The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 1

by Finian Blake






  Copyright © 2015 FINIAN BLAKE

  All rights reserved.































  This is a fictional work. As a fictional work certain situations mentioned in this book may bear a resemblance to real life situations. The author claims no participation in or direct knowledge of any illegal events described in this book. To the best of the author’s knowledge the countries, companies, organizations, agencies and persons described in this book have not participated in and have no knowledge of any of the events described in this book.




  Felix sat in Senator Marvin Belight’s anti-room. The Senator had kept him waiting for over an hour. Felix was just getting ready to leave when the Senator’s secretary said that she would announce him.

  “I’m terribly sorry for the long wait but the Senator said that he needed a certain amount of uninterrupted time to talk with you. Please go right in.” Felix had just been appointed to be a personal assistant for the Attorney General and was not used to waiting, but that Senator sat on the intelligence committee and had a huge amount of pull.

  “Senator, you have kept me waiting for over an hour and I have other items on my scheduled too. I only accepted this appointment, because I know that we depend on your goodwill on several cases that are pending.” Felix was not even trying to hide his displeasure.

  “Felix, the only reason that I called you was that your name was on an important file that I need access to. About two years ago I was sitting on the intelligence committee and we were investigating a file that I cannot locate any more. I know that you have a reputation for discretion. I would like you to look this file up for me. The new administration will be coming in and the Attorney General will be leaving with the old administration. If you could do me this one favor I will submit your name to the President to serve as the next Attorney General.” Senator Belight stopped at that point trying to gauge what Felix would do. From past dealings the Senator knew that Felix was extremely ambitious. An offer like this would definitely get his attention.

  “Senator could you be a little more specific. I have testified before the intelligence committee a number of times.”

  “Felix you were the primary author of the file that I am looking for. It had to do with an illegal NSA operation. Since you are the primary author am sure that your name is on the ‘cleared list’. I’m sure that it would be no problem to locate the file.” Felix was instantly on guard because there was only one file that would fit that description.

  “Senator, are you talking about the ‘Sweeper File’?”

  “Yes Felix that is exactly the file that I need you to get a copy of.”

  “Senator that file has some extremely sensitive information.

  You are on the oversight committee. You should be read into the file. I don’t see what you need me for.”

  “Felix I agree with you that I should be read into the file. I did the oversight on it. It seems that somebody has read me out of the file and I have a desperate need to review that information.” Felix could tell from the nervous expression on the Senator’s face that there was a strong underlying reason for the request. The Senator continued. “I believe that my party is going to nominate me for vice president. I believe that there is information in this file that could be embarrassing should it come to light. Felix I would not ask this of you without something in exchange. As I said I plan on being a vice president in the next administration. If you do me this favor I would insist that the president put your name forward as the new Attorney General.” Felix hung his head in thought for several minutes leaving a strained silence hanging between the two men.

  “Senator the entire file is extremely sensitive. Only a very few people have access to it. I have serious doubts that any information in that file could be leaked.” Felix hoped that this would mollify the Senator.

  “Dammit Felix,” the Senator slammed his hand down on the desk raising half way out of his seat. “I need to know. If you can’t do this for me I will find somebody who can.” Felix pulled back in his chair at the extreme display by the Senator deciding to rethink his answer.

  “Senator, since you did the oversight on this file I think I can make a personal exception. I would like to make some quiet inquiries before I put my name on a formal request, since this would draw adverse attention to the file. I believe that a discreet inquiry would be in your best interests.” Felix was carefully searching for the right words knowing that the Senator could have a negative effect on his career. “Could you give me a few weeks to do my research?”

  “No, I need this information yesterday. The exploratory committee has already started their investigation.”

  “In that case since I am read into the file. I will put in a formal request that you be read back into it.”

  “Felix I think a discreet inquiry is needed. Take a couple of weeks but don’t do anything that you would need to put in writing.” Felix was beginning to feel uneasy about the whole meeting, but the promise of being recommended as the new Attorney General definitely caught his attention.

  “Senator Belight, I will give this my full attention. You can rest assure that it will be discrete. I can guarantee you that your name will not be associated with any of the inquiries.” The Senator stood up extending his hand across the desk for a handshake.

  “Felix, I hope I am shaking hands with the next Attorney General. I am confident that you will give this matter full discretion along with your best efforts.” The Senator escorted Felix to the door asking the secretary to erase all mention of this meeting after Felix left.

  Felix was getting frustrated with not being able to find the file that he wanted. He was promoted to an assistant in the Justice Department and his security clearance was supposed to be the highest available to anyone. Two years ago he had been left with a mystery and even the slightest clue of it had completely vanished. His witness Pauline Rider had disappeared into the CIA and Felix couldn’t find any trace of her. He checked her farm finding that it had been sold to a rental company specializing in renting to foreign dignitaries. Their records were sealed by the State Department. Felix was told that if he wanted any of their records he would have to obtain a warrant through the proper channels producing the evidence that his request was necessary. The only information that he was able to obtain was the name of the company that was managing the farm which was Federal Consolidated Confidential Rentals Inc. After several days of serious effort Felix was told that he had as much chance of getting a warrant as he had of sunbathing on the moon.

  Next Felix went looking for Harry Tildon the former CIA station chief assigned to the UK. The CIA told Felix that they would only release information on CIA employees if he had information of a crime and that would require a warrant. Felix had a copy of Harry’s finger prints from the
documents that he signed. He ran them through the Federal system. There were no records of Harry’s finger prints in any of the Federal systems. When the case closed Harry had used a Federal Marshal to watch his witness during the ‘Sweeper Inquiry’ so Felix tried the Marshal’s Service. He was flatly told that there never was a Victoria Strong working for the U.S. Marshal’s Office which was like waving a cape in front of a bull. Felix couldn’t figure out how such an important assignment could be handed to somebody that did not exist. He had a vague recollection of her signing for the prisoner and those files were kept in triplicate. After searching for half a day he finally found the top document that Victoria had signed. He had the lab finger print both sides of the document. They found five sets of prints on the document four sets were identified as belonging to various employees in the department. The fifth set was his. Felix remembered that Victoria had not been wearing gloves when she signed the form, so he could not understand why her prints were not on the document.

  Felix went to the archives finding that all of the records for the case had been signed out to the Congressional Select Oversight Committee and not returned as they should’ve been when the oversight was concluded. After some investigation he found that the records had been classified under the National Secrets Act with everything being assigned to the NSA vault. Felix finally decided to try the back door by calling an old college classmate that he knew was working for the NSA.

  Colleen Arthur had not heard from Felix in ten years. She only dated him half a dozen times in her junior year while she tutored him through his accounting class. She liked him and even though she found Felix physically attractive. Colleen found him pompous and self-promoting to the extreme. Felix and Colleen never officially ended their relationship he had just let it die of neglect, so she was surprised when he called her out of the clear blue sky.

  “Colleen I was trying to call someone at the NSA and saw your name in the registry. Would you like to get together tonight and have dinner with me?” As Felix was talking, Colleen typed his name into the computer finding that he was listed as an Assistant Attorney General which decidedly piqued her interest. Felix continued when he heard no comment, “I was thinking that we could meet at the Water Gate.”

  Colleen was not too thrilled by the ‘meet me at’ comment but if dinner did not go well she could bail out and not be stuck for a ride or the check. The image of Felix searching for his wallet and not being able to find it brought back memories of what a deadbeat he was. Felix had not paid her for the tutoring and when he took her out to dinner to thank her he had forgotten his wallet at the dorm. “The Water Gate is perfect are you bringing your wife?”

  “No she has a recital with my oldest daughter Frances.”

  Well at least he was not trying to get romantic. “How about tonight at seven? I will see you then.”

  “Great, see you then.” Felix hung up wondering how he was going to break the subject to Colleen at dinner.

  Felix arrived early deciding to have a drink in the lounge while waiting for Colleen to show up. He was wearing a custom tailored charcoal raw silk suit that he had purchased for important meetings. He liked it because it hung perfectly giving him a successful look. As he took the first sip of his drink Colleen walked into the bar spotting him right away even after all these years. She elected to wear her modest little black dress with the hem two inches below the knee and the neck line right at the beginning of her cleavage. Colleen had an attractive body with her long auburn hair and at five foot two she easily managed to keep her youthful look.

  Recognizing her right away he walked up to Colleen taking her hand leading her over to the bar. “Colleen, you don’t look one day older than you were in college. Would you care for a cocktail?”

  “No thank you Felix you know that I get drunk easily and what happens when I get drunk. I will say that you look very handsome in that suit.” Colleen did admire his successful look. He was disappointed when she turned down the drink since they were dining at the Watergate. He thought that he might get her drunk and take her up stairs for some fun. Felix always made sure that he bought the drinks after their tutoring sessions so he could get laid.

  They were quickly seated at a table and while they were waiting to order Felix gallantly made some of the more expensive recommendations.

  “Felix, before we order dinner show me your wallet. I want to be sure I’m not going to be stuck with the check.”

  “I see you still remember that evening.” Felix said with a chuckle.

  “How could I ever forget? I had to pay the check and was short on the rent because you never did come up with the money to pay me back. You never did pay me for the tutoring either.” Colleen sounded wounded over that issue. Looking somewhat wounded Felix pulled the wallet out of his pocket displaying it to Colleen. After they placed their order, dinner went smoothly with light conversation about their careers with Felix intentionally avoiding personal details. As she talked Colleen bemoaned the fact that her career was mired in the Federal seniority system with no sign of relief. She was a talented woman in a dead-end job without much hope of improvement. Other less talented people would be promoted ahead of her based on seniority, but she did like the security of a government job.

  Felix saw the opportunity for opening his pitch, “We have openings at Justice and I believe that there is a chance that you could move over with no problem.”

  Colleen grabbed his hand, “Who do I have to kill?”

  Felix took her other hand, “You don’t have to kill anyone, but I desperately need a favor.” Colleen tried to pull her hand back, but Felix held on tightly. “I need to find out if the NSA is holding certain files in their documents room. The catch is that we are having a feud between our bosses and I need to get at them quickly through the back door,” Felix lied.

  “I don’t know if I should.” She had a suspicion all along that Felix had something going on in the back of his mind.

  Felix’s voice turned honey sweet. “Start out by just looking for the files. If I need them, we can negotiate. Before I ask for them I must be sure the files are there. I guarantee you that I won’t even ask for proof.” Felix took both her hands in his hands. “If you do this for me I will bring you over to Justice and bump you up two pay grades to show my appreciation for your efforts.”

  “Felix, I am just an accountant.”

  He smiled, “Most crimes are financial why do you think that the FBI goes for accountants. It sure isn’t because they love geeks. We need accountants at Justice too.”

  “Let me get this clear. You just need to know that the files are there and I come over to Justice with you.” Colleen could not believe her ears that this would be so simple.

  “Absolutely...” Felix was hoping that he would not have to deliver since he knew full well he could not begin to keep his promises.

  Colleen walked into her office not having any idea of where to look. She started out by looking in the digitized material with no success. After asking a few different people she learned that certain files were never digitized and this was one of those files. She asked a few more people and they told her that non-digitized files were catalogued in one location. Colleen was working on some oversight material and decided to request access knowing that she would be turned down, but that would verify the existence of the file. Shortly after noon Colleen received a post-it note to see Rhonda Savage at five thirty which was a little strange since it was a half hour after quitting time on a Friday evening and she never heard of Rhonda Savage.

  At the appointed time Colleen walked to the room whose number was written on the post-it not seeing any indication of the purpose of the office printed anywhere on the door. She opened the door to see the secretary sitting at the desk. The secretary neatly stacked paper work on her desk carefully placing it in files. It was six PM before she removed a single sheet of paper from a drawer and acknowledged Colleen with a nod. The sounds of the people rushing for their weekend departure diminished to silence as
the afternoon became evening. As the secretary ushered her into the office, Colleen could not help but notice the well-tailored clothes of the woman in front of her. The most unusual thing about her was that she wore a long silk scarf and it was July. Colleen took the seat that was indicated as the woman continued walking around the desk sitting behind it. She suddenly realized that this was not the secretary.

  “My name is Rhonda Savage. I asked you here to explain your request.”

  Colleen tried to play innocent. “I made several requests today which file are you referring too.”

  Rhonda pulled a highlighter out of her drawer highlighting a single line on the page, “I was referring to the ‘Sweeper File’.” Colleen held the sheet of paper close to her face to hide her surprise hoping that Rhonda would not notice. She heard two thumps and looked up to see Rhonda’s feet propped up in the center of the desk. From her vantage point Colleen couldn’t help looking up Rhonda’s legs.

  “Darling these files are classified. You cannot even inquire about them without calling attention to yourself. There are only ten people that are aware of their existence eight have unlimited access, and three of those people are dead leaving only five living. Who asked you to access the file?” Colleen hung her head in thought as Rhonda continued. “Look I am sure that you realize that there are certain tidbits that cannot be shared, so tonight we are going to find out who asked for the file. That is why I asked you to come so late. We can take all night or all weekend if necessary.” Rhonda kicked off her high heels on the desk spreading her legs as wide as her skirt would allow while leaning back in her chair as far as it would go. Rhonda picked up the file and read down the list of names on the front of the folder all the while watching Colleen squirm in her chair trying not to look up her legs. Rhonda looked carefully at her disconcerted opponent when her finger stopped at a name. “Felix Owens...!” Colleen’s poker face cracked as Rhonda howled with laughter. The one thing that Colleen could not tolerate was being laughed at. Rhonda seeing an opportunity hopped out of her chair walking quickly around the desk. “I am not laughing at you. You were given only a fraction of the information that you needed.”


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