Eternal Damnation: A novel of the Amagarians

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Eternal Damnation: A novel of the Amagarians Page 26

by Reid, Stacy

  He didn’t linger, moving lower, parting her legs wide. The touch of his tongue on her clitoris was such a shock of pleasure that she couldn’t hold back her cry. Her world narrowed entirely on the pleasure crowding her senses. He raked his teeth over her straining nub, then licked it hard. He alternately savored and consumed. Her heels dug into the earth, hips lifting, a cry tearing from her as his tongue pressed inside. Hungry, desperate moans spilled from her, mingling with his low, gravelly murmurs of approval fluttering against her wet sex.

  She moaned and bucked under the carnal lash of his tongue, but he was unrelenting. Her hands went to his hair, fingers fisting the thick locks. She shivered as he pressed her harder onto the grass. Drawing her beneath him, he parted her thighs with his own, pressed his cock at her damp and welcoming slit, and surged deep, burying himself in one smooth stroke.

  White lightning streaked in her veins. Lachlan!

  He started to ride her, and his name became a whimper, a cry, a plea, a gasp, a moan. He whispered something low and guttural. His body was hard and powerful, moving against hers. Her core ached, and she would be sore for hours to come, perhaps days, but all she could do was feel a desperate, agonizing need for more.

  He rolled with her, until she lay atop of him, his pelvis surging up from below, never stopping his pounding rhythm which she rocked her hips to meet, arousal becoming molten in her veins. She held onto him, one hand clutched at his back, the other around his neck. Shilah panted, sweat glistening on her body as she rode him in a deep, sensual glide, her hips circling, sliding up and down, as she fucked him like he surely fucked her. He caressed the globes of her ass, the hollow in her back. He touched her gently, almost reverently.

  Chakra exploded around her, caressing all over her body, slid sinuously around to her wet sex. It delved between her folds and rubbed. Her clit throbbed, ached, swelled painfully at the friction his chakra generated. Her head fell back, the curtain of her hair rippled over her back brushing his thighs, a hard shudder wracking her body.

  Despite the cold air, her body sheened in sweat, pulsating, throbbing with a fever of need. She released his neck to touch his beautiful mouth. “I could fall in love with you Lachlan Ravenswood.”

  Then she lowered her mouth to his throat, to the irresistible rush of his blood calling to something dark and unknown inside her. She found the pulse beating on the side of his neck, stroking her tongue across his pulse once, twice, in a small caress then biting down.

  His hoarse cry of pleasure filled her mind, even as the sweet taste of his blood rushed into her mouth. The taste was nothing like she’d ever had, for riding the taste of blood was energy that rushed through her veins, tugging at the powers buried inside her.

  His savage features twisted into a grimace of sublime pleasure “I am already there Shilah Symonrah of Serange. I am already there.”

  Her heart cracked, yet a joy trembled through her soul. She released his neck and licked, distantly shocked that her bite wounds healed instantly and that the wounds were the punctures of retracting canines. Claws exploded from his hands and sank into the soft skin of her back. Another swirl of shadows and she was on her knees, her hips arched in the air. He pushed her to her stomach, moving behind her, hilting deep in one stroke. His head lowered, his teeth gripping the sensitive area between her shoulder and neck as she screamed out in pleasure-pain as his fangs struck deep. A primitive, throaty, growl echoed from him, demanding her surrender, her submission.

  The sounds called to something deep inside her, something unknown, feminine, but powerful. Sensual but innocent. Calm but ravaging. His hips rolled, and he shafted into her wet sex with an untamed strength not present in their previous mating. She sensed the freedom in him, the unfettered lust, knowing she was less fragile because of his blood, her body more able to withstand the roughness of the mating demands burning through his soul.

  Shilah whimpered. That bite of pain only heightened the sensations, as he gripped her hips and rocked her harder and deeper onto his cock, her pussy hurting on his thick girth, but such a good hurt. “Lachlan, please!”

  Shilah did not know what she screamed for as she became lost, if it was more of his untamed loving or an ease from the intense wash of lust. She begged, arching, writhing beneath him as so many sensations seemed to converge on her at once. She could barely gasp for air the sensations were so brilliant. Her climax rushed over her like a tidal wave, tearing through her soul, stars exploding behind her eyes as her powers roiled through the mountains and down the valley. She took his mind under, his soul into hers, his pleasure becoming hers and hers becoming his, and with a hoarse growl, he released his seed deep inside her body.

  She collapsed onto the forest floor, and he tucked her body close to his, and she inhaled, breathing in his scent, his warmth. His arms tightened around her, his heart racing as he took her into the safety and comfort of the shadows.

  Exactly three hours after she had fallen asleep in Lachlan’s arms, Shilah’s lashes fluttered open. She shifted in the bed, seeking the protective warmth that had held her as she succumbed to sleep. She flared her senses, unable to feel him in the chamber. Their thread twanged, and she ran the tip of her finger over the silky, yet unbreakable bond.

  “I am meeting with King Gidon, Drac, and Talon at the Western Quadrant. I shall be home within a few hours. There is a great library on the second floor. I believe you will find great pleasure there, mate.”

  Home. How oddly comforting those words were? And it wasn’t Serange she thought of. But here, in his arms, at this castle. She pressed one hand to her midsection hard, desperate to stop the quaking flutters, fighting to stick to her decision. “Until I see you again, Lachlan Ravenswood.”

  The presence in her mind stilled, and she felt its predatory intent as he assessed her words, the sorrow in her voice. Tension wound Shilah tight, coiling her stomach tighter and tighter. Moving from the bed with her newfound speed, she hurriedly dressed in a black caftan that molded her petite frame. Her hair was quickly caught in a tight plait, and she slipped her feet into delicate slippers. They were not fashioned for fight or flight, but they were all she had access to. After a brief hesitation, she took up the golden armband that was fashioned from snakes. She could sense no energy within them, but they had come alive when she had been threatened. Taking a deep breath, she slipped them on, and then opened her psychic eyes.


  Her sister answered instantly. “I am ready.”

  “I am coming for you now. We will need to move with stealth. Can you see if our escape will be hindered?”

  “No vision comes to me. I am no longer at the King’s castle, but I dine with Princess Saieke at her home in the Northern fort.”

  Shilah slipped deeper into her sister’s mind, assessing the friendship and care she felt for the flamed hair princess, and looking at the picture of the Northern castle. “Be ready, trust no one.”

  Kala’s fierce determination echoed, and Shilah slipped her mind from hers. She sank deep inside, closing off the mental pathway that led to Lachlan Ravenswood with a ruthless will. Then she flared her telepathy, sensing that his castle currently housed eighty-nine souls. Only ten of those were warriors, and she could detect them in the shadows, the brief touch of their aura, red and malevolent. Their goal was to protect her until Lachlan returned.

  There was a stillness at her center, and she reached for it, drawing on white energy as she pushed her power before her. Using her telekinesis, she opened the door and exited the chamber with stealth then she hurried through the castle. She passed servants, and visitors but none saw her, for she built the illusion in their minds that she was not there. Shilah made her way to the highest tower on the highest landing of the castle. There she lifted her head to the shadowed sky and sent her mind hurtling through the air with sharp precision. She felt all the animals on the ground and all the creatures in the air. Something large rolled through the sky at a distance. Dipping into its mind she waded through its mem
ories, assessing his strength and speed.

  She called it to her, pushing the compulsion deep, one the massive creature could not resist. The winged creature zipped through the air, hurtling itself toward her with shocking speed. It landed on the large balcony, standing over six feet on four clawed legs, its feline body covered in grey feathers, its head birdlike with a beaked mouth.

  She went deeper into its mind, building its loyalty to her, overriding his primeval nature, binding it to her command, feeding it the urgency to escape to the Northern Keep for Kala. It crouched in a bestial grace, and she hopped onto its back, the powerful muscles beneath her thighs twisting with sinuous power. It hurtled through the air, a wild cry echoing from its breast. She held on with all her strength, lowering her face against the wind, breathing easily. The journey felt as if it took forever, and her tension mounted with each dip and roll of the massive body beneath her.

  Shilah flared her psychic ability, sensing the intent of all animals and Darkans far and wide. She caught the minds of several people below assessing if they sent any alert. Their minds were filled with peace, lust, love, and war. She felt the surprise of a warrior who thought he scented Lachlan but did not see him. Her heart lurched when that warrior glanced up, but the idea flitted away from his thoughts as he went back to seducing the laughing Darkan female by his side, carrying a basket of fruits.

  Though the creature’s speed was great, it took almost two hours of flight before it reached the courtyard of the Northern keep. It landed, and Shilah hopped from its back, grateful for her enhanced stamina. Her sister waited, and the Princess Saieke was by her side.


  “It would be impossible to disappear from beneath her nose,” her sister said with wry amusement. “Her curiosity cannot be deterred.”

  The princess smiled and stepped forward, her eyes flicking to the beast. Shilah found it curious she was alone, but then she felt the auras of the warriors in the dark, and Shilah blinked, for more than twenty lingered, their aura cold and calculating, and she sensed they had one directive, protect the mate of Drac El Kyn at all cost.

  “Does she know that we escape?”

  There was a hitch in Kala’s breathing. “She only knows you come for me, but she is very quick and witty.”

  If Princess Saieke had a similar bond with her mate like Shilah had with Lachlan was it possible she had told her mate of Shilah’s visit?

  Shilah stared at the princess, and in the depth of her sapphire eyes knowledge gleamed. Shilah dipped into her thoughts, some of the tension easing when she saw that the princess did not mean to betray their actions tonight.

  “You will need to see for yourself that he is the other half to your soul.”

  The princess’s uncensored thought burned through Shilah’s mind, and she made no reply as Kala mounted the animal after her. Shilah ordered it toward the forest leading to the portal, commanding it to soar through the air with speedy stealth.

  A ripple of awareness roiled through her. Her nerves stretched taut as Shilah sensed a dark, silent force behind her. She glanced over her shoulder expecting to see a winged creature following. There was none. Yet she knew with every fiber of her being Lachlan was close by. She could feel his rage swarming the air, the brutal resolve trembling through the sky. And she increased her pace, a sob tearing from her chest for she ran away in vain.

  She glanced below, able to see the houses, the forest, and even the people on the ground. They flew over a vast lake the wind touching the surface of the silver so that ripples danced over the water. She glanced at the towering trees, some tall enough they brushed the underbelly of the animal. Leaves fluttered wildly as if something passed between them, and the taste of something dark and too primal coated her senses.

  Behind her Kala stiffened, her hand tightening around Shilah’s waist, a wave of energy pouring from her. “It worsens. I see our city burning and blowing away like ashes in the wind. No one will be spared.”

  Her sister spasmed, and Shilah gripped onto her as the vision held Kala in its ruthless grip. When it released her, she sobbed softly, her tears wetting Shilah. She wanted to open her mind and plead with him to let her go, but she was petrified to a depth she could not explain. It was then she acknowledged a deep part of her still feared the monster within him.

  Tears burned behind her eyes and clamped down hard on her emotions. She couldn’t afford feelings. The winged creature soared through the sky with dizzying speed, her mind directing it toward the pulse of raw energy deep into the open lands connecting the borders of the seven kingdoms. They escaped the tree line of the Darkage, moving from the pitch black of night to dawn. She could see the sun far off in the distance. But she felt no relief that she was no longer in the realm of shadow and demons.

  Below her she saw no movement, she detected no aura, but a wave of dread filled her as the stark wasteland spread before her. It resembled death itself, with sharper jagged edges its main décor. Lifeless plants, twigs, and barks indicated a once thriving forest full of animals all erased by a force beyond their comprehension. The creature dipped in a rolling swoop, his enormous wingspan flaring wide as it glided low, and then landed. They hurriedly slid from its back. “Thank you,” Shilah murmured, releasing it from her mind control, and it took to the sky once more.

  “Hurry Shilah, I can feel the portal through the woods, just there.”

  She didn’t have the heart to tell her sister she could feel Lachlan in the shadows. Shilah ran with her sister toward an opening in the barren forest of the wasteland. The trees were bare without leaves, and the earth cragged and without grass. They scrambled over several small boulders, climbing to what looked like the mouth of a cave.

  A wave of dark energy made her stumble, and Kala cried out in fear.

  “Keep going,” Shilah said, turning around and searching for him. Opening her mind, their thread vibrated with a resonance she’d never felt before. She could not see him, but she felt him deep in her soul where it mattered. “You are a man I never imagined experiencing,” she whispered. “I thank you for our time together, for I will cherish the memories forever, and I will crave you always. Your world is on the brink of anarchy, and your king needs you. Mine is on the edge of a revolution and I am needed. Please, Lachlan Ravenswood, let me go.” Her knees weakened, her heart beating sluggishly within her breast. “You are the harbinger of death and destruction for my city…and I would have no choice but to declare us enemies if you do not relinquish your claim, Darkan.” Her heart cracked, and she trembled violently.

  A cold, menacing snarl rumbled in his chest. The ground shook, and the acrid flavor of betrayal coated her senses. A low, mocking laugh, cunning and cruel filled her mind. And at its center she felt the bloodletter reveling in the challenge, the need beating in him to force her submission. And he still did not step from the shadows, yet she could feel him beneath her skin.

  Inside there was a terrible wrenching as if something was tearing her body apart. It was a pain as she’d never felt before, and she did not understand the depth and breadth of it. Their thread jerked, the pull from her chest burning with live agony, and she could not separate his feelings from the ones swirling through her veins.

  The control on her fear was a thin gossamer thread, for if he took her with him into the darkness, she doubted she could fight him. Doubted she would want to fight, for everything in her would cry to submit, and he had the power to make her surrender should she try to resist his dominance. Then everything would be lost.

  Warily she stepped toward the shimmering energy that would take her back to her realm. Shilah moved deep into the darkened cave, dipping low to avoid the sharp edges of the crystals hanging from its ceiling. She breathed through the sheer raw power emanating from the portal. The tree glowed pink and silver in the distance, and Kala stood at a sparkling branch waiting for her.

  Her sister glanced back at her but made no sound, only touching the tip of the branch that would lead back to their realm. A brigh
t light pulsed and her sister vanished. Shilah stepped forward, reaching the tip of her finger toward the branch.

  A harsh sob tore from her, and with a sense of shock, she realized she cried.

  Phantom kisses ghosted over her forehead, and down to her lips. She touched the tip of the branch, and she was sucked through a vacuum of whirling stars and blinding energy.

  “Goodbye,” she whispered, her throat tight and aching.

  Then her world went dark.


  His mate had left. And he had let her. Lachlan had not expected the terrible wrenching, dagger-like pain piercing through his soul where only darkness should reside. She had been a brief light that had filled him, and the echoing emptiness that had been his life for over four hundred years had abated. She’d stilled his mind. Made him sentient, made him feel.

  His eyes were damp. Darkans didn’t cry. They didn’t feel sorrow. Their brutal souls were damned, so why did he feel as if a part of him had broken and would never be whole? Why did he feel this peculiar weakness in his heart, this tearing agony because their thread no longer hummed with a soothing resonance?

  His heart stuttered, and he stretched, reached, unable to let go of her. There was only a void. The ravaging hunger to slaughter and drink the darkest of essence burned in his veins. And this part of him had made her flee, the most natural, instinctive part of him. The bloodletter, the monster, but she didn’t flee in fear of it, she fled because of how protective it was of her. He knew if any harm befell her, he would repay her pain with blood.

  If his mate were to die before him as her sister’s vision implied, he would indeed annihilate her kingdom, that was just his way, and there was no changing that. And understanding her love of her people and loyalty to them, he respected her choice and loved her even more for it, so he would not follow her and endanger her world against her wishes. Their mating had been complete, they had exchanged blood, and their lei had formed so he could force her to stay. The monster wanted to, but he wanted her to love him and come to him of her own will. If that would ever happen, he did not know.


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