My Greek Beast

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My Greek Beast Page 4

by Marian Tee

  And as the icing on top of the cake, he was younger, too!

  Ah, how the mighty have fallen.

  The sound of the signed documents being filed drew my thoughts back to reality. “You’re free to go, ma’am.” Sergeant Morris looked at Nathan, his smile extra jovial. “If there’s anything else I can do, just let me know.”

  Boot licker, I thought snidely, but I knew better than to say the thought out loud, seeing how everyone at the police station seemed ready to burn me at the stake if I even glanced at the ex-model the wrong way.

  “Alyx?” Nathan offered his hand. “Shall we go?”

  I scowled. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes.” And this time, he didn’t let me argue, his hand reaching for mine. As our fingers twined with each other, he said wickedly, “Whether you like it or not, you still need me.”

  There was no chance to rebut his words, with his bodyguards throwing the double doors of the station open at Nathan’s nod.

  A throng of reporters immediately greeted us, their yelled-out questions punctuated by the loud clicks and flashes of their cameras.

  This was normal, something I was used to.

  But then a larger crowd swelled, fighting through the ranks of the paparazzi, and along with it came shrieks of Nathan’s name and words that totally confused me. Protect? Endangered species? I actually found myself looking around, trying to see if we happened to have walked past some kind of strange animal that had escaped from the zoo.

  “Naaaaaaaathan, you can’t---” One woman actually tried to throw herself at the ex-model, and I stiffened in shock, thinking she would really fall on us.

  Nathan pulled me closer to him. “Just look down, sweetheart.” He forced me to keep moving even as his bodyguards stepped in to obstruct the woman’s descent. Walking away, I heard the woman wailing in seeming despair, and my confusion grew.

  Don’t go!

  Stay single!

  More impassioned pleas of the like dogged us, and Nathan’s fingers tightened its grip. “Hang in there,” he said under his breath.

  After what seemed like an eternity, we finally made it to his limousine. The door slammed shut, ensconcing us in silence, a stark contrast to the chaos we had just escaped from. I looked outside the window. As the limousine started to move, I glanced back at Nathan, wondering what had changed between now and the last time I saw him. Since I worked for a newspaper for several years, the sight of paparazzi stalking their favorite subjects was nothing new. But what happened outside the station?

  “That was just mad.”

  “I know,” Nathan acknowledged with a grimace, “and I can only apologize for it. There was this…thing…that came out recently, and it’s stirred up a ridiculous frenzy.”

  His words ignited a spark of curiosity inside of me, and I reached for my bag, intent on Googling it. When he saw me taking my phone out, Nathan winced. “Don’t bother looking it up. It’s garbage.”

  His words only made me even more interested, and I hurriedly typed his name on the search tab. The top hits came up a second later, and I knew immediately what he was talking about.

  Halfway to skimming through the article, and I could no longer keep myself from laughing.

  “Oh my God, you’re the endangered species?” I shook my head even as the words made me laugh harder. “How did that even happen? Are you being hunted to extinction?”

  Nathan sighed. “May we please change the subject?”

  “Nope. This is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while so if you don’t mind, I’m going to take my time enjoying it.” I went back to Google, and armed with the right keywords this time, more memes showed up---

  I burst into a fit of giggles when I saw a meme where Nathan’s photo was crudely Photoshopped over the bodies of a tiger, rhinoceros, gorilla, and what seemed like a giant salamander.

  “Have you seen this?”

  Nathan barely spared the meme a glance. “Yes.” His tone was extra polite.

  I pulled out another interesting snippet to show him. “What about this?” A group of enterprising women had come up with a genius fundraising campaign: for every dollar donated to their favorite charity, half of it will be spent making graphics that promote Nathan Callis and Christien di Luca’s status as endangered species.

  “You’re really having fun with this,” Nathan murmured dryly.

  “Yes, I am.” I looked up, about to tease him some more---


  The light in his gray eyes made my grin fade.

  It was almost…tender.

  Almost like he knew I badly needed a laugh, almost like he understood exactly what I needed.

  I whipped my gaze away, muttering, “Stop looking at me like that. Your overprotective fans might think tonight’s rumors are real.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  My gaze whipped back to him. “Excuse me?”

  Nathan smiled at me lazily. “You’re my girlfriend.”


  The restaurant that Nathan had selected for their dinner was upscale and quirky at the same time, its carnival theme skillfully merging both feels with red and blue silk drapes on the ceiling and an abundant array of vintage light bulbs suspended from bamboo ropes. The table setup was just as gorgeously contrasting: napkins and cutlery were placed in a miniature tin watering can while stunningly plated dishes were served on fine bone china that bore the restaurant’s name in elaborately carved letters.

  “Lobster nachos for the gentleman,” the server announced, “and cheeseburger with truffle fries for the lady.” After pouring sparkling water in their glasses, the server excused himself with a bow, murmuring, “We hope you enjoy your dinner.”

  As soon as he retreated, Nathan’s date angrily muttered, “I told you I’m not hungry. Can’t you just take me home?”

  If any other woman had spoken to Nathan Callis in such a way, he would gladly have her escorted out of his life for good.

  But this was Alyx, and she was different. Her stubborn pride was a strange source of delight for him, her feistiness a major turn-on---

  Alyx’s stomach let out a loud, sudden growl.

  ---plus the fact that no matter how hard she tried, she always ended up doing something delightfully embarrassing in his presence.

  He saw Alyx’s cheeks turn a becoming shade of pink, and his lips compressed in a straight line.

  Catching sight of it, she snarled, “Stop laughing!”

  “I’m not.”

  “Ha!” She glared at him. “I know you want to---” Another loud growl from her stupid stomach interrupted her.

  Nathan asked politely, “May I smile this time?”

  “I hate you.” But even as she spoke, she was already reaching for the cutlery. “I still haven’t forgiven you for locking me up in solitary confinement.” She aggressively speared a fry with her fork and pushed the entire thing into her mouth.

  He watched her lids drift close involuntarily, watched the way her mouth dramatically slow down its movement.


  How fucking good it would feel, he mused, if she savored having his cock in her mouth the same way?

  When her eyes slowly blinked open, he drawled lazily, “That good, is it?” The speed in which his words wiped all expression from her face almost made him laugh out loud, but he managed not to.

  “It’s okay.” Her voice was noncommittal, but even so she couldn’t seem to stop feeding herself with the fries.

  How delightfully proud she was…and how foolish, if she thought that she was actually fooling him with her tough-girl stance. He ate slowly, more interested in the rare sight of Alyx devouring her food with gusto.

  This was the sight she had made him miss, Nathan thought with regret.

  Alyx stilled, her pierced slice of burger poised mid-air. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “I was thinking what a cruel girl you are,” he answered honestly.

  She choked. “Did you just say I’m cruel?”

��Yes.” Leaning forward, he took her by surprise by stealing her fork from her hand, along with the pierced bit of food.


  The sound of pure anger made him smile, but it didn’t make Nathan relinquish his piece of stolen property. “Why did you stand me up that day?”

  Her eyes widened. “Why are you asking me that now?”

  “Just humor me.”

  Her gaze turned knowing, and she asked sweetly, “Why? Did it hurt your poor little ego?”

  Nathan laughed. “And you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” And now, it was his turn to look at her slyly. “But you know that can’t be it.” His voice lowered. “If I were that easily crushed, then you wouldn’t find me so attractive.”

  “You---” The word was expelled in a furious hiss, a look of affront falling on Alyx’s lovely face.

  Nathan’s lips curved in a taunting grin. “There’s no need to lie, sweetheart.”

  “Your ego knows no bounds---”

  “Which is exactly how you like it,” he purred.

  And he looked at her, making no attempt at all to hide what he felt…and knew.

  He wanted to make a sex slave out of her, and she would want him to.

  When Alyx jerked back in her seat, he said soothingly, “It’s alright, sweetheart.”

  “I d-don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Okay then.” He popped her food into his mouth. “You don’t.”

  Her eyes flashed. “Stop treating me like a baby!”

  Laying her fork down on the edge of her plate, he asked mildly, “Then shall we go back to what we’re talking about? Why did you stand me up?”

  “Because I didn’t feel like meeting you.” Her voice was tight, but she couldn’t meet his eyes as she flung the words at him.


  She wasn’t ready then. Nathan had thought they could get that particular thorn out of the way immediately, but he had obviously miscalculated. Her feelings for the other man were much stronger than he anticipated, but even so he didn’t see how it would pose a problem.

  All he wanted Alyx for was her body, anyway.

  “You break my heart with your words.” He reached for her fork again.

  Alyx snorted. “Tell that to someone who believes you have a heart.” Her brows met in a suspicious frown when she saw him spearing a fry from her plate. “What are you doing?”

  “Feeding you?” As Nathan brought the fry to her lips, she pulled away, so quickly she almost toppled back on her chair, and he grinned. “Careful, sweetheart.”

  She righted herself, cheeks burning even as she glared at him, hissing, “What the hell, Nathan?”

  “It’s just a little piece of fry,” he cajoled. “Go on, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes shot sparks at him as she shook her head vehemently. “No!”

  “Come on…or I throw this away.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “That’s right,” he purred. “Did you think I wouldn’t do the slightest bit of research on a woman I’ve been wanting to fuck for months?” For several years now, Alyx had been actively supporting a local church’s program that sought to educate the population about the need for conserving resources.

  “Take a bite, Alyx. You wouldn’t want me to throw this away and see good food go to waste, would you?”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He grinned at the way her lips barely moved as she spoke, almost as if she was afraid he’d shove the piece of fry in her mouth the moment he had an opening.

  “Are you willing to risk it?”

  They eyed each other.

  He called her bluff, drawing the fry away from her mouth slowly. “Last chance…”

  “Damn you!” She snatched the fry from her fork with her mouth, and he burst into laughter as she glared and chewed aggressively at the same time.

  “You look like you want to swallow me whole,” he teased.

  “If it means the world would get rid of another unnecessary egoistic jerk like you…” After taking a gulp of water, she said, “Maybe I should.”

  He leaned back against his seat. “Maybe you should.” He smiled. “Swallow me whole, I mean.” He paused before letting the bomb drop. “If you could take all thirteen inches of me.”

  Alyx And Nathan

  Oh my God. How had her life come to this? How?

  They had long left the restaurant, and they were just minutes away from reaching her place but even so---

  You look like you want to swallow me whole.

  If it means the world would get rid of another unnecessary egoistic jerk like you…maybe I should.”

  Maybe you should. Swallow me whole, I mean. If you could take all thirteen inches of me---

  I-di-ot. Alyx banged the side of her head against the window with each syllable. She was an idiot, the biggest idiot in the world, not to have seen that coming miles away.

  Nathan’s amused glance slid to his companion, but his tone remained courteous as ever as he asked, “Everything alright?” The entire ride, Alyx had been occasionally using her head to knock on the limousine’s window.

  “Everything’s fine.” The words were stiff, and Alyx didn’t meet his gaze the entire time. Even so, it was easy enough to read the tension that had come to grip her delectable body.

  She knew.

  And she was doing her best to deny it.

  Ah, sweetheart. He almost, almost felt bad for her. She was wasting her time fighting the inevitable. When they reached her place, the limousine slowing down, he saw Alyx’s chest ease in a silent sigh of relief.

  His lips twitched. His lovely Alyx was still determined to fool herself into thinking that the night could end with nothing changing.

  “This is me.” Alyx knew good manners demanded she at least look at the ex-model but right now, she didn’t give a damn. “Thanks for the ride.” Etiquette could go to hell for all she cared. Right now, all she cared about was making certain words stop polluting her mind.

  Maybe you should.

  Swallow me whole.

  All thirteen inches of me---


  “I gotta go.” She reached to unlock the door---

  His fingers cupped her elbow from behind. “Alyx.”


  Her name on his lips was a sensual caress in itself, and the slight accent threading through it only made his voice even more potent.

  Oh God.

  Her fingers tightened on the door handle. “I really need to---” Her voice faltered as she felt him move, and in the next instant, the distance between them disappeared.

  Oh, oh God.

  A powerful tremble racked her body, her limbs melting at the sheer animal magnetism of his proximity. It was like standing close to a wild beast, knowing that it could hurt her, and yet…it was also the precise same thing that served to attract her.

  It could hurt her, but what if…it didn’t?

  It could tear her apart, but what if…that could make her feel good?

  “Invite me up.”

  It was like being tempted by the devil himself, and when a hand pressed ever so gently at the small of her back---

  Alyx squeezed her eyes shut. “I c-can’t.”

  “Why?” Nathan moved even closer, his hand leaving her back, only to have his arm curve around her waist. “Do you have a lover now?”


  “Then what’s the problem?” This time, the former model whispered the words straight into her ears.


  “B-because…” Oh God, oh God. It was so hard to stay rational. Nathan Callis’ mouth had drifted down, his lips caressing the side of her neck, and even as she hated herself for doing it, she just couldn’t help it either---

  Her head tilted back, offering him more access to her neck.

  His lips closed over the tender skin, and she whimpered. “This is bad.” He started sucking. “Oh God, this is really bad.”

  Nathan chuckled against her skin. “Exactly, sweeth
eart.” He slowly lifted his head. “We’re going to do a lot of really bad things together----”


  The words sounded like a promise and a threat, and Alyx summoned the last vestiges of her control. “N-no!” She tried getting away from him, but instead he forced her to face him. “No---”

  “I’ll ask you one last time, sweetheart.” His tone was commanding, and oh, in his eyes was that look – that sweet, intoxicating, wicked look. “Invite me up.”

  Ooooooh. The sexual promise in those words made her feel dizzy, but there was still the tiniest part of her that refused to succumb. “I c-can’t---”

  “Then you leave me with no choice.”

  In a blink of an eye, he had changed their positions, Nathan falling to his knees on the floor and as her back fell against the seat, she felt him prying her legs apart.

  It took her a moment to understand what was happening, and then she was struggling, doing her best to shove him away---

  “Let me go!”

  But he was too strong, too powerful---

  “Let! Me! Go!”

  She could feel her legs opening wider and wider.

  “Nathan,” she screamed.

  But he only laughed, the sound dark and beautiful, terrifying as it was seductive.

  Oh God, how that laugh made her shiver---

  It was the sound of knowledge and temptation.

  The sound of all her dirty little secrets coming to life---

  “Keep screaming my name, sweetheart,” Nathan whispered, “and you’ll come to realize that it’s always what you’ve wanted to do…”

  He started to bend down.

  “Noooooooo---” But the sound came out like a moan of helpless need.

  “Just as this is what we both know you want me to do.”

  He pushed the skirt of her dress to her waist, but just as her thighs tried to clamp close, he pushed them wide apart again.


  But it was too late, his head had already descended and he was sucking on her clit.

  Alyx screamed, her fingers automatically reaching for his hair. “Stop it!” She tried pulling his head away, but it only made Nathan suck harder.


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