Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 1 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 1 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 10

by Charlie Buxton

  "This is a lot like Zoraster's place, at least in the organization. He may have been a mad, evil bastard, but he knew how to establish a place of learning," Celes remarked as they stood in the main library.

  "This is all so overwhelming," Andrea remarked.

  Celes turned to the blonde woman and said, "There's no place like this for a witch to study her craft, that's for sure. We're going to have a difficult time with our mothers gone, Andrea."

  Devan advised, "We have a few witches studying here, actually. They aren't natural practitioners of the craft like the two of you, but they can probably help set you on the right path. There is no manner of magic that we don't welcome and nurture here."

  "We should go get your mother's book, Celes," Danica suggested.

  "Aye, we should at that," Celes agreed.

  "I never even saw my mother's book, if she had one. I'm going to be more lost than you," Andrea said and sighed.

  "Perhaps we can help with that," said a voice coming from the open air before the assembled group.

  Devan started and raised her hands to meet any threat with her magic, as did Danica – until she saw Celes trembling and starting to tear up.

  Motes of light swirled in front of them, coalescing into the transparent image of a beautiful woman with raven-dark hair, and another with pale blonde tresses.

  "M-mom?" Andrea and Celes both stammered in stunned surprise.

  "I'm so proud of you, Celes," the dark-haired image of her mother announced.

  "And I'm so proud of you, Andrea," the other woman agreed. They both looked at each other then, and held out their hands before them, palm up. Thick, leather-bound tomes appeared in the hands of the women. Unlike those who held them, the books were solid and real.

  In formal tones, Celes' mother said, "Come, Celes, take the book that is the legacy of the Hartwell line of witches. You do us all proud, and you are destined to do great things with your powers."

  Andrea's mother spoke next, in the same formal tones, "You too have a great destiny before you, Andrea. Take the book that is your birthright as one of the Trueheart witches."

  The women stepped forward and took the books, and almost immediately tried to take their mother's hands. Both looked disappointed when their hands passed through the intangible hands of the elder witches.

  Both of the transparent women looked as pained as their daughters did. Andrea's mother said, "I wish I could hug you, dear. We've only been allowed these few moments to set you on your path."

  Celes' mother spoke next, "My dear daughter, there is a spell in the book that will free your love's soul from her imprisonment. You'll know it when you see it."

  The elder witches then smiled sadly and Celes' mother said, "We have to go. Know that we all watch over you. I love you, Celes."

  "I love you too Mother, thank you."

  "And I love you, Andrea."

  "I miss you, Mom. I love you."

  The two women then joined hands, the images of them becoming more transparent by the moment. The lights swirled around them again, and the voice of Andrea's mother drifted back to them as the women vanished. "We'll always be with you, my beloved daughter."

  Danica and Marlena moved forward immediately to comfort the two crying women, but saw that they both were smiling as they cried. Danica asked them, "Are you okay?"

  Celes nodded and clutched the tome she held to her breast. "I can feel Mother, and Grandmother, and all the grandmothers before that I never knew. It's like they never left. Their presence is here, in this book. Is it the same for you, Andrea?"

  Smiling and laughing through her tears, Andrea replied, "Yes, I can feel them all."

  "Well, that's something you don't see every day," Brandon mused.

  "Darkni is going to have an apoplexy. He's especially proud of his wards against spirits," Devan said and then laughed.

  "I want to go look at this right now, there's a spell in here I need to find immediately," Celes declared.

  Danica nodded, tears filling her eyes as well. "Back to our rooms then."


  Swelling with pride and love, the two witches held hands and watched over their daughters. Nearby stood a woman with alien features – the oddity only serving to increase her undeniable beauty. Turning to the third woman, Celes' mother asked, "They are chosen ones then?"

  The third woman nodded. "They will face great trials, but the power within them – and the wisdom of those who came before them – will see them through."

  Andrea's mother asked, "Who is the third, then?"

  The strange, beautiful woman smiled and replied, "In time, they will find each other. Soon, I would think. Until then, I think they will find a way to fill the void, where necessary."


  Celes flipped through her book, as did Andrea. Andrea remarked, "I recognize my mother's handwriting in places. Some of this script is so beautiful, and the dates boggle my mind."

  Celes grunted, a sound meant to convey agreement. "I think every witch who has ever held this book has added to it. It goes back hundreds of years." She suddenly stopped turning pages and stared at the one before her, "This is it."

  Everyone gathered to look over Celes' shoulder, seeing flowing script at the top of the page that read, To free a trapped soul.

  Celes shoulders fell and she said, "It says that the spell has to be chanted in unison by three witches."

  Devan offered, "You don't have to be born a witch to use witchcraft. You just have to have one of the spirits be agreeable with you. Maybe one of us can read it."

  Andrea and Celes both looked at each other and then Celes said, "Danica, will you read the spell with us? The spirits that empower witchcraft are nature entities, and I think you're more in tune with them than anyone else. Remember what you told me about the Nymphs?"

  "They did say that their Mistress liked me," Danica muttered. "Of course, I'll try."

  Celes left the book open where they all could see it, and then sat the sphere that held her love's soul contained upon the table nearby. Andrea and Danica came to stand on either side of Celes, and they all read through the short chant that should bring the magic into being.

  Danica took Celes' hand and told her, "I think I have enough of it memorized to keep up."

  Celes smiled, and then turned to Andrea. The blonde witch nodded, taking Celes' other hand at the same time.

  Celes said, "I'll squeeze your hands when I'm about to start." She then took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. When her eyes opened, she looked down at the book and squeezed the hands of her friends, beginning the chant.

  For one who is imprisoned - by arts most dark

  On life's final journey - not free to embark

  We ask for the power - we witches three

  To break these foul bonds - a soul to free

  The sphere upon the table began to glow with a light the color of new leaves. At the same time, it vibrated slightly for a moment, and then burst. A swirl of lights emerged from the sphere, and coalesced into the image of a dark-haired, lush woman wearing a wide smile.

  The woman clutched her hands over her heart and said, "Celes, thank you. Know I will always watch over you as well, and I shall always love you. Don't mourn me, and don't save all your love for me. You have more than enough to share."

  Celes sobbed and said, "I'm so sorry for what he did to you."

  "I'm free now, my love. I'm going to be with my mother, and all the witches of my line. I'm happy. I'll miss being next to you, but I know you have a great destiny before you, and I'll be so happy watching you fulfill it."

  "I don't want you to go," Celes sobbed.

  "I don't want to go either, but I must – they are calling. I should have been there a long time ago, and everyone is impatient to see me."

  Celes wiped her eyes as the image of her love faded, the now familiar lights swirling about it, "I'll think about you, always."

  A voice drifted back to Celes as
the image vanished, "Just don't scream out my name when you reach your peak with someone else. That's terribly impolite, you know?"

  Celes laughed, and the others joined in. Wiping the tears from her eyes again, Celes said, "I've missed her teasing so much, she must have known it."

  "We'll try to fill the void, as long as you remember to scream the right names," Danica said with obvious mischief in her voice.

  Celes slapped her playfully, and then pulled both Danica and Andrea into a hug.


  Danica peeked into the door leading to Darkniciad's large common room, and then just as quickly pulled her head back. "I can't do this, Devan. I don't even know how to talk in front of Nobles."

  Devan rolled her eyes, but she was smiling at the same time. "Do you see any crowns in there, Danica? This is more a gathering of friends than Nobles. We're dressed more formally than anybody else is."

  "It's a bit daunting, isn't it," said a blonde woman who walked up from behind, laying a hand upon Danica's shoulder.

  Danica nodded her head nervously to the woman. "Have you ever had to talk in front of a King? I know I'm going to throw up."

  The woman smiled and let out a little laugh. "Yes, I have as a matter of fact. I probably felt pretty much the same as you do. Christi and Alicia both tried to calm me down, like Devan is doing for you, but it didn't do any good – until I actually started speaking. You'll find that this is a rather special group."

  Devan was smiling knowingly when she shook Danica's other shoulder. "See, now just get in there. Everyone else is waiting already. Andrea walked right in, as if it were something she did every day. Besides, you've already talked to the Baroness of Dalebord."

  Danica's eyes squinted in confusion and she said, "I've talked to..." The words trailed off and she turned back to the blonde woman.

  Smiling, the Baroness said, "Just call me Arilee. You'll find that we like to leave our titles at home, and we're not over fond of them even when we're there. Come in whenever you're ready. I'll walk with you, if you would like me to."

  Danica chuckled, and then asked, "Are they all like you?"

  Arilee replied, "If anything, they stand less on ceremony than I do, especially Cerebus and Vladamir. Christi asked me to apologize for not coming, but she's busy with her youngest."

  "The Duchess of Cratel, Mindblind's wife," Devan explained.

  "And my dearest friend," Arilee added with a smile.

  Danica took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I guess I should get this over with. You'll catch me if I pass out, won't you?"

  Devan laughed and swatted her sister on the behind. "Just go, already."

  Danica opened the door and quickly stepped into the room, before her nerve failed her.

  "Welcome, Danica. It is good to meet you after so many years of Devan speaking about you," Darkniciad said, rising from his chair. Danica thought he looked a great deal like the old grey bearded Master of the school where she had first learned magic.

  "I recognize you from the Forge," said Mindblind, who Danica also recognized from there, "You were blonde, but everything else matches."

  "It certainly does," purred Cheron, rising from her chair and walking quickly to Danica.

  "Cheron!" Danica exclaimed, opening her arms wide to hug the woman.

  They embraced, and Cheron whispered into Danica's ear, "I like you with red hair. I'll have to see how it looks down below soon."

  Danica's face burned, but she laughed quietly. Turning to the Duke of Cratel, she said, "Thank you, I probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't arrived with your warriors at the Forge when you did."

  The broad-shouldered man smiled. "Hey, no problem. Like I said then, my boys needed a good scrap – they were gettin' soft."

  "Come sit down," an older – but still stunningly beautiful – blonde woman said, reaching for a wine decanter. "I'll pour you some wine. I know you're probably nervous."

  "That's the Queen, Alicia," Devan explained, "See – they're all just like anyone else." She then took her sister's hand and led her to the chair.

  The Queen handed Danica the wine, and Danica took a sip once she sat down. Her eyes lit up and she asked, "What is this?"

  Cheron nudged a powerful looking man with a boyish face as she sat down next to him. "That's Vladamir's latest experiment, peach wine. Be careful, it has a kick like a mule, and it sneaks up on you."

  Danica looked around, knowing that she was surrounded by powerful wizards, the heads of clerical orders, Kings, Dukes, and all manner of important people. They were all dressed in common clothing, however, and wore expressions that indeed hinted at a meeting of friends, rather than a council of war.

  Andrea and Celes were talking with a handsome man with a drooping mustache, and his dark-haired wife. Marlena chatted with the dusky-skinned wizard, Ashtar. Brandon was laughing at something the man had said that was sitting in the chair next to the Queen, who Danica guessed was King Thakkorias. Seeing all her friends at ease helped dull Danica's nervous edge, and she soon joined in the conversation.

  When Devan urged that they should probably attend to the business at hand, Danica's fear surged again for a moment. She found that – just as the Baroness Arilee had suggested – it became easier every second.

  Many hours passed before Danica and the others who had escaped Zoraster finished their tale.

  "This is all quite remarkable," Darkniciad observed when Danica finished describing their final escape from Zoraster's inner sanctum. "I should like to meet this guardian, and see this odd stone."

  Celes suddenly raised her head and looked at Danica. "Danica, can you remember where that island is?"

  Danica opened her mouth to say she did, but then paused when she realized that she couldn't remember either. "No, I don't. I remember being there, but I can't visualize the location. It's like it is in a fog in my mind."

  Darkniciad nodded. "Hmm, it appears we are not yet ready to meet this odd guardian. It appears he serves the cause of right, so we shall simply have to trust he will continue to do so."

  "I always knew you had more potential than you ever realized," Devan commented, "But I had no idea the abilities you had hiding within you. I don't know how you managed to keep such power suppressed for all those years."

  Danica smiled weakly. "Zoraster forced me to look deep inside myself and confront a lot of demons."

  Darkniciad stroked his beard and said, "You have left much unsaid, and I'm sure the reasons are quite personal, so I shall not press. You have given us much to think on, Danica, and surely struck a blow to the dark designs of Zoraster."

  Arilee smiled and said, "If you ever need to talk about those other things, my door is always open. My demons were not nearly as frightening as yours, but I fought them none the less."

  Alicia added, "My door is always open as well, and I'm sure the same holds true for every woman in this room."

  Danica smiled and said, "Thank you all. I may need to talk some day."

  Mindblind sat back with a grunt. "Any chance of scaring up some chow, Darkni? I'm starving. Did you bring any beer with you, Vlad?"

  Vladamir smiled broadly. "Of course, my brother, such vital supplies should never be left behind on a journey."

  The men in the room grunted their approval, and the women rolled their eyes. Darkniciad chuckled and said, "I shall have something brought immediately. We will put aside our concerns for now, and welcome the newcomers to our council, properly. It has been too long since we spent time in fellowship."


  As the day progressed, Danica grew more at ease by the moment. Despite being men and women of power, those assembled in the common room proved beyond any doubt that they were not absorbed in the trappings of that power.

  A stray thought from Marlena caused Danica to cover her mouth and stifle a laugh. The illusionist was speaking with Vladamir and Cheron, and Danica had little doubt that Marlena would be missing from the room they shared this night. Cheron was
very persuasive, and it seemed her paramour was no less so.

  Danica walked up to her sister, noticing that Devan was once again sizing up Brandon from across the room. Tapping her sister on the shoulder, Danica whispered, "He's a little difficult to ignore, isn't he?"

  Devan actually blushed, something Danica had not seen happen in a very long time. "Sorry, you know how I am. I just can't see a handsome man, or woman, and not wonder."


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