D.C. RIOTS (Anonymous Justice Book 3)

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D.C. RIOTS (Anonymous Justice Book 3) Page 10

by Boyd Craven Jr

  “As a black American myself ma’am, I assure you that I can.”

  “The hate and physical violence that took place in this city over the past few days was in no way connected to Black Lives Matter,” she said. “Local and outside agitators took advantage of the emotions we had stirred up while looking for answers, and purposely turned it into violence. BLM called an official end to the protests here in D.C., and left. We absolutely condemn what the thugs and criminals did after we were gone. We are all about calling attention to the fact that police brutality on blacks is out of control, but this black on black rioting and looting is not only disgraceful, but actually worse than our problem with the police. Empowering thugs and criminals like Mayor Takisha Jackson did is ultimately what got her killed. Those people have no loyalty or respect for anything or anyone. And no, we did not have time to get any answers.”

  “Speaking of the event where the Mayor of this city was murdered in broad daylight, I have on the phone an un-named officer of the DC Metropolitan Police,” Williams said. “Hello officer, are you there?”

  “Yes, I am,” came the answer, from an obviously electronically disguised voice. “Thank you for inviting me to tell our side of this story,” he said.

  “Absolutely. Let me jump right to it: others have alleged that law enforcement has had their ‘hands tied’ when it comes to doing their jobs over the past few days while all of this was going on. What can you tell us about that?” Williams asked.

  “That it’s a true fact,” he answered. “We were notified when the permits for public protest were granted, and when and where they would be, by City Hall. About a minute later, we were notified that the Police Commissioner had been ordered by Mayor Takisha Jackson that we were to be present, but to keep our hands off. She decided that the people of this city were to have all of the room they needed to ‘express themselves’ and reminded us also that the President had ordered hands off by law enforcement, of anything Islamic. That both frustrated us and made us angry. We are human, ya know?”

  “And what, if anything, were you told about Anonymous Justice?” Williams asked.

  “That the President and the Mayor both had ordered us to consider them domestic terrorists, and to treat them as such.”

  “Do you and your comrades consider Anonymous Justice terrorists?”

  “Hell no, sir. The late Mayor was the terrorist. She got elected by promising her constituents free stuff. After she did, she’d make us stand there and take abuse time after time, threatening our jobs and pensions if we lifted a finger. They were so grateful to her for that, they killed her. That oughtta tell the story right there!”

  “What we are going to show you now, was taken by two young ladies who aspire to become journalists. They have a definite future in this business, as you are about to see.”

  The video of the rioters that Kat had captured from Julie’s back balcony appeared full screen. It began with the rioters coming into view down 4th St and stopping to focus their attention on the electronics store.

  “This is what they captured from the outside view. An overwhelming force of thugs overrunning a business that has provided valuable service to this community for many years. The only reason they had for doing so, is because it was there. You can see their violent actions and the fire that destroyed the building. What you cannot see, is that they eventually made their way inside the back of the store, robbing the son of the business owner who happened to be working, and slitting his throat, killing him for no apparent reason, other than that he was there.

  “Now you see the mob moving down the street and ransacking a building that was vacant at the time, setting fire to it, apparently because it was there…

  “Now the mob stops in front of The Corner Liquor & Deli, which belongs to two young men, one white, one black, who built this business that also provides a valuable service to this community with their baked goods and specialty sandwiches. Yes, they sell liquor too, as the name implies. Both of the men were inside as this took place. They were protected initially by security curtains that they had fortunately purchased, they said, after seeing the Baltimore riots, as protection for their investment. But now, as you can see, the mob is attempting to use large pry bars to get past that barrier. Fearing for their lives, as well as their business, these men called 911 for help. Here is the recording of that conversation.”

  The actual recording from the 911 log was played, where the operator told them that no help was available at the time, due to the riot.

  “What you can’t see from this video, is that both of these men belong to the group called Anonymous Justice, and after being told that no help was coming from the police, they contacted their friends in Anonymous Justice for help. This is what happened next.”

  The video shows the mob throwing Molotov cocktails on the roof and trying to throw them through the security screens past the broken windows. It shows the men going onto the roof with fire extinguishers and putting the fire out. It shows more Molotov cocktails being thrown up, and them catching them and throwing them back down. It shows the black man of the two with his shirt and hair afire, and his friend putting him out with his own body.

  “Now, watch what happens on the ground, and listen carefully…”

  The video and audio that Kat had captured of the Past Presidents appearing in the street played, and the warning they got from the bullhorn was audible.

  “Now, you can see that they ignore that warning, and throw fire at the Past Presidents.”

  The video halts.

  “What happens next is not for children or the faint of heart to see. Turn your head now, if that is you! The Past Presidents opened fire on the mob. The mob cannot seem to believe that anyone is standing up to them, and charge the men with guns. They are decimated. Finally, the rest of the mob runs for their lives, eastward towards the White House.”

  Jermane Williams face is again framed in the screen.

  “That was terrible. Everything about that was deplorable. It doesn’t look like something that we would expect to see in America, does it? Here’s something else that’s deplorable too, though.”

  The video appears back on the screen.

  “Watch, as a law enforcement helicopter comes in to rescue the men trapped on the roof! Very brave, right? There, an officer jumps out of the helicopter onto the roof with his rifle pointed at the two men. He forces them into the helicopter at gunpoint. They didn’t rescue those two men at all! They arrested them for throwing fire down onto the mob, as terrorists, by the Mayor’s order. These two men are presently setting in jail, awaiting arraignment! Unbelievable!”

  “What about that, officer? Where were you when all of this happened?”

  “Protecting the White House, until the National Guard could get there, sir. We were ordered not to leave, under any circumstances, or for any reason, until they did.”

  “Thank you for your insight, officer,” Williams said. “Folks, an old saying comes to mind, that I’d like for you to ponder: ‘Any enemy of my enemy, is my friend’. This may be quite fitting. Especially in this instance, the police were not the enemy. Anonymous Justice? Well, you’ll have to decide that one for yourselves. I’m going to wrap up our report here in D.C. with a message for you, from a man named AJ.”

  [AJ] I want us, the American Majority, to learn two things from what just happened. Number one: You know we’re all sick of thugs of any race, being enabled to continue being thugs, by politicians that just want their votes. I want us to look past the obvious lies, like the woman who reported that the police were beating and killing peaceful protesters. We saw video of what really happened. I want unscrupulous reporters to quit airing garbage like that, just for the sake of sensationalism. I want all of us to quit being afraid of calling them out for it, if they do!

  Number two: This country was won with the blood of our forefathers for the sake of our liberty. There will always be challenges to that liberty, as there always have been. The great Thomas Jefferson, in a port
ion of one of his more famous letters named The Tree of Liberty, wrote:

  “The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independent 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

  We are Americans, people! In the land of the free, and home of the brave! By God, I want us to start acting like it! Our enemies and our current political leaders are enabling behavior that is undermining and threatening to our freedoms and liberties. Riots and looting like we just experienced create chaos. Chaos draws our eyes away from our true enemies, and what they are doing to us in broad daylight by attempting to institute Sharia law here. Wake up America! Fight back!

  * * *

  The camera zoomed in, doing a close-up on Jermane Williams, framing his face in the center of the screen exactly like when he’d done his special report, just a few days ago. With a solemn look on his face, and with his famously encouraging voice, he said;

  “So there you have it. A true accounting of events. Choose for yourself. Until next time, this is Jermane Williams saying, Goodnight America!”

  --The End--

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  About the Author

  About The Author –

  Boyd Craven Jr was born in Flint, Michigan, USA on December 7, 1957. He grew up in a close, country, family environment in Grand Blanc, MI. He went to school there, and at 18, he followed his father's footsteps into a career with General Motors there where he worked for 30 years and 2 days.

  Upon retiring at 48 years old, he rediscovered the love for gardening his parents had taught him, raises his own food as much as is practical and enjoys teaching others to do the same. He founded The Urban Rabbit Project to teach others how to add a meat section to their garden, no matter where they live. He published his first book in Kindle Direct Publishing in November 2012 titled "Backyard Meat Rabbits" and discovered that he loves writing too.



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  About the Author

  About The Author –

  Boyd Craven III has penned over 20 books over the last two years, only recently deciding to take the plunge into publishing. His "The World Burns" Series has hit the top 10 in the Dystopian Genre in the USA, the UK, Canada and Australia. Boyd has made his home in Michigan with his wonderful wife and about a million kids, but travels to Texas to visit family as frequently as possible.

  He hunts and goes fishing when he's not dreaming up post-apocalyptic nightmares to put his characters through. Fear not though, Boyd is a huge believer that in the darkest hour, there is always a glimmer of hope to hold onto.

  In addition to being a modern day urban farmer, Boyd belongs to a co-op selling at the local farmers market, and lately has been experimenting with living off the grid - an excellent way to research for his series, as well as torture his teenage sons.

  Prepare yourself by reading his books - they're a thrill ride, on or off the grid.





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