A black shadow gliding like an almost impalpable spot, might be seenmoving along the street of Saint John.
Thick clouds covered the sky. Not a star was visible. Here and there--atthe corners of the streets and alleys--flickered a small lamp, lightedbefore an image of the Virgin; but these slight flames, far fromdiminishing the obscurity, shone in the foggy atmosphere as glowworms inthe woods, which glitter but do not give light.
Silence reigned in the deserted streets. If the inhabitants, behind theiroaken windows, heard occasionally some sound interrupting the stillness ofthe night, it was the hurried step of some benighted artisan who made asmuch noise as possible with his feet in order to frighten away therobbers; or it was the slow tread of a highwayman, who, listeningattentively and peering through the darkness, was on the watch for hisprey; or it might be the watchmen, who cried the hour and made thepavement resound under the stroke of their halberds as if to giveevil-doers a warning of their approach.
The shadow gliding at this moment along the street of St. John was that ofa man completely enveloped in a large cloak, his head so covered by thehood that his eyes alone were visible. As in passing before an image ofthe Virgin a feeble ray from a lamp fell upon him, one might have seen ashe hurried along that his hand rested on the hilt of his sword.
Was this person an evil-doer, bent upon the commission of some crime, or,fearing danger, was he securing to himself the means of defence?
However that may be, he pursued his way undisturbed and reached a narrowwinding alley, from beneath the ground of which seemed to proceed theconfused noise of many voices.
The man stopped at the entrance of a cellar, to which admission was gainedby a ladder, and listened to the joyous sounds which issued from within.
He put his hand in his pocket and chinked some pieces of money.
"The sign of the _Silver Dice_!" said he, sighing. "How merry they are!The dice are rolling upon the table. Shall I not risk a shilling? Onlyone?"
Yielding to the irresistible temptation, he placed his foot upon theladder; but a sudden thought seemed to arrest him. He sprang back,trembling, and hastened from the cellar. A little farther in the street hestopped and murmured in an anxious voice:
"Heavens! what was I about to do? Risk the money upon dice? I wouldcertainly have lost the whole. Pietro Mostajo, do not forget theSuperintendent of Lucca! I am saved. Infernal temptation! I was about tostake my head. But, perhaps, I would not be unlucky. I might win afortune. The temptation returns. No, no, I must go seek Bufferio, and Ihave no time to lose. He lives yonder: a low dark door beside the pump."
As he said these last words, he proceeded down the alley, but soon stoppednear the pump, and said in an undertone:
"Bufferio lives here. How dark it is! I can hardly see the door; but I amnot mistaken. Here the terrible ruffian has his lair. Strange, how Itremble! Perhaps it is a warning of some misfortune about to happen to me!Suppose they should take my money and murder me to conceal the theft. Whatshall I do? Shall I tell my master that I could not find Bufferio? Alas!the Superintendent of Lucca!"
After a moment of anxious thought he walked towards the low door, saying,with a sigh:
"Come, come; I can do nothing else. Of two evils choose the least!"
Although his words indicated an energetic resolution, his hand trembled ashe raised the knocker of the little door and twice let it fall.
It gave out a deep hollow sound, as though it were the door of a vault forthe dead.
A long time passed, and no noise within gave evidence that his call washeeded.
The visitor became still more terrified in the supposition, that no onewas in the house, and that consequently he would be obliged to return,without concluding the affair, to his master, who would not believe him.
In the little dark door was a small opening, protected by a grating.Behind the iron bars two eyes were fixed on the person who had knocked,and if he had been left apparently unnoticed, it was probably because twoinquisitive eyes endeavored to pierce the darkness in order to recognizethe untimely visitor.
A harsh voice at last asked from behind the grating:
"Who knocked?"
The man in the cloak started back. The unexpected question so close to hisear made him tremble violently. However, he soon controlled himself andreplied in Italian:
"Woman, I do not understand the Flemish tongue. You must know Italian, asBufferio is a Roman. Tell me if Bufferio is at home."
"Who are you?" she replied, in Italian jargon.
"Who am I? I come to arrange a secret affair with Bufferio, and I do notchoose to tell my name."
"You are an agent of the bailiff, and you wish to deceive me. Go on yourway and leave me in peace. Bufferio is not at home."
The man took some pieces of silver from his pocket and rattled themtogether.
"You are mistaken, woman. I have need of the services of Bufferio for animportant affair. He may gain a few crowns of gold. I come with the cashin hand: you understand."
Two bolts grated in their rusty staples, and the door opened.
"Enter, signor," said the woman, "and follow me."
"I do not see you; it is as black as Erebus; where is the staircase?"cried out the other.
"Follow me, signor. Give me your hand; I will precede you."
She seized the hand of the visitor, and whilst guiding him to thestaircase, she said:
"Your hand trembles, signor. Are you afraid?"
"I afraid!" said the other, in a faltering voice. "Afraid of what? Thedarkness makes me totter."
"It may be, signor; but I thought your hand was cold and trembling. Hereis the staircase; now follow me."
The man ascended the staircase behind her, stumbling up the well-wornsteps, striking his head and elbows against invisible objects, andgrumbling and swearing as if to show that he was not agitated by fear.
Having reached the first story, the woman opened a door and introduced hercompanion into a room lighted by the smoking flame of an iron lamp. Sheshowed him a miserable chair, and said:
"Sit down, signor, if you please, and wait a while. I will go callBufferio, he is engaged at play in the neighborhood. Should any one knockat the door during my absence, pay no attention to it; I will lock thedoor on the outside and take the key with me."
The man looked at her surprised and troubled. Her bony limbs, the graylocks which fell upon her cheeks, her large mouth and long teeth, made herappear to his eyes a hideous being, a worthy companion for Bufferio.
He listened to the sound of her receding steps, until he heard the keygrate in the lock of the door.
Then he looked around him and examined with mistrust and surprise theapartment of Bufferio and the objects it contained.
The room was neither well furnished nor clean: a table, three ricketychairs, an oaken bench, a few earthenware vessels near the fireplace, anda bed, constituted all the furniture. It was not, however, these commonobjects which fixed the gaze of the visitor. What he could not see withoutshuddering, was the number of strange arms suspended all around the wallsof the room. In the midst of rusty swords, sharp daggers and knives ofevery size and shape, he saw short clubs with iron heads, steel chainslike the bit of a horse, ropes with running knots, and various otherarticles whose use was inexplicable to him, although he was convinced thatthese singular instruments were intended for no good purpose.
On the table, beside the lamp, was a large knife, and near it a piece oflinen and some sand for scouring, showing that the woman had been occupiedin cleaning these arms when the knock at the door interrupted her.
All these instruments of murder filled with terror the heart of the manwho was contemplating them. He turned his eyes away from them, tremblingas he reflected upon the horror of his position. However, a few momentsonly were left him, for the door of the house soon opened and he heardsteps on the staircase.
The woman entered and said:
br /> "Bufferio will soon be here. When he has the dice in his hand, it isdifficult to tear him away. Nevertheless, he will come. I think, signor,that he has drank deeply. Look well to yourself, and if you value yourlife, do not irritate him, for he would make as little scruple ofmaltreating you as he would of crushing a worm. Apart from that, he is thebest man in the world."
She seated herself at the table, took up the knife and linen, andcontinued her occupation, whilst observing the stranger with a suspiciouseye.
He had pulled the hood of the cloak over his face and seated himself insilence, fixing his eye vaguely upon space, like a man wearied by longwaiting. He was deeply agitated, and from time to time his whole frameshook. Every time that he glanced towards the table he met the penetratinglook of the frightful Megaera, who, while continuing to clean the blade ofthe large knife, considered him from head to foot, and seemed endeavoringto discover who he was and with what intention he had come.
At last, no longer able to resist his feeling of anxiety, he rose andsaid:
"Woman, show me the way out. I have not time to wait longer. I will returnto-morrow, during the day."
"I hear Bufferio whistling in the street," she replied.
"He is even now placing the key in the door."
The stranger, as if perfectly satisfied with this intelligence, fell backin his chair, with a suppressed sigh, and listened in an agony of fear tothe heavy footsteps on the staircase.
Bufferio appeared at the door, and looked distrustfully at the man who hadinterrupted him at his game.
The ruffian Bufferio was of giant build. He was obliged to stoop in orderto enter the door. His head was thrown back defiantly, and his hand restedupon the hilt of a dagger which was held by his girdle. A broad-brimmedhat shaded his face; his whole dress was of dark-brown cloth, scarcelydistinguishable in the darkness of night. Under his prominent eyebrowstwinkled very small eyes, and a cruel, withering smile played about hismouth.
He made an imperious gesture to the woman and pointed to the door. Sheleft the room grumbling, but gave no other evidence of dissatisfaction.
The ruffian shut the door, took a chair, and said to the stranger, in arough and coarse voice:
"_Perche me disturba?_ Why do you disturb me? Who are you?"
This question was very embarrassing to the stranger. He replied,stammering:
"Is it necessary, Signor Bufferio, that you should know my name beforedoing me a service for which I will pay you liberally?"
On hearing these words, the ruffian struck his forehead with his hand, asif he thought he recognized the voice of the visitor; but he did not stopto reflect longer.
"Come tell me quickly what you want; they are waiting for me at the tavernof the _Silver Dice_, and I have no time to lose."
"It is an affair of importance, Signor Bufferio."
"Yes; my wife told me I might gain a few crowns of gold. Speak. Why do youbeat about the bush in this manner? What embarrasses you? Do you thinkyou are dealing with a dishonest man? Fear nothing. Not a hair of yourhead shall be touched in my house."
This assurance restored the stranger's confidence, and he said, in a moresteady voice:
"Signor Bufferio, you must know that I have an enemy who insults andoutrages me, and who threatens to drive me to ruin."
"I understand. You wish to be avenged by my instrumentality."
"Yes, signor. How many golden crowns do you ask for such a service?"
"That depends upon the rank of the individual, and upon the kind ofservice you desire. A few blows with a stick, a scratch on the face, donot cost as much as a mortal wound."
"The wound must be mortal, signor."
"And who is your enemy? A nobleman or a common citizen? Rich or poor?"
"He is a nobleman, signor, and the possessor of an ample fortune."
"A nobleman? And who are you, who make yourself responsible for payment?"
"I am a poor servant out of service."
The ruffian smiled incredulously.
"Ah!" said he, ironically, "a poor servant out of service! Come, throwback your hood. You have red hair; you often play at dice; your name isJulio; you live near the bridge _De la Vigne_ with the Signor SimonTurchi. Is not that true? You were trying to deceive me."
Julio, thus unexpectedly recognized, was mute from astonishment, and,trembling from head to foot, stared at the ruffian, who did not appear inthe least displeased, but said, in an encouraging tone:
"Be calm; you need not be disturbed because I know who you are. My tradeis to keep the most important affairs secret. Fear nothing, I will notbetray you."
It was some minutes before Julio had recovered himself sufficiently tospeak.
"I am sorry that you know my name," said he; "but no matter. I desire toknow, Signor Bufferio, what price you demand for ridding me forever of myenemy?"
"Your enemy?" said the ruffian, laughing. "A gentleman your enemy? You arestill endeavoring to deceive me. You mean your master's enemy?"
"No, my personal enemy, who has calumniated me to my master, and who hasstriven to have me ignominiously discharged."
"And you offer me golden crowns? How long is it since servants becamepossessed of such treasures? You request to have a mortal wound inflictedupon a gentleman? Well, you must give me fifteen gold crowns."
"Fifteen crowns!" exclaimed Julio, with assumed astonishment. "So large asum! I do not own that much."
"Then pay me twelve; but it must be in advance, before I strike the blow."
"I will pay you immediately, before leaving."
"Give me your hand, Julio; it is a bargain. Now tell me exactly what youor your master requires of me."
"Not my master: I alone."
"It is all the same. What am I to do, and when is it to be done?"
"This very night, Bufferio."
"To-night? This will oblige me to renounce my game with the Portuguesesailor; and yet I might have won some gold pieces there."
"Listen, Signor Bufferio. To-night, at eleven o'clock, a young nobleman,accompanied by two lute-players, will come from the direction of theconvent of the Dominicans; he will turn the corner at Prince Street, andwill proceed towards the church of St. James. He will thus be obliged topass before the stone well at the head of Hoboken Street. You will concealyourself behind the well with two or three faithful companions, and as theyoung gentleman passes, you will attack and kill him."
"The affair has been well planned," remarked the ruffian. "I could manageit by myself; but since you desire it, I will take with me a couple of mybrave companions. How will I recognize the one I am to strike?"
"His dress is entirely brown, and his cap is ornamented with a whiteplume; in the darkness you will be able to perceive only the white plume:that will be a certain sign."
Bufferio shook his head doubtfully.
"Have you nothing else to observe?" he asked.
"I will merely inform you that I will accompany the young gentleman, andwhen he falls, I will take from his person a writing, which, if it werediscovered, might involve me in great danger. You will recognize me bythis Spanish cape, and I will cry out very loud, that you and your men mayknow that I am not an enemy."
"Now where are the gold crowns?"
"Do you accept the commission, Bufferio?"
"I will fulfil it as though I were laboring for myself."
Julio took from his pocket some gold crowns, then continued to draw themout one by one, until he held twelve in his hand. He endeavored to concealfrom the ruffian that he possessed more than the sum agreed upon; butBufferio must have suspected his intention, for he smiled, and said in adecided manner:
"You have more gold crowns. I knew it from the first; people do notgenerally enter into such affairs with only the sum absolutely required.You need not deceive me. Give me the stipulated amount; I ask no more."
As soon as the other had handed him the money, Bufferio approached thelamp, examined and weighed each piece of gold, and then said:
"It is good coin. Ha
ve no anxiety, Julio, I will go for my comrades. Thereis but little time left--only a good half hour."
Julio took leave of the ruffian, and was about to quit the room, but hestopped and said: "Signor Bufferio, you will not tell your companions whorequested this service of you?"
"I tell nothing to my companions. The proverb says, If you wish to loseyour liberty, trust your secrets to others."
"You perfectly understand what you have to do?"
"Yes, yes. At eleven o'clock, behind the well in Hoboken. Street, a younggentleman with a white plume in his hat. Be quiet, I myself will deal theblow, and I will not miss the mark."
"Adieu, Bufferio."
"Adieu, Julio."
The ruffian accompanied the servant to the lower story, opened the door ofthe street, and closed it behind him.
When Julio found himself in the open air, he walked a short distance, thenstopped, drew a long breath as if a heavy weight had fallen from hisshoulders, and said, joyously:
"Heavens! what an escape! I doubt if I am really alive. The difficultaffair is at last concluded. The signor says that I am a coward. I wouldlike to see him in that room with that infernal woman and the terribleBufferio. Now I must go to Geronimo. My greatest difficulty is yet tocome. If I get through it successfully, I may well say that I was bornunder a lucky star. But I cannot tarry, I have still a long distance towalk."
He quickened his pace and soon reached the street on which the DominicanConvent stood; he passed the Abbey of Saint Michael and the Mint, andentered the grand square without being molested.
On the way he kept his hand in his pocket, that he might enjoy thepleasure of passing the gold coin through his fingers. He muttered tohimself that he had gained three gold crowns which his master would neversee again, were he to live a hundred years. Once free from his presentcare and anxiety, he would take his seat at a gaming-table, where he wouldremain all day, and perhaps he could win heaps of gold.
Absorbed in these thoughts, he reached Geronimo's residence and knocked atthe door. It was soon opened, and he was conducted into a room on theground floor, where the young gentleman, in his cap and cloak, seemed tobe waiting the arrival of friends.
"Peace be to this house!" said Julio, bowing. "Signor, I bring you amessage which I would deliver with more pleasure were it less sad. My poormaster is ill with fever, and is unable to leave his bed. He begs you toexcuse him from accompanying you to-night to the serenade."
Geronimo's countenance assumed an expression of deep compassion. The youngman concluded that his own happiness, his approaching marriage with MissVan de Werve, had touched the heart of his poor friend, and that hispresent state of health was the consequence of these painful emotions.
"Did the fever attack him suddenly, Julio?" he asked. "Is he very ill?"
"No, signor. It may not have any bad consequences; but he could notventure to expose himself to the cold and damp night-air."
Geronimo seemed in deep thought.
"Signor, my master did not send me solely to inform you of hisindisposition; he directed me to accompany you to the serenade, and toprotect you in case of danger. He knows how courageous I am, and that werefive or six to attack you, I would not flee before them."
"I accept your services, Julio. You always seemed to me to be a devotedservant. The lute-players have not yet arrived. Go to the kitchen and tellthe cook to give you a pint of beer."
Julio went to the kitchen, but found the cook asleep. He awoke him, gavehim his master's order, and received the pint of beer.
He expected, while drinking, to talk with the servant, and he hadcommenced speaking of quarrels, combats, knives, and the heroic deeds inwhich he had been the actor, but the servant had scarcely seated himselfbefore he fell again into a deep sleep. Julio emptied his glass insilence, until a knock at the door and the sound of stringed instrumentsannounced the arrival of the lute-players.
Geronimo called him, and on entering the ante-chamber he found Geronimoready to go out with the lute-players.
Julio was troubled on remarking that these latter were armed. If thesepeople were brave men, Bufferio and his comrades would have to deal withan equal number of adversaries. Who could foresee the termination of thestruggle? However, he felt reassured on reflecting that Geronimo and thelute-players, being attacked unexpectedly, would not have time to defendthemselves.
They left the house together, passed the Dominican Convent, and soonreached Prince Street, at the upper end of which was the stone well behindwhich Bufferio was concealed, if he had been faithful to his promise.
Up to that time Julio had walked in advance of the others, in order toappear bold and intrepid; he now commenced to fall back, and placedhimself in the rear. His heart failed him; for, however well the planshad been laid, the blow might miss its aim, or might not cause death.
They were within about one hundred feet of the well.
The young gentleman, wholly ignorant of the danger which threatened him,was thinking of his unhappy friend, Simon Turchi, overpowered by a heartsorrow, tossing on a bed of suffering, while he was on his way to serenadehis beloved Mary. He also, in his own mind, deplored the involvedcondition of Simon's business affairs, and determined to save him, even atthe cost of great personal sacrifices, as soon as his marriage wouldrender him independent.
What would the young cavalier have thought had he known that at a fewsteps, distance from him, three assassins, hired by Simon Turchi, werelying in wait to kill him. But no, his mind was filled with compassion andaffectionate feelings for his cruel enemy.
The little band was not far from Hoboken Street; Julio gazed fixedly intothe darkness to discover if any one was near the well.
Suddenly he perceived a dark shadow advancing. Trembling in an agony offear, and in order to make himself known to the ruffians, Julio suddenlydrew his sword and exclaimed:
"_Al assassino! Ajusto! ajusto!_ Murder! help! help!"
But he had spoken too soon for the success of his designs; for, being putupon his guard by this exclamation, Geronimo drew his sword, and placedhis back against the wall of the house that he might not be assailed frombehind.
The lute-players, screaming from fright, ran away, and Julio stood in themiddle of the street brandishing his sword.
All this had passed almost instantaneously after the first alarm given byJulio. The man whom he had seen coming from the well, followed by twocompanions, rushed to the side of the street where Geronimo had made astand to defend himself. The assassin, who was in advance of the twoothers, fell upon Geronimo and gave him a sword-thrust which he supposedpierced his body; but a skilful movement parried the blow, and theaggressor himself fell with such force upon Geronimo's sword that theblade passed through his body.
The assassin fell heavily, and in a plaintive voice, as though biddingadieu to life, exclaimed:
"_O mojo!_ I die! Bufferio is dead!"
Disregarding the villain who had fallen, the gentleman rushed upon theother two and wounded one in the shoulder. Convinced that they had to dealwith a powerful and skilful adversary, they turned and fled, Geronimopursuing them far beyond the well.
Julio followed him, crying, vociferating, and striking with his sword inthe dark, as though he were contending with numerous enemies. WhenGeronimo returned with the servant to the spot where he had left the deadbody of the ruffian, he found three or four watchmen calling for help.Many heads were thrust from the windows, and one citizen even ventured outof his house with a lamp in his hand.
The watchmen, having inquired as to what had taken place, examined thebody to see if there were any signs of life.
"Leave him!" said one; "it is Bufferio. God be praised! the man has atlast met the fate which he deserved."
In the meantime, Julio had commenced to boast. He related that he had todeal with two assassins at once, that he had wounded one in the face, andpierced the other with his sword. How the latter had been able to runaway, was unaccountable; no doubt he would be found near at hand, dead ordying.
The young gentleman, who really believed the story of Turchi's servant,thanked him for his assistance, and acknowledged that he owed his life tohim, as he had given the warning of the approach of the assassins.
The dead body was removed behind the well until the city authoritiesshould order its burial.
The head watchman approached Geronimo, and said to him:
"Where do you live, signor? Two of my men will accompany you, lest someother accident might befall you. Do not refuse the offer. The villains whoescaped might be on the watch for you, in order to avenge the death oftheir companions."
"What shall I do?" said the gentleman to Julio. "I cannot give theserenade without the lute-players, and, besides, I could not sing aftersuch emotion. But Miss Van de Werve is expecting it, and if I do not go,she will imagine that some accident has happened to me. It would be betterfor me to see Mr. Van de Werve, so as to remove any cause of anxiety. Iaccept your offer, watchmen, and I will liberally recompense the servicesyou render me. I must return to Kipdorp, and you will do me the favor towait a few minutes, in order to accompany me to my dwelling. Follow me."
Geronimo, the watchmen, and Julio soon reached the residence of Mr. Van deWerve. He knocked, and was immediately admitted.
The young gentleman again thanked Julio with the liveliest gratitude forhis assistance, and promised to tell his master how courageously he hadacted, and the eminent services he had rendered him.
Julio bade adieu, and hastened to his master's dwelling. He was about toknock, but, to his great terror, the door was opened at once, as thoughsome one were waiting for him.
"Is it you, Julio?" asked a man, in the darkness.
The servant recognized his master's voice, and entered the door.
"Well," said he, in a stifled tone, "is he dead?"
"Who! Geronimo?"
"On the contrary, Bufferio is dead. Geronimo ran him through the body."
"Then you have not the pocket-book?"
"Certainly not."
"And the gold crowns?"
"I gave them to Bufferio."
"Pietro Mostajo, you have betrayed me!" hissed the infuriated signor inthe ear of his servant, shaking him convulsively by the arm. "Tell mequickly what has happened! Tremble, stupid coward! the Superintendent ofLucca shall know who you are!"
"_Ebbene che sia!_" answered Julio. "Then the Signor Geronimo shall alsoknow who hired Bufferio to assassinate him."
A hoarse cry like a stifled groan resounded through the vestibule. Thedoor was closed.
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