Spank Her Very Much

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by Holla Dean

  Spank Her Very Much


  Holla Dean

  Warning: This ebook has adult content including consensual spanking, some anal play, and explicit sex. If this subject matter offends you, please return this item.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogue in this novel either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2013

  By Holla Dean

  Chapter One

  Gina Stewart moved quickly and quietly, keeping to the shadows. When she reached the den window of the large mini-mansion she rose up on her tiptoes and pushed the window open.

  These stupid rich people, she thought. They think they’re safe inside their little gated communities so they don’t even secure their homes when they go out of town.

  She had been working this area for the last few months. There were several gated communities in this section of Fountain Hills and Gina had been making the rounds of them. She broke into one or two homes every month; stealing the jewelry and other small valuables that she could easily sell to the few fences she worked with.

  Gina was very careful which homes she picked to break into. She preferred the occupants to be out of the home for obvious reasons and she took great pains to make sure there would be no one in the home when she broke in.

  The owners of this particular house were out of town. Gina had come across this information quite innocently. Her best friend, Bonnie, did the bookkeeping for her boyfriend’s landscaping business. Gina had been at Bonnie’s place visiting her friend when the business phone rang.

  From listening to the conversation Gina had determined it was a client who wanted to make sure the landscaping would continue to be done while they were off traipsing around Europe for the next month. Bonnie had verified the address, the dates the owners would be gone, the gate code to the community, and other pertinent information.

  Gina had pulled out her Smartphone, clicked on her notes app and typed in the information she overheard Bonnie repeating. To Bonnie it looked like Gina was sending a text message.

  Later, Gina had looked up the address and then drove to the gated community and punched in the gate code. She drove around getting a feel for the neighborhood noting how few people were around. She went back later that same evening to check out how well lit the neighborhood was at night.

  Now it was two days later and she was stealthily creeping around the mini-mansion. Gina took another quick look around and then shoved the window further up. She hoisted herself up onto the window sill and slowly slid into the den making virtually no noise.

  She stood still for a few minutes, listening for any noise and letting her eyes adjust to the dim light in the room. She did not know if the owners of this house had any pets. Most likely they didn't have a dog or it would've been barking by now. But a cat was always a definite possibility; they didn't need anybody at home to take them for a walk or care for them. The last thing Gina needed was to trip over a cat. Another concern was the possibility of a house sitter.

  Gina looked around the room and saw that it was a typical den. She doubted that there were any valuables in this room. It was almost more like a small library with one full wall of built-in bookcases, a couple of easy chairs for reading, a small sofa, and a medium-size TV. She needed to find the master bedroom.

  Brent Logan was in the living room heading for the stairs when he heard the whisper of what sounded like a window being opened. He stopped and strained to listen. Then he heard another slight sound of something sliding over a surface.

  Was someone else breaking into the house?

  He slipped next to the china cabinet and waited patiently, listening for any further sounds that would tell him if there was another person in the house.

  Brent had scaled the 6 foot wall and picked the lock on the sliding glass patio doors to gain access to the house. He'd only been in the house for a few moments before he heard the sounds of someone possibly coming in through a window.

  He considered this subdivision his territory; after all he lived in that same subdivision. He was friends with many of his neighbors and was privy to their vacation plans. This made it easy for him to plan his burglaries.

  Brent was very cautious about burglarizing in his own neighborhood; he only did it about once every three months or so. So who was cutting in on his area?

  The other person was moving slowly down the hall. He could hear the soft squish of the crepe soles on the shoes as the intruder walked across the wood flooring.

  Brent saw a slim figure dressed in black move past the living room and head for the stairs. Skinny guy, he thought to himself.

  He waited a moment and then silently followed. This floor plan happened to be the same as Brent’s house so he knew exactly where the master bedroom was located. When he reached the top of the stairs, he saw a thin beam of light coming from the master suite.

  Gina had found the master bedroom, entered it and then stepped to the side of the door. She pulled her little flashlight from her pocket and clicked it on, shining it around the room while avoiding the windows. The light skimmed over the king size bed, and moved to the night stand on the left. There was a lamp sitting on it and a telephone.

  As she moved the light past the corner and over the adjacent wall, she saw the highboy dresser and thought she’d take a look through that after she searched through the jewelry box sitting on the long dresser against the opposite wall.

  The large walk-in closet was just to her right and she definitely wanted to take a look in there. More expensive items were often hidden in the master closet while costume jewelry filled the jewelry box on the dresser. She decided to check the closet first and then she’d look in the jewelry box, the highboy dresser, and take a quick look behind the two pictures hanging on the wall in case there was a safe.

  Gina wasn’t a master safecracker, but she had been practicing. If she couldn’t get a safe open in a few minutes, she would abandon it and leave. Every extra minute spent inside the house increased the chances of her being discovered.

  She stepped into the closet and with her mini flashlight she quickly found the drawers belonging to the lady of the house. Inside the top drawer was a sliding divider that revealed a hidden compartment when she moved it towards the back of the drawer. This compartment had a cheap lock on it that Gina opened in less than ten seconds with a bobby pin.

  Inside were several pieces of jewelry with diamonds, some rubies, and lesser gems. Gina grabbed them up and stuffed them into one of the many pockets of her black jacket.

  Next she turned to the other side of the closet and opened a drawer that was filled with rolled up socks placed in individual compartments. She tried to move the block of compartments and was pleased when it slid back to reveal another hideaway with a cheap lock.

  Gina quickly opened it and pulled out gold cufflinks with diamonds and a Rolex watch. These she stuffed into another pocket and then turned to go back into the bedroom and take a quick look around.

  On second thought, she decided she’d scored enough for one night and she would just leave. She’d already spent more time in this house than she wanted to. It was best to get
out quickly.

  As she stepped into the bedroom, silhouetted against the window was the shape of a man.

  Gina gasped in surprise. Her heart almost stopped beating in her chest. This had never happened before. Her targets were always empty and she’d never run into another person. She wasn’t sure what to do.

  Should I make a run for it? Would he follow me? Can I outrun him? Shit! What to do??

  Brent had silently entered the bedroom and waited patiently for this other burglar to finish in the closet. This guy was so slight, that Brent felt comfortable in his ability to overpower him if necessary. As the skinny burglar exited the closet, Brent spoke.

  “Stop right there, young man. Empty your pockets and then turn around and face the wall.”

  He thinks I’m a guy!

  Gina looked towards the door to the hallway and tried to calculate her chances of making a dash for it. She figured she could make it down the stairs and head for the den, but now she wasn’t sure whether the den was the first or second door past the living room. If she picked the wrong room, she’d be screwed. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  “Do it now, buddy. You’re trespassing and I have every right to shoot your ass.” Brent declared as he pointed with his finger in his pocket, making it look like a gun in the dimly lit room. “I’m not waiting any longer.”

  “All right! Don’t shoot!” Gina exclaimed as she started to reach into a pocket to take out the jewelry she had lifted from the drawers in the closet.

  Brent was surprised by the feminine voice, but he kept his finger gun pointed at her and said, “Easy, now. Empty your pockets slow and easy. Don’t try anything or I will shoot.”

  Gina pulled out a few pieces from one pocket and set them down on the long low dresser that was next to her. She was going to still try and get away with the rest of the pieces. No sense in the entire night’s work being a complete flop.

  “Look,” she said. “Here’s your stuff back, now please just let me go.”

  She’d never been busted before. She had no family and had grown up in a series of foster homes. Her friends thought she freelanced for some private detective agencies doing light surveillance assignments. How would she explain getting popped while burglarizing a high end home?

  “Let you go?” Brent asked incredulously. “You break into my home with the intention of robbing me blind, and you think I should let you go?”

  She apparently thought he was the homeowner so he decided he’d just continue to let her think it was his house.

  “I haven’t hurt anything; I’ve returned what I took. There’s no need for you to do anything else. Please, let me go.”

  Brent shook his head and said, “Turn around and face the wall.”

  Gina didn’t want to turn her back on this guy. He was pretty big and she didn’t know what he might do. What if he whacked her on the head with his gun?

  “I’m not turning around. I put your stuff on the dresser there, and I’m leaving now.”

  She started to walk towards the door trying to act full of confidence even though she was scared he’d fire his gun at her.

  “Stop!” He ordered. “Back up to the wall and raise your hands. Do it now or I’m going to shoot.”

  Gina decided to do what he asked. As long as she could keep an eye on him she’d wait for a chance to run.

  Brent stepped over towards her and stopped when he was still about five or six feet from her. Having no idea if she was skilled in any form of self-defense, he thought it was best if he didn’t get too close.

  He could see her features now and was surprised how beautiful she was. There were a few wisps of silver blonde hair that had escaped her black knit hat. Her clothes were all black, very close fitting and outlined her slim hips. The dark jacket she wore concealed her waist, but not the shape of her full bust. He couldn’t see the color of her eyes but he thought they were dark.

  Gina looked her captor over and was impressed that such a young man owned this expensive home. He was just over six feet tall with wide shoulders. His hair was dark and from what she could see of his features, he was damn good looking. Somewhere in the back of her mind she found it odd that he was dressed much the same as she was. All in dark, close fitting clothing.

  “Turn all your pockets inside out.” He commanded.

  Shit, if she did that he’d know she hadn’t removed all the items she’d lifted.

  “I already gave everything back, just let me go. Please.” Gina replied.

  Brent shook his head. He was sure she had more in her pockets. Her left jacket pocket had a slight bulge to it; he knew she was trying to get away with something.

  “Do it now or I’m calling the police.”

  “Okay, okay! Can I lower my hands?”

  “Yeah, just do it nice and slow and don’t try anything.”

  Gina lowered her arms slowly and then took off running towards the stairs as fast as she could.

  Brent had been expecting such a move and he took off after her, tackling her to the floor just after she cleared the bedroom door.

  Gina kicked and swung her fists, trying to get away. But he was too strong and she only knew the very basics of self-defense. She could not overpower him.

  She was on her back with Brent straddled across her hips making it almost impossible for her to move her legs in any effective way. He had grabbed both her hands and held her wrists with just his left hand. With his right hand, he was patting the pockets of her jacket and then pulled out the remaining jewelry she was trying to get away with.

  He smirked at her and said, “So you’ve given everything back, huh? What the hell is this stuff? Something you just brought along for the fun of it?”

  “Um...uh...I guess you just made me so nervous I forgot about the stuff in that pocket.”

  “Yeah, right,” Brent responded. “I think it’s time I called the police.”

  “No! Please don’t!” Gina begged. “Please, I’ll do anything you want. Just don’t call the cops. You’ve got everything now; can’t you just let me go?”

  “I don’t think so; you’ll just keep on living this life of crime. I think it will serve the public more if we get you locked up.”

  Gina was becoming more scared. Her heart was pounding now and she had to find a way to change this guy’s mind. She had always had the ability to cry almost on demand. In this particular situation it was no problem at all to let the tears start flowing.

  “Please let me go,” she sobbed. “I promise I won’t ever do this again. I just needed some money so badly to help with my sick mother. It was stupid. I know that now. But please, please let me go.”

  Oh, she was good, Brent thought. But he knew she was lying and he knew the tears were fake. There just wasn’t a lot of sincerity in her voice. He’d enjoyed patting her shapely body while looking for more loot in her pockets and now he had an idea.

  “You’ll do anything? Anything at all?” He asked her.

  “Yes! Just name it! Anything!”

  What if he wants sex? I can’t do that. Oh God, what did I just promise? What if he wants me to do something even more illegal than burglary?

  Gina waited while Brent pretended to think it over. He knew exactly what he was going to ask of her. She wasn’t going to like it; but he was sure she would agree if her other choice was going to jail.

  “Here are your choices,” Brent began. “Either I call the police and press charges or you submit to a spanking.”

  “What!?” Gina exclaimed. “You want to spank me?”

  “Or I can call the police. Which will it be?”

  A spanking, she thought. How bad can a spanking be? Hell, it’s a child’s punishment. Then I can get the hell out of here and go home.

  “And if I agree; you’ll let me leave without calling the cops?”

  “Yep, that’s what I said. Cops or a spanking, which one would you rather have?”

  Gina let out a big sigh and said, “Ok, I’ll take the spanking.”

  “Very good,”
Brent said. “I’m going to get off you now, but I’m still going to hold on to your wrists. Don’t try anything or there won’t be any further negotiations. I’ll call the police.”

  She nodded her head in agreement.

  Brent stood up and then pulled her to her feet by her wrists. He led her back into the bedroom and closed the door. Then he glanced at the windows to make sure the shades were drawn.

  Still holding her wrists, he pulled her to the bed and he sat down with her standing between his legs.

  “Drop your pants and your underwear.”

  “What?! I didn’t agree to get undressed!” Gina protested. “What kind of pervert are you?”

  “I’m not a pervert at all,” Brent replied. “But this will be a bare-bottomed spanking. Now drop your pants or I call the police.”

  Gina wasn’t sure what was worse, going to jail or getting a bare assed spanking. She chose the spanking.

  “Can I take my jacket off?” She asked.

  “Sure, just do it slowly and don’t try anything.”

  She took off the jacket and tossed it on the nearby chair. Then she reached to her side and pulled down the zipper. She tugged her pants down and let them fall around her ankles.

  “Please, can I leave my panties on?” Gina begged.

  “No, take them off or I call the police.”

  Gina hesitated, but then she pulled the panties down and they fell to just above her knees. She stood there and looked at Brent.

  He took a quick look at her trimmed pussy and felt his cock getting stiff. There’d be no sex tonight so he raised his eyes to look at her face. Brent shifted to a slight angle and patted his left knee to indicate she should position herself over it.

  Gina took a deep breath and laid herself over his knee. Her upper body was angled across the bed and was supported by the bed. She pulled one of the pillows close to her so she’d have something to hang onto. Her legs were dangling and just barely touched the floor. She felt him place his right leg over her legs, effectively locking her in place.


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