Paranormal Dating Agency: The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 21)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 21) Page 3

by Julia Mills

  After brushing her teeth and hair and throwing on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, Tessa left her room and followed the most irritating sound on the face of the earth to the kitchen. There, she found not only a high-speed blender trying to beat its way into her brain, but also a small, stout caramel-skinned woman with long black curly hair, almond-shaped eyes and infectious smile.

  Yelling over the awful racket, the newcomer, a fox shifter from her scent, exclaimed, “Hey! You must be Tessa. I’m Isobelle, but everybody calls me Belle. I’m Gerri’s ‘sort-of’ niece.” She nodded at the blended since her hands her busy pushing buttons while holding the lid. “Want some? I can add some of the red stuff,” she winked, “after I get a glass.”

  “Sort-of niece? What does that mean?” Tessa yelled the first thing that popped into her mind, instead of unplugging the offensive blender and beating her ‘new friend’ with the cord for waking her up.

  “Oh! That? Yeah,” Belle chuckled, finally stopped the horrible machine. “Gerri and my mom have been friends for like ever.” The fox threw her hand from on top of the blender out to the side. “When mom goes off on one of her walk-abouts, Aunt Gerri comes to this tiny part of the world so we can hang out.”

  Suddenly interested, Tessa sat down at the table. “So, have you ever used your aunt’s dating service.”

  Shaking her head, the fox poured a glass of what looked and smelled like a fruit smoothie then lifted the pitcher and asked, “You want some?” Pointing over her shoulder, she added, “There’s B-positive in the fridge. Aunt G said it’s your favorite.”

  Nodding, impressed that Gerri had remembered her favorite type of blood, Tessa listened as Belle went on to answer her question while retrieving a small, covered pitcher of blood from the fridge. “Not yet,” Belle chuckled. “She says I have to wait a few more years. I guess she and mom have already discussed it and my older siblings have to be mated before Aunt Gerri can fix me up.”

  No sooner had the fox finished speaking than she gave the blender another quick whirl, poured a tall glass of smoothie for Tessa, sat it on the table and joined the Vaepanther, asking, “So, what about you? Looking for a hunka-hunka-burning love?”

  Almost spitting her first mouthful of smoothie across the table, Tessa laughed out loud, “I hadn’t thought about it that way, but yeah, I guess so.”

  “Met anybody yet?” Belle’s eyes got big as she bent over her drink, sucked the pink-colored liquid through the straw and stared at Tessa.

  Sighing, the Vaepanther took a sip of her smoothie to give herself a minute to think then just let it roll. “I think I did, but for some stupid reason I…well, I chickened out.” Her voice got louder, and she clenched her fist on the table. “For the first time in my whole stupid long life, I chickened out. I ran off like a big old fraidy cat and I’m pissed.”

  “My mom would say that means he’s the One,” Belle sat back in her seat and grinned. “My sister, Donatella, would say he’s got y’all tied up in your panties.” The fox chuckled, “Does he? Did he make you all hot and bothered?”

  Snickering just thinking of the tall, handsome dragon with a smile that set her heart to racing, Tessa nodded, “He really does.”

  Slapping her hand on the table, Belle jumped up from her seat and ran around the table, grasping Tessa’s hand and tugging as she squealed, “Then get up! Come on! Let’s get back to that bar and find that man.”

  Grabbing her drink as Belle literally pulled her from her chair, Tessa, suddenly excited by the prospect of seeing the handsome dragon again, giggled, “Yeah, let’s do it!” Then under her breath added, “And this time, I’m not leaving without my kiss.”

  Chapter Five

  “I cannot believe I’m doing this,” Lenn mumbled under his breath as the short platinum-haired woman Kayne had introduced as Gerri Wilder, and of all things a freaking matchmaker for paranormals, sat across from him typing on her computer as they spoke.

  He knew this was somehow cosmic justice for drinking way too much whiskey and then letting Kayne talk him into the brand-spanking-new tattoo of the woman he’d met in the bar the night before. Not only was it painful as hell considering Janice’s daughter drew the design with silver-infused paint, but he had no doubt Shauna had shoved the needle extra deep just to torture him for whining about a girl.

  Damned honey badgers…

  “Oh, buck up buttercup. You’ll be fine. You dragons are all the same – your smoke is worse than your fire. You’re not the first one I’ve had to find a mate for and damn sure won’t be the last.” The matchmaker winked over the frame of her glasses before pushing them up on her nose. “But here’s the thing,” she leaned closer, her brilliant blue gaze turning a molten gold and her voice filling with a mystical power that made the hair on his arms stand on end. “You have to do more than just stare at her. If you want this as much as you say you do, then do something about it. Fate waits for no man.” She looked back down at her tablet and added, “Or dragon, Lennox, my boy.” in a rather disgusted tone.

  Running his hands through his hair, the mad bomber jumped to his feet and headed towards the window, ignoring the sound of a door opening and closing. It wasn’t but a second later that Kayne asked, “How’s it going in here?”

  “Just peachy,” Lenn groaned at the precise moment Gerri replied, “Pretty good,” in an unexpectedly cheery voice.

  Looking over his shoulder, the Guardsman mumbled, “Pretty good?”

  Ignoring his comment with little more than a single nod, the spirited matchmaker instead spoke with the demi-god as she shoved her computer into the large tote at her feet and pulled out a bag of the best smelling cookies Lennox had ever scented. “I have everything I need.”

  “Any prospect for our boy over there?” Kayne chuckled, the room filling with the tantalizing scent of homemade peanut butter cookies as he opened the Ziploc bag.

  Unable to resist, Lennox came back across the room and grabbed two cookies as Gerri laughed out loud, “Of course, I do. He’s a pain in the ass, but then that’s my specialty – so, we’re good to go.”

  “Ha!” Kayne laughed around the bite of cookie in his mouth. “See, told ya’ Gerri would take care of you.”

  Breaking one of his cookies in two, Lennox stuffed part of it in his mouth as he glared at the demi-god. The wonderful taste of peanut butter and sugar filled his senses immediately turning his groaning into a sigh of ecstasy as he breathed, “These are the best cookies I’ve ever eaten.” Taking another bite, he reached for the bag still clutched in Kayne’s hand as he continued with his mouth full, “Give me that bag, old man.”

  “Here,” Gerri pulled another bag full of cookies from her bag and handed it to the mad bomber. “I always bring at least two when I’m coming anywhere near this guy.” She motioned with a jerk of her chin towards Kayne and smiled.

  It wasn’t long before the door to the study opened and in walked Pearce with Callum and Hayes, two young Guardsmen, in tow. “Do I smell peanut butter cookies?”

  Clutching the bag to his chest, Lennox growled, “Yes, you do. But these are mine.” Nodding towards Kayne, he added, “Get some from the old guy. He doesn’t need the extra calories.”

  “Watch, it young’un. I can still kick your ass with one hand tied behind my back and a cookie in the other,” Kayne teased, failing miserably at looking angry.

  “And on that note,” Gerri laughed and then standing up to her full height of four-foot-eleven-inches put her large black bag on her shoulder and fluffed her hair before adding, “I am off. Enjoy the cookies.” Stopping with her hand on the knob, the short matchmaker looked over her shoulder, speared Lennox with an over-the-glasses-teacher-look and said, “And you do as I said.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” was all the mad bomber could say as he watched the tiniest, most imposing woman he’d ever met march out the door.

  Snatching the bag from Lenn’s hands, Callum jumped over the back of the couch and had half a cookie in his mouth before the mad bomber could yell, “
Give it back, butthead.”

  Tossing the bag, Cal snickered, “There ya go, tough guy.” Nodding at the door as he took another bite, the Guardsman asked, “Who was that? Your grandma?”

  “You better never let Gerri hear you say that,” Kayne grinned with wide eyes.

  Snickering while enjoying his sweets, Lennox explained, “She’ll kick your ass without needin’ your name. That woman takes no crap from anyone.”

  “But she’s so tiny and…old,” Cal sounded a little frightened as he looked between Lenn and Kayne before asking Pearce, “Is she really that tough?”

  Shrugging, Pearce admitted, “I have no idea, but if the big guy over there,” he pointed towards the demi-god, “won’t take her on, then you better watch your mouth.”

  “Well, shit,” Callum sighed, making the others erupt in laughter.

  Moving behind the couch, Lenn patted the younger Guardsman on the shoulder and chuckled, “Happens to the best of us. Eat your cookie, you’ll be fine.”

  Thinking he was off the hook, the mad bomber took a seat and had just leaned back when Pearce asked, “Speaking of the spitfire, Ms. Wilder, what was she doing here? Doesn’t she run a …”

  “Yes, she does,” Lennox growled. “And it is none of your business what she was doing here.”

  “Wait. What did I miss?” Callum was suddenly on the edge of his seat with his head bouncing between the other three Guardsmen like the little silver sphere in a pinball machine.

  “Not a damn thing!” Lennox spat, jumping to his feet at the same time that Pearce laughed out loud and Kayne snickered, “Oh nothing,” while sporting a shit-eating grin.

  “Shut up,” the mad bomber grumbled as he stalked out the door. “Bastards. Why do I ever tell you guys anything?”

  Storming through the house like his tail was on fire, Lennox made sure to slam the front door shut as he headed out to his Harley and sped through the lair onto the main road to town. Taking the corners like he was riding the rails, the mad bomber imitated the flight of his dragon as he flew over the countryside right up to The Sundowner. Slamming the kickstand into the dirt, Lenn threw his leg off the Fat Boy, stalked through the front door and right up to the bar.

  “A bottle of MacAllen’s and a glass.”

  “And what’s the magic word, there, my little storm cloud?” Janice leaned her elbow on the bar and waited.

  Hanging his head, the mad bomber blew out a long-suffering breath as he ran his hand through his short, dark hair. “Sorry, Janice. “Can I please have a fifth of Macallan and a glass?”

  “Sure, kid,” she answered reaching behind the bar for an unopened bottle of Scotch. Sitting his whiskey, along with a highball glass, in front of him the honey badger tsked, “Is this still about that girl from the other night?”

  “Yeah,” the mad bomber replied, sighing as the smooth hundred-year-old scotch left a slow, warm burn as it slid down his throat.

  “So, what the hell you gonna do about it?” Janice griped, “Sit here and drink like somebody took your last jelly bean or get up off your ass and find her?”

  “I just don’t…”

  Lennox’s words faltered as the scent of fresh water wildflowers filled his senses. Snapping his head to the left, the vision of his dark-haired temptress made his heart cease to beat. Both man and dragon felt the pull of their Fated Mate in every fiber of their joined soul. It was as if all the decades before no longer mattered, the two mighty warriors had their sights set on the gorgeous panther just a few steps away and they were going to have what they wanted everyone and everything else be damned.

  Not willing to look away even as Janice chattered in the background, Lenn watched the woman who made his blood boil and his dragon growl chuckle at something her companion, a short, curvy fox shifter whispered. Looking around the room, the tall, voluptuous object of his desire finally snared him with a smoldering look that made staying where he was absolutely impossible.

  Standing tall, the mad bomber crossed the room and held out his hand, damn near jumping for joy when without a word, the female panther handed her clutch to her friend and laid her delicate fingers across his. Sparks of their attraction shot up his arm, filled his body with need, and made his heart beat double time.

  Walking backwards, Lennox led the woman he had no doubt was his mate to the dance floor, pulling her body closer to his with every step. Whether it was Fate or Destiny or just a beautifully wonderful coincidence, the jukebox started playing some old country song at the same moment he wrapped his arm around her waist. Holding her close, bathing in her intoxicating scent, the Guardsman leaned his lips to her ear and whispered, “Hello beautiful.”

  A sharp exhale preceded her stuttered, “H-hello, I’m Tessa.”

  Running the tip of his nose along the outside of her ear, Lennox listened to her heart skip a beat and smiled as Tessa’s hand trembled in his. “Well, hi there, Tessa. I’m Lennox,” he murmured, giving into temptation and gently laying his lips over the pulse beating against the silken skin of her neck.

  Visions of sinking his teeth into that exact spot, marking her as his own for all to see, swamped the mad bomber’s mind. His erection pushed against the confines of his jeans as Tessa’s heated scent filled every fiber of his being. He longed to have his cock buried deep inside her, loving her as nature intended.

  Kissing behind her ear, the mad bomber inhaled, “I wonder if you taste as good as you smell, mo piscín beag milis.”

  Hanging onto his sanity by his fingernails, Lennox so aroused by the gorgeous woman in his arms that he damn near fell to his knees when Tessa leaned back, speared him with a hot, sensual look full of unbridled passion and purred, “No need to wonder, mo Dragon,” before slamming her lips to his.

  The switch had been flipped. There was no going back, Lennox would have this woman or die trying. Demanding entrance, both man and dragon roared when Tessa opened not only her lips but also her mind to them.

  He smiled against her lips as Tessa’s thought of, “Oh, my Goddess… So much better than in my dreams,” flowed through his mind.

  Kissing her hard, their lips melding and caressing, the mad bomber’s hands slid down her back. His fingers tingled as they memorized every erotic curve, imaging how beautiful she would be once he could get her alone and blessedly naked.

  Tearing her lips from his, Tessa gasped as he kissed across her jaw. Her fingers wound through his hair, her nails scratching his scalp, as she whispered his name and her hips rolled against his.

  Dancing her to the darkest corner of the room, Lennox grabbed her ass, lifted Tessa’s feet off the scuffed wooden floor and forced his panther to wrap her long, shapely legs around his waist. Spinning them around so that her back was against the wall, the mad bomber once again captured her lips before grinding his denim-covered erection against her center, inhaling her mewls of pleasure.

  Wanting more, needing to be buried deep inside Tessa, marking her from the inside out, Lennox pulled her tighter to his body, spun on his heels and headed for the door. His panther’s hands slid out of his hair and gripped his shoulders as she pulled back, looked over her shoulder and asked, “Where are we going?”

  Waiting until she looked back at him, Lennox’s strode through The Sundowner with the woman who completed both him and his dragon body- mind and soul and winked, “I’m about to make you mine, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Chapter Six

  Being a vampire and a panther with an almost infinite lifespan, Tessa had never made a bucket list. Actually thought it was stupid when her human friends talked about it. But, now, she completely understood the desire and her list started and ended with never leaving the warm embrace of her dragon. Lennox could kiss like a demon, set her panties on fire with a single look and dance like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing. In a word, he was perfect.

  Call me Baby anytime…

  Flying over the hills and hugging the curves with her arms wrapped around her Guardsman, it took all of her considerable co
ntrol not to beg him to pull over and make love to her under the stars. Blessedly, she could see from his thoughts they were only a few minutes from his home.

  She hadn’t planned on letting Lennox into her mind, had never let anyone but her immediate family – not even the Master of her Kiss, who was also her father’s oldest brother, in that deep. Mind control was a legendary trait of her ancestors, and although no one in her family had shown any particular expertise in that area, Tessa wasn’t taking any chances. Uncle Ulnac was a major narcissist on a good day and a real bastard all of the time, she had no doubt trusting him would get her killed…or worse.

  But with her dragon, it had come naturally, been like second nature to open herself to him completely. It was exhilarating to feel his desire, his arousal and his need to have her and protect her. It was everything she’d ever been told finding her True Mate could be. Her panther had purred when his dragon roared. The feline, usually standoffish and more than a little over protective of the human she shared her soul with had shown no signs of her old ways with Lennox. In fact, she wanted to be set free to run her fur along his scales and scent her mate just as the Guardsman covered Tessa in the musk of his masculinity.

  For the first time since she was a young vamp, Tessa had almost lost control as Lennox’s thoughts of biting her neck, marking her as his own, had grown stronger and stronger. She wanted to not only feel his canines deep inside her but also let her own fangs free and taste of the one man able to complete woman, panther and vampire.

  Roaring through a massive iron gate and an equally huge stone wall, Tessa’s grip on her mate tightened as Lennox continued to accelerate through what she recognized as his clan’s lair. Making a sharp right, followed by an almost immediate left, her dragon skidded to a stop, slammed the kickstand into the dirt, jumped off his bike and had her in his arms faster than even her preternatural senses could track.


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