Alex was now standing at the foot of the bed. He held her knees and spread them before he began kissing the soft inside of her thigh. She was already wet, ready for him. He could see it and he could smell it and it was driving him wild. He traced his kisses down the other thigh before he stripped down and reached for a condom from the top drawer of his nightstand. She could feel her anticipation growing as he rolled the latex onto his massive hard on.

  Alex would have wanted to push himself hard into her, go right for the bull’s eye but he knew he had to start off slow. He heard her gasp when he slipped his cock into her. He raised his head and looked down at her as he pushed more of his cock into her. She moaned and gasped some more as he stretched her out. She brought her hands to hold him but he stopped her and pinned her hands above her head as he began moving in and out of her. She spread her legs wider for him as he began picking up his pace. He had not thought it possible for her to accommodate his generous length but soon enough he was sinking into her with ease.

  His grip on her arms was loosening as other muscles in his body took over. But every time she tried pulling her hands away, he would pin them down harder. He suddenly pulled out of her and she gave a loud disapproving moan. He looked down at her and brought his head to kiss her before he filled her up again. He could tell that he was ready for her then. He was now fucking her hard. His long careful strokes had been replaced by relentless thrusting and he was having a hard time keeping himself in check. She felt amazing…so hot…so wet. It would not be long before he felt himself give into his innermost desire.

  Emily wanted to hold him so much but he wouldn’t let her. He had her arms pinned to the bed as he went on thrusting into her. She suddenly felt a familiar wave of heat deep inside her and she began trembling. She was trying hard not to let go but her body had the better of her. She suddenly moaned as she felt herself releasing, her walls closing in on him. Surprisingly, he was thrusting into her even harder now.

  “Baby...I’m cuming,” he said just before she felt him explode all around him. Finally he let go of her arms and she could hold him. She held on tight until she felt him calm down.

  “Shit, baby. That was definitely worth the wait,” he whispered before he kissed her softly.

  Chapter 5

  When she woke up the following morning, Emily was still a little exhausted from her more than vigorous session with Alex the previous night. She turned around and realized that she was alone in bed. She got up and walked over to Alex’s closet where she got one of his shirts. She then put it on and walked out of the bedroom. She could hear and
smell something frying in the kitchen. She walked out and saw a half-naked Alex preparing breakfast.

  “You didn’t wake me up,” she said as she walked towards him.

  “You looked too peaceful to be disturbed,” he said as she took a seat in front of him at the counter. He looked at her and then looked at the bacon and eggs he was so busy frying.

  “I do have to work, you know. It’s a weekday,” she pointed out.

  “I thought that maybe you deserved a day off,” he said.

  “You are not my boss, Alex,” she said as she looked at him. He was now serving the eggs and bacon onto two plates. He put the pan in the sink and looked at her.

  “If you really wanted to be in the office, you would have been literally running out of here by now but you are still here with me, aren’t you?”

  Emily smiled. He was right, so right.

  “Why don’t you make the call to your boss…or someone? I’ll be done by the time you get back.”

  She looked at him and nodded before she made her way to the living room where she had last seen her handbag. She took her phone out and made a call to Cadence.

  “Caddie, hi,” she started when Cadence picked up.

  “Carter,” Cadence said. A smile played on Emily’s lips. She just loved how bossy Cadence could be. “It’s almost nine and you are still not here. That is very unlike you.”

  “Well, I’m not coming in today. Let Chase know,” Emily said. She could almost hear Cadence’s excitement over the phone. It was like she was squealing silently, obviously trying hard not to attract any attention to herself in the office.

  “Oh my god, Carter! You dirty, dirty girl!” Cadence said in an urgent whisper. “You slept over there didn’t you? You did the nasty with Alex Brewer didn’t you?” she was hungry for the gossip.

  “Cadence! Just tell Chase I won’t be coming in, okay? Can you do this one thing for me?” she asked as she looked at Alex who was now pouring two cups of coffee. “Just make up something but make him understand that I am taking one of my off days. It’s about time I started living a little anyway.”

  “And getting your groove back obviously,” Cadence said in a cheeky tone.

  “Caddie, watch yourself.”

  “Oh come on, Carter. I may be your assistant but I am not a child. I know everything about the birds and the bees and I know very well what dance they did last night, maybe all night long even.”

  That was it. Emily was not going to indulge Cadence any longer.

  “Good day Cadence,” she said before she hang up.

  She looked at Alex for a long minute before she decided that she was going to switch off her phone. She was going to devote her entire day to Alex. She decided that she had waited long enough. Ten years was a very long time even to the most patient person. She slowly made her way back to the kitchen but Alex was already walking out to the dining room. She followed him there and he pulled a chair out for her. She looked at him as he placed a plate in front of her.

  “I hope you are a big fan of England because I made you a full English breakfast,” he said. She looked at the plate of bacon, eggs, beans and grilled tomato. “I usually prefer having the toast on the side. I hope that’s okay with you,” he added as he sat down across from her.

  “I’m not a very fussy person when it comes to food. Anything goes, really.”

  “Anything goes? How can you live like that?” he asked.

  She picked up her fork and shook her head.

  “I don’t really see what the big deal is, I mean, after all, sometimes people in restaurants are a little overwhelmed. I usually just let it go if they give me something a little different than what I ordered,” she said as she took a bite of her eggs.

  She was immediately impressed at how delicious they were. She could taste garlic and ginger in there…she had not had eggs this tasty since her former housekeeper moved out of the state. “This is really good,” she said as she took another bite.

  “Maybe I should have been honest about the whole ‘English’ breakfast thing,” he smiled.

  “No, this is fine,” Emily said.

  “I like spicing things up every so often, you know. Just trying new stuff every chance I get.”

  “We may be more alike than you know,” Emily pointed out.

  He looked at her and shook his head.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Well, you just told me that you settle for a lot in your life and honestly that is something I would never do.”

  “What do you mean settle? I never settle.”

  Alex reached for the juice pitcher in the middle of the table and poured some for himself before he looked at her.

  “Sure,” she said as he poured her some. “So, what do you mean that I settle?”

  Alex took a sip of his juice before he began cutting up his bacon. He looked at her and shook his head.

  “You just said that you don’t like to fuss very much about food and if I am not wrong you also said that anything goes,” he said.

  “So what if anything goes? That’s just how I am,” she shrugged.

  “Okay, let me put it like this. If you went to a restaurant and ordered a steak, medium rare and they brought you a well done steak instead, would you just eat it because you don’t want to send it back?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “What do you mean maybe? It’s a yes or no question.”

  “I guess it would depend on what kind of company I am in at that moment,” she started. “If I am with clients I would probably be more concerned about the fact that I want my deal to close more than anything else.” She could tell that Alex did not really agree with what she was saying. He was shaking his head. She looked at him and shrugged. “What?”

  “Nothing. I just never thought I would meet anyone like you,” he said with a smile.

  “What do you mean someone like me? Should I be offended?”

  “Not at all, just that you are really easy to get along but I wouldn’t be caught dead doing the same.”

  Emily took a long sip of her juice and looked at him.

  “You know, you haven’t changed much,” she said.

  “Guess some traits never really change,” he said.

  She took another bite and then looked up at him as if she had something to say. And she did. A whole lot.

  “So what have you been up to for the last ten years, Brewer?” she asked.

  “Professionally?” he asked and Emily nodded.

  “Management like you.”

  “What kind of management?”

  “Everything I guess. I like getting stuff started and then creating employment for other people who can get the work going as I look for the next venture,” he explained.

  Emily was impressed.

  “Judging by this place, I can tell that business is doing great, huh?”

  “You could say that,” he said.

  Emily could not help but think that Alex was one of those honest millionaires.

  “You know my nosy assistant checked you out and according to Google, you are worth millions,” she said and he smiled.

  “There might be some truth to that. Business has been a little more than great lately, thankfully.”

  Emily smiled. Modest indeed. She looked up from her breakfast and began toying with her food.

  “So apart from the fact that you still love having your way, what else is new about you, Alex? What is it that I need to know about you?” she asked.

  He looked at her and sighed, shaking his head.

  “I don’t think I can tell you much about myself right now. I do have some reservations on a few issues and I can be liberal on others but I can’t really say what I’m all about right now. Not when you ask like that,” he said.

  “Like what?” she teased.

  “Like this, the way you are doing right now. If you really want to know about me, Carter, stop thinking and stick around. You are going to learn so much more that way.”

  “You really want me to stick around?” she asked as she looked into his eyes. He took a long sip of his juice before he put his glass down.

  “If you have to ask that then I am afraid I didn’t do last night right,” he said.

  “Actually, you did more than everything right last night,” she said blushing.

  “Glad to hear that I did something right,” he said. She let her gaze fall as she downed the rest of her juice. “Some more?” he asked.

  “I’m good with the coffee.”

  Breakfast seemed to lag on forever especially because Alex was looking at her like he wanted to jump across the table and grab her. For the next few minutes, Emily was blushing like she never had before and the fact that she was in nothing but his shirt was giving Alex ideas. He was grateful that he had finally managed to live his longtime dream. He had fucked the girl of his dreams and he had fucked her so damn well she was still wet. He caught a whiff of the familiar feminine scent in the room and he knew it could have only meant one thing: she was still very much horny. But he wanted so much more from her. He wanted to be himself with her but he was scared that being that way with Emily would only drive her away. When she was done with breakfast, she offered to clean up but he wouldn’t let her.

  “You are a guest. My guest. I can’t let you do the chores just like that,” he said in a low tone as she scraped off the plates. “Besides, that shirt is annoyingly short on you. All I’m thinking of doing is bending you over the sink and making you scream.”

  “Making me scream?” she turned around and she raised an eyebrow.

  “Not in pain…in pleasure. Though, there might be a little pain but just pain for play.” This was it. He had just become an open book to her. She looked at him both surprised and afraid.

  “Are you some kind of kinky freak?” she asked in a scared voice. It broke Alex’s heart to see that she was suddenly scared of him.

  “Not like that…not that I would ever want to hurt you. All I want to do is…” he couldn’t finish his sentence. The look she was giving him was killing him slowly. It was like his heart was being ripped open with shards of glass. “I just like things a little differently, that’s all.”


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