A Dangerous Man

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A Dangerous Man Page 18

by Raven Stone

  But I didn’t care.

  He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my head into his chest, my heart pounding.


  “Let me know when you’re ready to come home,” King Gabriel said. “I’ll send the plane for you.”

  “Thanks. It shouldn’t be long,” Degarr replied, his fingers stroking through my hair.

  “Good,” the King replied, and then I heard him walking away.

  A few moments passed, and Degarr lifted my chin.

  “Thank you, love,” he said softly.

  Then he kissed me. It was soft, and slow, and everything I needed to calm my pounding heart.

  “I want to take you back to the condo,” I told him. “I want to feel your cashmere vampire against my skin.”

  He smiled at me. “Good. I want that too.”

  He slipped his hand into mine, and he led me out of there. I went with him, a large part of me pulsing with happiness.

  But a small part of me was shrieking.

  What the fuck had I just done?

  And what the fuck was I going to do when he found out my biggest secret?

  Chapter 58

  Nadia – New York

  Degarr hadn’t said one word about the background check.

  I knew he’d gotten it. I knew he’d read it. But he hadn’t said a damn thing about it. Was that good or bad? I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to ask.

  Okay, I was afraid to ask.

  We were on a plane, flying back to Degarr’s and Jamie’s home. For the first time in my life, I was going home with someone, like a regular person. It seemed like I would be asking for trouble if I demanded to see the contents of the background check at the same time.

  One step at a time, girl.

  “So, where am I staying?” I asked, picking at my fingernail.

  “That depends on you,” Degarr replied. “How long are you staying?”

  Fuck, was he already regretting this? Was he hinting that he only wanted me to come for a short visit, or was he saying he wanted me to stay for a while?

  What the fuck was this?

  Christ, relationships were a fucking minefield. No wonder I hadn’t done this before.

  “I don’t know,” I said finally. “Don’t you know? You’ve had relationships before. How did this work?”

  His lips twitched. “I don’t know. I’ve never brought a human home before.”

  “Never?” I asked, pleased and surprised at the same time.

  He gave a small shake of his head.

  Jamie sighed. “You two are hopeless.”

  “How do you and Zine handle this?” Degarr asked.

  The ginger put down his phone.

  “You mean, how do I handle it when she’s feeding from someone?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Degarr replied.

  “Look, all of us know how sexual feeding gets,” Jamie’s eyes bounced from Degarr to me, and back again. “But Zine and I already have separate rooms, so it’s not like she has to kick me out. And it’s not like I’m going to go over and watch, either. Well, unless she’s with a girl and they invite me.” He grinned.

  Degarr just shook his head.

  “What about timing?” I asked. “How do you know when she’s, um, hungry, so you don’t go to her room and interrupt?”

  “She tells me,” Jamie said. “It’s simple.”

  “Don’t you get jealous?” I asked.

  “Maybe if she was with another wolf, but with anyone else?” He shrugged. “No.”

  “Have you fed her?” Degarr asked gently.

  Jamie’s expression turned serious.

  “No. We weren’t sure what that would do. Obviously, I can drink her blood, but we’re not sure about her drinking mine,” he said.

  “I thought you were a werewolf,” I said. “Why are you drinking someone’s blood?”

  Jamie glanced at Degarr, before looking at me. “Drinking a vampire’s blood strengthens a werewolf. It also bonds the two of you.”

  I shot a look at Degarr. “So you and Jamie?”

  “Yes, I gave him my blood,” he said.

  “Oh,” I replied, eyeing the two of them in a new light. “So, were there orgasms involved?”

  Jamie’s eyes widened, and Degarr flushed a bright red.

  “No, he drank it out a bowl,” Degarr managed.

  “Pity.” I shrugged.

  Degarr shot me a look, then turned back to Jamie. “She can drink your blood without any issues.”

  “Good to know. Thank you.”

  Degarr nodded.

  “Wait, how did you know that?” Jamie asked.

  For a moment, Degarr looked at Jamie. Then he let out a long, slow sigh, and straightened.

  “There’s a lot of my life I haven’t told you about –”

  “I’m aware, Garr,” Jamie’s lips curved upwards. “You’ve lived a long life. I don’t expect –”

  “And I owe you an apology,” Degarr interjected.

  “For what?”

  “There were other people I could have asked for help when I found you. But I’d cut myself off from the vampire world –” Degarr said.

  “I know –” Jamie’s his voice was soft.

  “– and I told myself handing over a young, new wolf to some of my contacts could be dangerous. I wanted to protect you, but maybe I was just trying to protect myself. Maybe I didn’t do the right thing for you because I was selfish –” Degarr continued.

  “Stop,” Jamie said. “Stop right there.” He left his seat, then sat down next to Degarr, his voice softening at the same time. “You’ve always been there for me, and you’ve always done right by me. Remember how I was in the beginning – do you really think I would have gone off with anyone else?”

  “You might have found a pack, Jamie.”

  “Or you might have been right, and I would have found someone who just hurt me. You have great instincts, Garr,” Jamie said. “And even if I had found a pack, they wouldn’t have cared about me like you did. You brought me back from the brink, old man.”

  Degarr’s eyes went soft, and then he wrapped Jamie in a big hug. “Love you, cub.”

  Jamie smiled. “Love you too, old man.” Then Jamie turned, and held out a hand to me. “Get over here, Nadia.”

  I raised my eyebrows, and then Jamie wiggled his fingers. “Now.”

  I got up, and as soon as I was within reach, Degarr’s hand shot out. His arm wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me down to his lap. I curled into him, a soft sigh escaping me as Jamie leaned in and wrapped his arms around both of us.

  “Besides,” Jami said softly, “I’ve got everything I want, right here.”

  Me too, ginger.

  Then Jamie tensed.

  “Shit. Wait. Don’t tell Zine I said that,” he added.

  I laughed.

  For a few moments, the three of us were quiet, wrapped up in each other. Then Jamie moved a bit, and Degarr shifted. Then Jamie made some room, and Degarr sat me in between them.

  I had to admit, it felt damn good, sitting between the two of them. I had my head on Degarr’s shoulder, and Jamie’s hand in mine.

  “We still haven’t decided where I’m staying,” I said finally.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Degarr said.

  “How does it work with you, Gabriel, and Orleande?” I asked.

  “I go to their rooms. Both of them have guards, so it’s easier that way,” Degarr replied.

  “Why does Orleande have guards?”

  “She’s on the Council. She’s part of the Court’s leadership, so she’s at risk too.”

  I raised my head.

  “Are either of you at risk?” My eyes darted between the two men.

  Degarr looked at me like I’d sprouted an arm from my head. “Really?”

  “This isn’t a one-night stand or a two-week bender anymore, Degarr. I’m allowed to be concerned,” I replied.

  His expression softened. “The safest place in the world for any of us i
s in the palace.”

  The palace.


  It was a good reminder. We weren’t going to Degarr’s and Jamie’s house. We weren’t even going to Gabriel’s house. We were on our way to a fucking palace, because that’s where kings lived, and Degarr’s boyfriend happened to be a king.

  What the everlovin’ fuck?

  Jamie snorted, bringing my mind back to the conversation. “The safest place for you is in Orleande’s bedroom.”

  “Why do you say that?” Degarr asked.

  “You’d give your life to protect the King.”

  “True,” Degarr replied. “You think I wouldn’t do that for Orleande?”

  “I think you would try, but no human’s getting through her guards, and I doubt there’s a vampire alive that stands a chance against her. As for werewolves,” he shrugged, “she’s scary as fuck to us too. You – and sometimes the King – are the only ones that seem to be able to face her.”

  “I thought you liked her.”

  “I do like her, but the King told me that she’s more powerful than he is, and I’ve seen enough to know he’s right. I’m just saying that only a fool would go against her. Which means the safest place for you would be with her. It’s just logical,” Jamie said.

  “You’ve thought about this,” Degarr said.

  “I didn’t spend hours thinking about it, but when you brought up the topic, that’s what popped into my head. Don’t get your panties in a twist about it,” the ginger replied.

  Degarr laughed. “Fine. I won’t.”

  “Good,” Jamie retorted, and stuck out his tongue.

  Degarr reached over and tousled the ginger’s hair.

  I sat there quietly between them as they continued to talk, unable to move past the idea that one of Degarr’s lovers was a king, and the other was apparently powerful and scary.

  Where did I fit in with all of this, and how would his lovers really react to me?

  Chapter 59

  Nadia – New York

  We pulled to a stop in front of a gate in the middle of the countryside. My Pulse throbbed and stretched inside of me, and I put a hand on my stomach.

  Degarr noticed.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I think so.”

  The SUV started moving again, and the world turned upside down. One moment the Pulse told me Degarr was sitting next to me, then it said he disappeared, and then he was back again.

  I stared at him with my mouth gaping open and my hand on my stomach. I felt nauseous. I felt like I’d been stretched out, shaken around, and then pushed back together again.

  “Stop the car,” I said. When nothing happened, I repeated myself, only louder this time. “Stop the car!”

  Degarr rapped the privacy screen with his knuckles, and we came to a gentle stop. I popped open my door, almost falling out. I headed back to the gate, walking quickly, still holding my stomach.

  “Open the gate!” I demanded.

  The guard shot a look at Degarr, who must have nodded, because suddenly the gate was open again. The world went weird and wrong as I walked through the gate and turned around.


  I was staring at Degarr, and my Pulse was telling me he was gone.

  “Motherfucker,” I said.

  I walked back through, and poked him with my finger.

  He stared at me. “What?”

  “You disappeared,” I said.

  He frowned. “I’m standing right here.”

  I poked him again. This time I felt like I was at the top of a roller coaster, poised there for one breathless moment, and then the roller coaster car roared down the track, into a deep dive.

  In the next moment, the world righted itself, like the car had banked around a hard turn.

  My Pulse finally told me that Degarr was standing right next to me, but it couldn’t tell me anything about the world that existed past the gate.


  “What the fuck is wrong with your gate?” I demanded.

  “Nothing,” Degarr said.

  “The hell there’s not. It’s affecting my Pulse.” I rubbed my stomach. “When I stand on that side, my Pulse says you’re gone. And when I stand on this side, my Pulse can’t tell me anything about the world.”

  A light appeared in his eyes.

  “There’s a Fae shield around the entire property. Anyone who isn’t supposed to be here, anyone who isn’t invited, or anyone who means us harm will simply see whatever will convince them that this entire area is uninteresting to them. The fact that it’s affecting you, that you can sense it, is quite unusual.” He brushed his lips across my forehead. “Just like you.” He pulled back, his eyes scanning me. “You’re not rubbing your stomach anymore. Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes,” I said, “but I can’t feel anything on the other side of the gate.”

  “It’s a hell of a strong shield. Come on.” He took my hand and led me back to the SUV. “We’ll go to my rooms, get you some water, and give you a chance to rest. Then we’ll have dinner with the King.” He opened the car door and gestured for me to get inside. “You’ll stay the day with me, and then we’ll figure the rest out.”

  I put my hand on the SUV, then glanced over my shoulder, back at the gate. I couldn’t see anything. Not a shimmer. Nothing. Nothing to indicate there was any sort of shield, but my body definitely knew it was there.

  That was the secret. That was why Degarr had disappeared for long stretches of time when I’d been looking for him.

  He’d been here.

  It was complete chance that he’d gone to Chicago while I was there. It was complete chance I’d met him at all.

  And if I hadn’t given him my real name?

  Now I knew I might never have found him again.

  Chapter 60

  Degarr – New York

  We got out of the SUV, got our bags out of the back, and when I turned around, Gabriel and Orleande were standing on the palace steps.

  My steps slowed for a fraction of a moment, while my gaze travelled over Gabriel. It was harder and harder to call him King Gabriel in my mind, although I tried to make sure I said it whenever we were around people outside of his inner circle. Building up his authority had always been so important, and I was reluctant to let go of that now. In the privacy of my thoughts, though, he was just Gabriel, more and more often.

  He’d been patient with me for so many years, and I was discovering that his patience could be excruciating in the bedroom. He took his time, letting arousal slowly spread through me, then filling me with desire, often driving me to the very edge of my limits. He took seduction and sex to new levels, skillfully learning my body with a speed that left me breathless.

  And if that’s all there was, I would probably be able to recover if he ever left me.

  But that wasn’t all.

  I’d known for a while now that I was in love with him. But as I looked at him with fresh eyes, I realized that love was deeper than I’d realized. My love for Gabriel was lifetime-level, just like my love for Orleande.

  I swallowed, and let my gaze drift to her.


  I’d called her the love of my life, and she was. Would she be hurt by the fact that I loved Gabriel like that too? Hell, would she be hurt by the fact I’d brought home a human for the first time?

  She walked down the steps. Her gaze went to Nadia, and then returned to me. A soft smile touched her lips, and reached her eyes.

  “My love,” her hand touched my cheek, “did you already forget that I sent Lily to you?”

  I leaned into her touch. Lily had been my latari; the vampire who’d turned me into a vampire.

  And I hadn’t forgotten. I’d just been afraid. Afraid that I would hurt her, that I would lose her. Orleande and I had a history of coming together and falling apart. I didn’t want to lose her again, much less lose her so soon after finding her again.

  “No,” I said.

  Her fingertips caressed my skin.
“You’ve never brought a human home before. The King,” she shot a glance at him, “and I are curious, that’s all.” She let me go.

  “We’re not the only ones who will be curious.” The King came down the steps, joining us. “I’m afraid both of you will be the subjects of some stares and probably some questions, until the next interesting thing comes along.”

  Nadia shot me an amused look. “Did you risk a scandal for me, baby?”

  My dick twitched. I was getting addicted to the way she called me baby.

  “No,” I replied. “I didn’t think anyone would notice, frankly. I’m not that interesting.”

  Gabriel laughed. “You’re wrong about that, but I’m not surprised. It certainly took me long enough to get your attention.”

  I stared at him.

  Did he really not realize how long he’d had my attention?

  But Gabriel smoothly shifted to Nadia, holding out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, especially when we’re not dealing with a master vampire. I’m King Gabriel. What can I call you?”

  She shook his hand. “Nadia. You can call me Nadia.”

  I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. It wasn’t just the fact that my lovers were getting along, it was also that she’d said Nadia, instead of Bellamie. As far as I could tell, Bellamie was the name she reserved for more public use, while Nadia was the more private name. It meant a lot that she’d given him the name she kept for the people closest to her.

  “I’m Orleande.” The woman in question held out her hand.

  “Nice to meet you.” Nadia’s expression remained the same as she shook Orleande’s hand, but her heartrate ticked up. She’d been calm talking to Gabriel, but she was clearly nervous about meeting Orleande.


  “Great. We’ve all met. When can we eat?” Jamie asked. “I’m starving.”

  “When are you not starving?” the King asked, ruffling Jamie’s hair with an affectionate smile. “You and the other wolves are bottomless pits, although your capacity is quite remarkable.”

  Jamie grinned. “What can I say? I’m a growing boy.”

  I watched my son and my boyfriend smile at each other, and my chest warmed.


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