Fighting for Arielle

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Fighting for Arielle Page 14

by Karina Sharp

  I marvel at my genius for a moment, then look up to my running partner who is smoking hot with rain running down his face, making his white shirt translucent so I can see his solidly formed chest and abs.

  He dips his chin to look over and down at me and says, “Sounds like a spectacular idea.”

  After a moment of jogging in silence, with only the rain bouncing off of the pavement as background noise, he says, “What is your favorite color, by the way?”

  “That’s simple,” I smile. “Green, then pink, then brown.”

  “Brown?” he asks with a cute wrinkle in his nose.

  “Yup yup yup. I don’t know why, but I am drawn to brown. It’s the perfect neutral tone.”

  Jogging on, I ask, “Yours?”

  He pulls back one side of his mouth and presses his lips together. “I don’t really have a favorite, but if I had to choose, I would say grey. Or blue.”

  I could’ve guessed. I want to meet a guy who doesn’t say some bland color is their favorite.

  “I vote for blue.”

  “Blue it is.”

  McCrary looks over at me and says, “You’ve had an easy opportunity to tag me, but you haven’t. Did you forget?”

  “No way, Jose.”

  I turn my body so I am perpendicular to his and begin to gallop sideways.

  “I’m just waiting until the right time.”

  We continue forward, and I see some orange caution cones on the road near some buildings. Excited, I run over and pick one up.

  “Since I am ‘it’ and could’ve tagged you but didn’t, you must have a duel with me.”

  I hold the narrow end of the cone in my hand and push the base out toward McCrary.

  “En guarde!” I say in my best British noble voice.

  “I don’t know how you come up with this stuff, but I don’t back down from a challenge.”

  McCrary and I duel with the cones. It’s hard to say who wins because they bend rather easily, although I like to think I won. We put the base of the cones on our heads as if we are unicorns and joust with them. McCrary definitely has the advantage in jousting since he’s taller. Plus, he sticks his arm or leg out when I pass him, in hopes of tripping me. I tell McCrary I’ve always wanted to play leapfrog with caution cones. There are about eight cones in total, so we line them up and play leap frog. We leap over one another for good measure.

  Completely and utterly drenched, and our stomachs hurting from laughter, we resume our jog back to his house.

  We are close to McCrary’s house and jogging along the island’s shore. I stop to take in the sights, sounds, and smell of the rain in the grass, trees, and ocean.

  “I love watching rain drops bounce off of the water in the harbor.”

  “Let’s watch them, then.”

  McCrary moves behind me and places his arms around my waist. I feel his warm, yet very soaked, torso against my back. I lace my fingers through his, which are resting on my lower abdomen, and we do exactly that.

  The raindrops hit the water’s surface and create small puddles or circles of waves, then bounce up and hit again. It’s a spectacular sight to behold.

  McCrary lowers his head next to mine. “I love how you make me stop and appreciate things. You literally stop to smell the roses. I couldn’t quit you if I tried.”

  His words are so simple, but speak volumes. I couldn’t quit you if I tried. I’ve never felt so special and desired. McCrary begins kissing my neck, moving up to my jaw and ear, then back down to my shoulder.

  “I hope you don’t even try because I can’t quit you either, and that scares me.” I say, my bottom lip quivering.

  “McCrary, I-”

  “What are you afraid of?” he asks, still kissing me lightly.

  “I'm afraid that if I take the leap, you will watch me fall and then tell me how stupid I was for leaping in the first place. Against all of my rationale and efforts otherwise, I have fallen for you. You have my heart, which means you control it. My poor heart has been just pieced back together with duct tape around it. I'm afraid if I allow you to keep it, that when you return it, because I am certain you will, it will be beyond repair.”

  I turn my body into his and worry he’s going to tell me I’m right.

  He looks down at me, water rolling off the ends of his hair. “If you give me your heart, I will gently remove the duct tape as you let go of your fears and painstakingly sew it together piece by piece, stitch by stitch. I will fill any gaps or missing pieces with my love and ensure that it will be nothing but whole and delicate and beautiful ever again, just like you. I believe in you. I believe in us. If you'll let me, I will show you how far a little faith can take you.”

  His words make my legs feel as if I tried to stand on my own right now I would just melt into the ground, send my heart racing, make my stomach drop, and send electrical pulses coursing throughout my appendages. I’m not sure that I am what he needs or even right for him, but I do know he is what I need. I need him like I need air in my lungs and blood in my veins. The same sense of urgency I felt the first time I told him to kiss me returns, but this time, I need more than just his kisses. I need all of him.

  I kiss his mouth and whisper in his ear, “When we get back, we’re going to shower, and then you’re going to make love to me like you never made love to anyone before. But first, we have to get there.”

  I feel his erection through his shorts and his breathing deepens.

  “And McCrary…”

  He takes a deep swallow and whispers out, “Yes?”

  I brush my lips against his earlobe and feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

  “Tag! “You’re it!”

  I take off running.

  From behind me, I hear him yell, “You’re evil!”

  I am panting and gasping for air by the time I make it to McCrary’s house. It was only about 100 yards away, but I feel like I just ran a mile. He is still jogging this way. I clearly stunned him quite a bit, because he easily could’ve sprinted and beaten me here. I’m curious what’s going through his mind. I made my intentions quite clear before throwing him for a loop and taking off, and I hope he’s not trying to think of ways to back out. I am ready, and I want him more than anything else in the world. Prior to today, I was tied to him in an inexplicable way, but now I know he is exactly what I want. In fact, I feel a little ashamed that life could be so joyous, and I wasted so much time not experiencing it fully. Regardless of my past decisions, mistakes, and relationships, I am here and McCrary is now. I choose to remain in the here and now.

  McCrary jogs up, half panting and half laughing. “You are positively evil, you know that?”

  I look around, mockingly. “Are you talking to me? There’s no one else around here, but surely you’re not describing me.”

  He walks toward me, causing my cheeks to warm with his intense gaze. “Yes, you. You know exactly what you are. You’re a wicked enchantress or something.”

  I drop my mouth open in playful horror, “Surely you jest! I am nothing but goodness and sunshine and light.”

  McCrary takes my ponytail, wraps it around his right hand, and pulls it in a way that is firm enough for me to feel it and cause me to lift my chin toward him, but gentle enough that it is not painful. I am immediately turned on by the tug on my hair, and I am staring into his eyes that tell me he’s enjoying this just as much. I wonder if he is going to try to get me back for my last stunt. I can feel his breath as he continues to breathe out of his mouth from the run. His breath is sweet and warm; it just gives me one more thing to ache over when we aren’t together. He takes his left hand, puts it behind my neck, and stares at me as if he’s listening to some inner dialog in his head. My heart is racing wildly, and I am breathless. I try to think of something to say, but keep coming up empty.

  Suddenly, his lips collide with mine, much like the very first time we kissed. His lips move with an almost desperate force. It’s as though he’s searching for something, an answer, with th
em. I return each movement with one of my own, and I channel all of my emotions into this kiss and this embrace to show him this is what I want. He is what I want. I part my lips and push my tongue into his mouth, searching for his. I find it, and his is eager to meet mine. I put my left hand behind his neck and move my right hand down over his wet clothes from his chest to his abs, inch by slow inch. As my hand descends down his torso, his body reacts with more vigor. My hand reaches down to massage his erection, which seems to get firmer with every movement of mine.

  He pulls his mouth away from mine and pants, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  I pull his head back down to mine. “Before today, I didn’t know I could want anything this badly. My body literally aches for you.”

  He begins kissing and nibbling on my neck like earlier, but this time with more abandon.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more,” I breathe out.

  “Arielle,” McCrary growls into my ear.

  “Yes?” I say in a heavy exhale. I half expect him to get his revenge from my teasing him earlier in the rain.

  “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.”

  I smile in jubilation. I make a secret promise in my head that I never be such a tease again, but I know I will break it. Although, for now, I am more than happy to pretend that I will keep my promise if it means having McCrary completely and all to myself.

  McCrary slowly and painstakingly removes my clothes and shoes as he has me sit in a chair on his lanai. He notices my pierced nipples, and his eyes grow wild with his smile, but he says nothing about them. He traces down my legs, one at a time, with his hands, followed by his mouth. I know he does it just to tease me, but I don’t dare complain. I seem to be oblivious to the fact that we are standing outside of his house, and that I am completely nude, but he is not. I am too taken in by his touch and his emotion to notice.

  Still seated, he wraps his hands under my thighs and hips and slides me down to the edge of the seat, spreading my legs. His tongue moves languorously as he explores all of me. This is the first time I’ve been splayed in such a way, allowing his tongue to dive so deeply. He moves his tongue and mouth deftly over my clit and into my moist opening. I begin to rock my hips slowly, but quickly pick up both speed and intensity as does my breathing. Feeling my response, he moves his tongue to give me all that I need with each movement. As I feel pleasure begin to radiate from my core, on its way to becoming ecstasy, McCrary moves his mouth to my inner thighs, and I let out a whimper. I feel his mouth turn into a smile in response against my skin.

  “What’s wrong? You don’t like being teased?”

  He stands up straight above me, and I relax my body in a large sigh and groan.

  He places his forehead to mine. “Lucky for you, I’m not a tease.”

  McCrary picks me up as if cradling me and carries me to his bedroom. His clothes are still soaked and very cold to the touch, but I don’t care.

  I lie on my back on his bed, breathing in his familiar and comforting smell that is housed in his bedding, as he undresses. I take advantage of the opportunity to see him undress and watch his every move. He removes his running shorts, and I am immediately turned on even more than I had been outside. McCrary climbs onto the bed and positions himself above me so that I am looking up straight into his adoring eyes.

  “I’ve wondered what you would feel like on my cock from the moment we met, but I care much more about you and your needs. I don’t want you to feel any regret, confusion, or hurt. So, I’m going to ask you one more time if this is what you want. Before you answer me, know that if at any point you get uncomfortable or have second thoughts, just tell me. Know that it won’t change how I feel about you in any way. If you say ‘no,’ I will wait for as long as it takes, Arielle. But if you say ‘yes,’ know that I am going to make love to you in a way that neither of us have ever known- bonding us, connecting our souls, and experiencing unadulterated pleasure like never before. Last thing before you answer- Are you on birth control?”

  I don’t think I can answer fast enough.

  “Yes. Yes. To both.”

  McCrary smiles the most magnificent smile yet and then connects that smile to mine.

  I am beyond ready for this, and I don’t much want to waste time with more foreplay, but McCrary has other ideas. As he kneads and massages my breasts, I think maybe he was right to touch me a little longer, but I will never admit that aloud. I use my hands to stroke and massage his solid length, and with each stroke, his hands and mouth become more determined. McCrary brings his lips to mine and hovers just above them so they are not touching, but the electricity stemming between both sets can still be felt. I lift my knees up, close to my chest, and guide him to me. I pick up my head to force his lips to meet mine, and he kisses me passionately. As we kiss, he slowly pushes his tip into me, and I shudder as rapture fills me from head to toe. He pushes in deeper until I feel all of him from every part of me. I am overcome with euphoria, and I feel complete. My life and my soul feel whole. This is a feeling people live and die for, and I now know it, as I would do the same. We look into each other’s eyes and, as many times before, his face says more than a million spoken words could ever convey. My breath hitches, and I need more.

  Understanding our unspoken language, McCrary slides out some and then back in, picking up speed.

  “You feel so good, Arielle. You truly are perfection.”

  I breathe heavily and move my hips in rhythm with his. I want to say something poignant and perfectly articulate- my thoughts and feelings -but all I manage to get out is a moan.

  Responding to the sound, he picks up the pace again and increases the amount of force behind each thrust. I begin to moan louder and “McCrary,” escapes from my lips. I place my hands on his ass and appreciate the firm roundness of his cheeks by digging my fingers in.

  “Harder,” I command.

  He does just as I order, and my fervor begins to spill over.

  “Come for me, Arielle.” McCrary’s chest vibrates against mine as he speaks. “I want us to finish together.”

  Hearing his voice utter those words is all I need to shift into the reckless abandon of orgasm. I moan loudly, calling out his name as he breathes mine. We leap into the throes of complete and total ecstasy together and, for a moment, we are one.

  Kissing and breathing heavily, we come down from our apex and lie together, our bodies bonded and souls connected, having just experienced rapture that cannot be equivocated, just as he said. McCrary places his head on my chest, still panting. I know he must feel my heart beating out of my chest, but this is exactly where I want him to be.

  “That was beyond incredible,” I say.

  He lifts his head and smiles a sated smile. “I think so too.”

  We kiss, a little more gently this time, and enjoy every millisecond of the remainder of the night until we are too tired to remain awake.

  I fall asleep in McCrary’s arms again, and, like the first time I was in his arms, I know I am not the same person I was when I woke up this morning. My life again will never be as it was prior to today, only this time, I am no longer afraid of what it might become. I know all of the answers lie right here, between these two arms.

  Chapter 17


  I lie in bed in the darkness, staring at the ceiling, with Arielle sleeping and snuggled up to me. My arm is falling asleep, but I don’t move it. I don’t want to move it. I’d rather hug her with a tingly arm than not have her in my arms at all. I am excited, but a little apprehensive as to what tomorrow may bring. I hope I made the right decision and didn’t act rashly out of my selfish need to have her. My ever increasing need to be connected more to her and be with her has made me become slightly dependent on her. I only hope that it’s a healthy dependence.

  Morning rays shine into the windows, and I haven’t moved from my place on the bed. I believe I dozed off a few times during the night, but my subconscious wouldn’t allow me to rest for long. I continuall
y woke up to make sure Arielle didn’t leave or wake up feeling angry. Each time I would awaken, she would be in the same position, curled against my body and snoring in the most dainty and adorable way. At least I don’t have to feel bad about being a snorer myself.

  After a little while, Arielle begins to stir in the bed. Her hair is wild and all over, and I can’t help but love it. I don’t know that there’s anything about her that I couldn’t love if I tried. I love everything that makes up her essence of being because all of those tiny traits, behaviors, and thoughts add up to equal Arielle.

  She rolls over and places her hand on my chest and mutters in a dry, raspy voice, “What’s the story, morning glory?”

  Smoothing her hair with my hand and brushing it toward her shoulders, I kiss the top of her head.

  “You and your adorableness.”

  She curls into me tighter and feeling her skin against mine makes my head rush with heat and desire all over again.

  “If I’m the major headline of the day, then you, my friend, need to subscribe to a more reputable publication.”

  Even just out of sleep, she is clever and witty, which challenges me to keep up.

  “I have very good and reputable sources who say you are indeed headline worthy.”

  Her body vibrates in amusement. “I’m going to want the names of those sources. I need to make sure it’s not an inside job.”

  “I cannot reveal my sources,” I say as I caress her exposed back.

  “I have my ways of making people talk.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a minute.”

  She begins to trace small circles on my chest, and I know if I don’t create a diversion now, we will never get out of this bed and my arm may never regain feeling. Not that I really want to get out of bed, but I decide I would prefer to keep my arm so I can feel her with it later.


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