Sweet Oblivion

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by Rhiana Ramsey

  Rhiana Ramsey is a serving police detective who has always had a penchant for the macabre. This, coupled with her policing experience, served to spark her fertile imagination and led to the creation of her debut novel, Sweet Oblivion. Before becoming a police officer, Rhiana worked as a writer for a business magazine. She currently resides in West Sussex with her fiancé and is working on her next novel.

  Sweet Oblivion


  Rhiana Ramsey

  Published in the UK by Rhiana Ramsey, 2014

  Suite 34, New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London,

  EC1N 8JY

  First printed in 2014

  Copyright © 2013 Rhiana Ramsey.

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form at any time or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the publisher.

  The right of Rhiana Ramsey to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN 978-0-9930214-0-4


  To my beloved fiancé

  Chapter I

  It wasn’t like he was being unfaithful. Janet would never know. She was far, far away. Besides this woman was hot. He’d seen her in the club, her long, lithe body clad in PVC, her hips gyrating to the beats of the club and sweat making her long red hair stick seductively to her forehead, small beads glistening like diamonds above her red hot lips. She was dancing oblivious - only focused on the music and her body. Eventually, she’d turned her cool blue eyes on him and tossed her fire like mane, smoky eyes full of lust and passion examining his face and body. She was stunning and David enjoyed her scrutiny.

  As the beat of the music changed she slowly walked over to him, her every move a sexual invitation. The strobe lights strategically placed around the club to provide optimum lighting effect bounced off her cat suit and flickered in her eyes. Her mouth was slightly parted as she walked up to him and buried her face in his neck, breathing in his smell and tickling his skin with her soft, warm breaths. Then she’d kissed him. He hadn’t stood a chance. Almost immediately he had felt himself becoming hard, his penis pressing against the smooth fabric of his own PVC trousers. He was bare-chested and the fire-headed beauty ran her ruby red finger nails across his firm torso, her hand descending seductively towards his penis.

  Now as he lay in his dark hotel room, waiting for the woman he knew as Mina to emerge from the bathroom and administer his punishment, he strained against the ropes that bound his ankles and wrists to the bed, enjoying the pain. He was naked, except for a tight leather collar around his neck, erect and aroused beyond belief.

  Janet had never understood this need he had to be dominated - to be totally under the control of another person; to be hurt, to be nursed, to be tormented then satisfied. The orgasms were phenomenal. Janet had tried once but told him she hated it, he was disgusting and weird and she would not do it again. Consequently, David had to seek his satisfaction elsewhere. He didn’t often go to clubs, and very rarely allowed himself to be led away by a virtual stranger. Mina was something else though - a total goddess that any sub would happily succumb to.

  The door to the bathroom opened and he could see the contours of her slender body outlined by the orange bathroom light. He felt his heart rate increase as his mind toyed with what she might do to him. Not knowing was all part of the experience. She walked over to him and he could see that she had changed into a tight red PVC corset over which her full breasts swelled seductively, and a black rubber skirt. She was also wearing long black rubber gloves and towering stiletto heels. She smiled at him and he felt his body fill with desire.

  She climbed on top of him and straddled his erect penis. He could feel that she wasn’t wearing anything under the skirt. Her lips teased him as she rubbed her naked self against him. He groaned and she leaned forward her breasts dangling inches from his mouth. David groaned and felt his penis straining, he was so aroused.

  Suddenly Mina kissed him violently on the mouth her tongue stabbing at his, all the time continuing to rub herself against him. Then she bit his lip painfully causing him to cry out. David tasted blood as she pulled away. Mina slid down his body, her long nails painfully scoring his flesh, her hair and breasts caressing his penis as she rubbed herself all the way down.

  Once she arrived at his feet she stood up on the bed, swaying in her high heels, tall enough now to graze the ceiling with her fingertips, which helped her to maintain her balance. She carefully walked up the bed until she was standing over his head. He could see the dim outline of her femininity between her legs.

  ‘Like what you see?’ she asked, her voice husky and sensuous.

  ‘Yes mistress,’ he answered, the words catching in his throat.

  She placed a stilettoed foot onto his chest and dug the heel into his flesh. David winced as the sharp heel pressed into him.

  ‘What should I do with you?’ she said, pressing even harder with her foot.

  ‘That is your decision’ David groaned in response.

  ‘Should I hurt you?’ she twisted the stiletto into his chest.


  ‘Should I tease you?’

  ‘Yes,’ David closed his eyes and savoured the pain.

  ‘Should I kill you?’ she said, bending over, her face within inches of his.

  David’s eyes snapped open and he stared into her face. Her eyes had changed. The seductive gaze had been replaced with something evil and malign. She grinned, but this time, far from arousing him, her smile chilled him to the core.

  ‘What?’ he breathed.

  ‘I said, should I kill you?’ Mina repeated

  ‘I… very funny. Untie me now. This game is over.’ David said. He tried to pull away from her but the restraints limited his movement. Mina pressed down again on his chest with her stiletto.

  ‘Naughty thing shouldn’t be rude to its mistress. You wanted me and now I’m here. You’ll let me have my fun,’ Mina barked before spitting in his face.

  David flinched as the spit hit his cheek. Despite the fear, he couldn’t help but be aroused by this domineering siren. This was a fantasy after all. She probably just said these things to heighten the experience he mused.

  Mina laughed gently as she got off the bed, flashing her most intimate body parts as she did so. David exhaled and only then realised that he had been holding his breath. He closed his eyes in relief and his mind briefly turned to Janet. What would she do if she found out? It would break her heart. David quickly pushed the thought away and opened his eyes.

  The last thing he saw was a sharp metallic object plunging towards his left eye ball. He didn’t even have time to scream.

  Chapter II

  Louise’s hand meandered out from beneath the rumpled duvet and smacked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, sending it crashing to the floor but still beeping its strident wake up call.

  ‘Shut up!’ she shouted as she threw off her bed covers and reached down, angrily grabbing the buzzing alarm off the floor. After removing the battery, and with some considerable restraint, Louise was able to delicately return the irritating device to the bedside table instead of flinging it at the nearest wall.

  Yawning in a most un-ladylike manner, Louise dragged herself from the bed and padded into the kitchen where she flicked on the kettle and grabbed the phone. Steve should be awake by now.

  Steve was her boyfriend of two years, a good,
loyal man who was able to tolerate her moods and whims. He was her anchor. He kept her sane. With the phone pressed to her ear, Louise set about preparing her morning coffee and breakfast - last night’s half eaten pizza. On the fifth ring Steve picked up. He sounded groggy and tired.

  ‘Hello gorgeous. You sound how I feel,’ grunted Louise.

  ‘Hey. You woke me.’ Steve’s voice was thick with sleep. Louise could picture him cocooned in his duvet, head and phone beneath the covers.

  ‘Just got up myself. How was last night?’

  Steve had just set up his second restaurant and last night had been the grand opening. The restaurant, Lou’s, catered to London’s discerning diners, offering a fusion of European and traditional British cuisine.

  ‘It was great Lou. We were fully booked and everyone seemed to leave happy. The staff did really well and even Pierre, the new, grumpy chef I was telling you about, managed to raise a smile after hearing the compliments. I’ll be checking the reviews today though. Had some pretty tough critics in.’

  ‘Ah Steve, I’m so pleased for you. I’m sorry I missed it. Don’t worry about the critics, from what you’ve told me, Pierre is a great chef.’ She paused then added: ‘I bet Melissa loved it - all that attention.’

  ‘Oh don’t start Lou. She’s alright. She’s just insecure.’

  ‘Yeah well, insecure or not, I hope she’s not getting ideas about you. I’ve seen the way she is around you. She is so hot for you,’ growled Louise.

  ‘Yeah well as flattering as that is, I’m hot for you. She knows that.’ Steve said in an attempt to smooth Louise’s ruffled feathers.


  Louise could hear Steve chuckling down the phone at her. This was why she loved him. He was the only man she’d ever met who was able to calm her with a look, quiet her with a smile and arouse her with a single touch.

  ‘I love you, you know that?’ she murmured.

  ‘I know babe. Look, come to the restaurant for dinner tonight. You’re the most important critic to me after all. And besides I haven’t seen you in what feels like ages.’

  ‘Sounds good, although I might be at work until quite late tonight. The deadline is tomorrow and I need to get the final edition ready to go off to the printer first thing tomorrow morning.’

  ‘I thought that was why you worked late last night and couldn’t make the opening?’

  ‘It was. You know what it’s like Steve. Things get a bit fraught at the magazine just before the deadline,’ said Louise, ‘I don’t even remember what time I left yesterday. It must have been late though because I feel shit today. Got cotton wool for eyes.’

  Steve laughed quietly. ‘Ok. Just bell me, yeah?’

  ‘Will do darling. See you later.’

  ‘Bye gorgeous. Have a good day.’

  Louise hung up the phone and frowned. She knew she’d worked late, but couldn’t quite remember what she’d been working on. All the articles she’d been reviewing merged into one. She needed a break. A holiday would do her good. Besides, she had been neglecting Steve a bit lately. He was such a good man, but he probably sometimes felt like he came second to her career. She should have been there for him yesterday, but he didn’t moan, he didn’t complain. He was a good, good man. She would make it up to him she decided, show him just how much she needed him and how much she loved him.

  As she glanced out the kitchen window of her ground floor flat she noted that it was raining. A queue of people stood at the bus stop across the road, huddled together like sheep in a field. One of the commuters, an old man in stained black jeans and a worn rain coat, looked up suddenly and looked straight at her.

  Louise stepped back in surprise. She knew that nobody could see into the flat because her lights weren’t on and the thin plain nets over the window prevented any nosey parkers from peering in. But it was weird. The old man just stood staring at her, as if he was looking straight into her eyes. He then raised his right hand and pointed at her. Suddenly the man’s face broke into a wide smile displaying jagged teeth. Louise inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. When she opened them again the man was gone. She moved closer to the window and scoured the bus stop. The strange man was no longer there.

  ‘Girl, you really do need a holiday.’ Louise said to herself, trying to shake the sense of unease she felt settling upon her.

  Despite knowing she was alone Louise had the most overwhelming feeling that she was being watched. It was spooky and caused the hairs on the back of her neck to rise. After standing at the window for what felt like minutes but could only have been seconds, Louise finally stuffed the last piece of pizza into her mouth before heading into the bathroom to begin her morning ablutions.


  ‘Mummy, can I have coco puffs for breakfast?’ Charlie’s little face was so endearing Janet’s heart melted. ‘Please mum, please!’ his chubby little hands reached towards the kitchen counter where the box of coco puffs stood taunting him. There were also frosted flakes and sugar puffs.

  ‘You’re so silly Charlie,’ said Megan, Charlie’s elder sister. ‘Coco puffs are for big children. You’re only a baby so you should have flakes.’

  ‘But I want flakes!’ demanded Charlie, throwing his sister a look.

  ‘Sit down sweetie,’ said Janet. ‘I’ll bring them over to you.’

  ‘Yeah!’ shouted Charlie as he sat his plump bum on the seat next to his sister and blew her a raspberry.

  ‘Ugh! Charlie that’s disgusting! You got me with your spit!’ cried Megan in horror.

  ‘Charlie, don’t be rude!’ admonished Janet.

  Where the hell was David? He’d had a meeting last night and had failed to come home. It wasn’t uncommon for David to have meetings that lasted well into the night; he worked in promotions, specialising in night clubs and so often needed to work evenings and sometimes into the night. He nearly always came home though, or if he wasn’t able to he would at least call to let her know he was alright and tell her when he’d be back. She presumed the he had missed his last train whilst drunk and hadn’t called her because he had assumed she’d be asleep and hadn’t wanted to wake her. As if she would rather be fretting bout him than woken up by a phone call!

  ‘Mummy, can I have the coco puffs now please?’

  Janet poured some cereal into Charlie’s bowl and then handed the box to Megan. Megan helped herself to some cereal and then poured milk into her and her brother’s bowl.

  Janet remembered what her husband had said to her: he was seeing a client for dinner and would probably then have a few drinks. He loved his job and that he got to wine and dine people on expenses; he loved her and the kids; he wasn’t sure what time he’d be back but she shouldn’t worry; he’d take the kids to school so she could have a little lie in.

  So, what had happened? She’d tried to ring his mobile several times that morning but it just kept ringing and ringing before finally going to voicemail. She’d left him two messages. Nothing.

  ‘Meggie, it’s mine!’

  ‘No it isn’t!’

  ‘Get off me! Give it to me!’ shouted Charlie. The children were fighting over the toy in the bottom of the coco puff box.

  ‘Charlie, let go!’ screamed Megan as she pulled the toy from Charlie’s fat hand, her elbow catching her cereal bowl sending it and its contents all over Charlie.

  ‘Mummy!’ cried Charlie, tears starting to form in his little eyes, his blond hair dripping coco puffs and milk. Megan sat wide eyed, knowing she had done something naughty.

  ‘What are you two doing?’ shouted Janet. ‘ Megan, apologise to your brother!’

  ‘Sorry Charlie,’ mumbled Megan.

  ‘Now go and get dressed for school. Charlie, come with me. We’ll get you cleaned up.’

  Oh David, where are you? Why aren’t you home? Janet briefly considered the possibility that David might be having an affair, but as quickly as the thought entered her mind, it disappeared again. He wouldn’t. David loved he
r and the children too much. He knew she would leave without a second’s thought if he was playing away. She decided that he was probably just sleeping off a hang over somewhere. She really didn’t want to call his office. What would she say? ‘I’ve lost my husband, any ideas where he might be?’

  As Janet showered Charlie for the second time that morning, washing cereal and milk from his soft, silky hair, she cursed David under her breath for leaving her in the lurch to deal with the kids, do the school run and try and get herself ready for work at the same time. She hoped he had a bloody good excuse and an excruciating hangover

  Chapter III

  As Louise picked her way around the rapidly growing puddles blackening the pavement on her short walk to the London Underground, she thought about the strange man she’d seen at the bus stop earlier. She was sure she hadn’t imagined him - he’d looked too real - and yet there was a part of her that doubted his existence. She had been working very hard lately, not really getting enough sleep and maybe indulging in a little too much alcohol. That was bound to lead to some sensory confusion, she mused.

  Since being promoted to editor-in-chief for Biz Talk, a magazine aimed at the business community offering advice on everything from start-up to marketing strategies, Louise had found it increasingly difficult to sleep and maintain a work-life balance. She wasn’t a natural worrier but she didn’t want to let Ben down. He’d taken a chance recruiting her three years ago, and had given her this promotion six months ago over a more experienced but less conscientious sub-editor. Louise was great at her job, but she also knew that her closeness with Ben and rapid promotion had caused more than a few playground-style rumours to be Chinese whispered around the office.

  The truth was she and Ben had clicked from the moment they’d met. On the day of her initial interview for the position of sub-editor, they’d both known she was the best candidate for the job, that they could easily and successfully work together. After ten minutes of formality, the remaining forty minutes of the interview had consisted of general chit chat about anything and everything. Louise had not disappointed from the day she started work, dressed in a dark suit that was both sexy and strikingly professional.


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