Pack Rivers: Book One

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Pack Rivers: Book One Page 7

by Bianca Griso

  Once I gave Peter his promotion, I finish getting ready by putting some hairspray and gel in my hair. I look at the time when I’m done, and I’m on time to get her. Everything is falling apart around us, I know this party isn’t ideal, but we need this. The Goddess only knows when things will be normal again or if we even have a tomorrow to wake up to. We have to make the most of it.

  Chapter Twelve


  Chelsea and I haven’t talk about anything that happened in the recent months and we try to be normal. With everything that has happened, we all need this, and in the morning, we will start fresh.

  Chelsea slips in her long beautiful blue dress with the rhinestone belt going across it. She puts on her silver heels to match and help me get in my green poofy dress. Once I’m in my dress, I fix my hair and put on my red heels. Since we are running out of time, I had asked two omega girls to do our hair. I got someone who knew how to do fancy braids for Chelsea and someone to curl my hair. Time flies when you’re having fun. The four of us started talking about everything, mates, the ball, and music. Girl time was very much needed.

  We get just about done getting ready when Tyler and Mason get here. Jo, the omega girl doing my hair, gets the door. “Hey, Jo, did Esme get you to do hair?” I hear Mason ask her. I hear her giggle and say, “ I volunteered when Esme asked around. Come in; we are almost done.”

  Mason stands in front of me and smiles at me. “You look so beautiful, Esme,” Mason compliments me. I’m happy I have my makeup done now, in hopes of it covering on how red I am. I hear Jo say behind me, “Esme makes a beautiful Luna.” I smile and reply, “Thank you, Jo, that means a lot.” I surprise myself and ask Jo, “ I been meaning to ask, do you want to be my handmaiden, instead of working in the kitchens?” She smiles at me replies, “I would love to thank you!”

  I get up and hug Jo and let her finish up. Chelsea is done getting ready, and she looks stunning. Jo finished my hair and headed out to where the ball is being held. Mason’s estate is big enough for the event; most people are on the main floor where the dancing and ordinary pack members and omegas. The second floor is the higher ranks, but the alphas, Lunas, and the betas and their mates are on the third floor. Our omegas are working as waiters, waitresses, busboys, and bartenders. The omegas from the other packs are here to have fun as they are also invited. So anyone from the four packs are here.

  We walk in, and I start on the main floor with Mason to dance. I’m not much of a dancer or partier. Tonight is special; we need this to build our strength for this war. Mason is right in the end; we need our strength before we can stand and fight.

  After a few songs, we went up to where the Alphas and Lunas are during the ball, the third floor. It’s quieter, and ordinary pack members keep staring at us. They gave me some stink eye looks; I’m assuming they know me from school and don’t like me because I’m an albino wolf. I knew this was going to happen. I was hoping I would be wrong on this, and I hoped they would focus on the rogue problem.

  When we got upstairs, Alpha Jack and Luna Lorraine are there already. Landon and his mate Rebekah are dancing on the main floor. Alpha Crimson is also here, still hasn’t found his mate. Anna and Ethan haven’t been seen yet; they could be on the second floor. We sit on some nice couches and chairs. The men went to talk about serious things, and I started to talk to Lorraine.

  We have a few drinks in us after an hour went by, all of us will be feeling this in the morning. I had never thought of Alpha Jack and Luna Lorraine as people who take shots. The old and wise know how to party with the young ones.

  Alpha Ethan and Luna Anna finally came up three hours into the party. Anna is a social butterfly, so she was probably socializing Ethan with her friends. Anna is a very kindhearted person, and she is also a talker. Alpha Ethan, I heard, used to be. There are rumors that he was a player back in the day. I remember in high school, girls would talk about Mason and Ethan. It would continuously change who we thought was hotter and it would depend on who you were talking to. Mason and Ethan are the same age; they should have been Alphas at the same time. Things changed, and it’s not what the Moon Goddess wanted.

  I look over at Alpha Ethan and Anna and greet them, and they are having fun. Ethan seems pretty buzzed and happy. Anna has a big smile on her face, and I think it has to do with they are coming out as a couple. No one really knows much about what’s going with them, but they came together holding hands. I think Ethan has finally accepted Anna as his mate. I’m sure it was hard for him to do because that means he had to let go of the past. At least I hope he did. Anna deserves to be happy.

  Anna walks over with Ethan, hand in hand. Anna hugs me, and Ethan shakes Mason’s hand. “Have you danced at all, Esme?” Anna asks. I wasn’t sure how I can explain this or if I really want to. People can be judgmental of people’s furs, and they don’t like me because of mine. I think it’s because albino wolves are closer to do the Moon Goddess, and that makes them wearily.

  “I did earlier; Mason and I danced for a bit. Lorraine and I talked a lot,” I reply to Anna. She seems to accept that for an answer, and she won’t push for more details. Once we stop the small talk and Ethan walks away, we start to talk.

  “So what’s going on between you and Ethan?” I boldly ask Anna. She smiles at me, and then her expression changes.

  “It’s been hard for both of us; it hasn’t been easy. This is a really big step for Ethan and won’t be easy at all. I understand why it won’t be, and I’m not mad at him; it’s not his fault,” Anna admits. I can’t imagine what the both of them are going through. Ethan needs to learn how to forgive himself for things he couldn’t control. He had no control or power to change the events that happened. Ethan was helpless that day, and yet he feels guilty that it did happen. Things will get better when he lets go of the pain and forgives himself. He needs to let Anna in his life.

  “I’m happy he did make this step and longs the both of you work at it. Things will get easier when you get through all of the healing process. He never forgave himself for what had happened in the past; once he does that, the both of you will be happy,” I tell her what the Moon Goddess said to me over a month ago. I think he will be happy, and he will forgive himself. He knows he has to as the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. Ethan needs to lead his people, especially now we are on the break of war. He will allow himself to be happy; he knows it’s the only way to win this war.

  After a few minutes of talking about what happened that day, the omegas brought up food to us. There was no tension in the air; everything was cleared. We all let go and laughed. We enjoyed each other’s company as we all ate our dinner. We fight for moments like these; I wish it didn’t have to come to war to be together.

  After dinner, Tyler and Chelsea came up to the third floor. Chelsea is wasted, and so is Tyler, and they are so happy right now. I’m happy she found Tyler to help her through this. She needs her mate right now, and he needs her, and together they are whole again. We will get through this together, and we will be okay.

  “You don’t understand my mate is on the third floor, I need to go up there,” I heard from a distance. It sounds not that far, probably at the entrance to go on the third floor. I look over at the Alphas when I heard a sudden noise. Apparently, I’m not the only one who heard.

  Alpha Crimson gets up and goes right over to the girl’s voice. “She’s alright; she’s my mate,” I hear Alpha Crimson say from afar. I’m happy he found his mate, but I can’t help but wonder how this person must feel. Knowing they are mated to Alpha Crimson, who is the most intimidating person.

  A few minutes pass, and Alpha Crimson comes back, with his mate by his side. His mate isn’t from this pack; she has the same features as Alpha Ethan. The raven black hair, and the ocean blue eyes, with the pale skin from living in the mountains. It’s constantly cold in their territory and cloudy. She looks beautiful in her dark blue dress. It’s long with a slit going up to her leg, and it stops in the middle of her thigh. Her black hair is
up in a pretty braid that you would get done by a professional. I guess she was hoping to meet her mate, I wonder if she expected it to be Alpha Crimson.

  “Everyone meet Emily; she’s my mate,” Alpha Crimson shouts over the music, but he didn’t disturb other parts of the party. Everyone looks over at her, waves, and smiles at the newest addition. Chelsea and Tyler walk over to her and greet her. Normally Chelsea doesn’t do this, but she’s a bit plastered.

  I am happy that the ball was successful for our kind; Moon Goddess knows we need something good. Alpha Crimson finding his mate and now has something to fight for, and Emily is that something. Everyone goes over to Emily and introduce themselves to her. We are going to see a lot of her in the future; I think we might.

  “Esme, you look like you need some air, want to go for a walk,” Mason said, disrupting my thoughts. I smile and nod at him and follow him out.

  “I want to grab a new drink before we go,” I tell him. He nodded in response and gave me a new one. It looks like he came prepared for the both of us, having new drinks in our hands. “I see you came prepared,” I comment, and Mason chuckles in response.

  I’m not sure where Mason is taking me; I just follow him outside. It takes a fresh breeze to wake me up from the party. My mind was all clouded, and now the mist is all cleared. Drinking fogged my mind, and the breeze cleared it up.

  A few feet away from the door, and I realize we are in the Alpha’s Garden. “I promised you, Esme, I would take you back here, when you were human again,” Mason said. He stands next to me; he slips his hand in mine.

  I follow him out in the garden, on the stone pathway that flows through the garden. The garden is more beautiful than I remember when I saw it in wolf form. When you’re in your fur, your vision is all red. I didn’t think we would make it back here again, with all the chaos going around.

  We walk farther down the stone pathway, looking at the colorful flowers along the sides. Everything is bright and colorful out here, even at nighttime. At the back of the Alpha’s Garden is a little open area with a swing that hangs from a tree. The strung lights are beautiful that’s going around the small area.

  Mason guides me over to the swing, and I roll my eyes at him for being so cheesy. Mason can be serious and intimidating, but he has his moments like this. I know that he has been going down in the basement, scaring the crap out of someone down there. I’m just happy that he is letting go of the anger and frustration for a while.

  I let him push me on the swing, and I could help but to giggle. Mason makes me feel things that I thought it was impossible. He makes me laugh and has let go and be free. I always had a hard time being myself, and Mason makes it easy for me to do that. Nothing ever felt so right before. I don’t feel the need to second guess myself.

  “I’m falling you, Mason,” I admit to Mason. His light pushes stops, and the swing slows down. I look up, and standing in front of me. He helps me off the swing and pulls me close to him. My body is pressed up against his. “I think I’m falling for you too, Esme,” Mason admits to me. Before I can respond, his soft lips are on mine. We move in sync with one another, my hands on his lower back, pulling him closer to me. I don’t want this night to ever end because I’m not sure when we will have a night like this again.

  I smile in our kiss, wanting more. I want all of Mason tonight. I don’t want to be alone tonight; I want him to take off this big poofy dress. I want to take off his tux and take him under the covers. His lips are so additive and soft. Even when he’s rough, he’s gentle. Our kiss gets interrupted with someone clearing their throat. We look over to see who it was; it’s Tyler. “Alpha Mason and Luna Esme, I’m sorry to interrupt you both; Alpha Crimson wants to make a toast and is waiting for you,” Tyler explains why he’s out here. Mason sighs and nods in response.

  “I’m sorry my love, but this needs to be on hold; Crimson is waiting for us. It’s been a good night; let’s not keep the grumpy Alpha waiting,” Mason said as he leads me out of the garden. It sucks our time alone, has to end, but I’m curious about what Alpha Crimson has to say.

  We follow the path to go back to the ball, and I’m sure the night is coming to an end. I can’t imagine a lot of people are still dancing. Once inside, we go to the third floor, where all the others are.

  When we walk in with Tyler, everyone is standing, and turns towards us, and claps at our return. I roll my eyes at everyone being dramatic. “Now that everyone is here, I can make a toast and call this successful night,” Alpha Crimson starts. Everyone, myself included, claps as Alpha Crimson starts in his toast. Everyone is standing with full glasses in their hands, of shots or a drink.

  “It’s been a rough couple of months with everything happening, and we all wish there were an easy fix to this problem. I know sometimes we don’t always get along; it’s why the packs were forms. Throughout the hundred years or so, the four packs became allies and friends. It sucks it came down to war and destruction to bring us together, but we do have something to fight for. Tonight I found my mate, that the Moon Goddess gifted me, and so did my beta Jared. He met his mate Sarah tonight, and I met Emily. I couldn’t thank Mason enough for pushing this; he was right. Yes, admitting that I was wrong tasted like vinegar. We did this to survive this war that’s coming, so thank you, Alpha Mason, for giving me something to fight for!” Alpha Crimson finishes his toast.

  Everyone claps and drinks their glasses as we bring this wonderful night to an end. It will be a long day tomorrow, as we have a friend to bury. All the Alpha, Lunas, and Betas from the other packs are leaving after Daniel’s service. We all say our goodbyes, as everyone wants to be with their mates, crawl into bed.

  It’s just Mason and I on the third floor, everyone else is shut down for the night. There isn’t anyone else here. All pack members on the main floor and second floor have gone home or motel rooms. “Did you have fun tonight Esme,” Mason said as he sits next time on the couch. I take a sip of my last drink for the night.

  “I did have fun, and apparently everyone who wasn’t mated found their mates tonight. So it was very successful, what about you?” I ask Mason. He smiles at me, and his lips find my own lips. His hand is on my upper back pulling me close. Mason moves on top of me, as he deepens the kiss. “I want you so bad, Mason,” I tell him. He stops kissing me, and gets off of me.

  “I’m sorry Esme, I know you haven’t been with anyone before, waiting for your mate. I want you too, I really do since I laid eyes on you. Your so beautiful, and I love that your mate. You deserve for your first time to be special, not on the couch with both us a bit drunk,” Mason explains himself. I understand where he is coming from, and I want it to be special. I want him to mark me, while it’s happening like how it happens for werewolves. I don’t want to have him mark me on the couch. I nod in agreement, and he takes me back to my room.

  “Mason, I know you don’t want to have sex for the first while drunk, but I don’t want to be alone tonight. Can we sleep in your room?” I ask. Mason smiles and nods at me. He does the pin to open my door.

  “I will be right outside, get in your pajamas, when your done, we can go to bed,” Mason said. I get in my room and change. Once I’m in my pajamas we head over to Mason’s room. Mason does his pin, and we walk in. Mason starts to strip off the tux he’s wearing. His muscles on his arms looks like they had fresh work out recently, and so does his torso. I don’t realize I was staring at his fit body until he smirks. I turn around before he sees me turn pink, I no long have makeup caked to my face.

  “Come on beautiful let’s call it a night,” Mason said, as he crawls into bed. I follow my mate’s lead and call it a night. I sigh knowing tomorrow won’t be so good in the morning.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Anna and Daniel did a beautiful job setting up the ball; Daniel would have been proud of Peter taking control last night. The party was successful from what I hear, everyone who wasn’t mated before, found their mates. I didn’t expect Alpha Crimson to give a
toast; I think that was a bit of the alcohol talking and connecting with his mate. He was drunk and happy last night, and I’m glad it worked out for him.

  Ethan and Anna seem to be going well. I know it’s been hard for them, but things seem to work out for them too. I didn’t expect Alpha Jack and Luna Lorraine to pass out shots to everyone. They don’t seem like the party type. Everyone needed this, to take a step back and go back to work in the morning.

  I sigh and get out of bed, and I try and wake up Esme, but nothing except a few noises. “Esme, it’s time to wake up; we have to be there on time,” I tell her to get Esme up. We didn’t have sex last night, but things got a little heated. Although we were both very into the moment, it just wasn’t the right time. It’s not how I wanted her first time to be, and I wanted to mark her right there. That wouldn’t have been right, doing something like that while drunk. I had to stop or would have done everything right there.

  Once I try and get her up, and nothing happens, I get dressed. “Esme, you need to get up now,” I said louder and shook her a little harder. She moans and says, “stop it.”

  “Esme we have Daniel’s wake to go to, you have to be there as Luna,” I state. Her eyes are open; she looks like she’s hungover as hell. Esme moans getting out of bed and heads to the bathroom. I sigh and get a dress for Esme to wear to the awake for when she’s ready to get dressed.

  When Esme gets out of the bathroom, her dress is here and ready for her. She comes out with her hair brushed and up in a bun and little makeup on. She kisses me on the cheek when she comes out. “I’m sorry, I’m not a big morning person. Can you have someone send up some coffee, please?” Esme asks shyly.


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