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Reflash Page 9

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Austin closed his eyes.

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” Tucker sat in the chair next to the bed and closed his eyes. He wanted Dean Anderson to feel a whole lot of pain.


  Tucker opened his eyes; Wesley was standing at the end of Austin’s bed.

  “How’s Kurt?

  “They are releasing him in a few hours. I’m taking him back to his condo. Are you staying here?” Wesley grinned at the look on Tucker’s face. He had the ‘duh’ look.

  “Okay, okay, that was a stupid question.” Wesley looked at Austin’s feet. “The doctor said he should b e okay, minor burns – but painful .”

  Tucker stiffened. “I swear to God, if I see that punk-ass little bitch again , I’ll kill him.”

  “Dean Anderson was suspended.”

  Tucker and Wesley turned to see Preston in the doorway.

  “He has to see the department’s shrink.” Preston walked over to the bed, looking at Austin. “I’ve never been so scared, s eeing Austin dangling like that, ” Preston shook his head. “We all know it can happen at any time ; the floor opens up, a beam lands in front of you, or on you, there are so many variables.” Preston looked up at Tucker. “He’s going to be fine.”

  Wesley dragged his fingers through his hair. “We need to call Kory, let him know.”

  “I got it,” Preston said. “You guys hang out, watch over your men.” Preston walked to the door.

  “Preston…” Tucker said.

  “Yeah?” Preston asked.

  “Thank you, for saving him.” Preston grinned. “I had help. Bye, guys.”

  ~~ Kory pulled into the Safeway parking lot. Over the last two days, the condo had been full with people coming in and out. Kurt and Austin had come home and were now in their beds, being tended to by two very diligent cops. Kory grinned, thinking about Tucker and Wesley. They were like pit bulls protecting a bone. With so many people in the house, their food supply was dwindling. Kory grabbed a cart and started in the frozen food section. As he moved up the aisle, he caught sight of a very familiar looking man. Kory stopped and waited to see if it was him.

  The night he’d been left on his own while his brother camped, he ’d gone out to a club. He’d told the cab driver to take hi m to Cuff s and Stuff. He’d wanted to see that man again, the one who had smiled at him. The only problem was that there had been a group of ‘homo—haters ’ hanging around and Kory had gotten a very good insight into what he’d been spewing for years - and how it felt to be on the receiving end. Then he had shown up. Kory had stood in awe as the man who ha d smiled at him the first night at the club had taken out every single one of the hate mongers , and very efficiently.

  Then he was hustled off into a cab without so much as a name from the mysterious smiling man. Now he stood transfixed to the spot as the man by the pizzas turned around and look ed right at him. A smile curved the man’s lips as he approached him . Kory’s heart beat loud in his ears. The man was even more beautiful in the light of day . He had s hort blond hair and graphite-grey eyes that seemed to bore right through him. He was taller than Kory was , with huge biceps ; m assive thighs moved under denim as the man came closer.

  “Well, I see you made it home safely, ” t he man said. “Thanks to you,” Kory smiled. “I didn’t even get your name.”

  “It’s Jacob .”

  “Just Jacob ?” Kory grinned.

  Jacob leaned against his cart. “Okay then. Jacob Steele.”

  Kory tilted his head. “You know what that sounds like…”

  “A porn star’s name?” Jacob grinned.

  “I wasn’t going to say it, but now that you have, ” Kory grinned, holding his hand out. “Kory Maguire. I owe you thanks and cab fare.”

  “Don’t worry about it, ” Jacob said . “I’m just glad to see you made it home alive.”

  Kory looked over Jacob . “Um, I have to know how you beat all those guys up without so much as breaking a sweat.”

  Jacob leaned over. “I used to be in the Navy, ” he whispered conspiratorially.

  Kory’s eyes widened. “Really? Like a sailor?”

  “Like a SEAL, ” Jacob said .

  Kory almost fell over. “You were a Navy SEAL?”

  “Yep.” Jacob looked over Kory’s head. “And there’s my roommate.”

  Kory turned to see the other man from the bar, the one who had been sitting next to Jacob . “Oh . What’s his name?”

  “He doesn’t have my luck with names, ” Jacob chuckled. “That’s Seth Ralston .”

  “Oh. I s he , like, your boyfriend?” Kory knew his face was turning red , but he couldn’t help himself and looked down at the floor.

  Jacob leaned over and gently pulled Kory’s face up with his fingers. “Nope, no boyfriend. I might be in the market for one , though.”

  Kory’s pulse went through the roof, he licked his lips nervously. “Oh, okay.”

  Jacob pulled back with a smile. “I should let you shop; it was good to see you Kory Maguire. Try not to get into trouble.”

  “Uh huh.” Kory followed Jacob and Seth with his eyes as they went down the aisle, deep in conversation. “Wow.” For the third time in less than a week, Kory had been entranced by Jacob Steele . A lthough this time he’d also been something different. Aroused. Kory grinned and pushed the cart forward. “Shit, I think I might be gay , ” Kory laughed.

  ~~ Thursday night, Tucker was on the back patio of the condo cooking steaks, burgers and b rats along with baked potatoes on the grill. The house was filled with people. Preston had come with Wyatt to help out and Chaz and Cole were helping out with all the meals. Austin was up and walking around, but he still had stinging pain in his feet and legs. The skin looked sunburned and swollen , and it pulled whenever Austin got up. Tucker had been slathering it with the cream the doctor had given them when they left the hospital, and Austin was getting around more easily every day.

  Wesley walked out with more steaks and a few burgers; he turned to look back in the condo. Kurt was talking with Preston as he sipped his beer.

  “He looks a lot better,” Wesley said. Tucker turned to look at Kurt. “Well, he had minor burns on his hands.”

  “No, Austin. He’s not hanging onto furniture now when he walks.”

  “Oh, you noticed that, too?” Tucker chuckled. “I told him to stay in bed, but he’s stubborn.”

  “You need anything else?” Wesley asked.

  “Nope, these are about done. You can take the brats in, though.” Tucker handed the plate over to Wesley.

  Wesley took the plate in, setting it down on the counter. “Brats are done.”

  “Are they beer brats?” Kory grinned.

  “Nope,” Wesley chuckled. The doorbell rang and Wesley looked at Kurt. “You want me to get it?”

  Kurt nodded. “Could you?”

  Wesley opened the front door to see a woman in her mid-fifties and a man who looked a little older. Black hair sprung from his head and blue eyes were looking him over.

  “Hello, can I help you?” Wesley asked.

  “We are looking for our son? Austin?” t he woman said.

  “Mom?” Austin stood up, walking slowly to the door. “What are you guys doing here?” Austin said.

  “We had to find out from Reverend Michael that you’d been injured in a fire!”

  “Mom, it wasn’t that bad. I told him not to tell you because I was fine.” Austin sighed, looking out at the balcony. Tucker was still busy flipping burgers. “Wesley, these are my parents, Betsy and Larry Jacobson.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Wesley extended his hand. Both of Austin’s parents looked at his hand as if it was diseased; finally, Austin’s father shook it .

  “You need to come home with us right now; I knew this line of work was dangerous!”

  “Mom,” Austin whispered under his breath. “Don’t do this now.”

  “Are you going to let us in, son?” Larry Jacobson peeked inside the
condo. “What’s going on here?”

  “Just a few friends who came over to help, ” Austin stepped back, allowing his parents inside.

  Larry looked around the room; not one single woman was present . “What is going on here? Who are all these people?”

  “Mom, Dad, these are my friends. Wesley is a cop and his partner is outside on the grill.”

  “His… partner?” Betsy said.

  Wesley noticed the look of disgust on Betsy Jacobson’s face. “Yes, he’s my partner on the force.”

  “Oh!” Betsy put her hand to her chest in relief. “I thought you meant the other kind of partner.”

  Larry nodded in agreement with his wife. “Yes, we’ve heard all about Seattle, we were worried about our son moving here.”

  Wesley crossed his arms over his chest. “Because of the crime?”

  “Oh I’m sure you are a fine officer, but that’s not what we worried about , ” Betsy leaned closer to Wesley. “It’s the homosexual population, corrupting our son.”

  “Mom!” Austin blushed crimson. “Why are you here?”

  “I told you, sweetie. We heard all about the awful fire and how you were injured.”

  Tucker opened the sliding glass door with a plate of steaks. “The meat is done carnivores!” His eyes fell on the two people by the door and he smiled. “Well, hello.”

  “Mom, Dad, this is Wesley’s partner, Tucker Storm , ” Austin said.

  “It’s good to meet you, sir, and ma’am.” Tucker shook their hands.

  “You remember my roommate, Kurt? This is his little b rothe r , Kory. Pre ston and Wyatt work with us, as well as Chaz and Cole . They are all really good f riends, ” Austin pointed them all out.

  Cole eyed Austin’s parents; they looked like they just stepped out of a Norman Rockwell painting, all they needed was the pitchfork. “Yes, we’ve been taking very good care of your son.”

  Betsy took her son’s hand, leading him to the couch, sitting him down. “How are you , sweetie? Have you found a good Christian woman yet?”

  Chaz chuckled and then coughed, covering it up.

  “You know a good woman is hard to come by, you need to go to church out here and find yourself a good wife, Austin. It’s time to settle down, ” Betsy smiled at her son, smoothing his hair back. “You can’t stay single forever, people w ill talk.”

  Austin turned to stare at his mother. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Well you know Dorothy’s son is already married and he’s younger than y ou. They have a baby on the way, ” Betsy said.

  “Rick’s married?” Austin asked. “Who did he marry?”

  “That wonderful Marshall girl,” Betsy beamed.

  Austin almost choked. “Jeanette? The slutty cheerleader?”

  “Austin!” Betsy slapped him. “Do not talk like that!”

  “Whoa, excuse me.” Tucker stepped in front of Betsy and Austin. “Please don’t do that again or I w ill arrest you for assault.”

  “Well I never!” Betsy admonished.

  “I bet, ” Cole said, raising his eyebrows.

  “He’s my son!” Betsy looked at Austin again. “I called Mary, her daughter is still single and you know she’s always liked you , Austin.”

  Austin stood up. “I don’t like her .”

  “What’s not to like? She’s beautiful, ” Betsy said.

  “Yeah, for a poodle.” Austin stepped back from his mother.

  “Austin! You need to settle down, ” Betsy leaned in. “We can’t have people thinking you’re a homosexual.”

  Tucker sighed loudly. “Oh, heaven forbid.”

  “This is a private conversation, ” Betsy snapped.

  “Fine, but mother or not, you touch him again and I w ill arrest you.” Tucker stepped back, crossing his arms.

  Larry looked from Austin to Tucker. “Oh my Lord, he’s turned you, hasn’t he?”

  “What?” Austin stammered.

  “This…this…thing!” Larry pointed at Tucker. “He’s corrupted you!”

  “Thing ?” Tucker looked at Larry Jacobson.

  “Yes, thing, ” Larry s neered. “Abomination!” He pointed at Tucker.

  Tucker looked at all the men in the room; they were all s truck dumb , mouths agape. Tucker looked at Austin ; his mouth hung open in shock. Tucker opened the front door and walked out, slamming it behind him.

  “Good!” Larry shouted, “Disgusting!”

  “I think you better—” Wesley started.

  “Get out,” Austin whispered.

  “What?” Betsy looked at her son.

  “I said GET OUT,” Austin said it louder. “I’m going to get Tucker back, you two need to leave.” Austin walked to the door.

  “We w ill do no such thing! You are our son!” Larry roared.

  “I’m twenty-four! And you had no right to treat Tucker , or any of my friends , that way. Now get out! Don’t you ever speak of Tucker or any one else like that again in my presence!” Austin opened the door and tried to run down the walk. “Tucker! Wait!”

  Tucker stopped by his truck. “Why are you running?” Tucker ran to Austin before he fell. “You aren’t supposed to be doing that.”

  “Don’t leave, please,” Austin wrapped his arms around Tucker. “I want you to stay. Please don’t leave me.”

  “I wasn’t going to; I was just getting my Taser , ” Tucker grinned.

  Austin breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought…”

  “I told you,” Tucker palmed Austin’s face. “You are it for me.”

  The door to the condo slammed and Austin’s parents stood on the steps looking at them . Austin walked back to his parents with Tucker’s help. He stood in front of them and put his hands on his hips.

  “Do I lisp?”

  “What?” Larry asked.

  “I said, do I lisp? Am I limp-wristed? No. And yet, this man right here by my side is the only one who’s ever made me feel like I mattered. He’s the only person I’ve ever felt this way about.” Austin looked up at the sky. “Well, look at that. I wasn’t struck down by the hand of God because I find Tucker attractive. I even kissed him , Mom.” Austin had to laugh as his mother made a gagging noise.

  “How can you sit in church every Sunday and repeat the words without meaning them ? Christianity teaches us to love one another as God has loved us. ALL of us. Are you better than God? Judge not, lest ye be judged, right , Mom? What are you doing? Judging another human being for who he is , because he is different from you . Well, now I’m just like Tucker . So now what, huh? Is that it? I’m no longer your son because I’m probably gay? If that’s the way you want it to be, go home. Tell them I died in that fire, because I refuse to deny who I am or how I feel.” Austin turned to Tucker and grabbed his face, kissing him hard.

  “Hell, yeah!” Chaz shouted, whistling.

  Austin broke the kiss; all the guys were standing on the steps of the condo clapping and whistling. Austin grinned, taking Tucker’s hand and leading him back to the condo. He turned to look at his parents again before shutting the door. “Good bye.”

  “Holy hell,” Cole sighed as Austin turned the lock on the front door.

  Tucker took Austin’s hands in his. “Please, sit down. I need to check your feet and legs.”

  “I’m okay, really,” Austin smiled, caressing Tucker’s face. “God I ’m sorry about that. I just felt the anger building and building, and then when my dad said that…”

  “It’s all right, Austin,” Tucker picked Austin up, setting him gently on the couch.

  “No, it’s not , ” Austin put his finger under Tucker’s chin, pulling his face to his. “I used to think that way, a long time ago, b ut then I met Wyatt and Preston and now you,” Austin leaned in closer. “I couldn’t sit by and let them say those things to you, because I know who you really are, Tucker. You are good and sweet and caring. I want to be with you.”

  “Good, because I’m not going anywhere, ” Tucker grinned, kissing Austin’s nose.

  “Oh, this party needs some lightening up!” Chaz walked to the entertainment center. “Music?”

  “No country!” Austin and Kurt said it simultaneously and laughed.

  Tucker leaned in to Austin’s ear. “Are you sure about this? They are your family, Austin.”

  Austin looked around the room at all the people he considered the best of friends and looked into Tucker’s eyes. “I have my family.”

  Tucker sat on the couch and pulled Austin into his arms. Austin nestled into his side and Tucker breathed in hi s scent.

  Kurt elbowed Preston. “Let’s take this outside, give them some privacy?”

  Preston nodded.

  Wesley took Kurt’s hands, looking at them. “How do they feel?”

  Kurt closed his eyes as Wesley’s soft fingers trailed his palms. “They feel so much better now.”

  Wesley smiled, kissing Kurt’s palms. “And now?”

  “Even better; my lips hurt , too , ” Kurt grinned.

  Wesley chuckled, pulling Kurt to him. “Yeah? Both of them?”

  Kurt nodded, mesmerized by Wesley’s eyes. “Uh huh.”

  “Let me see if I can fix that.” Wesley leaned down, brushing his lips over Kurt’s softly.

  “Woo hoo !” Kory clapped his hands , whistling along with the rest of the guys.

  Kurt chuckled against Wesley’s lips. “Voyeurs.”

  “Yep. Down boys!” Wesley laughed.

  Kurt pulled Wesley into the kitchen. “Can we go to your place tonight?”

  “I don’t see why not, Tucker’s staying here to watch over Austin. Why? What’s up?” Wesley asked.

  “I want to be alone with you.” Kurt fidgeted. “You know?”

  “Oh…oh!” Wesley palmed Kurt’s face. “You’re not ready for that yet, are you?”

  “I … I’m not sure, but I know I want to be alone. I want to… touch y ou.” Kurt’s cheeks heated and his palms were sweat ing and it wasn’t from the burn.

  Wesley’s dick rose, hardening in his jeans. Dammit. “We can do that ; let’s just take it slow, okay?”

  Kurt nodded. “Okay.”

  “Believe me, I want that and so much more with you, Kurt, but I’m a patient man ; this is going to be special for you.”

  “We are dating, right? Like, just you and me and no one else?”


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