A Dangerous Man

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A Dangerous Man Page 14

by Raven Stone

  “Why?” My question was a ragged cry.

  “I will risk my life for you. I’ll even risk my son’s secret, because I can protect both of us. But I can’t risk the others. There’s too many of them. And I won’t risk innocent people’s lives without knowing who you are. I won’t bend that rule for you simply because I like you.” His thumb brushed my jawline.

  “You know who I am!” I cried.

  Something was building in my chest. It felt like whirring knives. I lowered my voice and leaned in. “I’ve been myself around you.”

  “I know, and I like that person very much. But I still need your real name.” His jaw set, and his eyes seared into me. “I’m sorry, but I can’t budge on this.”

  My vision was blurring, and it was getting hard to breathe. I turned around, fumbling with the door before finally getting it open.

  He’d seen me cry before, but I was determined he wasn’t going to see me cry over this.

  I made it into the condo.

  “Nadia,” he said softly.

  Then I shut the door.

  Chapter 47

  Nadia – Chicago

  I half expected Jamie to stop by during the day, to ask why I wouldn’t give up my name, but he didn’t.

  Maybe Degarr hadn’t told him?

  I knew it seemed like a simple thing. Just give up my real name. Let him run a background check on me. Thousands of people did it every day.

  But I found myself gripping my bathroom counter, swallowing back fear with wide eyes.

  If they ran a poor background check – hell, even a mediocre check – it would lead to nothing. Maybe a puzzled question or two.

  But God, what were the odds?

  Something told me that Degarr wouldn’t half-ass any investigation. And it wasn’t like he’d have to worry about the money; his boyfriend was a king. He probably had a lot of money to throw towards the check.

  How deeply would they investigate one human? One woman?

  Aww, fuck it, I was lying to myself.

  I won’t risk innocent people’s lives without knowing who you are.

  Something told me that Degarr would find out everything. He would discover my deepest secret. The one thing that could completely unravel this life I’d built.

  He would be able to destroy me.

  Fear washed over me, and my grip tightened on the counter. I hung my head between my arms, fighting back nausea.

  I closed my eyes, and something whispered to me.

  The whisper came from deep inside of me, telling me that Degarr would never betray me, just like I wouldn’t betray him.

  I raised my head, and stared at myself in the mirror.

  I’d been running, for so damn long. And I’d been afraid, for a lot longer than that.

  But some things had changed.

  I had money now. Money of my own. Thanks to that asshole Oleg, I’d spent almost the last six months squirreling money away every place I could think of, and I’d come to the realization that at some point I had amassed a small fortune.

  It was enough.

  Enough to change things.

  My chin raised.


  I had the money to help myself now.

  I know you run in some dangerous circles. Having a man like that could be helpful.

  Honeygirl’s words came back to me, followed quickly by my own.

  I don’t need a man to stay safe.

  I was right. I’d proven I could stay safe on my own.

  By never telling anyone my name.

  By never letting anyone get too close. By hiding, by moving, by not trusting anyone.

  But I did trust someone. Two someones in fact – Degarr and Jamie.

  Isn’t it time to have friends, and loved ones?

  Jamie’s words.

  Something in my chest wrenched, and twisted. A noise escaped me, and I clapped a hand over my mouth.


  I wanted to stop running. I wanted to have friends. I wanted to have loved ones.

  I wanted a tough, sexy guy with intense grey eyes who touched me like I meant more to him than a night of fun.


  Chapter 48

  Nadia – Chicago

  I opened the door and sucked in a breath.

  Degarr stood there, wearing a black suit and a blue dress shirt with the top button undone. I stared at him, lust rolling through my body.

  I couldn’t think. I wanted to run my tongue along that patch of skin bared by the button, then tear open his shirt and run my tongue along his chest.

  His eyes darkened as he looked at me.

  His hand shot out, wrapping about the back of my neck and pulling me to him.


  He claimed me.

  He claimed me with his mouth, owning me, sending rivers of heat running through my core. I wanted to climb him. I wanted to wrap my legs around him, unzip his pants, and guide him deep inside me.

  “We can’t,” he said, kissing a trail down my neck. “We’ll be late.”

  I slipped my hand down his pants and cupped him.

  He was hard. Hard for me and ready to go.

  “Baby,” I breathed. I ran my thumb across the tip of him, through the cloth of his underwear.

  A groan escaped him, and he scraped his fangs across my skin, sending shivers of delight down me.

  I squeezed his cock, and he panted into my neck.

  “Nadia,” he said weakly. “We have to –”

  “I want your dick in me before sunrise.”

  “Deal,” he said raggedly. He took a few deep breaths, then he took my hand out of his pants.

  He raised my hand, and pressed a kiss into my palm. The gentle gesture did nothing to dampen my raging hormones.

  It did everything to my heart.

  Chapter 49

  Degarr – Chicago

  After last night, I’d expected Nadia to put some distance between us. Maybe even refuse to see me.

  Instead, she opened that door and stared at me like I was an ice cream cone on a hot night.

  She was absolutely stunning. She wore a floaty black dress that stroked her thighs, and she’d styled her hair in loose waves that cascaded over her shoulders. A solitaire diamond necklace gleamed at her throat.

  I wanted to push that necklace aside, and kiss her neck.

  I wanted to slid my hand under that flirty dress, and touch her soft thighs.

  I wanted her moans in my ears.

  I reached out, and the next moment I was kissing her, on the way to taking what I wanted.

  Until some part of my brain finally started working again, reminding me that we both had somewhere we needed to be. We couldn’t miss this meeting. I didn’t know if they would agree to another one.

  So with every bit of control I had, I ended the kiss and led her down the hall, her words ringing in my ears.

  I want your dick in me before sunrise.

  So do I, love. So do I.

  Chapter 50

  Degarr – Chicago

  Oleg’s client had chosen an upscale, two-story restaurant for the meeting. The message had indicated the table was on the second floor, next to the railing overlooking the first floor.

  It was very public, just like I’d asked.

  Jamie had gone in twenty minutes ahead of us, grabbing a table that was close enough for him to hear everything, but not so close that he might attract attention. Honeygirl had gone with him, so they would look like any other couple out on a date.

  Nadia and I went into the restaurant right on time, and the hostess led us upstairs. I kept my hand in hers. Given the whole reason she was here, I wanted to make it very apparent that we were together.

  We reached our table and found one man seated at the table. He was easily in his forties, with a few wrinkles coming in, and cropped salt-and-pepper hair. He was also overweight, but not by much; simply a sign of too many late-night dinners coupled with age, instead of excess. He was flanked by two guards in suits, their hands
folded in front of them and their backs to the wall.

  As soon as he saw me, fear flashed in his eyes, before being carefully replaced with a steady, determined gaze. He gestured to the chairs opposite him.

  “Please, take your seats.” He had an average American accent, devoid of any regional characteristics.

  I let go of Nadia’s hand, and we both sat down. We ordered drinks in turn, then sat in silence until the waiter left.

  I studied the man in front of me. It was clear he was used to illegal activities. I had no doubt that he’d climbed over others to reach his current position and power, so he had a ruthless side.

  Yet, he was scared of me. He’d managed to gain control of his eyes, his expression, but his heartrate was elevated, and his movements were quick and nervous.

  What had he heard about me?

  The waiter returned with our drinks, and after he left, the man in front of us leaned forward.

  “What can I call you?” I asked him.

  He blinked. He’d obviously expected to be the one to break the silence.

  “You can call me Green, Mr. Degarr.”

  “Just Degarr is fine.” I smiled.

  He gave a small nod of acknowledgement. “You have quite the reputation.”

  “What have you heard?”

  “I heard you that you’ve been a businessman of late. But before that –” He pressed his lips together.

  “Before that?” I prompted.

  His gaze took in the restaurant around us.

  “I heard some things that aren’t to be spoken of in public, and, frankly, some things I find hard to believe.”

  My eyes flicked to his guards. “You believe some of it.”

  “Enough to take precautions, yes,” he replied.

  “Would you – or did you – take similar precautions with this man we’re searching for?” I asked.

  Interest sparked in his eyes. “What have you heard?”

  “I asked you first.”

  He gave a soft laugh. “I like you. Okay. I didn’t take precautions with this man before, but I would now.”

  “What changed?”

  “Every locator we’ve approached – except for Bellamie – has turned us down flat. And some of my own men are scared of him,” he replied.

  My heartrate picked up. Everything about this case was telling me we were dealing with a vampire. That would make everything so much easier.

  I smiled. “Good.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You’re not scared of him?”


  “My men don’t scare easily, Degarr,” he said.

  “I’m sure they don’t,” I said.

  That earned me a faint smile.

  “Do you think I should be, based on my reputation?” I asked.

  He assessed me, for a long moment. “I was told you are the person scary people go to when they’re scared.”

  “That seems appropriate in this situation, don’t you think?” I asked.

  Green gave me a warm smile this time.

  “I appreciate the compliment, but I’m a simple businessman.”

  I laughed. He was flanked by two guards, and he was wearing a watch that cost as much as some houses. He was far from simple. “You’re being humble, Green.”

  His smile grew.

  I leaned forward. “Now that we’ve established who we are, I’d like you to ask Oleg to stop pestering Bellamie about this contract. I would also like the information you’ve been giving to the locators, specifically the details that are scaring them.”

  His eyes trailed over to Nadia.

  “Why don’t I just take her from you?”

  I saw her stiffen in my peripheral vision, but I kept my gaze steady on Green.

  “Because I’ll kill you,” I said. I kept my tone matter-of-fact, and my face blank.

  Anger spread across his face, and his guards came closer.

  “Do you have any idea of who I am?” he demanded. “People don’t threaten to kill me. They know better.”

  “No,” I said simply, “not really, and I don’t care. I’m not threatening you. I’m stating a fact. If you take Bellamie, if you hurt her, or if you try to get between me and this man I’m seeking, then I will kill you.” I glanced at his guards. “I will do the same to your guards, or anyone you employ, if they try to stop me, take revenge, or simply get in my way.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “Then why don’t I just kill you?”

  I gestured towards Nadia. “She’s the only locator willing to take on this case because of me. Kill me and you’ll never find him.”

  He swore.

  His gaze went to Nadia. I didn’t dare look, but whatever he saw on her face convinced him.

  “Fuck, you’re right. I can see that. And every other locator has been shared shitless.” He ran a hand over his mouth. “You win. Can I least have the shithead when you’re done with him?”

  “There isn’t going to be anything left of him when I’m done with him,” I replied.

  Green stared at me. “What did he do to you?”

  “Nothing personal,” I said. “I can’t give you anything of him when I’m done, but I believe I can help you.”


  “You cooperate with me. You give me the information you have. You turn over every last bit of the drug you have left, and how to make it. Then you destroy your records on how to make the drug, and any evidence of it, effectively giving me all rights to it.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “And in return?”

  “I’ll pay you what he owes you for the drug. I’ll also pay you an additional ten percent for the recipe and its destruction,” I offered.

  “Twenty,” he countered.

  “Fifteen, and after I handle him, I’ll make sure the community knows it was your idea to get me and Bellamie involved. That it was your sound thinking and leadership that solved this problem,” I said.

  A smile spread across his face. “I like that. Done.”

  He held out his hand and I shook it. His eyebrows raised as soon as my cooler skin touched his, but he said nothing. Instead, he sat back in his chair and reached into his pocket. He brought out a phone and typed into it.

  A few moments later, a young woman came up the stairs and handed me a manila envelope. She gave a small nod to Green before leaving.

  “That’s the information you requested. As for the product, we’ll arrange payment and delivery over the next few nights. I assume Bellamie is a good contact for you?” he asked.

  I was prepared for this question.

  “I’d prefer Bellamie isn’t disturbed.” I reached into my pocket, pulling out a card and sliding it over to him. “You can reach me through this.”

  His fingertips brushed my knuckles before accepting the card.

  He wasn’t flirting. Far from it. Based on the look in his eyes, he had a theory about me, and touching me again was helping him work on that theory.

  “You’re not afraid, are you?” he asked again.


  “Do you have any idea of what’s in that envelope? The true nature of the man we’re seeking?” he asked.

  A smile touched my lips. “I suspect.”

  “I have a suspicion too. About you.” His eyes met mine.

  There was something there, swimming in those eyes.

  Was he threatening me? Was he threatening me and mine?

  I leaned forward.

  My vampire rose. Just a tiny bit. Just enough. This time he wasn’t acting like an eager puppy, wagging his tail. He had an edge of anger to him, a touch of War, my Hunter, in him, as he barely coasted over Green’s skin.

  Green’s eyes widened.

  He could feel that, he could feel my vampire.

  And he wasn’t confused by it like Nadia.

  “You’ve felt that before,” I murmured.

  He swallowed. I saw him force back fear, I heard him try to calm down his racing heart.

  “Yes,” he said thickl

  I leaned closer and motioned him forward, so the others would think we merely had something private to talk about. Which I guess we did.

  “Did he try to take you, love?” I whispered into his ear.

  I could feel a tremor go through his body.

  “He said he would slaughter my men and make me his plaything.” Green’s outrage was clear, even as he whispered the words. “And then I felt this thing. This same thing you’re doing.” He grasped my shoulder. “Tell me, Degarr. Tell me the truth. Whatever the two of you are – can you beat him?”

  I laughed. “Those things you heard about me, the ones that can’t be said in public. Do those things lead you to believe that I’m easily defeated?”

  “No. But if you fail.” He left the rest hanging there.

  We both knew what would happen. I was this man’s best hope.

  “I will not fail,” I replied.

  His fingers dug into me, and he almost sagged against me with palpable relief. Probably the only thing keeping him upright was the knowledge that we were in public; that we were in front of his men.

  This was a man who’d fought for his position so long ago that he wasn’t used to being threatened anymore. He had power, and money, and men, and it hadn’t been enough. For the first time in a long while, he’d come across someone who didn’t care about all of that, and it had terrified him. He wanted, he needed, to believe in me.

  He let me go, sitting back in his chair and straightening his spine. His face was a blank mask as I sat back and let my vampire descend back into me.

  Green tapped my card with two fingers. “Is this a temporary number?”

  I blinked.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” I said slowly. “I set that up for you.”

  He nodded, almost to himself, as he slipped the card in his pocket. He glanced at one of his guards. “Pay the bill.”

  The guard left, and Green rose from his chair.

  “Change it,” he told me. “Make it permanent. I’d like to be able to get in touch with you if I ever need your services.”

  “Alright,” I replied.

  He gave me a nod, then did the same to Nadia. “Evening.”


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