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Love Potion Number 10

Page 2

by Conner, Jennifer

“I’m meeting Mr. Sellers and the crew tomorrow for lunch at the country club. You and I can meet before work at the coffee shop downstairs. You can tell me and then I can tell him all about the show.”

  “I see…” Royce just smiled. He figured Felix had some ulterior motive for the whole thing. It sure as hell wouldn’t be that he wanted to do something ‘nice’ for those who worked with him. “Sure, I’ll take one of them.”

  “What about the other ticket?”

  “I don’t…” Royce stopped. What was he saying? “I’ll take one of the tickets and ‘make a report,’- And then, why don’t you see if Everett would like to go and use the other ticket? She loves classical music.”

  “Everett? Really? I didn’t know that.” Felix rubbed his chin. “Makes sense, she looks like she’d be into that kind of thing.”

  Royce stiffened, but held his smile.

  Felix opened the white envelope and pulled one of the concert tickets free. “Hey, wait a sec. I’ve got something else for you.” Felix reappeared a minute later. “Here’s a plate of cookies Everett made.” He laughed. “She’s a nice enough girl, but seriously, do I look like someone who eats refined sugars?” He rolled his eyes. “I’ll thank her by giving her the other free ticket and then the next time I need a report rushed through, she’ll jump right on it. You take the cookies, and I’ll track down Everett before she leaves. I don’t want anyone reporting back that there was an empty, unused seat at the symphony hall. That wouldn’t look good for me.” Felix sent Royce another of his trademarked, semi-sincere smiles that never quite reached his eyes and gave him a half-hearted arm punch like they were buds.“Thanks for doing this.”

  “No, thank you for the ticket.” Royce crossed his fingers under the desk. Please, let her have the evening open.

  When Felix walked off, Royce sat and stared at the plate. These were not just any cookies, these were the cookies. The ones with the love potion in them. He slid one off, turned it over in his palm and then looked it as though it would sprout legs at any second. If he took a bite, would he fall in love with Everett? But he knew he couldn’t and after all, the cookies weren’t for him. She’d baked them for Felix. Mr. Perfect…Mr. Jerk-hat boss.

  But now he’d have a possible chance for an evening away from the office with Everett. The chance he’d waited months for. And Felix set it up for him. The irony made him laugh out loud. As he packed his empty lunch cartons and coffee container back in his briefcase, he felt like doing a dance.

  One evening, alone―well, they wouldn’t be alone they would be at the symphony―but then he could try some magic of his own.

  The truth of the matter was, Royce didn’t need a potion to fall for Everett.

  He already had.

  Everett slid her arms through her coat sleeves, grabbed her purse, and - started to head -toward the elevators. She heard a familiar voice cry, “Hey wait up,” and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Felix jogged toward her. There was a tremble in her fingers, as she laid her purse back on the desk. “Yes, Felix, what can I help you with?”

  “I know it’s almost time to go home, but I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “You have?” She tried to hold her voice steady.

  “After you brought me the cookies, I realized how you are always doing nice stuff around the office and helping me out with last minute things I need done. How would you like to go to the symphony tonight? Great seats. Sixth row.” He pulled the last ticket out of the envelope. “I know you love classical music.”

  She felt her eyes widen. “I do.”

  “Then here you go. It would be too tight on the schedule for dinner, but the show’s at seven since it’s a weeknight.”

  Everett took the ticket from him. “Thanks… this is great. I really wanted to see this show, but I… well…you know.” She shrugged, embarrassed to say that she couldn’t afford the symphony’s prices.

  “I know. The tickets are kinda pricey, aren’t they? Especially on what they pay you here.” He grinned. “Seven o’clock. Don’t let me down.”

  All she could do was nod. OMG. She took back all the evil thoughts she’d had about Madame Anaosov being a hack.

  The potion worked.

  In less than three hours the potion worked!

  Chapter Three

  Everett talked Lynne into meeting her at her apartment for the speed-of-light change, makeup, hair, and then bartered with a promise to buy Lynne dinner and drinks if she drove her to the concert hall. She had no idea what to wear, so decided to go with the borrowed tight, lacy black cocktail dress Lynne brought over.

  Lynne was right, she didn’t have anything sexy. Everett owned work clothes, a few pairs of jeans, and T-shirts, and pj’s. For sure, she didn’t own anything sexy enough to lure a male god.

  As she hurried up the sidewalk and toward the venue’s main entrance, she tugged at the hem of her dress and wished it was a bit longer. Good thing she wore black underwear. If she gave anyone a booty shot while bending over, maybe they wouldn’t notice. She was a few inches taller than her friend, which explained why the dress was too darn short. She needed to remember- not to drop anything, because that could be a problem.

  Once inside, Everett checked her lipstick in the ornate gold mirror hanging on the wall of the grand foyer before she handed the usher her ticket. The theater, with its red velvet wallpaper reminded her of the elegance of days gone by. She made her way down the theater’s aisle looking for Felix’s blond head amongst the rows of heads.

  The usher stopped. “Here’s your row, miss.”

  Everett thanked him, and the people stood to let her pass. She stopped, trying not to let her mouth drop. “Royce?”

  “Hi, hey, good evening.” His eyes widened. “Wow…you look amazing.”

  “Where’s Felix?”

  “Ah…he’s not here. Didn’t he tell you, I had the other ticket?” A frown creased his brow. “Damn.”

  “It’s fine. I just thought…”

  Royce motioned to her seat and then sat next to her. “You thought Felix was the one coming tonight? I’m sorry he wasn’t clear on the plans.”

  It was Everett’s turn to frown as she thought back to what Felix said earlier. She’d been so giddy with excitement thinking about going out on a date’ with him, she hadn’t really heard what Felix said. “Come to think of it, I guess he never said it would be him.”

  “When he offered me the ticket, I told him you might like the other one because you love classical music.”

  “That’s why he knew that…but, how did you know?”

  “In the copy room a few weeks ago, you said how much you wanted to see this show. This is for you.” He handed her a single-stemmed red rose.

  “Thanks.” Everett was touched by the sweet gesture and sniffed the bloom. “I did really want to see this show tonight. Beethoven.”

  “Your favorite.”

  “Yeah, my favorite.” She smiled, surprised he remembered that fact. “I guess I went on about that too.”

  “The Maestro is on loan from the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.”

  She nodded as she tried to control the excitement in her voice but swiveled toward him and fluttered her hands in the air. “He’s amazing. I’m so excited to see him in person. I’ve watched him online a million times.”

  “I saw him a few years ago in Amsterdam.”

  Again, she felt her mouth drop. “You saw The Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. They are rated as the best symphony orchestra in the world.”

  “Seeing the orchestra was on my mom’s bucket list. I did my online research, got a deal on airfare and show tickets, and took my mom and dad last year for their 25th anniversary. They are, to say the least, music geeks too.”

  “I’d love to hear about it after the concert.”

  His eye
brow rose in question. “I’ll be more than happy to tell you anything you want to know. And, just in case I didn’t say it before, Everett, you really do look great.” Royce looked down to her crossed legs and back up until her met her gaze. His look was filled with a sexy appreciation. It had been quite a few months since a man looked at her like this. She liked it.

  “You did, but you can say it again.”

  “I’m sorry about the mix-up and the miscommunication, but I’m happy it’s me here tonight…and not Felix.”

  His chocolate-colored eyes held hers, until she looked down at the rose she held in her hand. What the heck was going on? Dressed in a funky purple jacket with a grey shirt and bowtie, Royce looked darn adorable. No, puppies were adorable. Royce was sexy as hell.

  What about the cookies and the love potion? If Felix, ate them, why wasn’t he here?

  But, was that such a terrible thing? Why hadn’t she ever noticed how handsome Royce was? With his hair brushed back from his strong face, he looked good enough to eat.

  Everett pinched the skin between her eyes. She knew she shouldn’t have licked the cookie dough off the spoon. Maybe, now it was all mixed up and the love potion was working on her.

  The lights dimmed and the first notes of Beethoven’s Symphony Number 7 filled the concert hall.

  A few minutes into the performance, Everett looked over at Royce. His eyes were closed and there was the slightest smile on his lips. He wasn’t faking anything. He loved this music as much as she did. She reached over and took his hand. He opened his eyes and smiled at her. They were listening on a common ground, their equal love of music. Something shifted in her stomach.

  His hand felt warm and solid. He held hers until the end of the concert.

  As they exited the theater, Royce asked, “Where’s your car?”

  She paused. “I don’t have a car. I take the bus. My apartment charges a huge amount for monthly parking, so I decided to sell my car. It’s getting late, so I’ll look on my cell phone and find a car to go that’s close by.”

  Royce shook his head. “Don’t be silly, I can drive you. I’m parked in the garage right around the corner.”

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “Sure you can. I haven’t told you rest of the crazy story about my trip to Amsterdam.”

  She nodded and shivered. He took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. It smelled like fresh laundry.

  Surprised, she realized she wanted to spend more time with Royce.

  Chapter Four

  When Royce pulled his Jeep into her building’s parking garage, his mood turned gloomy to see their evening come to an end. He could spend the next hour…day…hell, possibly years listening to Everett’s excited stories about her love of music.

  He turned off the ignition and pivoted to face her.

  She watched him for a long moment before asking, “Would you like to come up for a glass of wine?”

  He blinked. He was formulating a plan to ask her out again. Her question came as a complete surprise. “It’s kind of late. It’s a work night. Are you sure?”

  “I’ve been babbling on for the last half hour about the concert and you never told me about your trip to Amsterdam.”

  “Sure.” It wasn’t an invitation he needed to hear twice. He snapped the keys out the ignition and hurried around to open her car door.

  “And a gentleman, too.” She smiled and fished her keys out of her small purse.

  He took in the full length of her sexy, long legs as she slid out. His mouth went dry.

  When they reached her apartment, she was greeted by her grey tabby who sidled up, rubbed against her leg and purred. “This is Ludwig.” She laughed. “I bet you couldn’t have guessed that one.” She flipped on the lamp by the couch, took off her coat and lit a few candles on the coffee table. The apartment was small, but had a warm and cozy feel with a handmade quilt tossed over the back of the couch. A braided rug covered a portion of the floor and framed photographs of European castles hung on the wall. Royce took off his jacket and placed it over the couch’s arm. He moved over to a side table where family photos covered the top. He picked up the first one and surveyed the two young girls.

  “That’s me and Lynne. You know, from work? We’ve known each other since we were kids. She told me about the position at Synginc.”

  As he looked closer he could see the two women he knew now as their younger selves.

  “She’s been my best friend forever. On the drink? Red or white?” she asked.


  “Good answer.” She laughed again. “I don’t think I have any white. I don’t drink it.”

  She came back into the living room and handed him a glass. She pulled the quilt off the sofa, refolded it, and then kicked her slippers under the edge. “Have a seat and tell me about the trip.”

  “Amsterdam’s a crazy place. It has a thousand years of history, beauty and art mixed in with legalized pot and prostitution.”

  “I hope I can see it someday and hear the orchestra.” Everett slid out of her high heels and rubbed her foot. “It’s been awhile since I wore heels. I forgot what torture devices they are. So, tell me about the concert.”

  “My mom was so excited to see the symphony, she was beside herself. She had a

  run-in with breast cancer, and well…I think life’s too short to not do things that you want too.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, they caught it early and it was more of a precautionary measure. But, it was still scary. They’ve never had a ton of money.” He shrugged. “You know, choosing art over business. It doesn’t make as much.”

  “And you chose business.”

  “I find time for both. I set aside enough to take them on this trip where they’ve always wanted to go. They sacrificed a lot to always be there when I needed support. It felt good to spend time with them and give my mom and dad something that they really loved.”

  “Do they both play music?” she asked.

  “My dad plays in a bluegrass band and my mom plays the violin in the local symphony. We all play. Music’s in our blood.”

  “You play?”

  “Banjo, violin, cello, bass. Pretty much anything with strings. What about you?”

  “I play the piano. I took classical training from the time I was in kindergarten and then about junior high, I wanted to be in a rock band, so played the guitar for a few years. Now, it’s back to the piano and classical.”

  He looked around. “Where’s your piano?”

  “I have a keyboard in the bedroom. Maybe I should take out all the furniture and put in a grand piano right here in the middle of the living room?” She laughed. It made her eyes sparkle.

  “I’d do that.” He laughed too. “What’s your favorite song?”

  Everett took a sip of wine and thought for a second. “Moonlight Sonata.”

  Royce scooted closer. “When I was a kid, my mom and dad wouldn’t let me play since their instruments were worth too much. They were sensible and afraid I’d drop one and break something. Which I very well may have. I couldn’t blame them, their instruments were their lives. Until I was old enough and they had enough money to rent one for me, my mom taught me how to read music and had me play the songs on her arm.” He held out his arm. “Play Moonlight Sonata.”

  “What…no. You’re nuts.” She grinned.

  “Bet you can’t. Bet you don’t even know it.”

  She grabbed his arm. “Get over here.” She cracked her knuckles. He pulled up his shirtsleeve to bare his arm. She placed her fingers on his forearm and began to play.

  “You missed a note.”

  Her green eyes rose to meet his as a devilish smile played on her lips. “I guess you do know your music. What’s your favorite song, Mister Smar

  “It’s - an old Gospel Bluegrass song, Love will Roll the Clouds Away.”

  Everett held out her arm. “Play it.”

  “I only know it on strings, so we’ll have to stand.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. He turned her until her back was against him. She felt warm and had a flowery scent that reminded him of the fragrance of the rose he’d given her earlier.

  Royce placed one arm around her waist and then spread his fingers along the bare skin of her arm. He began to play the song. He slid his fingers slowly up and down her arm with each note. Closing his eyes, he cherished the sexy, sensual moment they shared and imagined her as the instrument.


  He snapped out of his trance and opened his eyes.

  With his one hand still on the small of her back, she swiveled to face him. Holding her just close enough, he could feel the heat come off her body. She was driving him mad, every tendon in his body tightened.

  “Look,” he began. “We’ve both had a long day and it’s getting late. It’s okay, you don’t need to say more.”

  Everett tipped her head back and smiled at him. “This evening hasn’t turned out anything like I expected.”

  Royce nodded and said with resignation, “I know, you were expecting Felix to be holding you and not me.”

  “I’d be lying if I’d said I hadn’t been thinking that earlier in the day, but now, I want it to be you.” She sidled closer until her breasts pressed against his chest. Her face was close. The sensual look in her eyes caused his pulse to leap and his chest to tighten in anticipation. He stared, spellbound.

  She was going to kiss him.

  Everett pulled his head down. Her lips moved sensuous and warm against his. He brought his hand up from her back to slide beneath her hair and cup the nape of her neck. This woman had such an effect on him that he was on fire from the inside out.

  When she didn’t make a move to end the kiss, Royce drew her even closer and softened it. He trailed kisses over her cheek and down her neck, as he fought back something hot and carnal growing inside.


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