The Lucky Seventh

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The Lucky Seventh Page 19

by Ralph Henry Barbour



  When he was gone the two boys looked at each other a moment and thenbegan to laugh.

  "Rather takes your breath away, doesn't he?" gasped Gordon.

  "I should say so! And of all crazy stunts----"

  "Get out! It's going to be a heap of fun! I'm for it--strong!"

  "So I see. But maybe the Pointers won't care to take part in such asilly affair."

  "Why not? Why, we'll offer them twenty-five per cent. of the gatereceipts and they'll be dead anxious."

  "Pshaw! They don't need any money. What would they do with it?"

  "Do with it? Why--why, what would anyone do with it? Eat it, of course!"

  "That's what I'd like to know. What are _we_ going to do with it, forinstance?"

  "Oh, there's a lot of things we can do with it, Dick. We might--mightgive it to charity or--or--oh, lots of things!"

  "Well, we're in for it, anyway. I'll talk to Caspar to-morrow. I guesstwo weeks from next Saturday would be a good date. The trouble isthey've got a lot of games arranged and they may not be able to playus."

  "You tell them what this Potter chap says and whoop it up, Dick. Theycan cancel a game if they want to."

  True to his word, Mr. Potter started the ball rolling the next morning.The _Reporter_ contained an announcement on the front page under a bighead:


  "Who has the better ball team, Clearfield or Rutter's Point? That's thequestion that is agitating both this community and the summer colony atthe end of the trolley. And, if present plans carry, it is a questionthat will soon be settled definitely, and, we hope, to the satisfactionof Clearfield. Negotiations are to be opened to-day betweenrepresentatives of the two teams looking to a third and deciding contestto be played on the High School field some time between now and the endof the month. Each nine has won one game and each nine claims to be alittle better than the other. Over at the Point they are so certain thatthey have the champion bunch of players that they're willing to do mostanything to secure another game with Clearfield. At this end of the linethere is an equally strong conviction to the effect that our ownaggregation has more than a shade on the Point team. That's the way itstands now, but the _Reporter_ hopes to be able to announce in anotherday or two that the managers and backers of the rival teams have met andagreed on a deciding game. In which case we predict that those who arefortunate enough to witness the final battle will see a struggle theywon't forget in a long time. Watch for developments!"

  Besides that highly-colored effusion there was a short editorial insidein which the writer extolled athletics in general and baseball inparticular. In twenty lines the writer alluded to Greek athletes, Romangames, Christopher Mathewson, Tyrus Cobb, the American Eagle, the Spiritof Fair Play and Clearfield. The style of the two productions was somuch alike that Dick and Gordon decided that Mr. Potter was responsiblefor both.

  "I hope," said Dick, "that Caspar won't see this until I've prepared himfor it. He will think we've gone crazy!"

  As it happened, however, Caspar Billings was much too busy playingtennis that morning to read the _Clearfield Reporter_, and when Dick methim he knew nothing of Mr. Potter's activities. But five minutes laterhe had found the paper and was chuckling enjoyably over the story. "It'sgreat!" he declared. "That fellow ought to be working in New York. He'slost in Clearfield. Say, we'll have more fun than a picnic out of this,Lovering. What sort of a prize did he say?"

  "A cup or a phonograph or--or something like that."

  "Me for a phonograph!" laughed Caspar. "Now, when can we play? Ofcourse, we'll go over to your field. Have to, anyway. How about twoweeks from Saturday?"

  "That's the day I was going to suggest," replied Dick.

  "That's all right for us. We had a game scheduled with a nine from theOcean House at Traskville, but they telephoned the other day that theycouldn't make up a team. That gives What's-his-name, your newspaperfriend, a fortnight to work up the excitement. And I'll bet you he willdo it!"

  "I guess there's no doubt about that," replied Dick. "That's settled,then, and I'll let Potter know. Did I tell you he wanted to get theMayor to declare a holiday and have the stores close?"

  "Great Scott, no!" chuckled Caspar. "He's a wonder. Say, why don't yousuggest to him that it would be a bully idea to have the Governor issuea proclamation? Wonder if the New York stock market will close,Lovering."

  "It will if Potter thinks of it," laughed Dick. "Well, I must be going.I'll see you again next week and we'll arrange about an umpire."

  "_An_ umpire!" scoffed Caspar. "We'll have to have two of them for thisgame; one at the plate and one on bases. Maybe your friend Potter canpersuade President Johnson to officiate. This is going to be some game,Lovering!"

  "It's going to be a circus," replied Dick. "I dare say they'll beselling popcorn and peanuts there!"

  "Sure to! Well, so long. Tell Potter I'm crazy about it. By the way, howare you and young Townsend getting on? Loring told me yesterday that thekid thinks you're about the finest thing that ever walked on--Imean----"

  "Ever hobbled on two crutches," laughed Dick. "Well, Harold and I pulltogether pretty well these days. The boy is really working like a slave,Billings. I didn't think he could do it."

  "He's a heap more decent than he was the first of the season. You alwayswanted to kick him then. Now he behaves like a real fellow. I supposehe's told you he is our official scorer now? He doesn't do so badly,either. If you criticize his way of scoring he looks at you haughtilyand says, 'This is the way Lovering does it, and he knows!'"

  "You'll have to lay the blame on me, then, if your scorer doesn't do youjustice, Billings. Good-bye!"

  It was Fudge who most delighted in the sensational aspect of the thirdcontest with Rutter's Point. Fudge loved excitement and color andromance, and for that reason the _Reporter's_ daily items about thesoul-stirring event filled him with joy. He started a scrap-book andalmost filled it with the amazing articles that appeared from Mr.Potter's feverish and versatile pen. On the morning after Dick's call onCaspar Billings the _Reporter_ blazed forth at the top of the thirdcolumn of the first page as follows:



  What the captains said was that they expected a close game and didn'tcare to predict the winner. At least, that's what they really said. InMr. Potter's account they talked whole paragraphs and said a lot more.Gordon read his remarks with astonishment and began to wonder whether hehad not possibly said all those things after all!

  "Dick took Louise to the game on Saturday"]

  Dick took Louise to the game on Saturday anddid not have to go by way of the Common. Fortunately, several ofLouise's girl friends were there and Dick's frequent absences from herside were not so noticeable. Hemlock Camp presented a husky, sun-browneddozen of young athletes who, led by a clever captain, played the sort ofbaseball one reads of. The Camp's pitcher was something of a marvel andsoon had Dick's charges eating out of his hand, to use Harold'sexpression. The contest developed into a pitcher's battle in which Tomhad slightly the worst of it and which Hemlock Camp ultimately won bythe score of 8 to 6. If the game was not quite so interesting as someprevious contests, it was at least nearly free of errors and full offast, clean playing. Dick regretted on the way home that Louise had seena defeat instead of a victory, but Louise declared that she had enjoyedit all very much.

  "You must come a week from to-day," said Dick. "Lesterville is coming toplay us a return game and that will be close and exciting, I think.Would you care to?"

  "Yes, indeed, only we'll be at the Point then. Still, I could come overon the trolley, couldn't I? I'll get Morris to come w
ith me. I wouldn'tthink of having you come way over there for me, Dick."

  Dick expressed his entire willingness to go to the Point and escort herto town, but Louise refused to allow it. "If you'll come and see usduring the game it will do just as well," she said. Dick didn't thinkso, but he said nothing.

  The mass meeting to take action on securing a new athletic field cameoff that evening in the High School assembly hall and, after muchdiscussion, the meeting endorsed the committee's plan to lease Tilden'smeadow for a term of two years. The committee reported that it had abalance on hand of twenty-eight dollars and forty-six cents and askedfor more money. It was voted to appoint canvassers to visit the studentsand the graduates, and, if not enough money was secured from them, toask the public to assist. Dick found himself one of the committee onsubscriptions. Lanny was another. They sympathized with each other ontheir way home and were gibed at by Gordon and Fudge. Fudge offered Dickfive cents then and there, and, his offer being unexpectedly accepted,had to borrow the nickel from Gordon.

  The next Monday the _Reporter_ announced that a silver cup was to bedonated by the merchants as a prize for the team winning the baseballgame and that it would be on exhibition all next week in the window ofWetherell's jewelry store. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Potter called on Dickwith a proof of the poster which the _Reporter_ was getting out. It wasa gay piece of work in red and green ink and well calculated to attractthe eye. In the center was a picture of a batsman with a flashing eyeand a poised bat. That was printed in red. The lettering was in greenand announced: "Championship Baseball! Clearfield vs. Rutter's Point,High School Field, Saturday, September third, two-thirty o'clock. Musicby Nagel's Band. Admission 50 Cents, Reserved Seats 75 Cents. Tickets atHowland's Drug Store, and at the Field before the game."

  "We're going to use a heavy cardboard stock," explained Mr. Potter, "andwe'll strike off a hundred of 'em. We're going to charge you just whatthe stock and the labor cost us and no more."

  "What about the score-cards?" asked Dick.

  "Won't cost you a cent. I've got about a dozen advertisements and thosewill pay for the cards. Another thing we're going to do is to run an adof the game on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week."

  "That's very kind," murmured Dick. "You really think folks will payseventy-five cents for seats? Wouldn't it be better to make the pricesfifty cents and a quarter?"

  "I don't think so, Lovering. We want 'em to understand that what they'regoing to see is a real game of ball. They'll pay the price all right.That reminds me of another thing. How would it do for you fellows to gethold of a crackerjack pitcher for this game? You could get one forthirty dollars or so. There's Lafferty, of Providence, for instance. Idare say he'd twirl for you for twenty-five and his expenses. He's acorker, too! I've seen him work."

  "I guess not," replied Dick. "I think we'll stick to home talent. Itseems a bit fairer."

  "Well, just as you say. This fellow Mason, though, is pretty good, andeveryone would like to see the home team win that game. Better think itover. If you change your mind you let me know and I'll attend to thematter for you. I suppose you chaps are keeping up practice prettywell?"

  "Yes, we practice every day except when there's a game."

  "That's the ticket! You play Lesterville next Saturday, don't you? Well,I'll give a good write-up of the game on Monday. Got to keep theexcitement going."

  When the newspaper man had gone Dick went out to the porch and sank intohis favorite chair beside the little table. He was tired and the day wasa scorching hot one. There had been a solid three hours that morningwith Harold Townsend and, although Harold had done his share without awhimper, it had been pretty hard for teacher as well as pupil. Dickclosed his eyes and frowned in the green shadow of the vines. Was Haroldgoing to make it? There were times when Dick was sure that he would, butalso there were moments, usually when, as to-day, he was fagged out,when he had his doubts. If Harold could remember what he had learnedwhen the time came he would undoubtedly get through, but there wasalways the danger that he wouldn't. Dick sighed. At least, though, hereflected, his frown fading, he was doing his honest best for the boy.And--and here the frown quite disappeared--he had made a nice lot ofmoney that was greatly needed. He would, he told himself, have enough bythe middle of the month, when Harold went off to Rifle Point to put thesummer's work to the test, to pay for a new heater for the house. Thatwas the most necessary improvement of the many that were needed. For thelast two or three years the old furnace, never satisfactory, had quitefailed to keep them comfortable in cold weather. Dick was wondering howmuch the hardware man would allow him for it when the gate clicked andGordon and Morris Brent came up the path.

  Morris still used his crutches, but, as he explained, the doctor hadtold him yesterday that he might lay them aside in another week. "AndI'll be mighty glad to," he added. "They're rotten things to have to getabout with." Then his eye fell on Dick's crutches, leaning within reach,and he colored. "I guess I oughtn't to kick, though," he added hastily.

  Dick smiled. "They are awkward if you're not used to them, I suppose,Morris. I'm glad you're getting on so well. Gordon says you're going tomove to the Point this week."

  Morris nodded. "Wednesday," he said. "I want you and Gordon to come outsome evening and have dinner. Will you?"

  "Why, yes, I'd be glad to, Morris. Thank you."

  "Then I'll settle on a day with the folks. Mother told me to tell youshe wanted very much to have you. Louise, too. How would Saturday do?"

  "All right, I think. We have a game Saturday, but I dare say it will beover by five. What time do you dine?"

  "Seven. That'll give you heaps of time. I'm going to fetch Louise in tosee the game and we can all go back together." Morris turned to Gordon."That suit you?" he asked.

  "Finely. Could we get the quarter of six car, do you think? I'd likemighty well to get a swim before dinner. Got an extra bathing suit outthere?"

  "You can take mine. What do you want to do with this?" Morris held up abook in a red cloth cover.

  "Oh, I brought that over for you, Dick," said Gordon. "That is, Iborrowed it and he brought it. Thought you might like to look it over."

  "Much obliged," said Dick, accepting the volume and reading the titlerather puzzledly. "'The Automobile; it's Care and Management.'Er--what----" He looked from Gordon to Morris. "What's the idea,fellows? I'm much obliged, of course, but why should I want to study upon autos, please?"

  "Oh, you like to know how to do everything," replied Gordon carelessly."That's mighty interesting, isn't it, Morris?"

  "Great!" agreed the other enthusiastically. Dick still looked puzzled,but opened the book and glanced at two or three of its pages.

  "All right, I'll have a go at it some time. It does look interesting.Thank you." He laid the volume on the table. "What ever became of thatcar of yours, Morris?"

  "It's home. I'm going to sell it. I paid Stacey the rest of the money Iowed him the other day. He's a mean little runt. Don't want to buy it,do you, Dick?"

  Dick smiled and shook his head. "I'm afraid I couldn't afford it. Itwould be sort of handy for me to get around in, though, wouldn't it?Look here!" He viewed the two boys searchingly. "You fellows didn'tbring me this book expecting I'd get daffy about automobiles and buythat one of yours, did you?"

  "Of course not," disclaimed Gordon hurriedly. "Besides, Morris has abuyer for that car already. That is, he thinks he has."

  "All right. Still I don't see why you think I want to read up onautomobiles," said Dick. "What's the use of knowing how to run a car andgrease its joints if I haven't got one and couldn't run it if I had?"

  "Couldn't run it! Of course you could run it," said Gordon. "Couldn'the, Morris?"

  "Easy! It's nothing to do. I could show you how in two days. Why----"

  But at that moment Morris encountered Gordon's warning look andsubsided. Dick stared perplexedly.

  "I think you chaps are crazed by the heat," he said. "You've gotautomobiles on the brain. What you need, Gordie, is to
get out and playball. It must be about time to start for the field, too. By the way,Harry telephoned over at noon that he couldn't get out to-day."

  "Again? I'll bet anything Harry's father isn't keeping him away frompractice. He's just lazy. I guess we'd better come down on him with thattwenty-five cent fine!"

  "I'll go over with you and look on if you don't mind," said Morris. "Youcan't call me one of the enemy now, you know."

  "Glad to have you," responded Dick. "I'll put this book inside and we'llstart along. We'll make a fine appearance," he laughed. "Two cripplesand a crazy fellow!"


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