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Page 10

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Yes, that’s what I want,” Wesley said.

  “I’m clean. I just think… if it’s just you and me… well, you know.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Wesley asked.

  “I just don’t want anything between us when that does happen.”

  Wesley nodded. “I understand and I’m clean as well. I can provide you with proof if you want.”

  Kurt shook his head. “No, I trust you, Wesley.”

  “So, you want a relationship? Just you and me, no one else ?” Wesley asked.

  “That’s what I want, and I want it with you, ” Kurt said.

  Wesley almost cried at the relief he felt. Wayne had never been wrong, and he wasn’t now. Kurt had just said what he’d wanted to hear for a year . He w anted Kurt for life ; he’d never want anyone else. Wesley took Kurt in his arms, and kissed him softly. “You are mine, Kurt Maguire.”

  “I always w ill be, ” Kurt said.

  Chapter Seven

  Tucker checked all the doors and windows, making sure the condo was locked up tight. The guys had all left . Kory had gone home with Preston and Wyatt and Kurt had gone back to the apartment with Wesley. It was just him and Austin, all alone. Tucker walked back to Austin’s room and found him trying , unsuccessfully, to take his pants off. Tucker kn elt down in front of him . Reaching out , he held Austin up as he pulled his sweat pants down around his ankles.

  “Hang on to my shoulders,” Tucker looked up.

  Austin put his hands on Tucker’s shoulders. His sweats were pulled off and he stood in his boxer briefs. Tucker’s hands were sliding up his thighs and Austin closed his eyes as the touch of Tucker’s hands sent chills up his body.

  “Are you all right?” Tucker whispered, rubbing his face against Austin’s thi g h s. “They look so much better.”

  Austin ran his fingers through Tucker’s hair. The beautiful man on the floor in front of him had stayed, even after his parents had embarrassed him. His feelings for Tucker were changing into something more and more every moment he spent with him.

  “Tucker, ” Austin said, quietly.

  “What is it, what can I get you?” Tucker asked.

  “I don’t need anything but you.”

  Tucker stood up slowly, reading Austin’s face. He saw the want in Austin’s eyes, the need. He palmed his face and leaned in, brushing his lips across Austin’s softly. Austin whimpered and Tucker’s knees almost buckled from the effect.

  “I want you to touch me,” Austin whispered, wrapping his arms around Tucker’s neck.

  Tucker picked Austin up, depositing him gently on the bed. He looked down at the man who was all his and couldn’t help but shiver at the prospect of getting to touch that skin, taste it. Tucker leaned over, kissing Austin as his hand touched the soft skin of Austin’s abdomen.

  “Lower,” Austin arched his hips. “Please.”

  Tucker dipped his tongue inside Austin’s mouth as his hand made its way into Austin’s boxers. A low moan entered his mouth from Austin’s as Tucker started a slow stroke. “Tell me what else you want.”

  “I want…” Austin tried to think as Tucker’s tongue played with his.

  “You want me to taste you, make you feel good?” Tucker asked.

  “Yes, oh God, yes.” Austin’s hips arched again, making contact with Tucker’s erection.

  Tucker licked Austin’s lips, trailing his tongue alongside his strong jaw before making his way down his neck. He kept a slow strok e on Austin’s dick as he licked his way down, flicking s ensitive nipples along the way.

  “Please…” Austin breathed.

  “You never have to beg me, Au stin, I want to do this for you, ” Tucker breathed against Austin’s soft skin.

  Austin gripped the sheets as Tucker’s warm mouth covered his prick. It was the most exquisite feeling, Tucker’s warm mouth sliding along the base of his cock, twirling around the head and nibbling at th e sensitive rim. “Oh God…Tucker, ” Austin wanted to scream, and then he wanted to cry. Tucker’s tongue was sliding down his shaft, licking around in circles as his hand massaged Austin’s balls. All the questions Austin had about what Tucker would do were b eing answered. Tucker’s tongue s wirled, then he would take all of Austin in one swallow, sucking hard on the head, co axing precum out.

  “Oh fuck, you taste good,” Tucker moaned, licking around the head of Austin’s dick, sliding his tongue in his slit. “Cum for me, Austin - I want to taste you.”

  “Oh…shit…” Austin grabbed Tucker’s hair, pumping his hips, fucking that hot wet hole. His back arched and a loud cry left his lips as he came alm ost screaming inside Tucker’s fantastic mouth. Austin’s body shuddered as his orgasm ripped through him. Tucker was still sucking his cock, milking it. Austin relaxed back, gasping for breath as the aftershocks ebbed away. Tucker was over him again, smoothing his hair back and k issing his forehead.

  “Oh, my God.” Austin looked into Tucker’s eyes.

  “I knew you’d taste good, ” Tucker smiled, kissing Austin softly. “Are you all right? Do you need your pain pills?”

  “Pain? What pain?” Austin chuckled. “I knew I would like it, I knew I would, because it’s you , Tucker.” Austin held Tucker’s face in his hands. “It’s always been you, from the moment we met.”

  Tucker rested his forehead against Austin’s. “I was so scared you’d never want me , and I would spend my life not having the one thing I’ve wanted since I saw you standing there at the barbeque. I haven’t thought of anything since that day , Austin. It’s you ; it w ill always be you for me.”

  “I want to make love with you,” Austin said.

  “We w ill , just as soon as you are all healed. I promise you that.”

  Austin looked between their bodies. Tucker’s erection was pressed against his hip. “Do… did you want me to…?”

  Tucker looked own at his dick. “Trust me

  - I’m pretty confi dent that if you touch me I’m going to spout like a geyser in seconds.”

  Austin tentatively touched Tucker’s stomach, feeling the ridges of muscle twitch under his fingers. “I want to touch you.” Austin pushed Tucker on his side, and pulled down his briefs , freeing Tucker’s erection. Austin touched the mushroom head, relishing the feel of the soft skin. Tucker gasped as Austin wrapped his fingers around the smooth shaft. Austin watched his hand slide up and down Tucker’s velvet length, twisting around the cap. Tucker’s e yes were closed and Austin looked at the penis in his hand. It was a little bigger than his own , and the head was leaking prec um . Austin leaned in, kissing Tucker as he sped up the movement of his hand.

  “Tucker…” Austin breathed against his lips.

  “Oh God…Austin…I’m coming…don’t stop…”

  “I won’t - cum for me.” Austin slid his tongue inside Tucker’s mouth, meeting his i n a passionate frenzy.

  Tucker’s hips arched and a stream of cum jetted onto his stomach, coating Austin’s hand as it kept coming. Tucker’s body shook with his release and a loud groan left his lips. His hand went to Austin’s hair, keeping their mouths fused as they kissed, trying desperately to get closer - to taste more, feel more. The y broke from the kiss minutes later, breathing hard. Tucker looked down at Austin’s hand.

  “I better get something for you to clean up with.” Tucker’s jaw dropped open as Austin licked one of his fingers. “Oh my fucking God, that is so damn hot !”

  “You taste good.” Austin rolled his tongue around his index finger, lapping Tucker’s cum from it.

  “I think I may shoot another load just watching you, ” Tucker licked his lips.

  Austin grinned. “Yeah? Can I graduate to head soon?”

  “Holy shit,” Tucker whispered. Just watching Austin had his cock ris ing again. “I better get a wash cloth.” Tucker got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

  Austin stretched out, looking at the ceiling. He’d done something today that he’d wanted to do for years . Tell his parents off. He wa
s gay. “I’m gay.” Austin said it out loud and grinned. “Yeah? So am I, ” Tucker laughed, cleaning Austin’s hand off.

  “I never found another man attractive until you. What does that mean?” Austin sat up on his elbow.

  Tucker sat down on the edge of the bed. “I don’t know, but I’m glad it’s me you found attractive.”

  Austin snorted, and then laughed. “Who wouldn’t find you attractive? Look at you.”

  “Yeah? I’m sexy?” Tucker waggled his eyebrows.

  “I love the tattoos.” Austin looked at Tucker’s side. “What is it?”

  “It’s a dragon.” Tucker looked down at his side.

  “I saw some on your back, too.” Austin patted the bed. “Come here, l ie on your stomach so I can see.”

  Tucker stretched out on the bed on his stomach. Austin crawled over him and straddled his ass. “So, tell me the story of these.”

  Tucker looked over his shoulder. “Well…” He gasped as Austin leaned over and licked his back. “Ohh… shit.”

  “What’s the first one?” Austin kissed the first tattoo on Tucker’s upper spine.

  “It represents strength.”

  Austin’s hands massaged Tucker’s ass as his tongue slid down to the next tattoo. “And this one?” Austin kissed the ink, licking the edges.

  “Fuck…family, ” Tucker breathed.

  “Mmm…” Austin kissed down to the next one. “This one?”

  Tucker’s head hit the pillow as Austin’s tongue swirled over the next tattoo in line . I f this was going to keep going all the way down, he was in serious shit.

  “Respect .”

  Austin slid his erection over Tucker’s ass, licking the next tattoo in line. “And this one?”

  “Aw, shit… loyalty.”

  Austin smiled. Driving Tucker crazy was fun. He walked his fingers up Tucker ’s spine, kissing the next tattoo. “This one?”


  Austin trailed his tongue all the way down to Tucker’s ass, and then ran his tongue back up to the next tattoo. “Mm m ... what’s this one?”

  “Honor.” Tucker’s dick was so hard he was sure it had created a hole in the mattress.

  “Two more to go.” Austin breathed against Tucker’s lower back. “This one?”

  “Wisdom. Jesus, Austin.” Tucker buried his face in the pillow.

  Austin scooted lower, licking Tucker’s ass cheek before trailing his tongue to the next tattoo.

  “Last one.” Austin kissed the tattoo as his hands spread Tucker’s ass cheeks apart.

  “Love.” Tucker looked over his shoulder.

  Austin looked at Tucker; he was just realizing how he felt for Tucker. Was it love? He’d never been in love before. Austin crawled up the bed and snuggled down next to Tucker, facing him. His fingers trailed Tucker’s lips. “You are so beautiful.”

  “You are, too.” Tucker palmed Austin’s face. “From the second I saw you, I knew.”


  “That you were mine.”

  “I am.” Austin nestled into Tucker’s warm body.

  “Night, Austin.”


  ~~ Wesley checked the front door, then the back. They’d never had problems at the apartments. It might have been because he and Tucker carried large guns. Wesley snickered, turning the lights off. Kurt was on the bed on his back with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “You practicing?” Wesley raised a brow. “What?” “You look like you’re getting ready for burial, ” Wesley laughed.

  Kurt chuckled. “I’ve always slept like this, I don’t know why.”

  Wesley sat on the bed and took Kurt’s hands. “If there was something about me, something kind of weird, would it change how you feel?”

  “Are you a transgender?” Kurt smiled, leaning up to kiss Wesley.

  “No, it’s nothing like that, ” Wesley sighed. “I need to tell you this before we go any further. I just don’t know how.”

  “I… care about you , Wesley . I t would have to be pretty damn bad.”

  “Remember when you went camping?”

  Kurt shivered, thinking about the bear. “Yes.”

  “How come you never told me anything about the trip?” Wesley asked.

  Kurt shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t wan t to tell Wesley about the bear and how scared he was. He was a man , dammit. “I don’t know…”

  “Because I think the bear that ripped into the tent was quite surprised whe n I tore a chunk of his ass out, ” Wesley said.

  Kurt stopped breathing. “What?” h e squeaked.

  “It was me, Kurt. I was the wolf that came to your campsite.”

  Kurt shook his head. “No, that’s not possible.”

  “You guys came out of the tent after the attack. I crouched down by the fire and then you and Austin said you had to pee. I pushed you in the safest direction to do that. I stayed all night, just to make sure the bear didn’t come back. In the morning we played and went swimming.”

  “How… how do you know that?” Kurt backed away from Wesley.

  “Because I was there. I heard the bear and when I got to the campsite he was halfway inside the tent and you and Austin were shouting. I grabbed the bear’s ass, bit down and hauled his ass out of there.”

  “It’s not possible, ” Kurt whispered.

  “It is; that’s what I’m trying to tell you. I’m a werewolf.”

  Kurt looked at Wesley closely, the mahogany-colored hair, the cognac-amber colored eyes. Kurt reached out, touching Wesley’s face. “It was you.” He ran his fingers through Wesley’s hair ; it was soft, just like the wolf’s . “How?”

  “I was bitten when I was eleven.” Wesley held Kurt’s hands. “Does it change things between us?”

  Kurt wrapped his arms around Wesley’s neck. “No, it doesn’t. You saved my life that night, Wesley. I’ll be forever grateful for that.”

  “Really? You’re not… freaked?”

  “I mean, it’s a lot to take in, but I know Wesley the man. That’s all I need to know.”

  “You are one hell of an extraordinary man, Kurt Maguire , ” Wesley palmed Kurt’s face.

  “Does it hurt? When you change into one?” Kurt asked.

  “It did the first few times, then your body adjusts to it and it becomes as easy as breathing. I didn’t want this, but now that I have it I can’t see being anything else. The second I saw you at the barbeque, I knew you were my mate, Kurt.”

  “Like, mate, mate? As in wolf packs?”

  Wesley nodded. “I knew it was you, you smelled so good and my body went nuts.”

  Kurt thought back to that day. He’d been talking with one of the neighborhood kids when he’d felt a pull, a feeling that he needed to turn around . A nd when he had, he’d seen Wesley. His body had reacted immediately at the sight of him.

  “I remember that day.” Kurt looked in Wesley’s eyes. “I felt something, a pull or something.”

  “It’s the mate bond,” Wesley said. “When I found out you were straight, I think I cried all night. It just wasn’t fair to give me a mate I could never have.”

  “I do want you, though, I’ve thought about you for months. I could have kicked myself on the Fourth of July . I was starting to have feelings for you and I stuffed them down.”

  “We’re together now and that’s all that matters.” Wesley ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve smelled another werewolf around your condo. It doesn’t smell familiar, but it doesn’t smell threatening either.”

  Kurt raised a brow. “There’s a threatening smell?”

  “Yes, it’s called pissing on territory, ” Wesley cracked up.

  “Well, you just go ahead and pee on all my trees, mark my ass, ” Kurt laughed. He looked at Wesley. “The other wolf at the campsite ?”

  “Is Tucker,” Wesley said.

  “Oh, hell.” Kurt sighed loudly. “Austin doesn’t know?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I might be able to he
lp with that, ” Kurt said, reaching for Wesley’s face again. “Can I see?”

  “See what?” Wesley asked.

  “I don’t know, do something wolfie .”

  “Well I can give you the eyes and teeth, or I can give you the whole show, which requires me to get naked.”

  Kurt licked his lips. “Oh, I want the whole damn show.”

  “Why did I know you’d say that?” Wesley grinned, taking his shirt off.

  Kurt eyed Wesley’s smooth muscular chest ; Wesley had the most beautiful skin. “Can I touch you?”

  Wesley moved closer to the bed, allowing Kurt’s hand to trail down his abs. His skin tingled as Kurt’s fingers trailed the soft hair running down from his belly button. Kurt’s fingers gripped the button on his jeans and Wesley’s heart beat faster. The button popped from th e denim and then the zipper came down slowly. Kurt spread the denim open, looking at Wesley’s black briefs. A large erection was currently straining the fabric.

  Kurt looked up to see Wesley’s eyes closed. “You are so beautiful.” Kurt leaned in, kissing Wesley’s hip.

  “Oh shit, ” Wesley breathed as Kurt pulled his jeans down ; they fell around his ank les. Wesley looked down at Kurt; he was licking his lips, peeling Wesley’s boxers down. His boxers landed at his feet as Kurt’s hand slid up his thighs.

  “Kurt.” Wesley’s legs were shaking; the feel of Kurt’s hand on his body was almost too much.

  “Look at your skin,” Kurt whispered against Wesley’s hip. “It’s so silky soft; I’ve never felt skin like this.” Kurt licked Wesley’s hip, sliding his tongue lower.

  “Oh Jesus, Kurt… if you keep doing that, something’s going to happen.”

  Kurt looked up at Wesley as his hand gripped Wesley’s erection. Wesley moaned as Kurt’s hand started a nice slow stroke.

  “You don’t have to,” Wesley whispered.

  “I want to.” Kurt leaned forward, and then took Wesley in his mouth.

  “Oh God! Kurt!” Wesley squeezed his eyes shut as Kurt’s hot mouth sucked his dick. Jesus, Kurt licked him from shaft to tip, sucking his dick in deep . “Ohmygodohmygod !”

  “I want to taste you; I want it in my mouth.” Kurt resumed his suction on Wesley’s throbbing dick . I t pulsed in his mouth and Kurt knew Wesley was close. It didn’t feel weird at all to be sucking Wesley’s dick. It was as if it was meant to be and Kurt relish ed the taste of Wesley’s precum , lapping at his cock. A loud growl reverberated in the room and then Kurt’s mouth was filled with Wesley’s release. He sucked it all, licking and swallowing, trying to get more. His hands gripped Wesley’s ass, shoving his dick further down his throat.


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