by Karen Lamb
Carey, Gabrielle 263
Carey, Peter 228, 272
Catholic Poetry Society 52–3
Catholic Writers’ Movement (CWM) 53, 55–6, 59, 60, 77
Catholicism xiii, 16–22, 33–43, 55, 65, 68, 78, 90, 99–101, 107, 117, 120, 130, 156, 162, 190, 194, 267, 293, 302
censorship 213
characters in novels xi, 23, 36, 40, 47–8, 76, 85, 91, 102, 141, 149, 159, 167, 192, 215, 241–3, 263–4, 283, 301
Bernard Leverson 14, 128, 159, 167
Elsie Ford 36, 102, 108, 192
Gabby Jerrold 243–5, 248, 263, 297
George Brewster 23, 149–51, 192
Helen Striebel 85, 117, 169
Julie Truscott 284–5
Miss Paradise 40, 47–8, 192–3
Miss Trumper 47–8, 192–3
Mrs Waterman 241–2, 263
Paul Vespers 199, 215
Cheever, John 163, 168–9, 193, 208
Cheltenham Girls’ High School 122–4, 132, 144, 161, 164, 180, 262
childhood 6–24
Christesen, Clem 53–4, 56, 69, 189
Christina Stead Prize for Fiction 288
Cilento, Diane 299
Clark, Manning 192, 265
Claver, Sister Mary 28–9, 31, 39, 221, 289
Coast to Coast 23
Coda xi, 31, 47, 264, 282, 285, 289, 292, 311
Collinson, Laurie 55–7, 67–9, 121, 157, 161
Commonwealth Literary Fund grant 114, 133–4, 149, 222, 224, 226
Condon, Matthew 7, 308
Coover, Robert 227
Costigan, Michael 225–6
Couper, J. M. 175, 189, 190
The Courier-Mail 12–14, 138–9, 290
Courtenay, Bryce 277
Craig, Alex 204, 230
Cream Hermes Baby typewriter 252
Creamer, Stacy 273
Creative Nation 271
Cressy, Phillip (pseudonym) 103
critiques of work see reviews
Crozier, Cecily 54
‘Cubby’ 23, 150, 243
Curtis Brown 304
Cusack, Dymphna 130, 145
Dalby Davison, Frank 119–20, 125
Daniel, Helen 298
Davis, Beatrice 103, 110–15, 118–24, 130–1, 133, 136, 144, 147–9, 152, 160–3, 170, 173, 175, 183, 191, 193–5, 214–18, 225, 232–3, 240, 246–8, 250, 263, 277, 280–2, 288–9, 296
Dawe, Bruce 233, 239, 285, 305
Dawn and Dusk Club 8, 85
Day, Marele 307
death 313–15
death of Jack 305–6
Denmark, residency in 244, 305
A Descant for Gossips 31, 81, 83, 85, 91, 116–18, 121, 125–7, 130, 135–6, 139, 158, 169, 192, 194, 198, 250, 260, 274
Dessaix, Robert 291
Devine, Frank 230
Dickens, Charles 197, 288
‘Diesel Epiphany’ 4–5, 272, 311
Dorset Street, Epping 97–8, 101, 104–7, 122, 128–9, 142, 151–2, 159–61, 171, 179–81, 237, 263, 293
Drake-Brockman, Henrietta 130, 212
Dream Country 102, 107, 121, 163, 172, 176, 203
Drewe, Robert 177, 277
Drylands x, xi, xiv, 264, 300–2, 304, 306, 308
Duhig, Archbishop James 33–4, 53
Dutton, Geoffrey 160–1
Eddington, Jill 307
Eliot, T.S. 52, 61, 66, 288
Ellison, Jennifer 280
Epping 97–107, 128–9, 151–4
see also Dorset Street, Epping
Ern Malley hoax 54, 67
family background 5–24
favourite writers 65, 163, 175, 208, 288
feminism 51, 129, 140, 152, 177, 212, 282, 284, 291
Ferguson, George 148
first novel ix, 108–14
first published writing 14
Fitzgerald, F. Scott xii
Flanagan, Richard 310
Ford Prize for poetry 51
Forshaw, Thelma 56, 147, 150, 153–5, 158–9, 161, 276
Franklin, Miles xii, 145, 150
G. P. Putnam’s Sons 241, 273–5, 288
Galmahra magazine 52, 64
Garner, Helen xi, 37, 263, 265–6, 274, 276, 289
Girl with a Monkey ix, 36, 83, 86, 102, 108–15, 118–21, 125–6, 132, 192, 246, 277, 279, 293, 300
Godden, Anne 218
Goodman, Arnold 272
Goodman Associates 272, 278
Goodman, Elise 272–4
Grano, Paul 52–3, 56–7, 125
Gray, Robert 137
Green Hermes Baby typewriter 113, 164, 252
Greene, Graham 156, 194
Greer, Germaine 129, 134
Gregson, Edmund John (Ed) 17, 101, 104–5, 117, 122–3, 143, 151, 157, 160, 164–5, 167–8, 179–82, 190, 198, 201, 203, 205, 209, 219–21, 229, 231–2, 237–8, 247–9, 252, 266, 271, 275–6, 283, 295, 297, 300, 304–6, 313–15, 317
Gregson, Edmund John (Jack) xiii, 17, 87–103, 113, 116, 123–7, 133, 136, 142–4, 147, 151, 157, 160, 164–71, 179–82, 198, 201, 203, 207, 210–11, 219–25, 229–31, 238–9, 248–9, 252–3, 258, 266–70, 275–6, 281, 287, 293–5, 296–7, 299–306, 310, 316
Gregson, Marion Eileen 88
Grenville, Kate xi, 245, 263, 275
Guggenheim Museum 260–1
Haley, Martin 77–8, 80, 85–6, 109, 118, 120–1, 125
Hall, Rodney 7, 224–5, 250, 272, 279, 285–6, 308
Hardy, Frank 188
Hardy, Thomas 68
Harris, Max 54, 67
Heide 54–5
Heinemann 281–2, 295
Henry Monteith Prize for English 51
Herbert, Xavier 130, 149, 226
Hickson Associates 276–7
Hickson, Jill 276, 278–9, 281, 283, 304, 317
Homebush Girls’ High School 94–7
homosexuality 16–17, 56–7, 156, 268
Hope, A. D. 224, 230
Hope, Laurence 57
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 65, 175–6, 231
Horn, Vida (nee Smith) 56, 68, 289
Hudson, Flexmore 54
Hugo, Victor 19–20
Humphries, Barry 98, 165
Hunters Hill 93–7
Hunting the Wild Pineapple 202, 218–19, 232–3, 236–45, 250, 263, 280, 296, 308
Idriess, Ion 130
Imbil 80–6
An Item from the Late News 38, 86, 104, 243, 245, 247, 250, 260–1, 263–4, 266, 272, 274, 279, 297
It’s Raining in Mango xi, 4, 40, 42, 47, 86, 257, 259, 262, 264, 271–4, 278–9, 281, 283, 299
James, Clive 134
James Cook Foundation for Australian Literary Studies 239
James, Henry xii, 194
jazz 90–2, 171, 266
Jimmy Watson’s Wine Bar 241
Johns, Brian 243, 245, 251, 274
Johnston, Michael 217
Jolley, Elizabeth 263, 299
Jones, Caroline 290–1
Judd, Betty 105–7, 114, 122, 180–1, 312
Keesing, Nancy 225
Kelleher, Victor 285
Kelly, Gwen 106
Keneally, Judy 190
Keneally, Tom 90, 131–2, 148, 157, 174, 177–80, 190, 193, 213, 233, 241, 263, 277, 285, 304
Killcare house 181, 198
Kinross-Smith, Graeme 250
A Kindness Cup 76, 223, 226–7, 243, 272, 275, 278, 279
Kirkby, Joan 189–90, 196, 209
Kirra Beach 14, 314
Knopke, Cecil 56
Knudson, Moira 38, 223, 238
Korting, George 154, 159
Kramer, Leonie 204, 213, 239
Kunapipi 250
Kuranda 203, 222, 226, 231, 237–9, 244, 246, 251, 258
Lascaris, Manoly 132, 151, 155
Lawson, Henry 8, 9
Loewy, Ingrid 310
Les Misérables 19–20, 22, 40
Levick, Joan see Witting, Amy
Lindsay, Cornelius John (Con) 8–9, 86, 262
Lindsay, Eileen see Astley, Eileen
literary agents 251, 260, 272, 304
literary criticism 233, 239
literary fiction, treatment of 148–9, 161, 214, 240
literary influences 19–20, 65, 175, 288
Literature Board 224–5, 228, 237–8, 250, 253, 261–2, 267, 299, 308
‘The Little Lie’ 136, 147, 156, 160, 173
loneliness 74–80, 83, 87, 108, 252, 300
Lunn, Hugh 13, 285
Lyceum Club 55
MacArthur, General Douglas 38, 46
MacAuley, James 50, 67
McCrae, Hugh 130
McCullers, Carson 223, 288
McCullough, Colleen 210
McDermott Prize for English 29
McGirr, Michael 15, 117, 267, 293, 298, 306
McHugh, Kevin 300, 302, 304
McHugh, Pat 300, 302–4
McKinney, J. P. 56
McLaughlin, Donna 309
Macleod, Mark 203–7, 229, 233, 259, 306, 312
McMaster, Rhyll 7
McMullen, Jeff 206–7, 227, 286
Macquarie, Governor Lachlan 187
Macquarie University 183, 187–213, 224, 228, 230, 233–4, 238–9, 242, 244
Mallarmé, Stéphane 65
Malouf, David 7, 16, 46, 48, 250, 261, 267
Mannix, Cardinal 20
manuscripts sold to Mitchell Library 218, 240
marriage to Jack xiii, 89–93, 116, 127, 136, 143–4, 151, 164–71, 207, 210–11, 238, 266–70, 305–6
marriage, views on 5, 129, 140, 144, 146, 151–2, 166, 283
Martin, Sister Mary 7, 21–2, 25–7
Martinelli, Marin 257, 268, 285
Maugham, W. Somerset 194–5, 203
Meanjin (Papers) 53, 54, 69, 175, 189, 250
Melbourne Writers Festival 290, 304
Member of the Order of Australia (AM) 239–40
Memphis State University 275
men, view of 149–50, 177, 210
mental state 78–80, 154, 168–9, 181–2, 190–1, 200, 231, 244
Metalious, Grace 154
Miles Franklin Award ix, x, 4, 153, 156–7, 160, 165, 173, 183, 187, 216, 228, 236, 304
Miya group 57
Moir, J. K. 9
Moomba Award 173
‘Moontower’ 86, 102
Moorhouse, Frank 228–9, 232–3
Morrison, Lisa 307
motherhood 103–7, 168, 219–20, 232
Muller, Laurie 260, 272, 285
The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow 86, 264, 283, 292–3, 296–7, 299
Munro, Craig 260
Murdoch, Iris 288
music 10, 14, 31–2, 41, 67, 87–8, 90–2, 123
Nelson see Thomas Nelson publishers
New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award 304
New York Times Book Review 273, 275, 279, 288
novellas 79, 284, 289
‘Inventing the Weather’ 79, 284
see particular titles
awards for see awards and prizes
parents’ reaction to 126, 157–8, 197–8
novels (cont’d)
real places in 86, 126
reviews 118–21, 135–8, 148–50, 153–4, 173, 175–6, 194–5, 228, 241, 259, 261, 288, 299, 308
rights to 214, 217–18, 251, 273–4, 279, 288
titles 31, 63, 116, 160, 272, 300, 302
novels not published
‘Moontower’ 86, 102
‘The Little Lie’ 136, 147, 156, 160, 173
Nowra 267–9, 304
O’Dee, Judge 8
O’Shea, Donal 295
overseas recognition 4
Palmer, Vance 119–21, 125, 166
Patrick White Award x, 279, 281
Peach, Bill 148
Penguin 160–1, 218, 243, 245, 247, 250–2, 260–1, 271–6, 278–9, 281, 296, 299, 302
‘personal weather’ xi, 3, 18, 80, 278
Phillips, Arthur 176
piano playing 10, 14, 31, 111, 183
Picot, James 53
Piper, Herbert 188, 230
place names in novels 86, 126
Plath, Sylvia 152
Poe, Edgar Allan 61, 63
‘Culture, 1945’ 59, 64, 133
‘From Troy’ 62–3
‘I.’ 66
‘Juvenilia’ 69, 81
‘Love in Our Time’ 83
‘Revelation’ 84
‘Saturday Night’ 63
‘Sulpicia III’ 100–1
‘To My Brother’ 78
‘To You – The Poet’ 32–3
‘Unrest’ 30
poetry 29–30, 32–3, 51–6, 61–9, 80, 93–4, 101, 103, 200, 236
Pomona 80–6, 116
Porter, Hal 88, 111, 124–6, 130, 133–5, 144–5, 160, 174, 176, 193, 199, 213, 216, 239, 253, 263, 280
Pound, Ezra 175
Prichard, Katharine Susannah 130, 212
prizes see awards and prizes
pseudonyms 103, 109
Queensland 3, 6–7, 63–4, 74, 97, 102, 132, 202, 222–3, 251, 253–4, 278, 308
Railway Hotel, Townsville 75
Randall, D’Arcy 245, 272
Reaching Tin River xi, 42, 46–7, 75, 91, 264, 276, 279, 281–3, 285, 288–9
reading 18–19
Reed, John and Sunday 54
Reid, Barrett ix, 54–7, 60–2, 67–9, 281, 289
religion see Catholicism
reviews 118–21, 135–8, 148–50, 153–4, 173, 175–6, 194–5, 228, 241, 259, 261, 288, 299, 308
Riddell, Elizabeth 224
Robinson, Frederick 51, 118
Rodriguez, Judith 263
Rollins College, Florida 229
Rose, Meredith 296, 299, 302
Ross, Robert 259, 280
Roth, Philip 213
Rutherford, Anna 244
Ryan, John 197, 209–11
Ryan, Susan 274, 276
St Michael’s School, Rosalie 7, 21, 25
Sainty, Frank 101
Sainty, Mary 96, 100–1
satire 63–4, 102, 167, 215, 232, 237
Sayer, Mandy 266
scholarships 21, 25–7, 46
All Hallows’ 21, 25–43, 44, 48, 53
high school results 39
St Michael’s 7, 21–2, 24
University of Queensland 45–58
Scott, Kim 304
Scullin, James 18
See, Carolyn 279
self-deprecation 131, 172, 202
Serle, Percival 51
Sessions, Bob 218, 232, 246, 271, 296
sexism 49–51, 205, 258–9
sexual freedom 83, 134–5, 145, 204
sexuality 42–3, 47, 49, 142–3, 145, 151, 170, 177, 242–3, 264, 285
Shapcott, Thomas 7, 224
Shapiro, Selma 262
Sharman, Arthur 14
Shorncliffe primary school 67
short stories 149, 232–3
Coast to Coast 23, 213
‘Cubby’ 23, 150, 243
‘Diesel Epiphany’ 4–5, 272, 311
Hunting the Wild Pineapple 21
8, 232–3, 236–45, 250, 280, 296
‘Ladies Need Only Apply’ 242
‘Petals from Blown Roses’ 241
‘The Curate Breaker’ 37
‘The Scenery Never Changes’ 199
Sister Mary Claver 28–9, 31, 39, 221, 289
Sister Mary Martin 7, 21–2, 25–7, 176
Slessor, Kenneth 65, 130, 133, 188
The Slow Natives x, 14, 40, 86, 128, 141, 159–63, 167–9, 173–6, 191–2, 194, 214, 217, 226, 229, 272–3, 275, 278
Smith, Allan 306–7
Smith, Margaret 170, 181–3, 306–7
Smith, Vida see Horn, Vida
smoking 38, 56, 111, 170, 198, 225, 248, 268, 270, 300, 302, 307–8, 315
soap operas 129, 296
Sorensen, Rosemary 290
Spark, Muriel 288
Spender, Dale 284
Stead, Christina x, xi, xii, xiv, 114, 152, 194–6
Steele Rudd Award 278
Stevens, Irene 270–1, 299
Stewart, Douglas 119–20, 125, 130, 215–16, 224, 280
Stewart, Harold 50, 67
Stow, Randolph 174
Strathfield Girls’ High School 94–7
style of writing 62–7, 115–22, 124, 135, 166, 173–5, 194–5, 232, 244, 284, 295
Suffolk Park 306–7
Sun Books 214
Sussex Inlet 293, 299, 302, 305, 307
The Sydney Morning Herald 100, 103, 109, 135, 153, 156, 221
Sydney, move to 92–3, 99
Taines, Carla 260
teachers’ college 45–6
teaching career 67, 69, 73–86, 92–7, 122–4
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 41, 306
television appearance 4, 148
Tennant, Kylie 130, 150
Thomas Nelson publishers 216, 218, 228, 232, 240, 244, 246, 296
Thompson, Frank 240–1, 246
Three Australian Writers 239
titles of books 31, 63, 116, 160, 272, 300, 302
Townsville 74–80, 102, 108
Townsville Central School 77
Turner, George 153–4
Turner Hospital, Janette 263, 277, 285
United States
literary agents 251, 260, 272
publication in x, 4, 194, 217, 241, 251, 254, 261–2, 272–5
trip to 231, 259, 261
writer-in-residence at Rollins College, Florida 229
University of Queensland
honorary degree from 278
student at 45–52
writer-in-residence at 253, 260–1
University of Queensland Press 240–1, 245–6, 250, 259–61, 272–3, 285–6
Updike, John 163, 208
Ure Smith, Sam 148
Vanishing Points xi, 282, 284–5, 289, 294
Vanuatu 191, 249, 253
Viking 217, 251, 273
Villa Marina boarding house 46, 75, 285