Her Alphas [Wolf Packs of Fate: Garrett Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Her Alphas [Wolf Packs of Fate: Garrett Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  “Thank you again. If you’ll wait a few minutes, I’ll go pack.”

  “No problem, honey. Take your time. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

  For the first time since her brother’s death, happiness filled her. “I’ll be right back, okay?” As soon as she put her hand on the doorknob, she had to turn back. “You won’t leave?”

  The men stood together, amber brightening their eyes. “Not a chance, darlin’,” answered Brady.

  Relief flooding her, she hurried to her bedroom. As had become her habit the past few days, she glanced upward and talked. “Harlen, it’s finally happened. I’m in love,” she whispered.

  Chapter Eight

  The members of the Garrett Pack had arrived. Laney watched as they entered the barn where the meeting would be held. Although the pack usually met at Garrett ranch, her men had asked for the meeting to be held at their home.

  This is it.

  Although she was considered part of the pack simply by being the Rann men’s mate, most of the pack, surprisingly more of the women than the men, were suspicious of her. Even after living at the ranch for the past three months, she was still considered “too new” to be trusted. From what she’d gathered from Maddie Connor and others, the Garrett Pack didn’t accept new members as easily as the other packs in Fate. People had, in fact, told her that she and her men would be better off if they left the pack. Leaving, however, was easier said than done.

  It’s like trying to get out of a gang.

  But when she’d said as much to Maddie, her friend was quick to explain. The Garrett Pack worked like a gang at times, but that wasn’t how it was with the other packs. It was yet another reason for them to leave the pack and join another. Either that or leave Fate forever and make a fresh start somewhere else.

  Today, however, was special. Not only were Brady, Ethan, and Dart becoming primary alphas, she’d made her decision and was excited to tell the men she loved. Today, after they’d gained their new status, she’d ask them to bite her and change her, making her a werewolf and a full-fledged member of the pack. What better time to tell them than during a pack meeting?

  Waiting until she was sure everyone had arrived, she gathered her courage and rushed out of the house. Women and men filled the barn, a few of them lounging on bales of hay. Most, however, were standing in groups talking amongst themselves. They’d brought food and drinks, ready for a celebration.

  We’ll have a celebration of our own after the meeting.

  She doubted anyone, even her men, noticed her step inside the shade near the entrance. Excitement danced in her stomach. Moses stepped on top of a bench and lifted on arm. The conversations drew to a close as everyone turned to face him.

  “I never thought this day would come.” He smiled, but there was malice in it. “Never thought the Rann boys had the balls to become primaries. But after what they did with those fucking gang members, most of you think they deserve to rise in the ranks. They didn’t do a damn thing to help the pack, but some of you disagree. I think it’s a load of bullshit, but I’m willing to let you folks decide this one time.” He emphasized the word, making sure they understood he’d be making all future decisions. Shrugging, he added, “But what the hell? What do I know? I’m only your leader.”

  Chuckles came from most of the pack, with others looking away. Tension filled the air.

  She didn’t like Moses. Hadn’t from the first moment he’d spoken to her. Since moving to the ranch, she’d done her best to stay away from him. Or, if she couldn’t do that, then she’d made certain her men were around.

  “Fuck it.” Moses motioned for Brady, Ethan, and Dart to come toward him. Her men, looking as handsome as ever, didn’t seem happy. Instead, they held their stoic expressions as they came forward.

  “You Rann men are now primary alphas. Second to Carl and, of course me. Don’t you boys forget it, either.” Moses waved his arm as though bestowing an honor on them. “Eat, drink, and be merry, all you shits.” Laughter and hoots erupted.

  That was it? That was all they did when someone became a primary alpha? Or was Moses slighting them on purpose? She wouldn’t put it past Moses. The man was a shit and thought of himself as the sole leader of the pack, even ignoring Carl as his co-leader.

  Maybe announcing her news would help. She stepped forward then stopped. Why aren’t they doing anything? The men had stayed where they were, ignoring the few congratulations they received from the others.

  “Moses.” Although Brady hadn’t spoken loudly, his voice held a command that caught everyone’s attention.

  Moses glared at him then jumped off the bench. “What the fuck do you want now, Rann? You got what you wanted.”

  “What I want is to make changes in the pack.” Rann’s voice grew louder as he turned around slowly to address the rest of the pack. His gaze fell on her, then lingered long enough to give her a faint smile before moving on. “We all know what I’m talking about. We want a say in what goes on. Not only whenever Moses allows it, but all the time. We want the pack to be more democratic like the other packs in Fate.”

  “Brady’s right,” added Ethan. “Like a lot of you, we’re tired of being treated like shit.”

  “Talk about ungrateful.” Moses snarled, his lips pulled back, his eyes filling with amber. “Here I made you boys primary alphas and you’re already giving me grief. Now shut the fuck up before you make me real mad.”

  “Bullshit, Moses.” Dart pointed at one of the men. “Harold, you know you’re as tired as we are. Since Moses and Carl took over, we’ve lost our say. But it’s time we take it back.”

  A clamor broke out with everyone talking at once. Laney stayed back, overhearing some talking in support of her men while others spoke against them. From the fear showing on many of their faces, it was clear that those opposed to the Rann men were doing so out of fear of retaliation from Moses.

  One man shoved another, shouting for the man to grow a pair of balls. Several others began to shift as they squared off.

  Moses laughed, obviously enjoying the conflict. “That’s it! Y’all haul off and tear each other apart. I haven’t seen a good fight in days.”

  Brady jumped on top of the bench. “Stop it! Everyone calm the fuck down!” Slowly, those fighting turned to face him. Grumbling continued throughout the room, but those who weren’t primary alphas had to obey.

  “Brady’s right.” A woman with red hair stepped closer to him. “Stop and think about what you’re doing. We don’t want an internal fight.” She crossed her arms and glared at everyone. “Speaking for the women, we want peace. So unless someone’s ready to challenge Moses”—she looked at Brady then at Ethan and Dart—“then this is at an end. No more discussion.”

  Was she an alpha female? As a female, she didn’t outrank the Rann men and certainly not Moses. However, everyone was listening to her, and that was all that mattered to Laney. She let out a long, slow breath, thankful a real fight hadn’t broken out.

  “Fine. We’ll drop this for now.” Ethan looked to her, his silent warning clear. Get out. Now.

  Turning to go, she heard Moses’s gruff voice telling everyone to cancel the party. He called to her men, telling them to hang back. As much as she wanted to go back inside, she knew better. Instead, she hurried to the house, eager to get away from the pack.

  She waited for them as the other pack members left the barn and got into their vehicles. Tires kicked up dirt as the cars headed down the one-lane road leading back to the main road.

  Where are they?

  Again, she waited, and her nerves got the best of her. At last, Moses stalked outside and slid behind the wheel of his truck. His smirk was enough to make her physically ill.

  Why haven’t they come out yet?

  She had her hand on the door as Moses tore out of the barn and stalked to his pickup. Her men soon followed. “What happened?”

  “You saw what happened.” Ethan stormed past her and up the steps. “We just led the shortest rebel
lion in history.”

  “There’s a time to fight, and that wasn’t it.” Dart slipped his arm around her, turning her back to the house.

  “I fucked up, all right. I should’ve gotten some of the others on our side.” Brady seemed haggard but managed to give her a smile. “At least we’re primary alphas now.”

  “And I’m so very proud of you.”

  Ethan had already plopped on the couch, beer in hand, and a disgusted look on his face by the time they came in.

  She let the other two men grab beers and settle on the couch. Although they were in a foul mood, she couldn’t wait to tell them any longer. “I don’t know if you’re interested, but I have some good news. At least, I think it’s good news, and I hope you will, too.”

  Dart slugged Ethan on the arm and shot him a look to stop sulking. “She’s got good news. That’s great. I don’t know about you guys, but I could use some good news about now.”

  “Yeah, darlin’, tell us.”

  “I’ve made a decision.” She paused for full effect. “I want you to change me. I want to become a real member of the pack.”

  Their reaction wasn’t what she’d expected. She’d hoped for shouts of joy and more. Instead, she was met with stony silence. “Seriously? This is all I get? Aren’t you happy for me? For us?”

  Brady came to her, taking her in his embrace. “Of course we are. It’s just that…” He stalled, searching for words.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s just that there’s a break in the pack coming. Maybe not right away, but soon. I fucked up today, but the next time, I’ll be more prepared.”

  “What’s that got to do with me wanting to become a shifter? To be one of you?”

  Ethan leaned forward, his body tense. “We don’t want you to get caught in the middle of all of it when the shit starts to fly.”

  “He’s right, sugar. The fight for control of the pack has only just begun. It could get real ugly.”

  “Then it’ll get ugly. As long as I’m with my mates, I’ll be fine.” She hugged Brady tighter.

  “You don’t know what it’ll be like,” warned Brady.

  “I don’t care.” She wouldn’t let Moses and the others ruin her day, much less her future. “But if trouble’s coming, then we’d better make love while we can. Come on. I want my sexy alpha mates in bed right now.”

  “Whatever you say, darlin’.”

  She let out a squeal as Brady lifted her over his back then strode toward the stairs.

  Before she had time to stop giggling, Brady had stripped her naked and eased her inside their shower. He tore off his clothes in a hurry as his cousins did the same then turned on the shower. “We’ll take you in our bed later. But for right now, I want to see you wet all over. Now spread your legs.”

  Laney, her body trembling with anticipation and excitement, moved her legs apart.

  Warm water coursed down her skin, making a trail between her butt cheeks. Brady slipped his hand between her legs, his fingers on a journey of exploration. When his finger found her pussy and pushed her folds apart, she let out a gasp and reached for the shower bar.

  “Good idea, man.” Dart, his body a specimen of lust, stepped into the huge shower.

  Had they installed such a huge shower for just such an occasion? She didn’t want to think about the other women who might have shared the space with them. What did it matter now? She was their mate, and they would always be hers and hers alone. She pushed her wet hair away from her face and delighted in watching the men as they positioned themselves closer.

  Water rivulets ran over the muscles of each man, giving her a show she would’ve paid to see. And yet, they were there, free for her to admire. Free for her to take. Their cocks were fully erect, each of them curved at the end. Her mouth watered. Would she taste them? Or could she wait that long to feel their long, hard shafts inside her?


  Dart, boasting a wicked grin, played with her breast. “Yeah, sugar?”

  “Do you know what I want?”

  “Tell me.” His eyes glowed with amber highlights.

  She knelt, going to her knees in front of him. Ethan and Brady growled, but she wasn’t sure if they were growling out of need or complaining that she was giving Dart too much attention. She sucked in Dart’s cock and whipped her tongue around it. Water entered her mouth, giving her extra lubrication that she didn’t need yet appreciated.

  Hands played over her body. Murmurs of devotion and love filled her ears. Dart’s hands gripped her hair, holding it at the back of her head as he worked his hips. She used her tongue as best she could, going under and around, sliding her mouth up and down his length.

  “Whoa, sugar. If we don’t stop soon, I’m going to blow.” Dart eased away then bent to help her back on her feet. “I want to save it for your sweet pussy.

  “Me, too, darlin’. I’ve been dreaming about your pussy. I’m not going to get cheated out of it now.” Brady slipped his hand between her legs. His eyes widened as he found her pussy and shoved his fingers inside her.

  She moaned, loving his probing fingers and the way he pushed his palm against her clit, rubbing hard, then soft, then hard again. “You guys aren’t the only ones who’s been dreaming.”

  “What did you dream about, honey? Maybe this?” Ethan went to his knees in front of her and shoved Brady’s hand away. He bent closer and began caressing her stomach, her legs, her thighs with his tongue.

  She drew in a breath and parted her legs even more. “How’d you guess?” she said breathlessly.

  “It doesn’t take a mind reader to figure it out.” Ethan pushed his face against her pussy and used his tongue to go between her folds. Pulling her folds apart, he ate at her, licking, sucking, nibbling.

  Heat flared inside her, weakening her legs. She took hold of Brady’s arm and Dart’s shoulder. If she didn’t, she was sure she’d crumple to the shower floor. The men fondled her breasts then bent at the same time to suck her nipples into their mouths.

  “Give me more.” Ethan again moved his cousins away—this time she was positive the growls were complaints—and urged her to move closer to the shower seat. “Lift your leg, honey. I want to go in deeper than ever.”

  Doing as he’d said, she gave them a wicked smile. “Your wish…”

  “Fuck that. He’s already gotten his wish.” Brady bit her shoulder.

  “Then change me.”

  “I don’t know if we should.”

  She shot them a stern look. “I’m already a part of the pack. Make it official. Make me your werewolf mate.”

  They looked at each other, a silent question passing between them. “If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure, damn it.”

  “Don’t get all bossy, mate. First we’re going to fuck you and then we’ll change you. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  Ethan pressed his mouth to her pussy like a man who had been forbidden to drink until now. The noises of his pleasure shot her desire higher. Dart and Brady kept at the rest of her body, with Dart’s fingers finding their way to her dark hole.

  She sucked in a hard breath as he plunged his fingers inside, twisting them, forcing her ringed muscles to give way. “Oh God.”

  “Easy, sugar. Just take it all easy.”

  With Brady sucking at one nipple and tweaking the other, she leaned against Dart, letting him support her as Ethan sucked on her clit and drove his fingers into her pussy. Steam drifted upward, and she was sure it wasn’t just the warm water causing it.

  They worked her body, their hands moving over her, caressing her as they caressed her with their words. She gave herself to them again as she had many times before in her thoughts. Adding the body was the finishing touch.

  “Time to change places, man.” Ethan stood and wiped his mouth.

  “No. Kiss me.”

  He did, crushing his mouth to hers. She tasted her sweetness mixed with his tangy flavors. The kiss ended as he slid around her, taking Dart’
s place. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her against him and positioned his cock at her anus.

  “Fuck me, honey. Fuck me with your ass.”

  She didn’t respond. She didn’t have to. Instead, she reached out for Brady as he took her by the ass cheeks and spread them apart for his cousin. His huge cock, so hard yet so flexible, teased her pussy.

  “Fuck me, Brady. Now. I want both of you now.”

  “Take her to the floor, man,” demanded Dart. “I’m not staying out of this.”

  Brady lifted her off her feet then took her to the shower floor along with him. Resting her on his strong thighs, he met her gaze then smiled. A moment later, he shoved his cock inside her pussy.

  She cried out and dug her fingers into his shoulders. Arching her back, she offered her breasts to him, and he gladly accepted her gift.

  “Take my cock, sugar.” Dart bent low and gave her his cock to suck.

  She took his cock in just as Ethan pulled her butt cheeks apart once more. Slowly, yet forcefully, he slid his cock inside her dark hole.

  Her moans flowed over Dart’s hard length. Cupping his balls, she did her best to ride up and down, from the tip of his cock to the curly mass of hair as Brady jostled her up and down with his thrusts.

  She was theirs, more now than ever before. Not only because they possessed her body but because they possessed her heart.

  Her mind whirled, filled not with thoughts but with emotions. Harder and harder the men pumped into her. Her pussy, her mouth, her ass were filled with them. Water rushed over their bodies, adding more heat to their already hot bodies.

  Undulating, sucking, pushing against them, she gave them everything she was. How could she do less when they’d already given her so much?

  Dart pulled away first and aimed his cock toward the wall. His roar of release morphed into a growl then a howl as his seed shot onto the tiles. Shuddering, he sank to the shower seat and slumped down. “Fuck, that was great.”

  Ethan pulled her hair away from her neck. “What’s the matter, cousin? Couldn’t hold it— Fuck!” Shouting, he brought his cock out of her ass then pressed it against the small of her back. His release, warmer than the water, slid downward between her butt cheeks.


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