Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 1 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 1 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 5

by Charlie Buxton

  "First, I'm sorry for breaking the serious mood."

  "Don't be," she said with a warm smile. "This is meant to be a joyous occasion. Now just tell me."

  "Well, it just occurred to me. Here we are, on a space vessel in the twenty-fifth century, and I'm about to boldly go where no man has gone before."

  "Oh, you smart ass," said Kari with a giggle. "But true -- very true. Now get in there before I change my mind."

  "Do I need to go slow, I mean, if no one..."

  "Oh Pax, you might be the first man, but you're sure as hell not the first thing -- come on."

  Pax positioned himself gently at her opening.

  "Are you ready?" he whispered.


  She reached around his back and pulled him insistently toward her. Well lubricated as she was by his attentions (and her own attentions prior to his arrival), he slid easily into her, all the way to the hilt."

  "Oh -- my -- goddess," gasped Pax. "Kari, Inanna -- whatever I'm supposed to call you -- you have no idea how good this feels."

  "I think I sort of do," said Kari, who was doing some gasping of her own.

  "Really?" asked Pax.

  "It certainly doesn't suck. Now make love to me, Pax."

  They were two lovers learning each other's bodies, but for Kari it was an entirely foreign and almost out-of-body sensation.

  It wasn't easy. Though she put on a pleasant mask for Pax, the first few moments were almost impossible for her. It was counter to everything her body was telling her. If it weren't for the pleasure her dear friend was deriving, she might not have been able to proceed but the sound of his moans and the sweat of his body against hers gave her sensations to focus on.

  His manhood inside her was the most foreign thing. She'd played with her share of toys with her girlfriends, but it had never been a person.

  The turning point came with Pax's orgasm.

  "Oh Kari!" he cried. "Oh Kari, it's been so long! Oh Kari, my love!"

  As he spilled himself into her, she closed her eyes and imagined the stream of life flowing into her womb... of the new life which might soon be forming from their loving act. Though she'd known that was the intention from the start -- it took that tangible physical sensation to truly bring it home in her mind.

  "Oh yes, Pax," she cried. "Don't hold back. Give me all you have."

  Though he had felt foreign in the beginning, as he lay gasping in her arms, his heavy weight upon her, his slickened cock nestled inside of her -- she welcomed all of it. She welcomed the feel of the lover inside of her arms and for the first time understood the sacred nature of their act. She felt herself transported back over six millennia and saw a woman much as herself -- a lover of women in a sacred position of power. She saw that this union was not a sacrifice but a blessing, an affirmation and renewal life. For them, the act was now even more sacred -- the potential life even more sacrosanct.

  "Thank you Kari," murmured Pax. "I...oh my god that was amazing."

  "It was, wasn't it?" whispered Kari. "Think about it Pax, we might have just made a baby."

  "Oh my god, that's..." Pax rolled off of her and smacked his forehead. "That's what this was about? Can you believe it, I've been so stunned with everything I didn't even... but Kari, we've got the fertility banks on the wheel with everything you need."

  "No Pax," said Kari tenderly. "You have to understand it from my perspective. If we're going to populate it this brave new universe, from where I come from it isn't going to start with a turkey baster. "

  "Okay," said Pax, nodding.

  Her hand had drifted down to the 'foreign object' she had recently encountered so intimately.

  "Oh my, Pax!" she giggled. "Ready so soon?"

  "Kari," he said, "it's been over a fortnight without anything, and well over a year without any real sex. I'll be more than ready for a few more times, at least."

  "Well, you'd better be," she whispered. "Because some of the prayers around the ritual I use they talk about Inanna and Dumuzi doing it fifty times before Dumuzi was sated."

  "Fifty?" mused Pax. "I don't know if I can get to that number. But for you, I'm willing to try."

  "That's so agreeable of you," she said with a laugh.

  She flipped herself across him and reached down to guide his glistening, honeyedrod into her. It took a little maneuvering, this new skill she was acquiring and he slipped out on first try.

  "There it is," she purred as he found his way all the way in.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, almost meditating at the sensation.

  "Hurt?" asked Pax with concern.

  "No... just new, sweetie. Just new. Let's see how this works, shall we?"

  It worked very well.

  With the mix of their juices providing a fascinating blend of lubrication, Pax began a slow rhythm in and out of her. Their bodies soon found a perfect rhythm together and Kari discovered she was bucking her hips in a gyrating motion against his.

  There was still something missing... the innate emotional element. She still lacked that 'whatever' with Pax that she would have had with a woman. However, it was replaced by the spiritual element, by the divine aspect of the creation of life. With that spiritual component replacing the emotional, she discovered herself reveling in the physical.

  "Oh gods, Pax, this is so good," she moaned. "I've never, oh gods fuck me! Fuck me you wonderful man. I love this with you inside of... Oh!"

  It tripped over, something she never would have imagined possible let loose with ferocity.

  "Pax, I'm cumming," she was able to gasp out. "I'm cumm....Aieeh!"

  Her whole body was shaking from the climax. Her hips, her legs, her chest. Her hands grasped at the sheets in almost panicked fashion. Pax stopped for a moment which was not what she needed.

  "No!" she cried out. "Don't stop! Keep going no matter what until you cum! I have to have that. I have to feel you inside of me again."

  Pax did as ordered and continued pounding into her from below. Though he was doing the majority of the work now, due to her near paralysis, they kept up a steady pace.

  Orgasm after orgasm followed for Kari. She couldn't even open her eyes as, like waves in the ocean, one followed the other before the last one could even recede.

  Pax seemed driven by something sacred himself for he seemed tireless. The sweat was pouring off of their bodies, but they continued on, driven by a heightened passion that neither wanted to let go of.

  At last, the exhaustion of countless orgasms began to slow Kari down. She altered her pace and began lifting as high as she could off of his tireless cedar.

  "There!" she said with an almost violent descent. "That! Is! Perfect!" she cried.

  She took a breather, falling down onto Pax's chest and kissing him hungrily.

  "Are you ready to cum, Pax?" she asked. "Will you fill me up again?"

  "I will," he whispered.

  "Fuck!" she cried as he slammed up and into her, then again.

  "FUCK!" she yelled, as another climax began to explode within her.

  "Oh Kari," cried Pax through gritted teeth. "I'm..."

  "Do it, Pax!" she ordered him. "Cum for me!"

  Responding instinctually to her own passion, the orgasm that ripped through Pax was almost violent in its intensity. They gripped at each other in fierce desperation as their bodies became inexorably entwined. Even as the last throes of their pleasure were dissipating they remained clinging to each other, their fingers interlocked, their lips touching tenderly.

  As the two of them drifted off into an exhausted slumber, Kari could feel his heart beating through his chest -- almost in sync with her own. Two lines from a sacred poem drifted through her mind as she surrendered to sleep:

  Sweet is the sleep of hand-to-hand. Sweeter still the sleep of heart-to-heart.

  They didn't awake until the early rays of the sun streaming into the morning of the wheel. She was still laying on top of him, her hair spilling across his face.

Though he had slipped out of her sometime in the night, she could feel his renewed firmness pressing against her.

  Her stirring awoke him as well. He opened his eyes and smiled at her. Another verse entered her mind and she spoke them aloud to him.

  "Last night as I, the queen, was shining bright, Last night as I, the Queen of Heaven, was shining bright, As I was shining bright and dancing, Singing praises at the coming of the night — He met me — he met me!"

  She stopped then, and kissed him lovingly.

  "Nice to meet you," she sighed.

  "Nice to meet you, too."

  "I don't know if we made to fifty," she said, "but I think if you put yours and mine together, we're at least at twenty-five?"

  "I wouldn't doubt it," agreed Pax. "You were amazing!"

  "I was certainly surprising," said Kari. "Never would have suspected that, trust me."

  "So, are you like -- bi now?"

  "Gods, no," she said, laughing. "I'm worshipping...I'm procreating...I'm replenishing the race. I don't know how to describe it -- it's sex, but it isn't my sexuality."

  "Whatever it is, I'm not complaining," said Pax.

  "Speaking of, how about we see if we can reach that number fifty?"

  "I'm at your service," said Pax, he flipped her over and plunged into her.


  She was thirsty. Her womb was thirsty. Pax was the only one who could slake that thirst. For the next week, they were inseparable and insatiable. Kari found herself fantasizing about different ways to seduce and couple with Pax...and often dreamed about the feeling of his warmth filling her from inside.

  The first time it didn't take. Interestingly, once she had confirmed that and she was past ovulation, her desire waned quickly. It was probably a good thing, allowing them to focus on the necessary tasks at hand. She actually stopped even sleeping next to Pax because her body was too tempting to him and without the desire for reproduction, she couldn't reciprocate in the way he wanted.

  With Pax's background in engineering, he was busy with the specialists devising ways to configure the wheels for the upcoming population. The plan was simple in concept. There were one-hundred wheels with two staff apiece. The wheels would be pushed to five points in separate areas, to minimize risks as much as possible. Twenty wheels, joined together, to form a base population of forty.

  With Kari's background in social sciences, she was working with geneticist specialists and population experts on how to expand a population of two hundred to a steadily growing and healthy population. It was a difficult task, for they wished to draw on lessons from the past in order to nurture a thriving, stable, peaceful populace.


  When the time arrived, Kari did not need a calendar or a test to know when her body was ready to try again. A dream stayed sharp in her mind. They had been beside the waterfall, but it hadn't been in the lush vegetation of the wheel. It had been an oasis in the desert. The dream had changed and she had been the earth, her vulva had been the pool below. Pax was standing at the top of the hill and a white stream was pouring out of him, flowing down the hill, and churning sensually into her.

  When she awoke she could feel the moistness between her legs and had a strong renewal of yearning for Pax.

  He woke to the feeling of her sliding into bed next to him. Her hand groped hungrily for his morning stiffness.

  "It's that time, huh?" he murmured with a smile; sleep still heavy on his eyes.

  "Oh yes, it's time."

  This time, her desire was so strong they had to schedule work shifts in opposite sections of the wheel if they wanted to get any work done at all.

  Their favorite spot was always the waterfall. They would bathe -- purify each other in the water and then retreat to the marriage bed in the sacred grove. They tried nearly every position, but would most often end up in the missionary position -- still the tried and true method with the best odds.

  Kari was almost certain of the exact time when she conceived. Pax had been taking her from behind when she had sensed him growing close. Falling onto her back and raising her feet high in the air, she had welcomed him into the deepest angle possible, her ankles actually resting on his shoulders. When he came, she gasped at the sensation of his heat shooting into her. It seemed to go deeper this time, so deep in fact that it almost hurt in a way. A bell seemed to go off somewhere -- she wasn't sure how, but she knew.

  "Is something wrong?" asked Pax, seeing the tears on her face.

  "No Pax," she said. "Everything is wonderful."

  The epiphany that she'd just conceived seemed too private silly to share, but she fixed that moment in her mind and knew it was one she would never forget.

  The next few nights she kept herself apart from Pax -- but the night following, he found her in his bed when he went to his room.

  As he entered her, she sighed and kissed him gently.

  "Thank you," she whispered.

  "Thank you for what?" he asked.

  "For giving me a baby," she replied.

  "Really?" he asked excitedly.

  "Oh yeah," she said, kissing him. "It's definite."

  "Boy or girl?"

  "Well, we won't really know yet," she said, "but I'm not going to find out. If we're going this old school, I'm sure as hell not going to find the answer to that question."


  She continued going to his bed. It was hormonal, she knew it, but there was something in her psyche that wanted comfort, companionship, and yes -- protection, during this time. They didn't make love every night, but she discovered a new tenderness for Pax now that she was pregnant. She also had to admit that the mindblowing orgasms brought on by the changed hormones of pregnancy were nothing to complain about.

  She mused at times on their relationship. How many women over the ages had made such a compromise? How many had been willing to share their lives with someone who was at least a good man. She imagined herself in 1950's America, or most of the world in pre-industrial times. If she'd been forced down the marriage route in times like those, she would have counted herself lucky to have a companion like Pax to share life with.

  The wheel staff had been so busy with the logistics and loneliness of space that they actually hadn't spent much time thinking about the forty people with whom they would be living for the rest of their natural lives. That idea hit home four months later when they received a hail on the comm. They were nestled together in Kari's bed when they heard the signal.

  "Wheel 2-3, this is wheel 2-4. Wheel 2-3, please come in."

  Something in the voice sounded familiar to Kari, though she couldn't quite place it. She and Pax dressed hurriedly, throwing on the nearest available clothes.

  Kari typed her wrist comm and spoke a quick reply.

  "Wheel 2-4, this is wheel 2-3. On the way to the vid screen. Looking forward to having a real face-to-face."

  "As are we," said the voice. "Just thought since we're going to meet up in a week we should make some introductions."

  Again, the voice sounded familiar. Kari and Pax stood in front of the vid screen.

  "Comm, please enable video communications with Wheel 2-4."

  Standing on the other end were two women, one was a short but voluptuous woman with rich chocolate skin. The other was beautiful in her own way. Though a bit unconventional in her looks, she was tall with fair skin, angular features, and jet black hair which contrasted amazingly with her striking blue eyes. Both of them were dressed in formal, but civilian attire. Clearly they had made effort for this first impression.

  Kari's hand went to her mouth in surprise.

  "Grace!" she said in shock. "Grace, is that really you? I had no idea."

  "Corporal Graciela Perez reporting for duty," said the sensuous Latina. "Glad to see you dressed up for us."

  "Grace, by the gods I never... how are you?"

  Kari found herself crying. All four of them, in fact, found themselves overwhelmed at the first approximation of direct contact with anyone in nearly
a year and a half.

  "I didn't know you were up top either," said Grace. "I saw your name, but I thought I'd wait to actually talk to you until I... I'm glad to see you're alive Kari."

  "So am I," agreed Kari.

  "Well, I see these two know each other," said Pax. "Grace, I'm Pax Trentor. And you are?"

  The other woman looked to Pax with those bright blue eyes and flashed him a smile that spoke volumes, thought Pax didn't seem to pick up on it.


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