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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

Page 8

by Roxanne Witherell

  “Surely your mother didn’t just get your sister high.” Jessica interrupted.

  “No,” Makenna laughs. “She was pretty much like you. She refused for a couple years until after I was born. That’s when Melonie got worse. Mom had no choice but to try it. First, she made a butter with it. It worked but when Melonie turned fifteen she just started smoking it, claiming it took too long to turn it to butter. I used to make her some tea with it, but she claimed it tasted horrible and resumed smoking.”

  “I knew my mom smoked caught her once on a camping trip. I asked her to stop, and she just told me that she has smoked her whole life and she wasn’t about to stop now.” Bri told them. “I never knew she had to.”

  “What happened if she didn’t?” Bri asked Makenna

  “Melonie would get like Madison. She would seem to get worse each month. Then comes the fever, violent vomiting, and severe stomach pains. That’s when my mother gave in.”

  “Why did this start now? I mean she has been part shifter since the beginning, and this just started.” Jessica questions.

  “They weren’t ready to shift.” Makenna said as if it is obvious. “It takes longer for the shifter side to develop. Actually, I’m surprised Michael is shifting now. Usually a half-shifter is at least six years old before they shift.”

  “Michael’s a fast developer. He skipped crawling, walked for a day, then started running. All before Madison was crawling.” Jessica laughed at the memory. Madison would get so mad because Michael would get up, and go leaving her there unable to follow.

  “I can’t wait to actually meet them.” Makenna said. “I need to warn you though. With them being twins, and her getting sick every time Michael shifts; she may get worse quickly. I’m not sure how it all goes, but it is something to suspect.”

  “I know,” Jessica sighs deeply. “Let’s make cookies.” She still isn’t happy about this.

  “Are you sure? I only mean to help. There’s no pressure.”

  “Are you trying to talk me out of it now?” Jessica laughs.

  “No,” Makenna laughed with her. “Okay let’s get started.”

  They made two batches of cookies one with cannabis oil and one without. Jessica knows Michael will want one the moment he sees his sister with one. So, you better have two of everything. The front door opens, and Michael jumps off the couch and runs down the hall. Caleb comes in with a man with red hair. He looks nothing like Chloe. He looks much older than twenty-three so Jessica is going to assume he isn’t Logan. Just before the door shuts Alexander walks in with Chloe, and a young man that must be Logan. You can see the resemblances in the two.

  “Jessica,” Alexander motioned for her to come out of the kitchen. “I’d like for you to meet the rest of pack.”

  She left Makenna and Bri putting cookies in bags so she could meet everyone. Everyone had sat down in the living room waiting for introductions. Jessica couldn’t help but notice how good looking everyone is. They weren’t flawless, but very attractive.

  “The newlyweds will be here shortly.” Alexander places his hand on the small of her back and guides her to meet everyone.

  “You’ve already met Caleb.” He says passing Caleb sitting in the recliner. He stops in front of the red-haired man.

  “This here is Liam.”

  “Next we have the twins: Chloe and Logan.”

  Jessica heard another vehicle pull up. Quickly a door opened and closed. Jessica isn’t sure anyone had the time to get out. Before they could make it to the door, Madison started coughing. Knowing what is coming Jessica scooped her up and ran to the bathroom. Making it just in time she set Madison down in front of the toilet.

  “Here,” Makenna said from the doorway. “Give her this once she is done.”

  Makenna handed her the small cookie with the medicine in it. Jessica waited for Madison to finish. Grabbing a wash rag she cleaned Madison up once again. At least no clothes had to be changed. Jessica broke a small chunk of the cookie off for Madison. She isn’t sure Madison will be able to eat it but it’s worth a shot.

  “You want a little bit of cookie?” Jessica held it out for her.

  Madison didn’t hesitate to take the cookie but she didn’t seem in a rush to eat it either. Holding it in her little hand she looks up at Jessica with her big eyes.

  “It’s okay. This is a magic cookie. It should make you feel better.” Jessica hopes she isn’t lying.

  Madison slowly took a bite, waited a moment then took another bite. After the third bite the portion Madison had was gone and she was reaching for the rest. Jessica gave the rest of the cookie to her, and picked her up. Madison laid her head-on Jessica’s shoulder, and slowly chewed on the cookie. Closing the door behind her, she headed towards to living room. Caleb, Chloe and Logan are still in the living room. Noise can be heard from the kitchen. Looking that way, she noticed another couple had arrived. Cooking is going on, since she can smell the onions, and spices from the hall. She sat down on the couch across from the others and adjusted Madison, so she can see people. Alexander came around the couch and sat down beside her. Madison smiled up at him and held out her cookie for him.

  “No, you eat it.” Alexander kissed the top of Madison’s head. “Where’s Michael?

  “He’s probably hiding. He ran down the hall when people started showing up.”

  “Bed,” Madison said softly.

  “I will get him.” Alexander kissed the top of Madison head again and went in search of Michael.

  Jessica smiled at the thought of him warming up to the twins. Madison has warmed up to him. She is turning her head watching him as he walks out of the room. Turning back around Madison looks at all the people sitting across from her.

  “Hi, Madison.” Chloe says looking at Madison with a smile.

  “Madison, can you say hello to Miss. Chloe?”

  Madison didn’t say anything as shied away. She did give a little wave with her cookie in hand. Then start eating her cookie again. Jessica is relieved that she has been able to hold the cookie down.

  “She’s a little shy right now.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. I can imagine everything is strange to her right now.” Chloe sympathized. “Once she gets used to us, I think we will be good friends.”

  Hearing the words good friends, Madison looked over at Chloe. It’s a small win but a win nonetheless.

  “Madison, guess what! I have a twin brother like you do.” Chloe pointed to Logan. He leaned up so Madison could see him. “Do we look alike?”

  Madison looked back and forth between the two for a moment before nodding. Smiling Jessica nodded a thank you to Chloe. Madison warms up quicker if she knows people like her. Jessica doesn’t know why Madison does that. It’s like she doesn’t think she is good enough.

  Alexander came back in with Michael desperately trying to get out of his arms. Jessica could hear him telling Michael to calm down. The second Michael saw Jessica, he calmed down. Until Alexander sat down with him, then Michael jumped out of his arms and tried hiding himself behind Jessica’s back.

  “Michael, get out from behind me.” Jessica told her son.

  His response was a little growl, and what felt like a head shake. It made Madison giggle. Of course, everyone thought Michael was being adorable. However, they haven’t spent the last couple of nights chasing his adorable ass around.

  Madison put the last bite of cookie in her mouth and started chewing. Michael must have sensed his sister has food because he quickly comes out from behind Jessica’s back. He sniffed all over Madison, licking her hands. Madison smiled but this time it’s her ha-ha smile. Michael whined and licked Madison’s face in turn making her whine because he licked her.

  “Michael leave your sister alone.” Alexander voiced.

  Michael instantly stops, and sits back on his hunches. It doesn’t stop him from whining but it does stop Madison.

  “What you want a cookie?” Jessica asks Michael.

  Michael whines again, and climbs up to give Je
ssica a lick on the cheek. She takes that as a yes. An idea pops into her mind and she smiles at him.

  “I will only give you a cookie when you turn back to my little boy.” She has no problem with bribing her children.

  Michael snorted, but jumped down from the couch and ran back down the hall.

  “He try mommy.” Madison says looking at her.

  “I know, baby. He just needs practice.” She doesn’t want Madison to worry about her brother.

  Madison nods and scoots over to the center of the couch between her and Alexander. Madison looks up at her daddy. When he smiled at her she laid her head on him, causing him to put his arm around her. Jessica heard the snap of a camera. She looked over and saw Chloe with her phone out. She took a picture of Jessica before putting her phone away. Jessica heard the popping noise from Michael shifting.

  “Momma!” Michael hollered in what sounded like panic.

  “Excuse me.” Jessica got up.

  She grabs her bag from the side of the couch as she goes. Every time Michael has shifted back, he has always been naked. Jessica always remember to bring extra clothes, it’s a mom rule. Jessica found Michael hiding behind the bathroom door with only his fingers giving away his position. Jessica slowly opened the door to reveal her little boy in his birthday suit.

  “Now there’s my little boy.”

  “Cookie?” He held out his hand.

  “Let’s get you dressed first.” Jessica said opening the bag. “Then we will go get you a cookie.”

  “Loud,” he said.

  “What’s loud?”

  “Them,” he points towards the front of the house.

  “I’ll ask them to quiet down.” Jessica pulls out his clothes and handing him one piece at a time for him to dress.

  Once Michael was fully dressed they walked out of the bathroom. Jessica held out her arms in case he wanted her to carry him like Madison did. Michael shook his head.

  “I’m brave,” he said hitting his chest like Tarzan.

  “I know you are. You ready?”

  Michael nodded in response. As they were walking down the hall Jessica could tell Michael’s bravery is running thin. The closer they came to the living room he began to slow down, and stepped behind her. He didn’t quit walking though. Coming into the living room Michael grabbed one of her fingers, and held on for dear life.

  Chapter 13


  “It’s okay, Michael.” Alexander said trying to look around Jessica to see Michael. “Come here.”

  Michael peered around Jessica’s leg. He took one step out then turned back to his mother. He tugged on her shirt. Jessica knelt in front of him.

  “What is it baby?”

  “They smell,” Michael whispered.

  Alexander couldn’t help but laugh when Jessica took a deep sniff of the air. Most humans are unaware of a shifter’s scent, so no doubt she doesn’t smell anything. Jessica looks at him, and Alexander tries to control himself.

  “Michael,” Alexander wants to get his attention. “Do you know why we smell?”

  “Like what?” Jessica asked, clearly lost. Michael shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

  “We smell like this because we are just like you.” Alexander explained.

  Michael looked at every person in turn like he was accessing them. Alexander could see the little boy’s nostrils flare as he is taking in the scents.

  “All got wolf?” Michael asks pointing to everyone on the couch.

  “Yep, all of them.” Alexander answered. Michael turns to Jessica, and sniffed the air around her.

  “No, wolf?” Michael asks simply.

  “Nope,” Alexander replied as Jessica shook her head.

  Michael slowly walked closer to Alexander, and glanced towards the kitchen. Makenna and the others were in there cooking dinner. Michael has a clear view of them all.

  “Them got wolf?” He pointed towards the kitchen.

  “Yep, them too.”

  Michael tried to climb up on the couch between Alexander and Madison. His sister is having no part in it. Madison is pushing Michael away, and looks to be about to cry. Alexander isn’t sure what to do. He looks at Jessica for help, but she just stands there and smiles.

  He takes a deep breath. He can do this, there’s only two. Alexander mentally prepared himself. He picks Michael up and sets him in his lap. Madison stopped instantly. Michael leaned back, and snuggled in. It swelled his heart to know these are his children. No matter how they came to be or what the future holds, they are his. He has a family.

  “Everyone, now that they are together, I would like for you all to meet Michael, and Madison.” Alexander announces proudly.

  Chloe snapped a few pictures on her phone. He will have to ask her to send them to him later. Everyone that was in the kitchen made their way to the living room to greet the children. Some have already met Madison, but she wasn’t in the greeting mood. Sebastian, and Makenna were the first around the couch to set their eyes on Michael for the first time.

  “The resemblance is remarkable.” Sebastian says looking between Alexander, and Michael.

  “Alexander there is no denying him. He looks so much like you.” Makenna commented.

  It’s true. He will try to dig up a picture of him when he was young to show Jessica. Thoughts of Jessica have him looking at her. She’s smiling looking back at him. How can he convince her to stay? He doesn’t want to lose his family right after finding out about them. Besides it’s in Michael’s best interest to stay with the pack.

  “Do you two like spaghetti? Makenna asked the twins.

  “Yeah!” The twins shouted. Alexander wasn’t expecting the high squeal of excitement coming from the twins.

  “Good, because dinner is ready.” Makenna replied. “Jessica, would you like to help?”

  “Sure,” Jessica got up and followed Makenna to the Kitchen.

  Chloe, Bri, and Abby followed behind to fix plates in the traditional assembly line fashion. Makenna doesn’t like a crowd in the kitchen so she came up with her own system. It works so no one complains.

  Chapter 14


  When dinner was over the twins began to run around, playing. Jessica wanted to tell them to stop but its good seeing Madison smiling, and laughing again. Since Madison’s only sick when Michael is in wolf form, she isn’t sure Makenna’s ‘medicine’ as she calls it works. So, to Jessica the jury is still out on that one.

  “Jessica, come have some coffee with us.” Sebastian said pouring him a cup of coffee. “Let the children play.”

  Looking over at the twins, Jessica knew they were safe. Chloe and Logan were chasing them around playing tag. Jessica nodded at Sebastian, and went into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Alexander helped himself to a cup also, and led her outside to sit on the front porch. She paused just on the outside of the door, waiting for the twins to realize she walked out of the room, and start screaming. After hearing only their laughter Jessica proceeding to the table Sebastian, Makenna, and Alexander were seating at.

  “As Alpha, I’m inclined to ask what your intentions are?” Sebastian asks looking at her a little suspiciously. Jessica wasn’t sure what he meant with his question.

  “My only intention is to get help for my children. It’s clear I don’t know anything about shifters. I’m not here to impose on your pack.” She may have put more attitude in her words than she meant. She is on uncharted territory, and she will be standing her ground.

  “He didn’t mean that the way it came out.” Makenna jumps in. By the look he gave her, he meant it exactly how it sounded.

  “What about the boy?” Sebastian looked back over to Jessica. “He will need a pack.”

  Just when Jessica was about to answer, Alexander cleared his throat. He must have realized this is about to go south really quick. Jessica didn’t know where Sebastian is trying to go with this line of questioning, but to her it’s more like an interrogation. She hasn’t even talked to Alexander ab
out everything so why the hell would she discuss it with Sebastian.

  “Jessica, why don’t you get the twins ready to go? They have had a long day.” Alexander suggested.

  “Okay,” she replied getting up from her seat.

  “I’ll help.” Makenna got up from her seat, and followed Jessica in.

  The door hadn’t fully closed before Jessica heard Alexander telling Sebastian that he shouldn’t have asked anything. To her it sounds like Alexander is defending her, which made her smile. However, she isn’t thrilled about leaving this way.

  Makenna went straight to the kitchen when they came in. Michael and Madison are playing hide-and-go seek with Logan, Chloe, and Abby. Jayden is sitting in the recliner beside the couch laughing at Abby as she looks in the wrong places. It’s a relief that the twins are comfortable with everyone here now.

  “Are y’all leaving already?” Bri asks when Jessica grabbed the bag she had brought with them.

  “Yeah, the twins have had a long day. I’m hoping to get some sleep tonight.” Jessica replied.

  Jessica heard a scream coming from one of the bedrooms, followed by Michael’s laughter. Logan came bouncing into the living room with Michael over his shoulder.

  “Found one!” Logan playfully dropped Michael on the couch.

  “Madison is good at this.” Chloe said coming into the living room. Jessica laughed.

  “Did you look in all the closets?” Jessica asked.

  “That was the first place I looked.” Abby said.

  A low giggle sounded from behind Jayden. Jessica knew immediately that Madison is behind the recliner Jayden is sitting in. Abby must have realized it too because she started tip toeing over to the recliner. She made a big leap screaming out in the process, successfully scaring Madison. Jessica heard a thud from Madison jumping along with a short scream that turned into giggling. Jessica didn’t want to ruin the children’s fun.

  “Jessica take these cookies; I put them in two different bags so you don’t get them mixed up. However, if you do, there won’t be any harmful effect to Michael. I promise.” Makenna gave Jessica two zip lock bags, one with ‘medicine’ written on the front.


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