A Date For The Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Brides Book 2)

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A Date For The Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Brides Book 2) Page 5

by Natalie Kristen

  Tony bent forward to kiss her deeply as he stroked in and out of her. Her tongue tangled with his, and she moaned into his mouth as he kneaded her heavy, heaving breasts.

  Scratching down his back, she rasped, “Don't stop, Tony, don't ever stop...”

  He kissed her eyelids and whispered, “I won't.”

  Her entire body shuddered as she threw her head back and screamed in ecstasy. Her pussy walls milked him relentlessly, squeezing and rippling around his cock. Tony roared, his powerful body bowing and jerking as she wrung his release from him.

  Blinking hard, Tony braced his palms on either side of her flushed body and searched her face.

  “How are you feeling, Terri?” he asked hoarsely.

  “I feel...” Terri stretched and yawned. “Like a bear. I'm going to hibernate right now. I need a good, long nap.”

  With that, she turned over and fell into a deep slumber. Before Tony could pull her into his arms, she was already snoring.


  Terri let Tony wrap her snugly in a blanket and carry her down the stairs. She raised her head from his shoulder to glance around his house. It was a very nice, double-story terrace house, neat and cozy.

  It was almost as nice as her apartment back in the city. Well, a little nicer, she admitted grudgingly to herself. Tony was a neat freak. Everything was clean, in its place, with not a speck of dirt anywhere. She, on the other hand, found cleaning to be the most boring, mind-numbing chore in the universe. Terri knew some people cleaned, scrubbed and polished religiously, sticking strictly to schedule. Every other day, twice a week, or even every day without fail. Terri's place got cleaned when it got cleaned. She had loads of other things to do with her time. Like go out and have fun. Or hang around her best friend, Abby's place and eat takeout and junk food.

  But Abby had moved to Moonstone Creek, so they wouldn't be hanging out quite so often. The thought made Terri sad, even though she was really happy for Abby. Her friend had finally found true love and happiness.

  Tony descended the stairs slowly, careful not to jostle Terri unnecessarily. He carried her like she weighed nothing. Terri almost giggled. She was no stick insect. She certainly weighed something, but being made to feel so light and delicate was something she could get used to.

  Tony reached the bottom of the stairs where Cole and Abby were waiting for them. Terri smiled at them, and flashed them the thumbs-up. “I made it. I'm still alive. I've been Turned.” Terri frowned and added uncertainly, “I think.”

  Abby came to hug her. “You're amazing, Terri! I can't wait to see you in bear form. I just know that your bear will be as beautiful as you!”

  “B-bear form?” Terri sputtered.

  Cole stepped forward. “You have to shift as soon as you can after your Turning. You have to learn to control your shift, control your bear. Don't worry. The rest of the clan are waiting for you near the woods. Your bear has to learn to recognize the other bears in the clan. They will shift with you and guide you. Your bear will need to gradually establish a bond with the rest of the clan.”

  Terri blinked at Cole. He had spoken to her gently, conversationally, but she instinctively recognized the command and authority in his words. He was her Alpha, and he had just given her an order to shift and train with the other Nightfire bears.

  Was she really part of the Nightfire clan now?

  Cole nodded, answering the silent question in her eyes. “Yes, Terri, you belong to the Nightfire clan. You have been Turned by one of our bears. You will forever share a bond and connection with Tony, and with the clan. Welcome to the family, Terri.”

  If Tony wasn't carrying her in his arms, Terri would have reeled back, tripped and fallen on her ample rump at Cole's pronouncement.

  She was a Nightfire bear.

  She had been a harried, human secretary in the city, and now she was a werebear, a member of a powerful bear clan in Moonstone Creek.

  She had really gone and fallen down the rabbit hole.

  But what a ride.

  Terri found the corner of her lips twitching up. “Thank you, Alpha,” she said automatically. “But...I don't know how to shift.”

  “The clan will guide you. And Tony will be with you, every step of the way.”

  Tony pressed her closer to him as he gave his Alpha a nod.

  Abby came up to embrace Terri. “Cole and I will stay here, in case anything crops up. A few members of the clan have also stayed behind, just to stand guard. We're on sentry duty.” Abby grinned. “Go with Tony, and let your inner bear out.”

  Terri's eyes rounded. “You...sentry? But—you're the Alpha's mate!”

  Abby kissed her on the cheek. “Yes. And I will look out for all my bears. I love them, and I love you, Terri. Go on now. Have fun! Run and roar and rampage through the woods!” Abby punched her on the arm and cheered, “Go wild, go bear!”


  Terri squirmed a little as Tony carried her through the quiet streets. Two Nightfire clan members escorted them, acting as bodyguards but being very discreet about it. They fell back a few paces to give Tony and Terri a semblance of privacy. Nobody seemed to comment on the fact that she was completely naked under that silly blanket. She knew that shifters were more comfortable with nudity than humans. They were used to shifting between skins, running free and wild.

  Tony reached the field and turned back to nod at their two escorts. His clan members grinned and turned back to resume their patrol of their territory. Tony placed her gently on her feet in the middle of the field and said softly, “Whenever you're ready.”

  Terri clutched the blanket around her shoulders and watched the bears emerge from the shadows. The brown bears prowled silently towards her, then one by one, they stood up and shifted to human form.

  “Hello, Terri!”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Ready to play?”

  They were all grinning at her, and she saw the relief and happiness on their faces. They had all been so worried for her, and the joy they felt at her successful Turning was heartfelt and undisguised. Their concern and camaraderie touched her deeply. This was a clan she was proud and glad to be a part of. They were warm and fun and supportive. Terri glanced round the circle of smiling faces and saw Amanda. Amanda's silver hair whipped around her face in the wind, and she seemed to stand taller and straighter even though she was buck naked. She had even left her cane at home.

  Amanda winked at her and said, “This is how you do it, dear.”

  With that, the little great-grandmother shifted smoothly into a growling bear and bared her fangs at Terri.

  Terri stumbled back but Tony caught her securely and held her. “Amanda is showing you that your bear is a powerful, lethal predator, not a fuzzy, cuddly, toothless ball of fur,” he whispered into her hair. “Your bear is a deadly killer. It can rip your enemies to shreds, and it can claw your insides to a bloody pulp if you let it. You have to control your beast. Don't be afraid, but don't be complacent either.”

  Terri gave a shaky nod. “Got it.”

  Tony released her gently. “Watch,” he said. “See what you can learn from each of them.”

  Terri nodded again. Amanda was off chasing a rabbit, and Terri watched with wonder as the sprightly old bear gamboled across the field and vanished into the woods.

  “Amanda...” Terri pointed.

  “Don't worry about her. She's having the time of her life,” someone laughed. “We don't let her eat too many rabbits. Bad for her cholesterol.” Terri turned to see two handsome young men grinning at her. They had Amanda's stunning green eyes, and her winsome smile.

  “We're her great-grandsons,” one of them said. “He's Curtis. I'm Connor, the more handsome twin.”

  Terri grinned back. “Your great-grandma is a tough act to follow.”

  Curtis and Connor swept their hands up and bowed dramatically. “We'll try our best.”

  Terri watched the twins shift
simultaneously. Their shift was even faster than Amanda's, and in a blink, two imposing, hulking bears stood before her.

  They nodded at her, then turned and went after their great-grandmother. Probably to stop her from gorging on rabbits.

  One by one, the Nightfire bears shifted in front of her. Terri saw some bears emerge more slowly, while other burst from their human skins in a flurry of fangs and claws. She saw all of them take a deep, calming breath before their shift and their eyes narrowed in intense concentration. Shifting may look effortless, but she could tell it wasn't. These shifters had trained and practiced calling forth their bears countless times. Some dropped to their hands and knees for the shift, while others remained standing. They did what felt comfortable to them. There was no one way to shift. Everyone did it their own way.

  Terri turned to Tony. Only the two of them were left. The others were still around, but they didn't want to crowd her. They moved some distance away to give her some space. They milled around at the edge of the woods and busied themselves among the trees and the insects. This being her first shift, they understood that she might feel shy or awkward shifting in front of them.

  “Take your time,” Tony told her. “Do you want me to go first?”

  “Y-yes, please.”

  “Okay. Relax yourself as much as you can, take a deep breath if you must and let your bear come to the surface. You'll feel it. Don't be scared of your beast. It's a part of you. Its animal instincts and senses are sharper than your human ones. It will protect you and warn you of danger. Trust your bear. But control it.”

  “I'm not sure...” she began.

  “You can do it, Terri. I know you can.” His smile seemed to boost her confidence. He really did believe in her. The pride and faith shone in his eyes. He was proud of her, even though she hadn't even done anything.

  Tony leaned forward and kissed the side of her mouth. Then he backed away, keeping his gaze locked on her and shifted. His brown eyes never left hers throughout his shift. Terri found herself staring into the same pair of deep, brown eyes, only now they were peering at her out of a bear's face.

  Tony stalked forward and nudged her gently with his massive, furry shoulder. Your turn.

  Terri gulped. Here goes nothing.

  She dropped the blanket from her shoulders and stood with her fists at her sides. She squealed when Tony licked her hand and nuzzled it.

  Unclench your hands. Relax.

  Terri frowned at him. She seemed to understand him, with her mind—or was it her heart? Perhaps this was the bond, the link they were talking about. He Turned her. There would forever be a link, a connection between them. The knowledge assured her and strengthened her. Tony would be with her, every step of the way. She wasn't alone, ever.

  Terri inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. She let her mind go blank and immediately felt her bear rising. It was a powerful, menacing presence, and for an instant, Terri felt a sharp spike of fear. Her bear rammed against her shields, sensing her weakness and she heard a deafening roar in her ears.

  She felt strong, human hands holding her firmly, and Tony's voice cut through that frightening animal roar to reach her. “Terri! Terri, listen to me. Focus on my voice. Don't be scared. Your bear can sense your fear and wants to explode out of your body to protect you. It thinks you're frightened because you're in danger. It's ready to kill, to eliminate that danger. You're not in any danger, Terri. Breathe, just breathe. Slowly, steadily, and get acquainted with your bear. Feel it, know it, control it. Open your eyes and look at me, Terri. We'll do this together.”

  With a whimper, Terri forced her eyes open and stared up into Tony's handsome, human face. He gave her a quick smile and took both her hands in his.

  “T-together?” she asked. It wasn't a question. It was a plea.

  “Together,” Tony said firmly.

  She gasped when she felt the heat from his body slam into her. His body temperature seemed to shoot up and the heat from his hands seeped into her skin, spiraling through her cells and sparking a change. Terri blinked hard, but continued staring into Tony's eyes. She didn't want to break the connection. She didn't want to be alone. She wanted to be near him, beside him, with him. With a start, she realized how much she trusted and needed him.

  Tony smiled and leaned forward slowly. She closed her eyes as her skin prickled and burned. The sensation wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't like anything she had felt before. She felt her entire body shuddering as lights exploded behind her eyelids. When she opened her eyes, Tony was touching his nose to hers. He licked her stubby little bear nose and chuffed.

  Terri opened her mouth and heard a growl.


  She had just growled, as a bear.

  Terri twisted round to stare at her thick, brown coat. Her fur was rich and luxuriant, a deep shade of brown. The other bears came to gather around her, nudging her and sniffing her. They were recognizing the sight and scent of their new clan member, and letting her get used to their bears.

  Terri chuffed out a joyous laugh. She was a bear! A beautiful, brown bear! She rolled and ran through the field, excited and exhilarated. The other bears ran with her, leading her towards the woods. Terri raced with them, taking in the smells of nature and learning to distinguish the various tracks and scents. This was so amazing. She learned quickly and she concentrated when one of the bears stopped to show her something. They were trying to teach her as much as they could, and she appreciated their kindness. She ran and played with her clan members, but when Amanda offered her a rabbit, she declined politely. She wasn't ready for that, yet.

  Finally, Tony chuffed out a command to his clan members and they stopped their rowdy, boisterous play. One by one, they came up to Terri and touched her, with their paws, noses, shoulders.

  Good job. See ya.

  Terri rubbed noses with them and watched them leave. Tony stood behind her, watching her quietly.

  She turned to smirk at him. Am I a good bear or what?

  He shook his head at her. Without warning, he came charging at her and knocked her flat on her back. His jaws closed around her throat. Terri's eyes widened, and she snarled but none of the other bears looked back. They all continued ambling across the field, making their way home.

  Tony released her and stepped back. He jerked his head at her. Your move.


  Terri scrambled up.


  Terri shook her head. She didn't want to fight Tony.

  You have to learn to fight in bear form.

  Terri made a complaining sound at the back of her throat.

  Do you want to be knocked on your ass again?

  Terri growled. Tony stared at her, and raised his paw. She reacted instinctively. She blocked him as his claws slashed down.

  Tony nodded in approval. But he didn't let up. He attacked again, and again. Terri moved and learned quickly. She read his body language and anticipated his moves. And she copied him.

  Tony showed her how to lunge and strike, and deliver a killing blow. He showed her the vulnerable spots on a bear's body, and how to tear out an enemy's throat. Terri didn't flinch. She had to learn all this. It was important.

  She had survived the Turning. She wouldn't be a dead werebear just because she was too stupid and squeamish to fight like a bear.

  She had weapons. She would use them. Claws, fangs, brute strength, and a massive, intimidating furry body. She could kill a person just by sitting on him. Ha!

  It was good to be big.

  Terri trained with Tony for hours, not stopping until the sky began to glow with the first light of dawn. As the sun rose, Terri stood up and let her bear recede. Her bear was exhausted, and the beast would lie dormant and sleep for the next few hours. Terri straightened up to see Cole, Dalton and Brad standing at the edge of the field, watching her and Tony. Abby was running towards them, laughing and shouting.

  “You're fantastic, Terri!” Abby jumped on her and gave h
er the biggest bear hug ever. “You're so awesome!”

  Terri chuckled when Abby handed her a tracksuit. “Thanks, Abby. I thought I was going to have to trudge back to town in my birthday suit.”

  Abby giggled and looked over her shoulder. “I don't think Tony would allow that.”

  “He's a slave driver,” Terri huffed, zipping herself up.

  “That's why we're punishing him,” Brad said, coming up to them. “We prepared a hearty breakfast for you back at my place, but we didn't cook his share.”

  Terri was aware of every inch of Tony's sweaty, powerful, human body stomping up behind her.

  “I'll eat your share then,” Tony glowered at his cousin.

  “No you won't.”

  Tony sprinted off and yelled, “Yes I will! Because I'll reach your house first.”

  Brad swore loudly and thundered after Tony.

  Terri smiled shyly as her Alpha and Beta walked up to her and clapped her on the shoulder. “Well done, Terri. You're a great bear. Strong, fast, clever.”

  “I have a good teacher,” she admitted.

  Cole and Dalton exchanged a knowing smile. “Yes.”

  “Let's get back to Brad's house before those boys eat up everything,” Abby said, linking her arm through Terri's.

  “You didn't really leave Tony out, did you? I mean, you guys did include his share, right?” Terri asked.

  Abby laughed. “I think there's enough food to feed the whole clan!”

  “Is the whole clan coming for breakfast?” Terri's eyes widened.

  “No. They've got their own families.” Abby smiled. “But we know you'll be very hungry after your first shift. And you've been training so hard. We saw you. You'll need a beary big breakfast, Terri. Eat up, then off to bed you go.”

  Terri saluted. “Yes, Alpha Mam! Or is it Mrs Alpha?” Abby squealed and came at her. “Or Alpha Boss Lady?” Terri called out, dancing away as Abby gave chase.

  Terri whooped and ran, her arms and legs pumping. She had to get away from Abby. She knew that look. Alpha Boss Lady was going to tickle her to death when she caught her.


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