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Boss Page 4

by Cooper, Jodi

“Yes. Wow would describe it,” Hannah smiled.

  "So… what was different about it?"

  "My boss is into BDSM."

  The words came out of her mouth and it felt oddly natural.

  "Oh my gosh, Hannah," Naomi covered her mouth with her hand like she had just told her something horrible.

  "I actually liked it," she blushed. "More than just that though, I really like him."

  The thought hit her that she may be having some very real feelings for Nathan.

  Feelings were something she had always avoided having when it came to men, dating, sex and relationships.

  If she got too close there was a chance she was going to get hurt.

  Somehow getting close to Nathan felt safe.

  Maybe it was the way he took control over everything, including her, that made her feel like she was in capable hands.

  "What did he do? Was it scary? Did you know beforehand? I dated a guy in college that was into that kind of stuff but I wasn't sure how safe it was…I broke up with him before we really did anything. Oh my gosh. I can't believe you had sex with your boss… kinky sex!"

  "Oh geez," Hannah laughed. "It wasn't scary at all. It was exciting, exhilarating, sensual… being tied to the bed and blindfolded with nothing to do but enjoy what he was doing to me was so freeing and intense," she explained.

  "I can't even believe this right now."

  Naomi shook her head and laughed a little at how unreal this seemed coming from Hannah of all people.

  Her friend who had always been the woman men chased but who was never captured had finally been caught.

  She was having trouble wrapping her mind around the fact that the man who had done the catching was a mysterious dominant who was giving Hannah her first taste of the darkly seductive world of bondage and power exchange.

  "Yeah, it's definitely more than I bargained for, but wow, was it ever amazing."

  "And you said you like him?" Naomi asked.

  "Of course I like him," Hannah said. "Who has sex with someone they don't like?"

  "No, you know what I mean. Do you think this could go somewhere? Lead to something more than just this?"

  "I'm not sure. It all happened so quickly, but I think so. I want it to," Hannah smiled. "I really had a good time with him. I feel like maybe there is something deeper between us"

  "It sure sounds like it. I'm so happy to see you happy."

  Naomi hugged her and noticed the marks on her wrist from the bite of the rope and felt a curious pang of jealousy at her exciting new escapade.

  "Thanks." She hugged Naomi back. "I think I'm going to get to bed. I'm beyond exhausted," Hannah said getting up from the couch.

  "I bet you are," Naomi wiggled her eyebrows.

  "You're such a twelve-year-old boy sometimes," Hannah said, but she couldn't keep herself from laughing.

  Naomi wished her goodnight and sat thinking about what her friend had just told her as she watched Hannah head into her bedroom.

  She just hoped Hannah was going about this in the right way and that she was being safe with everything.

  She would hate to see her friend get hurt.

  The man was exciting and new, but that also meant that she didn't know what he was capable of doing or what his darker temptations were.

  This could be a dangerous world.

  Very dangerous…

  Chapter Twelve

  Nathan had left Hannah asleep in his guest room that doubled as his pleasure room about a half hour after she had fallen asleep, and her beautiful body went soft against his.

  When he returned to the master bedroom he undressed and lay down in his bed with the soft blanket comforter over him and weighing on him heavily.

  Though not as heavily as his own thoughts.

  He had laid there and held her as she slept for what seemed like an eternity; Watching the way her chest rose and fell as she breathed, observing the little freckles the summer's sun had brought out on the bridge of her nose and the tops of her shoulders, looking at the deep earth toned color of her eyelashes that she left in their natural hue.

  Having her curled up against him after her first submission as her aftercare was weighing on his mind.

  He never minded administering the aftercare.

  It was vital for the submissive’s well-being and their mental as well as physical health.

  It was what he felt as he laid there with her sleeping in his arms that had him concerned and lying awake while she slept peacefully next to him.

  Having her sweet submission paired with the intensity of her passion and the desire that radiated from her was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

  The only thing he could think to do was to try to pull himself back.

  If he could only put a little bit of distance between them, maybe the feelings he was having would have time to simmer down into something less overwhelmingly uncharacteristic of him.

  'There would be nothing inherently wrong with falling for her,' he told himself as he lay naked in his own bed. 'I just have to make sure it's real before I rush into anything.'

  Nathan sighed and resigned himself to a sleepless night full of visions of her and the battle between his heart and his head.

  All of the feelings came so suddenly and in such an enamored fury that Nathan wasn't sure what to do with everything he was feeling.

  Certainly he couldn't just tell her that he had fallen for her.

  After the first revelation of feelings and the first time they had sex it would drastically cheapen the sentiment.

  He didn't want to come off as clingy to her and certainly didn't want her to feel like she had an obligation to stay just because of his position.

  The thought of that made him feel dirty.

  Being her boss didn't mean he would get to have his way with her.

  As much as he liked power and control, he wouldn't use either to get sex from someone who didn't want to participate.

  'But damn did she ever participate well.'

  He grinned a little in the dark thinking of the way her body moved and reacted under his touch.

  The way her hips arched to him and she begged for him, even the thought of it now was turning him on.

  He could almost hear her voice next to him in the darkness as though she were still there.

  Part of him wished she was.

  "Why do you always have to make things so damned difficult, Nathan Maxwell?" he groaned at himself.

  He had a feeling he was completely overthinking the entire thing, but he couldn't seem to stop the train once it had left the station, and his mind wouldn't slow down or ease up on all of the thoughts that were keeping him wide awake.

  With everything he had to take care of the next morning he knew he should be getting at least a few hours of sleep to remain a functional member of human society but that seemed unlikely at best.

  He suddenly remembered that Hannah would be back in the morning.

  She was going to need to come here to get the keys to the penthouse so she could transfer over there.

  Nathan wasn't entirely sure he wanted to see her so soon after tonight, but at the same time he wished he had never made himself get out of the bed next to her.

  At least if she was at the penthouse he wouldn't see her all the time.

  Though at this point Nathan couldn't decide if he was more heartbroken or encouraged by that fact.

  She made him feel everything more intensely and his emotions were all contradicting each other.

  Everything was getting complicated in a hurry.

  He would just have to wait until the morning to find where his true feelings were leading him.

  When he saw her, he instinctively knew that everything would become crystal clear.

  Or at least he hoped it would for both of their sakes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning Hannah woke up and got ready for work. Nathan had instructed her to arrive at midday at the penthouse.

  She was actu
ally looking forward to going in today rather than dreading it.

  The fear of losing her job due to her inane clumsiness and inability to think straight whenever her boss was around had now diminished or vanished altogether.

  Her body was just a little bit sore from yesterday.

  She had never cum so many times in all her life as she had last night at his hands.

  The minor tenderness was like a delicious little secret only she knew about, and it made her think of him as she got up and showered to head to his house.

  Prior to her encounter last night she would had relished the opportunity to be employed by him at her same wages without having to be around him and risk getting fired on a daily basis.

  But after last night, she wanted to be around him even more.

  Hannah got into her car and to the penthouse.

  When she arrived, the building security guard handed her an envelope with the keys and a note with the security code.

  She thanked him and rode the elevator up to the penthouse forty-second floor and punched in the numbers written on the paper in his neat handwriting.

  The lock on the door disengaged and she went inside to find a home slightly smaller than the mansion and decorated in a similar fashion with paintings on the walls, expensive furniture that seemed to have no character but made the living room feel like the waiting room of a dentist's office.

  Hannah laughed as she thought 'this room could use a hammock.'

  Trying to imagine Nathan Maxwell in a hammock was probably one of the more amusing things that had ever crossed her mind.

  Going down the hallway off of the living room she opened one of the doors and stopped in her tracks.

  "Wow," she mouthed as she took a step inside. "This is incredible."

  The master bedroom was full of burning candles, and the smell of vanilla and fruit filled the room.

  The bed had black silk sheets and there were cuffs already on the bedposts.

  Nathan was sitting in a leather armchair near the window waiting for her with a thick braided leather flogger in one hand and a snifter of brandy in the other.

  "I've been waiting for you, Hannah," he said, sipping his brandy and setting it on the windowsill.

  Nathan ran the tail of the flogger through his fingers.

  "Come in please."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nathan waited for Hannah to close the door before getting up from his seat.

  Hannah felt her body heat instantly at the sight of him.

  "I'm sorry to keep you waiting," she turned to him, "sir." Coming over to him she looked up into his dark eyes. "I didn't know you were waiting for me."

  "I want you to get down on your knees."

  Nathan watched as she obeyed him without question, lowered herself to her knees and looked up to him.

  "I like that you obey me as if it's your first instinct," he told her as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  She smiled.

  Having him express pride in her made her glow.

  Nathan watched it take over her and felt a little hint of regret burrowing into him as he knew that what he was about to say and do was going to dim that glow of hers.

  "I want to see if you can handle punishment today, but I want you to know you will also reap the reward for your obedience in accepting the punishments."

  Nathan wanted to know that she could handle the bad along with the good.

  The thought was that if he punished her, he would realize that she was capable of having fault.

  Her perfection was but an illusion that was blinding him to the reality of her like a mirage in the desert that would kill you.

  "Okay," she said hesitantly.

  Hannah had always had a high tolerance for pain.

  She wasn't worried about the pain he was going to inflict on her.

  She was, however, a little bit worried about why he wanted to cause her the pain in the first place.

  "Do you have any questions?" he sensed that something was not settled in her mind entirely.

  "I do, sir," Hannah told him.

  "Alright. We can address those before we begin."

  Nathan resumed his seat in the armchair with Hannah sitting on the floor at his feet.

  "Why am I being punished? Have I done something that I shouldn't have?" she asked.

  "You haven't done anything wrong. I want to test what you deem as a punishment. I want to find where your levels of pain lay and gauge what I think is safe for play versus what would be used as punishment only," Nathan explained and picked up his glass again, taking a sip.

  "So you want to punish me for no reason?" Hannah said, pouting at the thought.

  "It serves a reason… and as I said it is not only punishment that you will be receiving today," he tipped his glass as if he was toasting to her.

  "What if I don't want to be punished?" she asked, though the idea of him using that braided flogger on her didn't exactly make her want to run away and hide.

  "No one wants to be punished, Hannah. Although, I take that back, that's not entirely true of everyone. Some people enjoy the pain of a punishing strike. But punishment is about balance and maintaining control. Disobedience must be met with a consequence in order to be halted. It's basic behavioral therapy."

  Hannah thought about what he was telling her.

  She wasn't sure about the idea of punishments but the concept made sense to her.

  "Is everything clear now?”


  “Do you have any more questions?" Nathan asked her.

  "No, I think that's everything. I just wanted to understand."

  Hannah tried to mentally prepare herself for what was about to take place and find a place inside of her, a soothing memory to latch onto, to venture to when things began.

  "Good girl. Then we'll begin now. I want you to stand up and take your clothes off."

  Nathan watched as she got up and began unfastening the buttons on her white dress shirt.

  She slowly revealed the sweet skin beneath the cotton barrier, and he enjoyed watching inch-by-inch her body be delivered to him.

  He made a sound of approval in his throat as she slipped out of her pants and stood in her paisley pink bra and panty set.

  "All of it," he urged her to continue.

  She unhooked her bra and let it fall away from her breasts.

  Her nipples hardening in the heavily air conditioned room.

  Her fingers looped around her panties and lowered them down, letting them drop to the floor, leaving her entirely bare before him as he sat in his suit sipping brandy with the flogger still in his hand.

  Nathan loved seeing her naked.

  If he had the opportunity, he would keep her that way as often as possible in his house.

  She would be available for him.

  On display for him.

  For use by him whenever he desired her without barriers and without hassle.

  "Come here," he curled his finger to her and pointed next to the arm of the chair.

  Hannah obeyed and stood next to the chair.

  Nathan ran the flogger up between her thighs.

  The smoothness of the leather caressing her legs until he stopped at her wetness.

  "Such a good girl."

  His fingers spread her lips and ran over her slick pussy.

  Hannah watched as his cock began to harden in his pants.

  She could see it pressing more and more firmly against the fabric the harder he became.

  She wanted him on an intensely desperate level already.

  "Turn around," he told her.

  She listened and faced the doorway where she had come in.

  Hannah knew what was coming and tried to think of anything else that would take her mind away from the bite of the leather and the stinging pressure that was sure to accompany each throw of the flogger.

  Hannah listened to him stand from the chair and set his glass down again.

  He took a few steps around
to the side of her so that he was at an angle when he was facing her.

  "Remember that this is for your own good," Nathan said in a low voice.

  Hannah thought about the changes in his tone.

  His voice always seemed a little deeper when he was aroused.


  The first lick of the flogger hit her back on her right shoulder blade and she sucked in a hard breath.

  Even though she had expected it, she hadn't quite be prepared for the kiss of the straps.

  Her focus went back to him.

  The way his voice changed when he was aroused.

  The way his cock hardened when he saw her naked and ready for him.

  The way he waited for her with all of these beautiful candles lit like a romance and flogged her like a criminal.


  The second lick landed across the curve of her ass.

  She felt the goose bumps as they erupted over the area, and she had a feeling it was going to welt over before he was done with her.

  Surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as she had anticipated.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to keep her mind clear and focused on that rather than the third, fourth and fifth landing of the straps.

  The smell of leather was carried on the wind, and the sound of the flogger reaching out for her soft skin broke the silence.

  "You handle this very well," he complimented her.

  He had known plenty of submissives who broke long before this point, and she was still standing strong with her spine straight and her eyes focused on the flame of the nearest candle on the dresser.

  He wondered what she was thinking about while she was being flogged and decided he would consider asking her about it later this evening once they were done.

  "Thank you, sir," Hannah responded as the presence of his voice pulled her from her zone, and her focus wavered from the candle to his words.

  Hannah was thankful that he seemed to be done punishing her as the blows came further and further between, and then eventually stopped altogether.

  She heard him set the flogger down on the little wooden bedside table and come back over to her.


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