My Greek Beast

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My Greek Beast Page 8

by Marian Tee

  It took Alyx so long to answer that when she did, Nathan had been an inch away from growling her name out.

  “Okay.” Her tone had been low and fragile, but at least it was no longer shaking. She had calmed down, and Nathan’s own breathing had slowly eased at the realization.

  As soon as he had ended the call, his godfather had remarked in a tone rich with interest, “I’ve never seen you so worried before.”

  Understandably so, Nathan had thought grimly, since worry didn’t come naturally to him.

  He had almost always been in control of his life, his absentee father having made him self-reliant from when he was a child. And in the one instance he had made a grave miscalculation, it had only caused him pain and bleakness.

  But not worry.

  Never worry.

  To worry meant a part of his life had become unpredictable and out of control, and that had never happened to him in the past.

  Then again, Alyx Marshall hadn’t been a part of his past either.

  Upon arriving at the airport, a limousine was already waiting for him. The ride to Alyx’s hotel in small-town Rockton took half an hour, and he used the time to call her. He must have dialed her number at least a dozen times, but all of it went straight to her voicemail. By the time he made it to her suite, Nathan had been prepared for the worst.

  He rapped his fist furiously on the door. “It’s me. Open up.” He tried the knob and cursed when he found it unlocked. Stalking inside, he bit out, “What the hell are you thinking---” He broke off.

  Alyx was lounging on the sofa, elbow propped on the armrest, head cocked to the side. Her eyes were questioning, but her smile was goofy as she sang out, “Hellooooooo.” She was also dressed in nothing but her underwear, a modest pair that kept everything hidden but was nonetheless made sexy as hell by the combination of black silk and tiny red ribbons.


  His gaze slid to the bottle of wine on the table. She had barely done damage to it, her wine glass still half-full.

  “You’re completely smashed, sweetheart.” Nathan’s tone was half-exasperated, half-resigned. “Did you drink on an empty stomach?”

  “Yup!” Her tone was gay. “And now it doesn’t hurt anymore!”

  “That’s good…” Walking forward, he said dryly, “Because your head’s going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow.” Looking down at her, he asked, “I’m guessing you’re not much of a drinker?”

  “That depends.” Alyx fluttered her lashes.

  “On what?”

  She giggled. “On which answer would get me in your bed, dummy!”

  A grin tugged at Nathan’s lips despite the seriousness of the situation. Who would’ve thought inebriation could make Alyx so wonderfully flirty? Bending down, he scooped her up---

  “Are we going to bed?”


  “Woohoo!” She threw her arms around him, her large breasts pressing hard against his chest.

  Nathan fought for control. He had never taken advantage of a drunk female, and he wouldn’t fucking start now. When he tried laying her down, Alyx resisted letting go even as her back touched the bed.


  “Don’t leave me.” The words suddenly came out choking. “Please.”

  Nathan’s jaw clenched. “I won’t leave you.” He managed to keep his voice gentle even as rage rampaged inside of him. He had always dreamt of having Alyx beg him, but never like this. Never fucking like this.

  “I’m just going to order room service, sweetheart.” But when he tried pulling away, her arms only tightened.

  “You said you wouldn’t leave me,” Alyx accused.

  Lifting his head until their gazes met, he asked softly, “What has you so afraid?”

  She slowly shook her head. “Not afraid.” Unspoken pain threaded her voice. “Just tired.” A smile wobbled on her lips. “So tired of hurting.” Her voice caught. “You know?”


  “Okay then.” Instead of pulling away, he slid his arms back under her and lifting her up, he sat down on the bed and stretched his legs out before placing her in his lap. She immediately snuggled against him like a trusting little kitten.

  A curvy vamp of a kitten whose scent tantalized him as much as the feel of her abundant breasts against his body---

  Nathan leaned back against the headboard and closed his eyes. This was going to be one long damn night---


  It took him a moment to answer. “Yes, sweetheart?” He strove to keep his mind off the gutter. She’s fucking heartbroken, Nathan Callis. This is no goddamn time to lust after her.

  “Can’t you please just fuck me?”

  Nathan choked.

  “It’s just not enough that you make me come. It only feels good when it’s happening, b-but when I’m alone---” Her fingers curled against his shirt. “I can’t stop hurting. And I want to stop hurting. I’m tired of hurting.”

  “Sweetheart.” He managed to keep his voice steady. “I don’t think sex is going to solve your problems.”

  Her head jerked up, hitting him by the chin, and Nathan grunted in pain.

  “How do you know?” she demanded as she pushed herself up to glare militantly at him. “Have you tried fucking someone’s pain away?”

  “Well, no---”

  “Ha!” Alyx flashed him a triumphant smile. “Then it’s decided!” She nodded vehemently. “You’re going to fuck my pain away---”

  “Alyx.” His voice was strained. He felt bad that she was hurting, but all this talk of fucking wasn’t helping, and it was all he could do not to reverse their positions and roll her under him so he could give her exactly what she wanted.

  “Don’t you want to fuck me?” She was speaking in a woe-is-me-voice now, and Nathan swallowed back a groan.

  “It’s not that, sweetheart.” His fists clenched and unclenched in an effort to keep his need for her contained. “You must know I want to fuck you, but---”

  “If you don’t want to fuck me---” This time, belligerence had replaced the self-pity in her voice, Alyx’s mood swinging from one extreme to another, and Nathan was torn between wanting to laugh and kiss her.

  Goddammit, but a drunk Alyx was just too irresistible for his own good.

  Crazy as hell, too, but still.

  Her eyes locked with his. “Then make me fall in love with you instead?”

  Silence, and then Alyx giggled. “That scared you!”

  Yes. Nathan only stared stoically at her. Fuck yes. And his shock at her words must have been too obvious that even her alcohol-clouded mind hadn’t any trouble comprehending it.

  “There’s no need to be.” She reached for him, saying soothingly, “So don’t be scared, little boy.” She tried patting him on the cheek reassuringly, but her fingers ended up drumming against his mouth instead. “I just want the pain to go away, okay? So you either fuck me or make me fall for you. Either is fine.”


  Her hands moved up, and then she was cupping his face. “Let me be clear. There’s no need for you to fall for me. Got that?” And releasing him, she said airily, “You can still date other women. Totes fine.” Her hand waved negligently in the air as if to emphasize her words.

  When she looked at him as if expecting an answer, Nathan said slowly, “We’ll talk about this when you’re not---”


  The high-pitched cry surprised him, and Nathan frowned when he saw a look of distress fall on Alyx’s face.

  “You don’t understand. You gotta promise now!”

  “I can’t. You’re not thinking rationally---”

  “And that’s why you gotta promise now!” And now her eyes were shining with tears that threatened to fall any second.

  Fuck. “Calm down, sweetheart---”

  “I know I’m drunk! Do you think I don’t know?” A hysterical laugh escaped Alyx. “Nathan, I need you to promise me now while I’m still able to ask it.” She moved back and started to sway-

  He immediately reached for her. “Steady now.”

  “I’m o-okay.” She ended up straddling him. “I’m okay.” Her smile was determined, but the slur in her voice was more pronounced.

  No, Nathan thought. You’re not.

  “Listen to me, Nathan.” Her tone became a low, confidential whisper.

  He nodded.

  “I’m going to tell you a secret, and it’s going to change everything.”

  When it looked like she needed him to answer, he murmured, “I’m listening.”

  “Good.” But she looked like she badly wanted to cry now. “That’s good.”

  His expression hardened at the way her voice shook. “Alyx---”

  “I fell for my best friend’s hubby,” she blurted out.


  And she asked in a voice that was just too damn blank, “Do you think I’m an evil slut?”


  He met her eyes straight on, saying quietly, “What I think is that you’ve always tried so hard to be everyone’s ideal…” And now, it was his turn to lay a hand on her face. “That it took you completely by surprise when you realized you can be as human and fallible as the rest of us.”

  Her eyes fell closed.

  And then she muttered under her breath, “It’s sickening how you always say the right things---”

  He would’ve laughed if he could, but with the tears finally falling, he could only yank her close to him.

  Her arms went around his neck, tightening, almost threatening to choke him even as her tears began to soak his shirt.

  “And you know,” she choked out, “when not to cop a feel, too.” Her clenched fist struck his back weakly. “So horribly perfect. I hate it.”

  A hoarse chuckle escaped him. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ve always been perfect.” Her nails dug hard into his back, and he grinned. It hurt, but he definitely preferred a fighting Alyx to a broken one.

  “Your promise.” Her voice was a sleepy mumble. “You haven’t promised yet.”

  But then she started to snore, and his shoulders shook.

  Nathan pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  I promise, sweetheart.

  I’ll fill your head with thoughts of me if it’s what eases your pain.

  Alyx And Nathan

  “Feeling better?” Nathan asked as he slid into the luxurious lounge chair next to her.

  Alyx watched him from the corner of her eye, unable to meet his gaze. What little she glimpsed, however---

  He had on a checkered long-sleeve shirt completely unbuttoned to reveal the gray V-necked shirt underneath, half-tucked into ripped jeans. He was devastatingly sexy in other words, and Alyx squirmed mentally at its impact on her body, with the way her nipples puckered against the cups of her bra.

  “Alyx?” Nathan suddenly bent towards her, his too-beautiful face too close for comfort as he peered up at her. “I asked if you’re feeling better?”

  She cleared her throat. “Umm…” Then she noticed the sly look in his gray eyes.

  It said, I know you want to fall in love with me.

  Without thinking, Alyx’s hand landed smack on his face as she pushed him away unceremoniously. At the same time, a stewardess entered the lounge, and the other woman let out a little shriek at the apparent altercation.

  Alyx jerked, face flaming at the horrified expression on the stewardess’ face.

  Nathan laughed.

  Damn him, Alyx fumed, mortified. If only there was a way to escape Nathan Callis or find someone else to talk to. But since this was his jet, neither was possible, and the damn man knew it!

  “Don’t be shy, sweetheart,” Nathan crooned. “I’m up for the challenge.”

  “Oh God, just shut up. Please?”

  A man with a lesser ego would’ve been deflated at the way Alyx cringed, but Nathan only smirked. How she looked and reacted didn’t matter. He knew the truth, and---

  Moving closer, he whispered into her ear, “I can’t make you fall for me if you won’t even look at me.”

  Alyx shuddered, disgust written all over her face, and Nathan had to swallow hard, knowing he couldn’t yet laugh.

  “Come on, sweetheart. You know I’m telling the truth.”

  One, two, three seconds passed---

  Her dark eyes slowly lifted to his.

  “Good girl,” he murmured.

  No sooner had he said the words than Alyx’s head turned away and she let out a gagging sound. This time, he couldn’t help it, and as his shoulders rocked with uncontrollable mirth, Nathan hauled a still-gagging Alyx to his lap.

  She immediately stiffened. “Nathan! Are you---”

  “Relax,” he murmured soothingly. “They know when to disappear without having to be told.”

  Alyx’s head jerked up, her gaze flying to where she had last seen the stewardess, but it was as Nathan had said. The other woman was nowhere to be seen. Turning to face Nathan again, she asked, “What’s up with that?” She was disgruntled and impressed at the same time. “Do you, like, train them to read non-verbal cues or something? Maybe attend a seminar like Servicing a Manwhore 101---”

  But the Greek ex-model remained unfazed, only smiling at her with such lazy arrogance she wanted to simultaneously slap and kiss it off his lips.

  The realization had Alyx wanting to throw her hands up in despair.

  Oh God.

  Was this a hangover thing? She had never been hung over before, had never been inclined to touch a glass of wine because she didn’t like the power it seemed able to wield over people.

  And she was right to avoid it, Alyx thought gloomily. She had a glass of wine last night, and it was like her personality had undergone a complete transformation. She had always been attracted to Nathan Callis, but what she was feeling now---

  This was different. This was too powerful. This was not right.

  As Alyx watched Nathan reach for the remote control on the collapsible table at his other side, she couldn’t help noticing just how elegant and graceful his every movement was. Oh, and the way those fingers wrapped around the remote control---

  What would it feel like to watch him pleasure himself---

  Oh my God!


  Had she just legit fantasized about Nathan Callis masturbating because of the way he held the remote control?

  Nathan was in the process of choosing a song from his iPhone’s music library when he noticed Alyx slowly banging her head against the window. What the---

  “Do I even want to know why you’re doing that?” she heard Nathan drawl in a tone laced with amusement.

  “No,” she said darkly. Or at least not until she could figure out a proper correlation between alcohol consumption and being horny, no matter how implausible---

  Anything was better than the thought struggling to form at the back of her mind, doing its best to scare the shit out of her.

  Music suddenly started playing, and she blinked. That was Phoebe Ryan’s Boyz n Poison. A nice song, yes, but it wasn’t exactly the kind of song she imagined would appeal to someone like Nathan Callis.

  “And now…” Nathan’s smile was too dazzling, and it immediately put Alyx on her guard. “Speaking of servicing…”

  Alyx’s eyes narrowed. This was getting worse.

  “Up you go…” Nathan’s hands clasped her waist, and a moment later he had Alyx on her feet.

  She blinked down at him, and his smile turned into a crooked grin.

  “Am I supposed to know what this is about?” Alyx asked finally.

  “A lap dance.” Nathan leaned back against his chair. “You’re going to give me a lap dance, sweetheart---” He had barely finished speaking when Alyx snarled and tried to claw his eyes out.

  Nathan laughed as he caught her wrists and gently forced her arms down. When her furious gaze met his, he whispered huskily, “Trust me. If you want the pain to stop…” His fingers slowly loosened from her wrists. “You’ll do what I’m asking.”


  The crooked grin remained on Nathan’s lips but the look in his eyes was serious, and Alyx found herself swallowing.

  She straightened away from him slowly, and her throat dried as his gaze followed her every movement intensely. His searing gaze seemed to burn her clothes away, and at that moment she felt like she was already naked---

  Oh God, she actually found herself wishing she were already naked.

  “Dance for me, sweetheart.”

  And so…she did.

  Alyx had never done a lap dance before, and if she were honest, she had never thought she’d have to, much less want to. But as Nathan’s gaze seduced and caressed her, she could actually feel her blood heating up as her hips slowly started to sway in time with the music.

  Everything else seemed to follow naturally, the music flowing around her like liquid silk that her limbs sinuously followed.

  Nathan’s arousal simmered as Alyx’s slender arms slowly moved up, her fingers grazing the sides of her body before curving around her breasts---

  Ah God.


  She was so damn beautiful, and he couldn’t remember wanting a woman more than he wanted her now.

  Her boyishly cut hair should have made her look less feminine, but it only served to accentuate the gentle delicateness of her curves, and God, the way those dark eyes beckoned him---

  Nathan breathed hard as Alyx teased him with a forbidden promise, her fingers circling her breasts, closer and closer but never quite touching her nipples---

  A groan escaped him.

  A moment later, and she was suddenly straddling him, her knees sliding on the deep cushions. The silk mini skirt she wore inched up, and when she settled down on him, it was to have her barely-covered pussy right on top of his cock.

  He shuddered. “Alyx---”

  Her hands clutched his shoulders, and then she was rubbing herself against him, slowly, seductively. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. She did it over and over until he lost all sense of direction, lust incinerating the entire world until it was just Alyx and her sweet, wet, throbbing pussy.

  A delicious, hot pressure began to build inside Alyx, mounting up as she ground herself harder and faster against Nathan’s rigid cock. “Nathan.” His name tumbled past her lips in an aching whimper, and she whimpered again when she felt his hands move roughly---


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