Her Dark Heart

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Her Dark Heart Page 3

by Vivi Anna

  As he continued to thrust his fingers in and out, pushing as deep as he could go, he suckled on her. She could feel his teeth scrape against her sensitive flesh as he sucked on her and she cried out from the delight of it.

  With one final lunge of his hand, she orgasmed hard. Clamping her eyes shut against the sudden rush of pleasure, she screamed as he found her spot. He pressed hard just as he clamped down on her wet core with his lips.

  She came in a hot blinding rush. She couldn’t get her breath. Thrashing about, she grabbed onto Trevor’s head, pulling on his hair, but he remained affixed to her. He continued to lick and suckle her, prolonging her orgasm.

  Another powerful jolt of ecstasy zinged over her. Again, her body tightened and writhed on the bed. Sizzling hot flicks of pleasure assaulted her body one right after another, until she could not think beyond the sensations deep inside her body.

  And that was when her hunger broke free from its bonds and forced her to act.

  She bolted up, and grabbing Trevor she spun him around to the side of the bed, so that he was sitting up near the edge and she was pressed intimately into his back. She wrapped her arms around his chest, and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. He smelled so damn good she could barely contain herself.

  She could feel the quivers in his body and smell the excitement and the fear rushing through his veins. Both scents drove her forward. She liked that he wanted it.

  “Have you ever been bitten before?” she whispered into his ear.

  He shook his head. “I’ve never been tempted before now.”

  “Once I bite you, you’ll crave it afterwards. You’ll crave me. Can you live with that?”

  He nodded.

  Guinevere kissed the side of his neck. She laved her tongue over his skin, sucking and nipping playfully. He moaned loudly when she scraped the tips of her fangs over his vein. It wouldn’t take much to puncture his skin. But she knew how to make it easy, how to make it hot.

  A vampire could make the bite hurt or make it feel so damn good, like a drug rush going straight to all the erogenous zones. She could make Trevor so hard with her bite that he’d scream in both pleasure and agony.

  Tilting his head to the side, she settled her mouth over his flesh. With her other hand she reached down and found the hot hard length of him still imprisoned in his pants. She cupped him, feeling him grow ever harder in her palm. He was ready.

  Baring her fangs, she lifted up then sank them into Trevor’s neck. She moaned as an explosion of flavor erupted in her mouth as his sweet blood rushed in. She swallowed a mouthful, mindful to not take too much this first time.

  A surge of hot searing pleasure pierced her body and she nearly gasped from the shock of it. She’d never experienced pure euphoria before drinking blood.

  So, she closed her eyes and reveled in it.

  Chapter 5

  Trevor bowed his back as a fusion of pain and pleasure shot through his body. The second Guinevere’s fangs pierced his skin he knew he was in for an experience beyond anything he’d ever felt.

  Every suck on his neck drew a line right down to his groin. He squeezed his eyes shut against the pressure between his legs. He’d never been as hard as he was right now. It was almost painful.

  He struggled against the sensations coursing through him, but she held him firm with her hands and her mouth. Damn, he knew vampires were strong, but the immensity of her strength jolted him.

  As she continued to draw his blood from his neck, she massaged him through his pants with her hand. Barely holding onto his thoughts, he unbuttoned his pants to allow her free access. She took it immediately and her long slim hand blissfully wrapped around his girth.

  While her lips and teeth stroked his flesh around his throat, her hand stroked his cock. At first it was long and slow. A languid torturous pace. Then she picked up the momentum and Trevor found he was barely holding on to his sanity.

  He didn’t want to orgasm like this, he wanted to be inside her when he did. He wanted to bury himself so deep that he wouldn’t be able to tell where he ended and she started. The urge was so intense it made his teeth ache and his bones throb.

  He grabbed her hand to still her. “Stop,” he panted, hardly able to form coherent words. “Not like this.”

  She paused, then he heard the sound of her mouth coming off his flesh. The sound was audible, like a suction cup coming off tile. “What’s wrong?” She was as breathless as he.

  He could feel twin rivulets of warm blood coursing down his chest and his back.

  “I want to be inside you when I come.”

  Without a word, she stepped off the bed, helped him off with his pants, and with him still sitting, she straddled his lap. She reached down between them, gripped him firmly in her hand and slowly lowered herself until she was fully seated.

  Trevor bit down on his lip, breaking skin as she settled smoothly on him. She felt so damn good he could barely function. He slid his hands down her back to grip her firm rear end. Holding her tight, he helped her move up and down, searching for that perfect rhythm that would drive them both mad.

  As Guinevere rode him, she found his mouth with hers. They kissed as if both desperate for air, as if the only oxygen available was within each other. She nipped and tugged at his lips. He was completely aware that she licked at the blood on his mouth from his bitten lip. He liked that. That she consumed all of him.

  He was at her mercy. She could do what she wanted to him and he’d welcome it.

  They kissed again. He lifted his hips to meet her as he pulled her down. The movement caused him to bury himself deep inside her. He grunted against her lips from the effort and from the intensity that was building inside him. He wasn’t going to be able to hold on for much longer.

  Guinevere wrapped her arms around Trevor’s neck as she rocked on him. She buried her face in his neck, licking at the bite marks to close them up. The blood was slowing because of her saliva which had coagulating qualities to it. She’d taken enough from him. Although she could’ve feasted on him all night. His blood tasted like ambrosia. She’d never sampled something so delectable before.

  But now his blood was racing through her. She could feel it mingling with her own. It contained power, that was certain. Like electricity, it sizzled along her veins making all her muscles and flesh quiver deliciously.

  Although she’d told him that he would crave her bite from this day forward, what she wouldn’t tell him, what she would never admit, was that she knew she would crave him as well. This male witch was addicting to be sure. And it wasn’t just his blood she desired, but all of him as well.

  She dug her nails into his back as he drove her up. He was stronger than he looked. His arms and chest were roped with muscle so when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her, it was nice and tight and secure. She felt safe pressed against him.

  No other man before him had ever made her feel like she wanted or needed to be protected. She’d been on top for so long, the one in charge, the boss, that she’d long forgotten what it was like to feel safeguarded from all harm in a man’s arms.

  It was that thought that she clung to as she closed her eyes and came in a maddening hot rush. Trevor squeezed her tighter and with a loud moan he came just as hard.

  They held each other for another few minutes as they gathered their senses and learned how to breathe properly again. Guinevere opened her eyes and looked down into his face.

  He smiled at her, sweat slicking his forehead and top lip. His hair was wet and she ran her fingers through it playfully. Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his. She kissed him gently, but then he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and deepened the kiss until they both lost their breath once more.

  When they broke apart, Guinevere slowly unhooked her leg from around his waist and rolled onto the mattress onto her back. He turned and lay on his side next to her. He played his fingers along her rib cage.

  “You’re almost healed.”

  She half
smiled, still feeling lazy and sex-drugged. “That is your amazing blood at work.”

  He leaned down and pressed a kiss to just below her bandage. “You’re amazing.”

  Guinevere glanced at the curtained window. She could feel dawn nearing. She turned and looked Trevor deep in the eyes, feeling vulnerable again. “Will you hold me until I sleep?”

  He nodded, then snuggled up along her side. Smiling, Guinevere rolled onto her good side, and grabbing his hand, pulled his arm over her. He nestled into her back and pressed a kiss to her shoulder blade.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “You’re most welcome.”

  She closed her eyes, and let her body relax. It was easy to do with Trevor so close, holding her, stroking a hand up and down her hip. She hadn’t felt this contented in more years than she could remember. Maybe never since becoming a vampire. And that was a long time ago.

  She knew it was a lot to ask, but she hoped that he was still there, snuggled with her when she woke again. She’d like to continue their, whatever it seemed to be, liaison further if he wanted to. And for the first time she was afraid that he would say no and she’d be alone again.

  Chapter 6

  The sun wasn’t quite down all the way when Guinevere woke. But she sensed it was close enough. Blinking open her eyes, she stared at the grungy hotel room wall she was facing, trying to piece the last twelve hours together in her mind.

  One of the first things she noticed was that she was under the covers. Sometime while she slept Trevor must’ve put the blanket over top of her. The second thing she noticed was that she was alone.

  She rolled over onto her other side and stared at Trevor’s space on the bed and at the empty room. She’d hoped he’d stay, but she didn’t expect it. He’d done more than was necessary for her. Healing her, getting her to a safe place. What had she been expecting? That he’d fallen in love with her and couldn’t leave her? It was ridiculous to even harbor such thoughts.

  She sat up and stretched. Her body felt good as new, better even from ingesting Trevor’s witch blood. Her finger played over the bandage around her ribs and she tore it off. She tossed the soiled gauze away and looked down to inspect her side.

  Her skin was smooth and unmarked. It was as if she’d never been shot. If it wasn’t for the slight raise of her flesh that she felt with her index finger she couldn’t have even noticed any difference. Beyond that, there was no visual evidence that she’d ever been hurt. It was amazing even to a vampiress as experienced as she.

  Trevor’s blood was beyond anything she’d come across. She’d only drunk a little and he’d completely healed her of an infected bullet wound. She could only imagine what it could do if she’d taken even more. She thought he should bottle it and sell it. He’d make a billion on his medicinal essence.

  Smiling, she pushed off the blanket and redressed in her bra and panties. She noticed Trevor’s jacket then, hanging on the back of the only chair, and she slid it on. Had he forgotten it in his haste to leave or had he deliberately left it for her? She liked to think it was the latter.

  At least she was partially clothed for the things she had to do next. She had several calls she needed to make and since she didn’t have her cell phone, she had to go down to the lobby and find a land phone. Her staff needed to be contacted. She wanted to make sure they were safe and unharmed. And she also needed to secure her own safety. The only way she could do that was by surrounding herself with people she could trust. Unfortunately, she was starting to doubt that those people existed in her life.

  It was clear that Soren would not stop until she was dead. And he would use whatever means were at his disposal to achieve his goal. He was obviously using someone close to her or she would never have been attacked at Sinsational. Her club had been her sanctuary, or so she thought. She had believed it to be the one place she could feel secure. She’d been wrong.

  If it hadn’t been for Trevor…

  She pushed thoughts of him from her mind. She hadn’t mooned over a man in many years, and she wasn’t going to start now. She had work to do and little time to do it.

  Trevor balanced the two scalding hot coffees and bag of croissants as he mounted the stairs to the third-floor hotel room. He checked his watch. It was past seven at night and he figured Guinevere would be rising soon. For some corny reason he wanted to be there when she woke.

  He’d woken up over an hour ago and had snuck out to get some coffee and food for them both, and he’d also wanted to call his friend, Inspector Bellmonte, about the shooting. They hadn’t arrested anyone, and were still searching for suspects. Trevor told him what Guinevere had said about her partner, Soren. Gabriel had taken it under advisement. And then asked whether Guinevere would be willing to go on record.

  Trevor confessed that he had doubted it. He knew Guinevere had refused any type of police protection, but Trevor felt that she might need it in the end. So he had discussed it with Gabriel. It would be there, if she wanted it. Now, he just had to convince her that she needed it.

  As he walked the hall to the room, he wondered why he cared so much. He’d treated hundreds of people, vampires, lycans, witches and humans over the past five years and had never gotten involved. Why now?

  It had been the first time he’d been involved in an actual chase, but it had been the second time he’d had a gun to his head. He’d been around the violence of the city all his life, so it wasn’t that it was a brand-new experience to him.

  It was Guinevere that made the difference.

  He was drawn to her. He felt her need for him. She was one of the strongest, most powerful vampiresses in the city, and Trevor sensed she needed him. That she’d felt comfortable and secure with him. It was a good feeling to be needed by such an enthralling woman. And the sex had been spectacular. He’d never come that hard in his life.

  Did he think it would go beyond their brief tryst? Not really. Did he want it to? That was the million-dollar question. And he wasn’t sure if he had any answer to it.

  He put his hand on the door to open it, but paused. He sensed something was amiss. He took his hand from the doorknob and pressed his ear to the door. His hearing wasn’t like a vampire’s or a lycan’s but he’d trained himself to really listen. He could hear things that most humans couldn’t.

  And he heard some of those things inside the room.

  He could hear Guinevere breathing, but it wasn’t normal. It was labored. Something or someone was causing undue stress to her body. He guessed it was a someone. She must’ve woken and called her people.

  Maybe Soren had shown up instead.

  Trevor looked down at himself. He wasn’t prepared to take on a vampire of what he could only guess would be Soren’s power. If the vampire had been Guinevere’s second then he had to possess many superior qualities. Strength being one of them.

  But he had to do something. He couldn’t just stand here like an idiot with hot coffee in one hand and a bag of rolls in the other. Wait. Didn’t he have something in his medical kit? Juggling the coffee, he reached down and unzipped his bag, rummaging around in it until he found what he was looking for.

  He pulled out his hand. In his fingers he held a syringe. Inside was a powerful sedative that he’d used countless times on rabid lycans and out-of-control vampires.

  Palming it, he opened the hotel room door and walked in as if he was just returning from getting coffee and nothing more. “I got you black, because I didn’t know if you liked cream and sugar.”

  Trevor had been right. Someone had Guinevere up against the wall, dangling from it actually, his hand closed around her throat. She was definitely having trouble breathing.

  The vampire glared at him in surprise. “Get out! We don’t need any room service.”

  Guinevere looked at him. He could plainly see the pain and the anger in her eyes. Blood streaked the front of her body and dripped from the very tips of her toes to pool on the shaggy rug beneath her. It took all Trevor had, not to rush to her side. />
  Trevor set the coffee and bag of croissants onto the nearby table. “I’m not looking for trouble.”

  “Then get out.”

  He shook his head, taking a step forward. “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  The vampire looked at Guinevere and shook his head. “Is this your cavalry? A human?” He sneered. “No wonder you’re so weak.”

  Theintruder had to be Soren. Trevor could see the contempt in his face when he regarded Guinevere.

  “You don’t mind if I make quick work of him, do you my darling Guin?” Soren released his hold on Guinevere. She slumped to the floor, the mass of her red hair falling over her face and chest as she dropped. Like lightning he was across the room in a millisecond, crushing Trevor’s windpipe with his hand.

  Trevor’s lungs deflated losing air instantly. His first instinct was to claw at the vampire’s hand, but then he remembered what he held cradled in his palm. And instead, he flipped the cap off with his thumb and plunged the needle into Soren’s chest, right into his heart.

  Surprised, the vampire looked down at the syringe protruding from his chest. “What’s this?” With his free hand, he reached for it, pulled it out and tossed it to the floor. “You’re more stupid than I first thought.”

  Soren squeezed Trevor’s throat tighter. Black spots formed in Trevor’s vision. It wouldn’t be long before he passed out. He knew exactly how long a person could go without oxygen. It wasn’t long at all. Human life was so precarious. It could be ended in a second.

  And he wondered if he was finally going to understand that fully and not just see it on a day-to-day basis.

  Soren’s smile began to fade. His brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes. He started to lick his lips. Trevor knew that his face was going numb. The sedative was kicking in. But would it be fast enough? Trevor wasn’t sure he had any more than a minute left before he was done.

  Before Trevor could kick out one last time against the agony of suffocating, Soren was flying across the room. He hit the far wall, and fell to the floor, unconscious. Guinevere grabbed Trevor right before he could collapse.


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