The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 24

by Finian Blake

  “Boris I work as a bodyguard and so do my sisters. It is what we do.” Nadia turned her lights out and pulled up slowly behind the white van. She motioned for Boris to stay in the car. She moved to the passenger side looking in the window to see that the front was empty. She eased back to the cargo door yanking it open with her left hand. Scanning the interior she determined that the van was unoccupied. Waving for Boris to join her Nadia inspected the interior of the van. The entire floor of the van was covered by a thin mattress. There were several rings attached to the walls with lengths of rope tied to them. There were four cameras in each corner of the van that covered every inch of the floor. The van was a rolling bondage studio. “This van is set up for kidnapping. They yank the victim off the street and tie them before they can react. Let’s see how Cherry and Rhonda are doing.”

  Boris looked confused. “She talked to us on the phone.”

  “Cherry used all of the safe words but sometimes things get messy. Stay about ten feet behind me when we go up the stairs. I may have to jump back.”

  Boris did not feel right letting Nadia take the lead but he remembered from his research that she was called the ‘Red Angel’ for all of the kills that she racked up in Afghanistan. “Is there something that I can do?”

  Nadia had damaged his ego enough for one day. “Keep an eye on my back. You are doing just fine.” When Nadia entered the door she was greeted by one man lying inert on the floor and three naked men bound at the wrists and ankles. She waved Boris in the house closing the door behind him.

  “Cherry darling, Boris came to save you. He would not stay behind.” Nadia pointed to the man on the floor. “Let me check this one.”

  Nadia drew back her leg delivering a solid kick between his legs moving the body a few inches forward. The other three flinched at the force of the move. “I am quite sure that he is dead.” Nadia turned to look at the rape kit which was very complete. She picked up a handful of plastic bags shaking them at Cherry who nodded knowingly.

  Boris moved next to Cherry. “What do the plastic bags mean?” Nadia took Cherry by the hand and had her kneel knowing that the next move would affect Boris greatly. Nadia pushed Cherry to the floor and with one smooth move she slipped the bag over her head while Boris looked on in horror. Nadia released Cherry and pointed to the three bound men who all had huge erections.

  “Boris, they get off on killing people for entertainment. These assholes would have killed the four of us for kicks if they got the upper hand and I believe that they have done this several times before. One of these perverts is going to talk soon.”

  “Rhonda, do you have any Maxi Pads?” It was evident that Nadia was losing it.

  “They are in the bathroom, why?”

  “Because the first one to talk gets to keep his balls and the others become women.” Nadia drew a straight razor from her brassiere opening it to display the thin cutting edge. All three men tried to talk through their gags. Nadia picked the man with the longest hair dragging him in the kitchen. After a few minutes there was an agonizing muffled scream. Nadia walked in the living room holding the straight razor that was red with blood. Both men struggled mumbling through their taped mouths, as Nadia stood over them.

  “Cherry you and Boris take this one. Rhonda and I will take the other one.” Within ten minutes they had the whole operation plotted. Nadia led out number two who had not in fact been maimed. A swift kick in the right place had produced the perfect scream. Nadia and the others loaded the four men in the bondage van for the short ride to the property that the men had indicated.

  The route had been discussed and Nadia took the van in the lead with Cherry waiting for five minutes to start as agreed upon. Rhonda was unhappy with the driving arrangement. “I wanted some time with Cherry.” The sulk in her voice was evident.

  “Look we have a mess to clean up. I own the company and I am driving the most compromising vehicle out here. We do our own dirty work and not pass it off on others.” Nadia continued calmly. “You are going to need to be with Cherry tonight. This incident was way too close to home for her and she is going to have a meltdown.”

  Rhonda wanted to say that she was involved to. “Yeah it’s my home that was raided and I take that personally.”

  “Open your eyes when we get where we are going,” Nadia said firmly. “I am sure you talked about some of her history so pay attention and be cautious making your decisions. I don’t want my sister hurt.”

  “What specifically are you talking about?” Rhonda turned sideways in her seat regarding Nadia thoughtfully.

  “You really do love her don’t you?” Rhonda said.

  “More than you possibly know.” Nadia admitted. “I was part of the team that rescued her and ten others they are all my sisters now. With our group there is no collateral damage even the people that we don’t know count. That is why you are sitting in that seat talking to me. If we were sweepers you would be dead but Alex had a look at you and assigned Vicki to evaluate you. We accepted her word when she said that you were worth saving.”

  “And what if I weren’t worth saving?” Rhonda found herself shivering as she asked the question not being sure that she wanted the answer.

  “You had your truce and we would have honored it, but with Vicki’s assurance we had Cherry do your papers and set you up in your current job.”

  “Vicki’s word carries that much weight?”

  “Vicki, short for Victoria, which is short for victorious, is one of my sisters that were rescued from the same operation as Cherry. We rescued Sera from Evan Black and the sweepers.”

  Rhonda’s heart constricted with the comment. “I am so…” Nadia interrupted her in midsentence.

  “It…never…happened.” Nadia put a hard emphasis on each word and Rhonda knew that she knew more than she was saying. “Rhonda you don’t ever want to pass that point. Arnold, Victoria and Cherry say that your worth it and that is the only way that it will ever sit.” Nadia took her eyes off of the road briefly. “Tonight she will need you, Boris will need you and I will need you, too.” Nadia went silent and Rhonda used the silence to digest what she had just herd.

  Cherry watched the van drive down the street and turn the corner. She was almost certain about what they would find. “Boris tonight you are going to find out more about me than I ever wanted you to know.”

  “They tried to kill us you should be pissed.” Boris tried to be comforting.

  Cherry started with a sob. “When I was twelve my birth mother sold me to a pimp for a couple of fixes. They rented me out to perverts that wanted sex with children. They ruined me as a woman long before I ever was one and beat me for the least excuse. Nadia and Sarah my mother were part of a group that rescued me from these bastards. I was thirteen at the time and Sarah bought me from my birth mother for five balloons of pure heroin. I cooked her last fix which was ten times what it should have been. I have always called Sarah mother. Can you love a woman that has killed her mother?”

  Boris took forever to answer. “I heard you say that Sarah was your mother and I don’t believe that a real mother would sell her daughter. I don’t believe that you did kill your mother.” Another eternity passed before Boris spoke wanting to clear up another point. “You told me that you loved Rhonda.”

  “I find that I love you too and Rhonda loves you. Is there any law that says that you can only love one person? If I am not mistaken you love both of us.” Boris hung his head shaking it back and forth.

  “They always made fun of me at school because I looked funny and would rather study than join them. I never had a regular girlfriend.” Boris slammed the dash with two hands. “And now I have two goddesses at the same time. Why do you love me?”

  Cherry shrugged, “I was told this afternoon that you love who you love. Can you love both Rhonda and I?”

  “I will die trying!” Cherry’s bitter mood was broken by his emphatic answer. Cherry slammed the car in gear burning rubber as she pulled away from the curb. She was almos
t ten minutes behind Nadia.

  Nadia turned off the road into a dark drive way driving down to a small house next to a large well-kept barn. She pulled her Sig 9 mm from her purse between the seats handing it to Rhonda. “I hope that you know how to use this.” Rhonda hefted the gun pulling the slide back to make sure that there was a round in the chamber slipping the selector off of safe. Nadia took that as a yes. “I have it loaded with fragmentation rounds. The rounds will destroy themselves before they exit, so you don’t have to worry about shooting through them.”

  Nadia pushed the opener and the doors moved to the side. She pulled in quickly signaling Rhonda to cover the back door. Nadia carried two derringers that were a permanent part of her weaponry. With the size of her hands the derringers seemed to disappear. Nadia stepped lightly into the control room leaving Rhonda by the van to cover the men still inside. Looking at the desk she noted a cup of coffee still steaming. The other door started to open with a hand coming through the door holding a pastry. Nadia took a step back so that she was hidden by the door. A large man stepped into the room walking directly to the monitors. He saw Rhonda standing next to the van holding a gun. The man pushed a button on the console.

  “Herb get in here we have an intruder. Come to the control room.” Nadia leaned back against the wall wondering if this genius was ever going to turn around. She saw the shotgun barrel come through the door first. As the first man turned around his jaw dropped to his chest, Nadia moved the gun up to the base of Herb’s skull pointing the other Derringer at the man standing by the console.

  “Put the gun down against the wall and kneel down.” Herb tried to move the shotgun to bear. The Derringer went off with an ear splitting roar. Nadia held the other Derringer about a foot from the first man’s head pulling the trigger without a thought never bothering to issue a threat. She re-cocked both guns to deliver the second round, which was unnecessary. Herb laid face up still holding the shotgun and the other man lay face down in a pool of blood. Rhonda burst in the room swinging the Sig right and left. Rhonda looked in the monitor in time to see the SUV pull into the barn.

  “Rhonda, close the door and leave the other prisoners in the van until we see what’s up in here.” Nadia looked into the monitors finding two rooms with women in them. Both women appeared to be dressed in lingerie having been tied into a severe hog tie on the floor of their cell. The door opened and Rhonda, Cherry and Boris walked in the control room. Nadia went into high gear pointing at the monitor.

  “Cherry you and Rhonda free these two and I will search the rest of the building. Boris, would you be kind enough to search their computers. I would like copies of everything that they have especially their books and check out their security system for secondary computers. Follow my search by camera and call your lovers if I get jumped.” Boris blushed at the last comment but went immediately to work.

  Cherry opened the door to the room that she selected and found a large mattress in the middle of the floor stained with urine and feces. A very young woman was tied in a severe hog tie covered in filth. She was blind folded and the straps from the ball gag pulled at the corners of her mouth. Cherry tried to reassure her.

  “I am here to rescue you.” As she started to remove the gag Cherry estimated that the girl could not be more than fifteen if that, and when the gag came out she could hear the panic in the young girl’s voice.

  “I will read any statement that you want just untie me.” Cherry could detect several bruises that were all but faded out.

  Cherry fought to keep her voice under control as she slipped the folded straight razor out of her cleavage, Nadia had taught her this trick when she had been rescued so it had become second nature. She cut the central tie first releasing the girl’s strict position and then proceeded to cut the rest of the bonds talking softly as she did so trying to calm the young girl with little success. When Cherry cut the girls hands free she put a hand softly on the blindfold.

  “Please leave this on until we talk.”

  “You’re one of them.” The young girl sounded panicked. “You are trying to see if I will really obey you. Like you said I will never get away.”

  “Oh go ahead and take it off. Just do it slowly. What is your name?”


  “Well Blossom, you have been rescued and I can guarantee that you will never see the bad guys again.” Blossom’s eyes regained their focus. She looked into Cherry’s deep blue eyes framed by her fine brown hair not being able to understand how this angel got the upper hand on the perverts.

  “Do I call you mistress? Candy makes me call her mistress or goddess.” At her tender age they had broken her fast. Blossom’s copper red hair was tied in a single tight pony tail, that ended by her ears making her pale garishly made up thin face appear clown like. Her malnourished body made the hose and lingerie that she was wearing look like she was a little girl playing dress up in mommy’s clothes.

  “Call me ‘Kind Lady’ for now.” Cherry was not about to use her real name. She looked at the table next to the door noting that there was paper work next to the bondage gear. There was a driver’s license on top of a one-page script. The license would not fool the dumbest bouncer but a photo copy at low resolution would pass. Cherry picked up the script and started to read:



  “Blossom, were you supposed to read this.”

  “Yes ‘Kind Lady’ I kept screwing it up so Candy Cane tied me up to teach me a lesson.” Cherry reached for the button on her com link not finding it. Cherry suddenly remembered that this was an operation on the wing and their familiar gear was not with them.

  “Can you read that,” Cherry asked?

  “I am not very good at reading. My mother keeps me home from school to help her make some money.” Tears were welling up inside of Blossom’s eyes. Cherry realized that she did not have a chance in hell of reading the script without a flaw. She helped Blossom up, taking her down the hall looking for a bathroom to clean her up in.

  Rhonda opened the room that she was looking for, finding a girl that had suffocated on her gag in a strict hogtie. Rhonda pounded the floor in rage and started to cry over the girl. She could not have been more than sixteen years old and these bastards had stupidly ended her life for their profits. As she walked down the hall looking for Cherry, Rhonda spied a chest freezer in a door less room. Out of curiosity, she opened the chest only to find two young women dead in the freezer waiting for disposal. She knew now that her actions were not only justified, but necessary. Rhonda continued to storm down the hall looking for Cherry starting to shake as she walked. She reached the end of the hall looking into the small kitchen finding Cherry sitting with a frail looking girl at the table.

  “Those bastards killed her. I found that young girl that we saw on the monitor and I found two more waiting for disposal in the freezer. How do they do that without getting caught?” Cherry put her arms around Rhonda as she started to explain. “They pick on runaways mainly, so that nobody will report them missing in a timely fashion. They wait to dispose of their victims as they can. This is what almost happened to me when I was thirteen.” Rhonda started to cry uncontrollably and Blossom moved around the table putting her arm around Rhonda starting to cry along with her.

  Nadia worked her way down the hall stopping at a door marked DUNGEON. She cracked the door slowly seeing a pair of legs wearing red and black knee length platform boots with eight inch spiked heels made of steel draped over the arm of a high back chair. Nadia cursed to herself as the door creaked loudly when a vacant voice seemingly floated from the chair.

  “Grab a costume from the wardrobe table
and put it on. We don’t have a changing room but you’ll soon be naked anyway.” Nadia walked over to the table seeing a selection of flimsy cheap lingerie which was laughable. She moved to the next table seeing a black cloth bag with a Velcro strap at the open end with a large ring sewn onto the top of it. Nadia picked up the silken bag walking toward the chair from behind. The legs were hanging over the left arm so Nadia assumed the head would be somewhere around the right arm. She peeked around the back to see a stream of long blond hair tied into a pony tail. The woman had not seen Nadia’s face so she decided to act before the woman did. Nadia flipped the bag over the blond’s head instantly securing it around her neck with a Velcro strap. Pushing the blond’s head between her knees Nadia slapped a pair of hand cuffs on her wrists. The whole operation took only a few seconds to subdue her.

  “Hey Jimmy, I was supposed to do this to the fresh meat.” The blond protested. “I have her completely broken just like you told me.” Nadia grabbed her hair through the bag forcing the helpless woman to her feet.

  “You’re under new management. You will do what you are told to do.”

  “I can do women!” Nadia spun her around without further conversation leading her down to the control room.

  Candy slipped on the blood that pooled on floor in her platform high heel boots. “Hey who spilled?” Nadia held on to her hair keeping her from falling and pushed her into an office chair. She tapped Boris on the shoulder.

  “Have you erased the security tapes?”

  “Yes…” Nadia pointed to the monitor bank. There was a large central screen with a bank of six smaller monitors on each side of the screen.

  “I want one of their snuff movies on each monitor running on loops and I want a movie with bondage girl on the central screen.” Nadia held a finger to her lips indicating that she did not want a verbal answer. Boris went to work silently while Nadia walked down the hall way looking for Cherry finding her in the kitchen with the rescued prisoner who was showered and dressed in a collection of mismatched clothes that did not really fit. Nadia went to the other door in the kitchen finding that it opened directly into the hall way.


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