Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series) Page 12

by Roxanne Witherell

  “Abby!” Bri scolded

  “What?” Abby said innocently, raising her hands in a questionable gesture.

  “Hush,” Bri hissed.

  “Oh, come on Bri. You know you can smell it too.”

  “You don’t even know what all the scents are Abby.” Bri commented.

  Jessica is clueless as to what they are talking about. She didn’t want to interrupt them to find out either. She figures once they stop their bantering, one of them will tell her. However, at the mention of smells she instantly tilted her head, trying to remember if she put on deodorant. Smells like roses. Maybe whatever they are smelling isn’t even her.

  “Jayden has been teaching me. Trust me, in the last four days there has been a lot of arousal in this house. I know what it smells like.”

  “But you don’t talk about it.”

  “Please,” Abby snorted. “We’re all women here. You don’t mind, do you?” She asked Jessica.

  “Uh… no, I guess not.” Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

  “See,” Abby grabbed her beer, and sat back in her chair. Clearly, she is finished with the conversation.

  “She doesn’t know what you are talking about.” Bri shook her head, and rolled her eyes.

  After a second both Abby and Bri looked at Jessica with questioning looks. Jessica shook her head in response. She knows they are talking about smells and sex.

  “Wolf shifters have excellent sense of smell. We can smell people’s arousal before they even know it.”

  The thought had Jessica crossing her legs. Is that why he ran out last night? Did she put off a smell? She started sniffing the air around her but quickly stopped when Abby and Bri laughed.

  “You’re not going to smell it. It’s too subtle.” Abby explained. “Women are easier to smell though. Our bodies put off a stronger scent so males know we’re ready.”

  “My body is lying then. I’m not ready for anything. Especially if there’s a chance I would turn into a wolf. No offense.”

  “If you say so,” Abby smiled.

  She did, and she believes it, too. Although she will take a good shower when she gets back to her place, just to make sure she isn’t putting off anything that will chase Alexander away. You would think he would jump at the chance to have sex. She hasn’t seen anyone run from the thought of it.

  Jessica began watching the fun in the yard. She noticed Madison was getting slower. Just as Jessica was about to call her up to the porch to rest; Madison sat down on the grass. Alexander went straight to her, and licked her face. She laughed, and hugged him. She was saying something but Jessica couldn’t hear what. Alexander laid beside Madison, and she used him as a pillow to lay down.

  Michael still had plenty of energy as he chased Jayden. When he finally caught him, Jayden rolled on the ground as if a giant had hit him. Michael then began biting on Jayden when Caleb joined in, and started nipping at Michael. Alexander and Madison were watching the show too.

  After some rest Madison would get up, and start playing again. Jessica didn’t mind. The more tired the twins were, the better they would sleep. One by one the wolves came up the porch. Bri once again opened the door for Caleb to go in. As Madison started walking up the steps Alexander turned back for Michael. He didn’t look like he was ready to go. Michael made a small growl, followed by a bark. Jessica laughed when Michael jumped up and bit Alexander’s ear. She probably shouldn’t have laughed but she couldn’t help herself. They were too cute together. Alexander picked Michael up by the scruff of his neck. He carried Michael the same way as yesterday. Jessica now knows this is a normal thing for wolves, and their young.

  When he came up the steps, he put Michael in Jessica’s lap. He licked her hand before he went inside. It’s a sweet gesture from shifters. If she applies her animal training, she may have a better idea of what is going on with Michael when he shifts.

  “You tired, sweetie?” Jessica asked Madison when she came over to pet Michael.

  She nodded her head but didn’t take her eyes off Michael until the back door opened, and the men came back out. Alexander scooped Madison up in his arms. She squealed with excitement, before he sat in a chair and set her on his knee.

  “Did you have fun?” Alexander asked Madison, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Mm hmm.”

  “Good,” Alexander replied. “You about ready? I think the little ones have had enough for one day.”

  “Yeah, they need baths tonight.” Jessica said.

  Jessica went inside to grab her bag. She doesn’t have any more of Michael’s clothes with her so he is just going to have to stay the way he is. They thanked everyone for a wonderful evening before heading out to the car. Jessica is glad she agreed to come.

  She held on to Michael as Alexander drove them back to the cabin. Madison sat in the back singing a made-up song about wolfies. Jessica glanced over just in time to see Alexander nodding his head to Madison’s tune. Although he stopped the moment he caught her looking. She smiled before turning back to her window, hoping to catch him in the moment again. You can’t fake the little things.

  She took in his appearance like she has done most of the day. He didn’t button his flannel shirt all the way up. She wondered if his body still looks the way it did years ago, after all her body has changed in more ways than one. She imagined stripping it off him. Suddenly she smiled, if her memory is correct he wore that same shirt the night they hooked up. Briefly, she wondered if he did that on purpose or if it just happened to be the one he pulled out of the closet.

  “What are you thinking about?” He asked, catching her watching him again.

  “Nothing.” She turned back to the front.

  “Doesn’t look like nothing.” He commented.

  Jessica blushed, and looked out the window. There isn’t a lie she could think of quick enough so she didn’t say anything. When she glanced down at Michael, she saw Alexander smiling out of the corner of her eyes. If she asks would he tell her what he is thinking? She decides not to even ask. The silence has Jessica anxious to get back to the cabin. Anything that is said around the twins may be twisted around, and blurted out at the worst times.

  “We will be there in a few minutes.” Alexander informed her.

  “I didn’t realize we were that close already.” Jessica looked at the surroundings. She must have lost track.

  “You seem to be in deep thought or ready to get back.”

  “Just ready to relax.” She commented. “I still have to get these two cleaned up.”

  “Why don’t I help you?” He offered. “I can at least watch one while you bathe the other.”

  “That would be great.” She replied. “I never know what Michael will try to get into when he is like this.”

  “He will calm down in a few months. Right now, it’s all excitement for him.” Alexander explained. “Once he gets used to it, he probably won’t shift as much. It won’t be a big deal for him anymore.”

  “I hope so, because he is wearing me out.” Jessica admitted as they were pulling up to the cabin.

  Once they brought the twins inside, Jessica put Michael down. She left them in the living room with Alexander while she drew a bath for Madison. Walking back into the living room, Jessica laughed when she saw Alexander laying on the floor with Madison bouncing on his chest, and Michael attacking his legs. Even after she took Madison to the bathroom, she could still hear the commotion.

  It has been a long time since she has had any help with the twins. Sure, her friends help when they can but they have their own lives to live. Jessica’s mother helps when one of the children are sick and unable to go to daycare. Other than that, she does it all by herself.

  Madison helped wash herself, so she finished in record time. Usually she likes to play in the tub until the water turns cold. Tonight, Madison rushed to get dressed, and fussed when Jessica wanted her to stay still so she could dry Madison’s hair. More than likely Alexander is the reason for her rush. Before Jes
sica was even done drying Madison’s hair, she ran out of the bathroom leaving Jessica alone with a wet towel. Jessica shrugged it off, and refilled the bathtub for Michael.

  “Alright Michael. Your turn.” Jessica hollered when she came of the bathroom.

  As she walked up the hallway to the living room she spotted Michael’s tail sticking out from under the couch. Alexander and Madison are sitting on the couch looking innocent.

  “Come on Michael.” She bent down to get Michael when he shot out the front of the couch and down the hall.

  “Wolves no bath, mommy.” Madison claimed.

  “In my house, they do.” She stated with authority.

  Madison sat back, and crossed her arms with a defying look. All Alexander did was smirk. Just because Michael is a wolf at the moment, doesn’t mean he don’t stink. He will get a bath one shape or the other, Jessica thought. She turned and went down the hall with a little huff.

  “Michael, your water is going to get cold if you don’t hurry!” She called out pausing at the twins’ bedroom door.

  Not seeing any movement, she bent down to check under the beds. The room is clear. She headed to her room. She knew he wouldn’t have risked running into the bathroom. The moment she entered the room, Michael bolted out from under the bed, and tried to run out the door. Luckily, she caught him as he tried to run between her legs.

  “Gotcha!” She was barely able to grab a hold of him. Michael squirmed, trying to get out of her arms.

  “You’re getting a bath one way or another.” Jessica told him as she went into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

  The closer they got to the bathtub the more Michael would whine, and howl pitifully. Jessica gently set him down in the water. He tried to jump out, but she blocked his way. Before her eyes, Michael started shifting. The popping sounds occurred as his body changed. She hadn’t seen him shift up close before. It amazed her to say the least. Within seconds her little boy was back. He sat up, rubbing his hands over his eyes.

  “Momma, I clean.” He exclaimed.

  “You need to take a bath every day son. You know the rules.”

  Michael pouted as she washed him up. He was having no part in it. He would grunt in response to her being done with an arm or leg. When he was clean, and dried off he put his clothes on. Fully dressed in his pajamas he stormed out of the bathroom. Jessica is glad his attitude changed the moment he entered the living room. Alexander seems to have that effect on the children. Michael is all smiles now.

  They all watched a movie together. Both children were curled up in Alexander’s arms. He told Jessica to go ahead and take a bath, and he would watch the children. He didn’t have to offer twice. She took a long hot bath, and even shaved her legs. Which she hadn’t done in a week. Why bother if you don’t have to?

  Chapter 21


  Alexander had suggested that Jessica take her a bath, and have some time for herself. He couldn’t imagine chasing after these two with little help. He had been with Sebastian and Makenna when Chloe and Logan joined the pack. He was only a teenager but he still remembers the trouble the twins would get into daily.

  If only Jessica had come straight to him in the beginning, he could have helped. He found himself wanting to make Jessica’s life easier. She has been stressed and tense for days. Her body gives it away, whether she knows it or not. He would offer for the twins to stay with him for a day or so, but he knows she will never go for it. After all, he barely knows his children. That is something that he plans on changing. He wants to know everything about his children, and their mother.

  Alexander sat on the couch with the twins curled up against him. They started nodding off, but both were fighting it with everything they had. Michael would sit up, and readjust himself. After another minute, he ended up sliding back down, and closing his eyes. Madison stayed asleep until her head dropped down, waking her up. If they keep this up one of them is going to get a kink in their neck. Alexander moved off the couch slightly so Michael would gently lay on the couch. Since Madison will most likely stay asleep, he decided to carry her to the room first.

  Walking past the bathroom door he can hear Jessica humming. The sound of splashing gave off the impression of her washing. Pushing the thought from his mind he continued down the hall. Not wanting to wake Madison, he moved slowly across the room. He easily laid her down, and covered her up. She snuggled further down into the covers. He kissed her head before turning to leave.

  When Alexander was walking back to the living room he heard water draining from the tub. He paused for a moment. Closing his eyes, he pictured Jessica stepping out of the tub with water dripping from her breast. The sound of a groan snapped him from his thoughts. He realized the sound had come from him. Quickly stepping away from the door, he went to get Michael.

  Michael was still asleep on the couch. Alexander made slow movements to scoop Michael into his arms without waking him. Carefully he made his way back to the twins’ bedroom to put Michael in bed. After placing Michael in bed, he pulled the covers up. Alexander stood there for a moment just looking at his children. They are perfect, he thought. When he turned for the door, he noticed a baby monitor on the dresser. If it’s there then Jessica has been using it, so he turned it on before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

  The bathroom door opened, and Jessica came out with a towel twisted around her hair, and one around her body. He must have scared her because she jumped. Losing a grip on her towel, one end fell to the floor exposing one breast, and a leg. His pants instantly tighten. Good God, she is killing him. She panicked to retrieve the towel end from the floor. Her bending over only helped the towel fall further from her body. She let out a scream, and backed into the bathroom quickly closing the door.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Damn it, he thought. Should he stay? Should he go? “The twins fell asleep.” He motioned to closed door, even though she couldn’t see. “I put them in bed. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, not at all. I’m surprised they went down so easy.” She said through the door.

  “They had a long day. They’ll probably sleep through the night.” He smiled.

  Jessica didn’t say anything. He could tell she’s leaning against the door. He quickly wiped the smile from his face when he realized how it must have sounded to her.

  “I’ll be out in a minute.” She said. He knew he was being dismissed, so he went back to the living room.

  “Damn it,” he mumbled as he walked into the living room.

  Alexander sat down on the couch, and waited for Jessica to come out. He should have walked away earlier. She probably thinks he’s going to try, and get in her pants. That was the complete opposite, of what he wanted. There is more to him than just a good fuck and he didn’t want her thinking that is all he is after. He can provide for her. He can make her happy, if she would only give him a chance. Alexander was lost in his thoughts, and didn’t hear Jessica come into the living room until she came around the couch. She had on a pair of tiny boxers, and a small shirt. He changed positions as she sat down beside him. Man, she is killing him.

  “You’re still watching this?” She asked about the twins’ movie which is still playing on the TV.

  “I just didn’t turn it off.”

  “Looked like you were getting into it.” She commented.

  “It’s catchy.” Alexander isn’t about to tell her that he was blankly looking at the TV while thinking of her.

  “It’s okay.” She assured him.

  “What is?” He was unclear what she was talking about.

  “That you were thinking of me naked.”

  He almost choked on the air he was trying to breathe. He’d love to see her naked again, moaning in pleasure. He needed to direct this a different way or there’d be no turning back.

  “I really am sorry I scared you.” However, he wasn’t sorry that he got to see her beautiful body.

  “It’s fine, really.” Jessi
ca went over to the TV, and took out the DVDs.

  What the hell? She did that on purpose. The way she bent over with her glorious ass faced in his direction. Her shorts rode up as she did, giving him the greatest view of short thick legs, and voluptuous ass peeking from beneath her shorts.

  Flipping through a case, she picked out another movie. After putting the new movie in, she came back to the couch, and sat down by him. When the movie started playing, Alexander recognized the beginning. Jessica will get along well with Chloe. Chloe being the movie buff of the pack.

  “Chloe would love to watch this one day.” He commented.

  “It’s my favorite but I don’t get to watch it when the twins are awake. Normally I’m too tired to even watch it after they’ve gone to bed.”

  “What does a single mom do with her time?” He asked wanting to know more about her life.

  “Ha!” She laughed. “What time? All my time is spent at the clinic or with the twins. There isn’t any me time. It comes with the territory.”

  “We’ll have to fix that.” Alexander said.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.” She looked over at him. “They are my everything.”

  “I only meant that you need some you time.” Alexander told her.

  “I’ll get it eventually.”

  “How about starting tonight?” He suggested.

  She looked at him with a confused look. He knew what he wanted to do. He hopes she won’t protest. She will thank him tomorrow. He took a pillow from the couch, and placed it on the floor between his legs. Jessica still looks confused. Alexander gave her his most charming smile.

  “Will you come sit right here. I want to help you relax.” He pointed to the pillow.

  She looked at him for a moment with a quizzical look, but ended up doing as he asked. He will take that as a win. Jessica sat on the pillow, crossing her legs Indian style. She shivered when he placed his hands on her shoulders. He could tell she has been stressed. Her shoulders are filled with tension.

  As he rubbed her neck, her head would loll forward giving him a better advantage. Her shirt is getting in the way of him giving her a full treatment. This would be better for her if she were naked laying on her bed. The slight moans she’s making lets him know she is enjoying the massage.


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