Paranormal Dating Agency: The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 21)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 21) Page 9

by Julia Mills

  Taking a deep breath, she felt her eye brows raise high on her forehead as she warned, “Well, you might want to hold that thought because I saw something in your memories,” she bit her bottom lip. “Or rather the memories you appropriated from your Leader that may change your mind yet again.”

  Removing the mental blocks, she’d placed in her mind after Lennox’s betrayal Tessa forged ahead. “The man responsible for your parents’ deaths and the one I believe is running the show now, is none other than the Master of my Kiss and my uncle, Ulnac.”

  Tessa held her breath as the light dimmed in Lennox’s eyes. She felt him probing her memories. Saw him watching her squirm every time Ulnac was near. Heard her telling her mother and father over and over how much she hated him and wanted to go live with her great-grandfather and the Big Cats in South America.

  She knew the second Lennox had reached her most recent memories when the grip he had on her fingers tightened and scales of the lightest blue appeared on his jawline, forearms and the backs of his hands. Waiting for him to speak, Tessa felt light-headed as her heart raced and she prayed there wouldn’t be a repeat of the past.

  Exhaling slowly, Lennox nodded, “You did the right thing coming here. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. It should’ve been me you came to talk to, not Kayne. Can you ever forgive me?” His remorse beat at her just as strongly as his fury at her uncle.

  Unsure what to say next, Tessa went with her gut and asked, “You really don’t blame me or my father for what’s happening?”

  The bitter scent of regret overpowered the lovely aroma of flowers as Lennox closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m so sorry you even have to ask that.” He opened his eyes and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Hey, I said no kissing,” Tessa teased to lighten the mood.

  “But you didn’t say that I couldn’t hold you.”

  “Oh, I see how it’s gonna be,” she snickered.

  “Yep, you got it. I’m gonna take every opportunity I can find and some I have to create to have you in my arms.” His expression turned serious. “But, honestly, I never should have given you any reason to doubt me, and for that, I can never apologize enough.”

  Laying her hand on either side of his face, Tessa leaned forward until her lips hovered just above her mates. She couldn’t help but smile when he teased, “Hey, you said no kissing.”

  “No,’ she winked. “I said you couldn’t kiss me.”

  His low groan as their lips touched sent tingles racing through her body but it was his whispered, “I love the way you think, M’fhíorghrá,” that filled her heart to near bursting and gave her back the hope she’d thought lost forever.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leaving Tessa alone in her day sleep after just making up had been the hardest thing Lenn had ever had to do. He’d secured all the curtains, even hung thick comforters over every window in his room and bathroom while his lovely mate sat in the middle of his bed laughing at him. Yes, he was being overly cautious, maybe even paranoid, but it didn’t matter, he’d been given a second, make that third, chance and there was no way he was screwing up again.

  Kissing her on the forehead, he gently closed the door and crept down the stairs to meet Pearce and Kayne. Slipping into his boots, the mad bomber headed into the kitchen only to be greeted by the demi-god’s snort of, “Well, lookie there, it’s the luckiest man on earth.”

  Grinning like a fool, Lennox could only agree, “Damn straight I am.”

  “I have to give you points for groveling like a pro. I even got a tear in my eye,” Pearce gave a mock sniff as he wiped under his eye while batting his lashes.

  “Yep, you might say I pulled out all the stops. From the look in Tessa’s eyes, she was gonna kick me to the curb.” He grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee. “I’m just glad she gave me a chance.”

  “Me too,” Kayne readily agreed. “Cause there is no way we would’ve survived your pity party.”

  “Whatever.” Lenn tried to be mad but knew the demi-god was right so snickered instead. “But, heck, you’re probably right.”

  “You know he is,” Pearce added. “Now, hurry up, we’re gonna be late, and you’re the star of the show.”

  “I’m what?” Lenn asked, grabbing his mug and a bagel as he followed his brethren out the door.

  “I said, you’re about to be the star of the show,” Pearce repeated. “And you would know that if you hadn’t been making nice with your little Vaepanther.”

  Once again grinning from ear-to-ear, thinking about all the ways he planned to ‘make nice’ with his mate, Lennox had just taken the last bite of his bagel when he and his brethren joined the others in the Grand Hall.

  “Glad you could make it, gentlemen,” Rian cleared his throat as Max chuckled next to him and Maddox grumbled something under his breath about young’uns and the demi-gods who corrupt them.

  “We were just getting to what we need from you. Lenn,” Rory snickered. “But I told them you might be a little late since the last time I’d seen you you’d been on your knees beggin’ for forgiveness.”

  “Yeah, so tell me, did she take ya’ back?” Maddox beamed, which actually looked a little creepy on the face of the grumpy old dragon. “Calysta and I have a bet going and I really don’t want to have to clean her workshop for a month. Some of the stuff she has in those jars scare the hell outta me.”

  Plopping into his seat and crossing his arms over his chest, Lennox boasted, “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  “Ha! So, I’ll let you know when I see one,” the mad dragon howled with laughter. “Now, fess up. I got a lot riding on this.”

  Before the mad bomber could answer, Kayne slapped him on the back and bragged, “I happen to know firsthand that the beautiful Vaepanther with eyes I wanted to get lost in,” the demi-god had the nerve to laugh out loud and squeeze Lennox’s shoulders as he murmured, “just kidding, my boy,” then went on, “that despite her better judgement, the lovely Tessa took our boy and at this moment is sleeping like a precious little angel in his home.” As the room erupted in catcalls and congratulations, Kayne yelled over the noise, “So, it won’t be long before we hear the pitter-pat of little paws, whether they be covered in fur or scales.”

  When the ruckus finally died down, Lennox held up his hands and motioned towards the Dragon Leader, “While I appreciate your well wishes, how about we let Rian talk.”

  “Okay, but I want all the details later,” Rory whispered as the oldest O’Reilly brother began to talk about what they knew about the Cambion and the plan he and Max had come up with to eradicate them.

  “Cole watched the cabin and Callum watched the mansion all through the night until almost noon, and not even one Cambion returned to either location. It’s my best guess that they caught our scent and have moved their base of operation. Any ideas where without another all-out search?”

  Debating whether he should tell them about Tessa’s uncle, or if speaking about her family without her there would be another betrayal, the mad bomber was just about to wait until he could talk to his mate when a soft, sleepy whisper echoed through his mind. “Tell them. T-they need… to know. I trust… you.”

  With his heart filling with love, Lennox answered, “Thank you, Tessa. I love you.”

  “L-love you.”

  “Sleep, mo chroí. I’ll be back soon.”

  Smiling as the soft sound of her deep breaths filled his mind, Lennox waited until Max finished talking before standing and explaining, “Last night after Tessa forgave me,” he raised his hand for everyone to stop laughing and cheering. “Stop now, don’t be rude. We did actually talk.” He cleared his throat, and for the first time he could ever remember felt his cheeks heat with embarrassment. “She told me the reason she’d come over here was to give us information concerning the Cambion. The Master of her Kiss, who also happens to be her evil as all hell uncle and the vampire who killed my parents,” he looked around at the stern faces and grumbles coming from his brethren, “
which is beside the point and ancient history.” He leveled his stare at several of the older Guardsmen who had also fought in that bloody battle to be sure they weren’t holding anything against his mate. When he was sure, Lennox went on, “What is important is that she identified him from my memories from all those years ago and last night, she saw Ulnac talking to some Cambion right outside Gerri Wilder’s home.”

  “So, the same bastard is the cause of all of this again?” Maddox was on his feet, waving his arms around and ranting in both English and Celtic.

  “Does she know where they are holed up?” Rian asked as Max crossed his arms over his chest, raised one hand and tapped his index finger against his lips.

  Ignoring the Panther King’s questioning look, Lennox shook his head, “She has no idea, but has a few ideas of places we can look.” He shrugged. “Unfortunately, I forgot to get the information before she drifted off to dreamland.”

  “That’s not a problem,” Rian smirked. “Since you were so late getting here and it’s almost nightfall, you can talk to Tessa when she wakes and get back to me.” The Dragon Leader looked down at the folder he had opened on the table in front of him then quickly added, “Oh, and finally getting to your part of the plan, whatever we end up with, I need you to be ready to take down whatever structure the Cambion are hiding in.” Rian leaned forward. “I mean blow it up, burn it down and leave nothing but ashes in your wake.”

  “That’s your specialty, Lenn” Rory cheered. “I wanna a front row seat for the fireworks.”

  “It’s a deal,” Lennox chuckled.

  It took until the sun had almost disappeared behind the mountains before the mad bomber had freed himself from his brethren and was heading out of the Hall. Stepping off the last step, he groaned out loud as Max called out, “Lennox, may I have a word?”

  Trying to school his features as he turned around, the mad bomber waited as the Panther King came closer, motioning for him to resume his trek home. Walking side-by-side with Max, Lennox waited as patiently as he could, desperately needing to have whatever conversation the Panther King was looking to have over before he got back to Tessa.

  Finally, Max spoke and what he said made the mad bomber stop dead in his tracks and stand in the street with his jaw wide open. “If your mate’s last name is Mooreland, then she is my cousin.”

  Hell yeah, I knew my girl was a Queen…

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waking up to Lennox kissing her neck was definitely a welcomed improvement from the first night she’d spent with her mate and pretty much the way Tess planned on spending every other night for the rest of her life. Rolling over, she laid her hand on his cheek and breathed, “Hello there, handsome.”

  “Hey, that was gonna be my line only I was thinking more along the lines of calling you beautiful.”

  Lennox’s lips touched hers in the softest of kisses that soon became an affirmation of everything they were ready to discover as True Fated Mates. Pulling back with a groan, her dragon laid his forehead to hers and sighed, “I really don’t want to let you out of this bed.”

  “Then don’t,” Tessa purred, kissing along his jaw.

  Closing his eyes, Lenn leaned his head to the side as she nibbled and teased his neck, rumbling, “But I have to, Max is downstairs.”

  “Who?” She asked, more interested in making love to her mate than hearing the answer.

  “The King of the Big Cats, Max Prentice.”

  At the sound of a name she hadn’t heard in nearly fifty years, Tessa’s eyes popped open as she leaned back and replied, “Max, as in Maximillian?”

  “Yeah,” Lennox grinned. “I hear you two are related.”

  Biting her bottom lip, Tessa couldn’t believe her ears. She hadn’t heard hide nor hair of her cousin since the day his father had been killed in a rogue hyena attack in the jungles of South America. Although she talked to her great-grandfather Antonio at least once a month, he rarely mentioned any of her feline relatives, and when she asked about them he always deflected the question.

  “We are.”

  “But…” Lennox sat looking at her, waiting for more of an explanation.

  Shaking her head, Tessa explained, “But nothing…really. As I’m sure Gerri told Kayne and he told you, I inherited my panther genes from my great-grandfather, Antonio. He was mated to a vampire, back when it was a serious taboo to have a mate of another species.”

  “Anyway, they had twin sons, one panther and one vampire. As you can guess, the panther was readily accepted into the Pride while my great-grandmother and the other twin were ostracized. Later, Antonio’s mate died, and his vampire son was sent to live with Laticia’s family. Since then the two sides of the family have been estranged. Not quite like the Hatfields and McCoys but most assuredly not friendly. I was the first of the vampire line to show any traits of the panther, then a few decades later came my sister, Amara.”

  “So, you grew up knowing you were a Vaepanther but with no one but vampires to help you go through your first shift? Your first hunt? Your first…everything?”

  Nodding, she shrugged, “Yeah, Ulnac decreed I was to live as a vampire unless I had to shift. He had no clue what being a panther, or anything other than a vampire for that matter, was like and honestly, didn’t care.” She chuckled remembering, “That is until the day before my fifteenth birthday when I was in the middle of an argument with my oldest sister, Maisa. I can’t recall what we were fighting about, just that I was so mad I could barely see straight. Add that to the raging hormones of an adolescent girl who has both panther and vampire blood running through her veins and let me tell ya’, you’re in for a big surprise.”

  Laughing out loud, she continued, “Right there in the Courtyard of Mooreland Castle, surrounded by human servants and vampire dignitaries, I shifted to my panther and ripped right through my uncle’s immaculately manicured rose garden.”

  Lennox howled with laughter, a sound Tessa knew she wanted to hear over and over again for as long as she lived. When her mate finally caught his breath, he grinned, “So, I’m guessing the ban on communication between the two sides of the family was lifted.”

  “You got it.” She kissed his cheek. “But only for Abuelo Antonio, as for the rest, I didn’t meet them until I was much older and even then, they were standoffish. Vampire aren’t their cup of tea, it didn’t matter that we were family.”

  “Then I act like I did when we first met.” Lennox pulled her into his lap. “I am so sorry.”

  Gently placing her index finger on his lips, Tessa shook her head, “No need. All that’s in the past.” She lifted her finger and gave him a quick kiss. “And as for my family, well, nothing I can do about that.” Tessa smiled, “But I would love to see Max again.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  “I am.”

  “Max is good people. And I could tell he is very excited to see you again.”

  Letting Lennox lift her off the bed and set her feet on the floor, Tessa pulled her sexy dragon down for one more kiss before leaning back and breathing, “Then I want to hear more about your plan to never leave the bedroom.”

  “Oh baby, it would be my pleasure.”

  Several more incredibly passionate kisses and one cold shower later and Tessa was dressed in a pair of yoga pants and T-shirt that Calysta had sent over for her. Making her way down the stairs, she listened to Max giving Lennox a hard time about taking care of his cousin.

  Making her way into the kitchen, the Vaepanther leaned her hip against the counter and crossed her arms as she teased, “I’m sorry, did someone die and make you my keeper, Maximillian Prentice?”

  “No one had to die, muñeca, I’m the King, I assign the tasks.” Looking at her mate with a wicked gleam in his eye, Max continued, “I am going to hug my cousin. I know you dragons get all surly, but I suggest you work through that mating call on your own time. It’s been way too long since I have seen this beautiful girl.”

  Wrapped up in Max’s warm embrace, Tessa coul
d feel her panther reaching for his, purring and rolling on her back, happy to be reunited with one of her kin. Stepping back but keeping his hands on her arms, the Panther King smiled, “My what a gorgeous woman you have grown into. I am so sorry Sophia missed you, but she was called home.” He shrugged. “And let us not forget, Antonio will want pictures.”

  Dropping his hands and stepping back, Max pulled his cell phone from his pocket and began snapping pictures before Tessa was anywhere near ready.

  “Max!” She squealed, holding her hands in front of her and turning her head away. “Stop! I hate having my picture taken at the best of times.”

  She felt Lennox’s arms slide around her waist a second before he turned them both toward the King and whispered in her ear, “Smile, mo ghrá. It’s our first picture together.”

  With her heart about to beat out of her chest, Tessa gave up the fight, leaned back against her mate, and smiled at her cousin, immediately asking, “Max, can you send me that one, please?”

  “Of course, mi pequeño gatito.” Then looking at his phone, he added, “It is a lovely picture of a beautiful couple.”

  Turning in Lenn’s arms, Tessa went on her tip-toes to give him a quick kiss before stepping back, grabbing the mug of coffee her dragon had already poured for her and sitting down across from Max. Patting his hand, she asked, “Lennox says you’re here because of the Cambion. That this is happening all over the world.”

  Setting down his coffee, Max leaned forward.” It is, and I am so sorry to hear that Ulnac was and is involved.” Nodding towards her mate, he went on, “Your mad bomber here, said your uncle has your father with him.” The King laid his hand over hers before asking, “You are sure Thomas is not involved?” Lovingly squeezing her fingers, he added, “Your father is a good man, but we both know how persuasive Ulnac can be and he is the Master of your Kiss, which affords him power over those he shares a blood bond with.”


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