Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series) Page 9

by Roxanne Witherell

  “Thank you.” Jessica put the bags into the bookbag with the children’s things. “I hate to rush out like this.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You two have much to talk about.” Makenna wrapped Jessica into a hug.

  Jessica didn’t hesitate to hug her back. Makenna made her feel welcomed here. Jessica is sure to see her again before they leave town. Alexander walked in the front door with Sebastian behind him. Sebastian came straight up to Jessica, and she hoped there wouldn’t be any more questions.

  “I hope I didn’t offend you. I jumped ahead of myself.” Sebastian apologized.

  “It’s okay. I imagine this came as a shock to everyone.”

  “That it did.” He admitted. “We will discuss more on this later.”

  “You got everything?” Alexander asks Jessica. She nods as she zips up her bag.

  “Come on kids.” She calls out to the twins. They made reluctant grunts as they got up from their spots. “It was nice meeting y’all.”

  “We are going to cook some hamburgers and hotdogs at our place tomorrow. Why don’t you and the kids come out?” Bri suggested. The twins lit up at the mention of food.

  “Sure, the twins will enjoy that.” Jessica agreed.

  Each picking up a twin, Jessica and Alexander said their goodbyes. The twins continued to wave at everyone, even after they were outside. Michael had his pouty face on. Jessica knew it wouldn’t be long before another fit.

  “You will see them again tomorrow Michael.” Jessica told him as they were strapping the twins in their car seats.

  “Promise?” Michael asks.

  “I promise.” She held out her pinky for a pinky promise. Michael gladly shook on it.

  “Sorry to rush like that.” Alexander apologized before they got in the front.

  “Oh, it’s not a problem.” She assured him.

  Not much was said on the ride back to the cabin since Michael and Madison fell asleep not long after leaving Sebastian’s driveway. The sun was going down, leaving Jessica little light to observe the surroundings. So, she laid her head back and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 15


  The mountain roads had worked their magic on Jessica, and the twins. Alexander couldn’t help but look over at Jessica. Even sleeping she is absolutely stunning. He glanced back at the children as they slept in their car seats. This is his family. This is the way it is meant to be. As he pulled into the cabin driveway, he wished he had more time with them. The day had gone by too quickly.

  “Jessica, we’re here.” He whispered to her, lightly nudging her shoulder.

  “Hmm?” She woke up, and yawned.

  “I’ll help you with the children.” Alexander said opening his door. Silently he prayed she would fall back asleep so he could have the chance to carry her inside too. Luck isn’t on his side though because she got out and stretched before opening the back car door.

  “Home?” Michael asked the moment Alexander started picking him up.

  “Yeah buddy. We’re home.” He told his son.

  Jessica had better luck with Madison. It amazed him how easy it was for her to pick Madison up without waking her. Must be a mother’s touch. Walking up to the door, Alexander flipped through the keys on the keychain but didn’t see one that looked like the cabin keys the resort uses. He turned around to ask Jessica for the key but she already had it out.

  “Here let me.” He offered holding out his hand for the key.

  Jessica didn’t seem to mind as she gave him the key. He unlocked the door and held it open for Jessica. She nodded her thanks as she went in. After shutting the door behind him, Alexander followed Jessica through the living room and down the hall. He isn’t sure he should since Michael is awake, but he isn’t ready to leave Jessica’s side either. Alexander put his finger in front of his mouth, telling Michael to be very quiet. In response Michael copied him, and a ‘shh’ to go with it.

  Jessica placed Madison in one of the twin beds. Covering Madison up, Jessica bent down giving her a kiss on the forehead. Madison didn’t wake up she only snuggled into her bed. Alexander just stood watching as Jessica walked to the dresser pulling out some clothes. She motioned for him to walk out with her, so he followed.

  “Okay big boy, it’s time to get ready for bed.” Jessica held out her hands for Michael.

  “No!” Michael shook his head and reached for his pajamas. “I do it.”

  “I big boy,” He told Alexander.

  “Show me how big then.” Alexander put Michael down.

  Jessica gave him his clothes, and he ran to the bathroom across the hall. Alexander smiled at the thought of Michael trying to impress him. Michael came out in less than two minutes. Although his pajama pants are on backwards, he is completely dressed.

  “Big boy!” Michael exclaimed raising his hands above his head in victory.

  “You are a big boy.” Alexander agreed. “You must be five years old already.”

  Michael smiled, and shook his head. He counted on his little fingers, then held up three.

  “Well it’s time for my big boy to go to bed.” Jessica told him opening the bedroom door.

  “Night.” Michael said with a pouty face.

  Alexander is surprised when Michael didn’t fuss. He slowly walked to his bed, and climbed in. Alexander followed Jessica into the room. She gave Michael a kiss, and covered him up. Turning on the monitor that’s on the dresser, she waved Alexander to come out. They went to the living room. Alexander didn’t want to leave but he knew Jessica probably wants him to go.

  “Do you want a cup of coffee? Or a soda?” Jessica asks as she headed for the kitchen.

  “Coffee will be fine.” Alexander tried not to sound too excited at the chance to stay.

  “I will brew a pot. Make yourself at home, this won’t take long.”

  Alexander took a seat on the couch and waited. Looking around the room he wondered what her place back home looked like. Are there pictures of Michael and Madison hanging everywhere? Toys scattered all over the floors? He was imagining a life with Jessica and the twins when Jessica came back into the room, snapping him back to reality.

  “Coffee will be done in a few.” Jessica sat in the recliner rather than on the couch with him. Alexander tried to hide his disappointment.

  “When are you going to tell the children about me?” Alexander decided to get the ball rolling.

  “In the morning, I just didn’t want to overwhelm them today.” Jessica glanced at the baby monitor sitting on the coffee table. Was she hoping for an interruption?

  “I can understand that. Have they asked about their dad?”

  “No, I think they are a little young to understand. Although after tomorrow I’m sure that will change.” Jessica looked up at him. “They really like you.”

  “I hope so. I wish I was there from the beginning. I’ve missed so much already and there’s no way to get that back.” He didn’t want to sound angry but he was.

  “I can’t change that.” Jessica got up and started for the kitchen. “Coffee is done. Come get a cup.”

  After fixing their coffees they came back to the living room. Jessica set her coffee down and walked down the hall. Alexander sat back on the couch, taking a few sips of his coffee. Jessica came back in moments later with a book.

  “I figured you would mention something about missing things so I brought a photo album to show you what you did miss.” Jessica sat down beside him, and handed him the photo album. “I have duplicates of these so you can keep this book for yourself.

  “Thank you, it’s very thoughtful of you.” Alexander opened the photo album, and began looking through the pictures.

  They spent a good thirty minutes looking at the pictures. Jessica would explain what was going on the day of the pictures. From the looks of it she probably had a camera in her hands every day. The only thing missing is a picture with their daddy. He won’t be missing any more. One way or another he will be there for his children. They need
their father to teach them the shifter ways.

  Another hour was spent just getting to know Jessica, and the life she has back home. Other than work and the twins, it doesn’t seem like she has much of a life. This is good; he can work with that. He has some thinking to do but he will find a way.

  Chapter 16


  Jessica enjoyed talking to Alexander. She’s hoping by showing him these pictures it would make up for some time he lost. It’s not the same, and she knows it. There’s nothing she could do about that. She told him things the twins would say or do.

  “This is priceless!” Alexander burst out laughing. “Please tell me that’s chocolate.”

  “Afraid not.” Jessica forgot that picture was in this album. “He managed to get his diaper off, and smeared it all over the place.”

  She’s able to laugh now about the crappiest day to be a parent. It was horrible at the time, but she is glad she took the picture.

  “I cried the whole time I was cleaning that mess up.” She laughed.

  “I can’t even imagine having to clean that up.” Alexander said.

  Jessica got quiet for a moment. She didn’t want to ruin everything by telling him they are leaving Friday. Jessica felt bad enough as it is. So, she decided to keep it to herself for right now.

  “Now I know all about the twins.” Alexander turned towards her. “What about you?”

  “I already told you about me.” She answered. “What else is there? I work then I’m with the children.”

  “So, you don’t have anyone back home?”

  “No one other than my mother. I’m not sure how I’m going to explain Michael’s condition to her.”

  “That’s easy, you can’t.” He answered simply.

  “Why not?” Jessica was taken aback by his response. “I think she will notice when her grandson turns all furry, and suddenly walks on all fours.”

  “We aren’t supposed to tell humans. The only reason you know is because of him. It’s not something we advertise.” He said.

  “People know there are shifters out there. Albeit I don’t know where, but still. My mother won’t cause him harm.” Jessica isn’t too sure that is true but he didn’t need to know that. “Besides who would know if I told her or not?”

  “Exactly my point. Who would know?” He worded the question as if her mother were a blabber mouth. “I don’t need or want government or military out here looking for him.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Jessica, you don’t understand. There is a whole other world within yours. The government has known about shifters way longer than they admit. There are also things out there the government has no clue exist. There are compounds set up for shifters. They are tagged and thrown in like cattle.” He explained. “I don’t want our children risked like that.”

  He made perfectly good sense. She hates to admit but with her mother’s dislike of all animals, she would be a wild card.

  “You’re right.” She sighed.

  “I don’t like being right but it is the safest thing for the children.” Alexander set the photo album on the table and turned her way.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing.” She admitted.

  “It’s alright.” Alexander took her hands in his. “You have done great so far. Of course, it’s going to get much harder now that Michael is shifting. He will need a lot of room to run around.”

  “I plan on looking for a new place when we get back.”

  “Why not look for a place here?” Alexander suggested. “It will help for them to be near their dad. Don’t you think?”

  “Yes, of course they need you.”

  “That’s not what I asked.” Alexander didn’t seem the one to take no for an answer.

  “We will see.” She hopes that will satisfy for right now.

  “I’ll take it.” His answer surprised her. What surprises her more is that he starts rubbing her hand with his thumb. “I don’t want to miss any more time with them. I’ve missed enough.”

  Jessica felt a little deflated. She thought for sure that he would say that he likes spending time with her too. Maybe she imagined the spark between them. His rubbing her hand is only a way of being sincere. As long as he is a great dad, she will accept it. She looked at the clock, then the baby monitor. The children must have been exhausted to stay asleep this long.

  “I should probably get going.” Alexander stood up. “You should get some rest. I’ll swing by around 11:00 to pick you and the children up.”

  “Okay,” Jessica didn’t mean to run him off. “I’ll have the twins ready by the time you get here.”

  “Good night, Jessica.” Alexander kissed her hand before leaving out the front door.

  His departure was so sudden that Jessica didn’t know what had happened. Shrugging her shoulders, she went to the front door to lock it behind him. When she returned to get the mugs off the coffee table, she noticed he didn’t even take the photo album with him. Thinking she will give it to him tomorrow, she put the mugs in the sink. Wondering what tomorrow will bring she took a quick shower, and went to bed.

  Chapter 17


  Damien has been out in the woods for hours now observing the cabin the boss had bought for Ryan. He was to stay here while he was collecting necessary samples. He hasn’t seen any sign of anyone being there. With the scent spray, it would be hard to determine if anyone is there. He climbed into a cluster of trees, perching himself up on a branch. He will stay up here for a bit to see if anyone comes back.

  It’s only Tuesday night, he can’t make his presence known for two days. He pulled out his phone, and text Ryan letting him know he will be there Thursday afternoon. That gives him plenty of time to observe Ryan. He was expecting that once he sent the text there would be some type of movement in the cabin. So far there is nothing. Maybe they are out collecting samples. Damien didn’t know where Ryan is getting the samples. He knows they are getting harder to find on this mountain. The neighboring mountain has plenty but that’s another pack’s territory. Ryan may have been dumb enough to trespass, even though he didn’t have authorization from the boss.

  After another two hours of waiting up in a tree and not seeing anything. Damien decided to quit wasting time, and take a closer look. He jumped straight down from the branch he was on. He looked in all directions, taking in the surroundings before stepping out from the trees. Positive no one is home; he went straight for the front door. Just his luck the damn thing is locked. There’s no seeing into the windows with the bars, curtains blocking the way. He will just have to wait until tomorrow before going in. Damien doesn’t want to leave any sign that he was here while they were out.

  Returning to the trees, he walked the same path back down the mountain. He could set up camp for the night. However, he didn’t want to risk being walked up on. Damien made his way to the second cabin on the list. This was the place they used for the new recruits. Can’t let them know where the main place is. That’s how shit goes wrong, by newbies knowing too much. Just like that damn fed.

  On his way, Damien kept a close eye out for Ryan, and the others. Something isn’t right. Even if they were out collecting they would have been back by now. Still sticking to the trees, Damien came to the road in which a small one bedroom cabin sat at the end. Everything was dark, there’s no movement so he proceeded.

  “What the fuck?” Damien asked out loud when he got up close to the cabin.

  The front window is busted out. There’s no telling what the hell is inside. Damien stood against the wall by the window. The smell of bleach and other cleaning chemicals is overwhelming. He peered in through the broken window. The only sounds he can hear is the scurrying of a rodent, and the dripping of a faucet. The front door is locked, like it matters, he just didn’t want to climb through the damn window.

  Throwing his jacket over the window sill, Damien climbed in through the broken window. He noticed the lack of glass crunching beneath his feet. Someone c
leaned up, but why did they have to? Is Ryan hiding something from them? More trouble? There was some type of struggle and by the smell of cleaner, someone bled a lot. Which is strange considering the fed was poisoned months ago. This clean up job is fresh. Going through the house, nothing else seems to be out of place.

  Damien decided to wait until morning to look for Ryan, and his crew. Figuring it wouldn’t be safe to stay here, he grabbed his pack and set of for the woods again. He’ll find a place to camp out, and set up an alarm of bells.

  Chapter 18


  Alexander had to get out of there. Being that close to Jessica is driving him crazy. Touching her had his wolf begging to be set free. If he didn’t leave right then the situation would have been much harder. His wolf wanted to take her, that’s what got them here in the first place. No way is he going to treat her like another one night stand. No matter what happens they will be in this together regardless of their relationship. He didn’t want to screw this up before it even got started. Sticking around with a big boner wouldn’t exactly show Jessica he wanted a relationship.

  Driving back to his cabin, Alexander decided to get his mind off Jessica. He needs to get those phones working again, and look through the security footage. There’s a bunch to do before he picks Jessica, and the kids later for lunch.

  Logan’s truck is in the driveway but Chloe’s jeep wasn’t. He grabbed the stuff from the trunk before heading in. The front door is unlocked, but Logan isn’t here. Instead, Chloe is sitting on the couch watching a horror flick. She jumped when he came through the door.

  “Don’t tell me that actually scares you.” He nodded towards the TV.

  “Shut up,” she laughed throwing a piece of popcorn at him.

  “Where’s Logan?”

  “Oh, he went to the office to get a box.” Chloe paused her movie, and got up. “You’re in luck. I cleaned out the old stuff a while back, but I put all the wires, chargers, phones and cables into a box, and saved it. You never know when you need a replacement cord for the computer.” She headed for the kitchen. “Anyways, use whatever you can. I hope the right one is in there.”


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