True Love and Magic Tricks

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True Love and Magic Tricks Page 12

by Cassie Mae

  “We’re up next,” Kaylee says. She tugs my suspenders, pulling me into a hug. She smells so sweet, and it takes all my restraint not to push her into the dark corner and christen the high school’s stage. Our luck the curtains would open just as we are about to… “You’re going to be awesome!” Kaylee exclaims and my X-rated thoughts move to the back of my mind.

  “No,” I reply.

  “What do you mean no?” She plants her hands on her hips in that stubborn way of hers, and I can’t help but kiss her cheek. She’s adorable when she gets bossy.

  “Not me. We. We’re so going to rock this thing.”

  A huge smile spreads across her glossy lips. “Heck yeah we are!” She smacks my butt, jolting me forward. “Let’s do this! First let me change.” She takes off, and I walk over to check the zig-zag box one last time to make sure all the parts are working.

  “You good to go?” I hear behind me and turn to Ryan. He walks over, and we do our hand shake then pat each other on the back.

  I tap the box. “She’s looking good.” I turn to Ryan and spot Lexie beside him.

  “Loving the outfit,” Lexie says. “I’m happy you opted out of the suit jacket. Totally would have looked like you were trying too hard.”

  “I still think he would have looked hot in that jacket,” Kaylee says as she walks toward us. My eyes land on her silver sky high sparkly shoes then follow up the silky smoothness of her legs, past the black mini skirt to the tight red sequined shirt and linger on her amazing…

  “Nate?” Ryan says and elbows my side.


  “Answer her, dude.”

  “Sorry… what was the question?” I mumble, staring at the specks of glitter along her rosy cheeks. She says something, and I search my mind for words, but they all seemed to have joined the disappearing act. Not a single one is in reach.

  “Don’t worry, Ryan. Speechless is the best compliment.” She winks a beautiful green eye at me.

  I nod like a trained puppy, hoping to god I’m not drooling. How am I supposed to go on stage when I can’t take my eyes off her?

  “I think he’s comatose,” Lexie says. “You better snap out of it. I paid five bucks to see you tonight. I’m expecting to get my money’s worth.”

  “I told you I’d pay,” Ryan says, and Lexie rolls her eyes.

  “I work three jobs, Ry. I think I can afford five bucks.”

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t—”

  “We’re up!” Kaylee says, cutting Ryan off and snapping me out of my Kaylee coma.

  “Crap. We have to get to our seats. Give us two minutes,” Lexie says. “Good luck guys.”

  “Luck!” Ryan yells and swoops Lexie up throwing her over his shoulder.

  “Dammit Ryan, put me down.” She pounds his butt, but is laughing so hard I doubt she minds the free ride.

  I take a deep breath and stare out to the stage. Mr. Harris announces us, and for a split second, my nerves take over, but then Kaylee slides her hand in mine and the nerves are gone.

  Kaylee struts out first, owning the stage like she’s done this time and time again. She’s a natural and for a minute, my mind takes a trip into my fantasy world.

  Kaylee and I on a Vegas stage, performing our act for a sold out show. A promise ring on her finger symbolizing my undying love. Because even though this love thing is new to me, to us, I can’t imagine never feeling like this.

  Kaylee holds her hands out and waves them across the box, putting Vanna White to shame. I spin the box around for the audience to see then bring it to a stop. I open the door and hold my hand out for Kaylee. She slides fingers in mine and winks a made up eye at me.

  One silver shoe steps in, and I don’t let go of her hand until the second is in place. I mouth “I love you” to her before closing the door.

  I walk over to the table in the middle of the stage and pick up the first blade, holding it high above my head. The crowd takes in a collective gasp, and I walk over to the box, making a show of it before plunging the blade into the wood.

  More gasps, and I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips. I have lived for this very moment. I take the second blade and push it through.

  I pull the middle part of the box apart, creating three separate boxes. Kaylee smiles the entire time. I spin it around and the audience goes wild, whistling, hooting, hollering and clapping.

  The box comes to a halt, and Kaylee’s hand sticking out the hole at the top waves to the crowd. Her eyes dart down and a look of shock spreads across her face. This girl could totally be an actress.

  I pretend to calm her down. I hold my hands up and gesture to wait a minute. I spin the box one more time and when she faces the crowd, I push the middle piece back into place.

  I unlatch the door and hold it open. Kaylee’s silver shoe steps out followed by the second. The crowd jumps to their feet, and I can’t even hear my own thoughts over the cheers. The smile I’ve been trying to hide to keep it as professional as possible spreads wide across my face.

  Kaylee curtseys then takes my arm and pushes me forward, holding her hands up and scanning them down my body. The crowd goes louder, but when Kaylee turns and her eyes lock on mine all I hear is my beating heart and how just a mere glance at her has it racing.

  The audience disappears as I step to Kaylee and wrap my fingers around her neck. Just like I learned in all those swing dancing classes, I take her hand, spin her out, pull her back, and dip her down.

  She breathes heavy as I stare into her beautiful green eyes. Eyes that I could lose myself in over and over again, and that I will never get sick of looking into.

  I lower my head and press my lips to hers taking in her delicious strawberry taste.

  I never thought after I slid that first note into her locker she’d ever give me the time of day. Nor did I think it would lead me to what I’ve been missing.

  I found the rabbit to my hat.

  True Love and Magic Tricks is a prequel novella to the full-length Ryan and Lexie novels

  King Sized Beds and Happy Trails

  Beach Side Beds and Sandy Paths

  And the forthcoming Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads

  Excerpt of King Sized Beds and Happy Trails

  Chapter 1


  Mrs. Sean Dixon.

  I draw a big fat X through it. After watching Sandy Mc-Slut-ster shove her tongue down Sean’s throat, all my fantasies went up in flames just like the anger inside of me. That conceited, good-for-nothing bitch knew exactly what she was doing. Her heart is darker than my Black Onyx nail polish.

  She stopped right in front of me while I sat waiting for my ride, and yanked Sean’s face to her overly made up one, then practically inhaled it. I bet she heard the rumors that Sean planned on asking me to the winter formal.

  God forbid she let her arch enemy get the one thing she desired most. It’s not fair though. I’ve waited, watching him from a distance for the past two years, analyzed every single gesture he’s made and every word he’s ever said to me.

  Unfortunately being the daughter of the town drunk doesn’t exactly scream, “Look at me! Aren’t I sexy?”

  I slam my notebook shut just as Ryan snatches it out of my hands. “Hey, give that back!” I jump up from the bench outside school and bounce up and down. It’s no use. My best friend’s arm is too far out of my reach. Even though I’m 5’7, Ryan towers over me.

  He should know better than to mess with me. I’m the one girl who knows more about him than anyone else. So I take advantage and go right for his weak spot, tickling the place where his arm bends at his elbow.

  Muscles tighten and his shirt stretches tight against his bicep. A loud laugh erupts from his mouth, hand falling to his side. “Cheater!” he yells, and I grab my notebook from his hands.

  “Winner,” I correct him and cock a smile.

  He shakes his head, dirty blond hair short yet messy sways with his movements. Dark eyes lower to mine, eyebrow arched. “If you say so.”
His arm reaches out, trying to get the notebook back, but I’m too quick. I turn away, but he’s faster this time. I’m swept into his arms, and the world spins around me.

  There’s no use fighting it. I hold on and enjoy the ride. When he comes to a stop and places me back on the ground, both of us unsteady on our feet, he smiles his big Ryan smile.

  He points toward his car. “You ready? Nate and Kaylee are already in the car. He has a deck of cards though, so he can keep her occupied with magic tricks for the next two days.” Through the window I see the top of Nate’s fedora, his head bent down over Kaylee who is cuddled into his side.

  I glance at my wrist as if I’m wearing a watch. “I’ve only been waiting for like twenty minutes.” I scrunch my nose and give him my best “mean” face even though Ryan tells me it makes me look constipated.

  He rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry I got held up in Auto Shop. We were removing an engine from a 1972 Dodge Dart.”

  I stare down at my black nails—no chips—and back at Ryan. “And if I knew what that was I might be impressed.”

  His mouth drops open, long arms fly up. “Have I taught you nothing? I’m embarrassed you’re my best friend.”

  Of course I know what a Dodge Dart is. I know more about cars than I’ve ever wanted to know. But Ry loves them, so when he talks for hours on end about classics versus modern and fuel injection versus carburetion, I listen.

  “Now you know how I’ve felt for the past ten years.”

  His eyes widen, forehead creases, and I bend my legs, ready to run. “Oh really!” he says and leaps at me with his tickle fingers. I take off toward the car, laughing so hard I have to stop to hold my sides.

  I glance up, and there in all her slutty glory is Sandy sliding into Sean’s car. The vision of Sean’s face sears my heart. How could I be so stupid? I’m a nobody, and he’s charming and mega hot, but I believed in fairytales, and he was my Prince Charming. Should have listened to Mom all those years ago when she told me fairytales were child’s play.

  Ryan stops walking. “What’s wrong?” Already dark eyes darken more as concern etches at the corners, tension pulling tight.

  For a second I forget about Sandy’s blatant display of affection. Ryan does that to me. He’s the only one that can make me forget about my shitty life. I turn away, afraid I’ll cry. A gentle hand rests on my shoulder. “Lex…” His voice drifts into my ears like a familiar song. Slowly he turns me until I’m looking into the soft brown eyes of the boy who always catches me when I fall.

  The concern is still there, but the tension is gone, replaced by the need to make whatever is bothering me go away.

  A tear slips down my cheek.

  “Don’t cry,” he says and swipes his long finger under my eye.

  I go to talk, but words won’t come. A sheet of glass forms in my eyes, and when he takes me in his arms, the glass shatters. Tears stream down my cheeks, leaving wet pools on his white shirt.

  “Okay, I’m not embarrassed you’re my best friend,” he says and laughter erupts from my mouth causing me to snort. “Now that was hot!”

  I wipe at the tears. “Is there something wrong with me? Am I defective?”

  His forehead crinkles in confusion, but when Ryan glances over my shoulder and sees Sean leaning into the passenger window of his car kissing Sandy, the skin tightens.

  “Not him again? Lex, he’s a douche.”

  “You’re just saying that.”

  “No, I’m not. In gym he blew a fit because he got a grass stain on his pants. That is a douche.”

  “Sean’s perfect. And I’m… I’m just the girl with a town drunk for a mother.”

  “You need to stop.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Beating yourself up over something you can’t control. Your mom doesn’t define who you are. You do. And if you ask me, you’re pretty kickass.” He places his hand under my chin, pulling it up until I look into his eyes. “Now screw Sean. Screw Sandy Nelson and screw your mom. Let’s go have a Ryan/Lexie fun day. What do you say?”

  I shrug. “Why not?”

  Ryan throws his arm over my shoulder and guides me to his car. Through the window I see Nate with his fedora off, hand inside, probably about to pull out a dozen or so silk scarves. Kaylee is fixated on his every move, big green eyes wide with anticipation, blond pigtails resting on her shoulders. She’s only seen this trick a gazillion times, and she’ll probably watch it a million more. As Nate always says, she’s the bunny to his hat.

  I get in the front seat and as soon as the door shuts, Kaylee’s arms wrap around my neck. “Bestie!” she screeches, even though I hate that word. I’m a slug and bestie is the salt. Just hearing it makes me shrivel up and cringe. But it’s Kaylee—the girl who has never judged me—so I always let it slide.

  “What are you pulling out of your hat today?” Feeling kind of guilty I interrupted Nate’s trick, I turn my attention to him, Kaylee still hanging on my shoulders.

  “Sorry, babe.” Kaylee releases me and leans over to kiss Nate on the cheek. “As you were.” She waves her hand and then focuses back on his every move.

  Nate’s cheeks redden, his teeth slide over his bottom lip and the trick is as good as over. His hand wraps around Kaylee’s waist, and he pulls her close, but not before a giggle escapes her mouth.

  Ryan tosses his arm over my seat and turns his eyes my way. “Do you want me to walk Brewster with you tomorrow?”

  Of course I do. I can’t handle that sixty pound, squirrel loving dog on my own. Besides, I know what he’s doing. He’s trying to take my mind off of Sean. It’s sweet, but it won’t work.

  I shrug. “If you want.”

  “Since Mrs. Nelson only gave you the job because of my ridiculously good looks, I think I’d owe it to her to be there.”

  If my eyes could do a one-eighty they would. Granted, Ryan was the reason I got the job, but it had nothing to do with his looks. “She won’t even be home.”

  “Well, in that case…” His dark eyes shoot up, forehead crinkles in his I’m-thinking-face. “Yes.”

  It was a good try, but my mind is stuck on a rerun of the Sean and Sandy show. I turn back in my seat and rest my head against the window. I don’t want to talk. I just want to go home and cry my eyes out over a boy who was never even mine. Ryan knows. I can tell by the way he keeps glancing at me.

  He squeezes my knee and puts on the radio. His way of telling me, I have the car ride to get over it.

  We pull up to Skippy Lee’s, burger joint/arcade/only hangout in a fifty mile radius. Kaylee jumps out of the car pulling Nate behind her.

  “I want a chocolate shake,” she says over her shoulder. “What do you want?”

  “You.” Nate pinches her butt then scoops her up, her laugh trailing behind them as they disappear into the crowd.

  I want what they have. They’ve been together for eight months, and in high school that’s like five years! I’m just beginning to believe there is no rabbit to my hat. Maybe I’m meant to be the lonely hat left on a train.

  “I gave you the car ride here,” Ryan whispers in my ear.

  I squeeze his arm, and he flexes under my touch. Silly boy. “And I appreciate it.”

  Fall is spiraling into winter, and I don’t have a coat. Don’t even have on long sleeves. Goosebumps cover my arms, and I run my hands up and down my skin to warm them.

  I don’t even need to ask. Ryan leans in his car and pulls out his hoodie. He wraps it around my shoulders and I push my arms through the sleeves. I take a deep breath and smile. “Let’s go have fun.”

  “I’ll race you,” he says just as he takes off.

  “Not fair!” I run after him. He reaches the door before me, and I jump on his back. “You cheated.” His cologne, juniper and sandalwood, assault my senses, and I secure my arms around his neck.

  “Never.” He cocks his Ryan grin at me and opens the door. “Let’s call it a tie.”

  We walk in, and I slide off his back. “Only if you g
et me a bacon cheeseburger.” His nose crinkles, but I pout. Not my fault the boy is a vegetarian. “For me?” I stick my lip out even farther.

  “You and that damn lip.” He pushes my lip up with his finger before he walks away.

  I join Kaylee at the far table, and Ryan joins Nate in line. Kaylee’s big eyes narrow in on me.

  “You’re making him get you a bacon cheeseburger again, aren’t you?”

  I try to hide my smile, but my lips tug hard, and we both crack up. A few moments later the laughter stops, and Kaylee flips one of her blond braids over her shoulder. “He’d really do anything for you.”

  I wave my hand. “It’s a best friend thing.”

  “You’re my best friend, and there is no way I’d get you a burger if the smell alone sent me upchucking into the bathroom.”

  “It’s not like I’m asking him to eat the damn thing.”

  “Just saying.” She holds the “ing” part out and flashes her white teeth before giving me a wink then grabbing her shake off Nate’s tray.

  Ryan sits down across from me, placing his tray on the table. The bacon cheeseburger steams, his nose crinkles again, and he pushes the delicious plate of grease toward me. I cock an eyebrow. “Now was that so hard?”

  “As a matter of fact it was.”

  With reflexes like a cat, I grab a fry off Nate’s plate and throw it at Ryan’s head. He doesn’t even attempt to stop it, and it smacks the bridge of his nose.

  “Cute. You done?” He tilts his head in that bring-it-on gesture. My hand hovers above Nate’s tray. This could get ugly. Hopefully not as ugly as the time I dumped a milkshake on his head. Jerk retaliated by hugging me and wiping his head up and down my cheek and hair. Oh and can’t forget the cherry he stole off of Kaylee’s sundae to place on top of my head.

  I don’t take my eyes off Ryan’s as I take another fry.


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