Beautiful to Me.

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Beautiful to Me. Page 3

by G. V. Steitz

  “Right, ok so are your parents home?” I asked her first looking around. “Ah, no. Do I need to worry I am alone now?” She crossed her arms over her chest again.

  “No, no, no really, I wanted to just introduce myself is all.” I explained, running my hand through my hair. “Look, first of all, these are for you.” I said holding out a boutique of spider mums and pink roses with babies breath. She took the flowers, almost looking like something might jump out of them and bite her nose.

  “Ok, thanks?” She made it sound like a question because she was confused. I stood up and walked back and forth a couple times in front of the couch, ran my hands through my hair and looked back down to Ivy. I sat back down, leaning over my knees, with my elbows on them. “Look, I know this is going to sound really strange. So, please just let me get the whole thing out. Ok?” I asked watching for her reaction. She sat back in the chair, rolled her eyes and nodded. “Fine.” She stated.

  I looked back and forth between her eyes. “Ok, so I heard what your brother said to you on your phone. I am sorry I heard it once or four times, in any case, I heard him tell you that he wanted to take you out for your “date night.” He said you always did it the weekend after your birthday. I just thought, well maybe if its ok with you, I wanted to honor your brothers tradition and ask if I could fill in for him. I know I don’t hold a candle next to your brother, but I feel like such an asshole for how I have treated you these last few weeks. I wanted to take you out, to apologize for my behavior. Maybe we could be friends?” I took a deep breath and let it all out. I don’t know if I said that all in one breath or not. I only remember watching Ivy’s face. She showed about 5 different emotions when I was talking. So not I am nervous not knowing what she is thinking.

  “You… You want to take me out? Where?” Ivy asked, trying to not look emotional bringing up the thought of her brothers tradition.

  “Dinner and a movie. Like you used to do with Mitchell. Look, I am not trying to freak you out, and I will leave if you tell me to. I don’t know, I just thought you might want to you know… hang out. Just us, not with my stupid friends. What do you think?”

  Are you making fun of how pathetic I seemed to you or something? Am I that big of a joke to you all here in this stupid school?” Ivy, looked really upset. She was standing up, threw the flowers on the ground and her fists balled up on either sides of her body. Ivy’s eyes got glassy, and tears were begging to fall from her eyes.

  I walked over to stand in front of her, and she lowered her head and covered her eyes and I could hear her quiet cry. I unzipped my jacket and pulled it off and threw it on the chair she was sitting on. “Ivy.” I whispered.

  “No, just leave. I know I must of looked pretty stupid the other day. Don’t worry, I never said anything to anyone. Please stop trying to make me feel worse. I really can’t take much more of this. Please.” She pleaded softly. Listening to her made my heart break a little more for her. I don’t know what came over me really, I just did what I felt. I tilted her chin up with my fingers and made her look up at me. I cupped her face with my hands, and dragged the pads of my thumbs across her tears. I leaned down and brought my lips to hers and waited. I first looked in her eyes, and then I closed mine. Looking back down to her eyes searching for answers. “I am not playing a joke. You are not a joke. Or pathetic.” I ran the pad of my thumb across her lower lip, all pouty looking. I licked my lips looking at hers. “Your just sad and hurt and lonely. And there is nothing wrong with those feelings. We all get them. I haven’t made anything easier for you. I am the pathetic one. I am the joke. Not you. Please believe me Ivy. My intentions tonight at sincere. I don’t mean any disrespect to your brother. I swear to God. I whispered. I brushed her nose with mine, and leaned in and gently kissed her lips. Very softly, I didn’t want to frighten her more. I kissed her again and this time she kissed me back. Nothing crazy. Just two small kisses and I felt something for her. I don’t know what but I could feel the energy between us. “I know I don’t deserve your trust. But I would really, really hope you could just give me one more chance. I promise, I won’t let you down.” I said to her, looking into her eyes.

  Ivy kept looking at me. Trying to decide if she could really trust me. I was really hoping she would just give me one more chance. She closed her eyes and pulled back from me. She bent down and picked up the flowers and looked back up to me. She brought the flowers to her nose, smelling them, she smiled and looked back up at me. “Ok, last chance Dominic.” She said softly. Making me smile.

  I kept smiling at her. “Really? You sure?” I asked, double checking. She nodded and chuckled a little.

  “I look terrible. I can’t go looking like this.” She stated.

  “You look fine. If you want to change, I will wait. No rush. Do what ever you want. It’s pizza and a movie right? That’s the tradition?” I asked making sure.

  Ivy nodded and smiled again. “Yeah, every year was pizza and movie. She laughed. Her laugh sounded soothing. Her laugh relieved my tension and sorrow for hurting her.

  You go change and do whatever. When you are ready we can go to any movie and any place you can think of for pizza. Pizza happens to be my favorite food in the world, so I can give you at least twelve choices, depending on what you are in the mood for.” I explained.

  “Ok, let me go put these in water. This was really thoughtful. Thank you for this.” Ivy whispered the last sentence. Almost seemed like she was afraid to say the words. “I’m honored you are giving me one more chance.” I said with a wink.

  “Ok, give me a few minutes. I will be right out.” Ivy said as she walked into her kitchen area and grabbed a vase in the cabinet. Walking over to the sink to fill and arrange the flowers, she looked so happy all of a sudden. “Would you like anything to drink?” Ivy asked while arranging the flowers.

  “No, thanks though. I am good. So are you here alone?” I asked looking around this small place she considered home. I thought my bedroom was bigger than this entire place. I certainly wasn’t going to make a joke about her living arrangements though. It’s not like she really has a choice.

  “Yeah, my parents are divorced. After Mitchell passed away, things sort of went south from there. He’s remarried and has a new born little boy, so he is too busy these days with his new baby and wife.” Ivy said shrugging her shoulders, trying to give the impression it didn’t hurt her. “My mom, well… My mom has good intensions. She left me a note on the kitchen counter on my birthday saying happy birthday and she would make it up to me this weekend. She knows my favorite cookies are Oreo’s so she left me a package under her note.” Ivy finished fixing the flowers and took them back into the front room, and placed them on the coffee table in front of the couch. She stood back to admire them, and I caught myself smiling at how she looked so happy to see something so simple as some goofy flowers. “My mom had a meeting she got called away to go to with her new boss, and I mean, it’s no big deal. It’s not like I am five years old missing a party with friends or anything.” She tried to laugh. “Anyway, if you changed your mind, its fine really.” She said as she fidgeted.

  I shook my head, looking down at her. “Nope, not changing my mind. Stop trying to talk me out of going out with you tonight. I want to take you out. I think it would be good if maybe we start over? I want to get to know the real you Ivy.” I said to her, leaning down I kissed the corner of her mouth and then I kissed her jaw softly, and moved to her neck kissing her once, and finally the spot right under her ear lobe, leaving a soft kiss there, I whispered in her ear. “You are going to go out with me tonight. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  “Ok, I believe you. I will be ready in 15 minutes. Is that ok?” She asked barely louder than a whisper.

  “Take thirty. I will watch TV. I am no rush. Your mom isn’t here, so I don’t think she will complain. Right?” I say looking back over in her eyes again.

  “Ok, I’m be back out as soon as possible. I promise to not take long.” Ivy stated, walking back ou
t to the hallway, towards her bedroom I suppose.

  Just as promised, 15 minutes later, Ivy came walking back in the front room. She looked… Hot. She got my attention immediately. As soon as I seen what she was wearing, I stood up.

  “Sorry I didn’t expect to go out tonight. So I might not look…”

  “You look great. It’s just pizza a movie. Better to comfortable if you ask me. Your boots are really something. I never seen you wearing anything like them. I like them… A LOT! I said, looking down again at them. Ivy was wearing black boots that came up to her knees. They had I don’t know maybe 4 inch heels on them. They had a chain wrapped around the back from each side of the ankle. Her jeans we tight, black and tucked into her boots. They looked like the typical skinny jeans and she wore an off the shoulder cuffed ivory sweater with some chunky bracelets on. And her hair was combed out, looking very soft and silky, came down to the middle of her back. I wanted to run my hands through it. “You look… Hot actually.” I told her and she giggled.

  “Ok, sorry, You just threw me off guard there. You ready?” I asked her moving around the coffee table to grab my jacket. I slipped it on and walked towards the door. “You have your phone, just in case you need it? Don’t worry, if it is up to me, you won’t need anything. But better to be safe than sorry.” I explained. I just think its better to play things safe, especially with her in a town she isn’t familiar with. Ivy nodded and she opened the closet and took out a black leather jacket, was more like half a jacket. I helped her put it on, and I was standing behind her and I couldn’t help look down at how nice her ass fit in those damn jeans. Her jacket ending just above her hips, just coming to her waist. She pulled her hair out and I was close enough to smell it. Smelled like strawberries and vanilla. I swallowed back a groan. I never expected to see this side of Ivy. I actually didn’t think there was this type of side to Ivy.

  I followed her out the door, I took her keys, locked up her house for her and handed her keys back to her. Our hands holding each others for a couple seconds, she quickly placed them in her jacket pocket and smiled, looking up at me with these amazing eyes.

  I lead Ivy to my car. Opened the door for her, after she got in, I jogged around the back, letting out a low whistle. Jumped in my side, and kicked the heat up and told her to put on what ever she wanted the radio.

  We talked very casually in the car on the way for pizza. She told her to pick any place I liked. She promised that what ever I wanted, she would like. Apparently we both have a deep love for pizza. That is very important in two people sharing a pie. I pulled up to the restaurant of my choice. Mr. C’s. “Wait right there.” I said before jumping out of the car. I walked around to help her get out. Tossing the keys to the valet. “Thanks Jimmy.” I yelled out once Ivy was out of the car. “No prob. Dom.” He said back. Ivy looked at me and back to the valet. “You know him?” She asked me looking surprised. “Yeah, something like that.” I laughed, placing my hand on the small of her back, walking her into the restaurant.

  “Dom! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. Football season. No?” Tommy said, slapping each other on the back with a hand shake. Yeah, football season. You know how it goes. Hey, can you get us in some place tonight?” I asked Tommy. “You’re kidding right? You know we always have a table waiting for you or your family.” Tommy said looking back over towards Ivy. “Oh, I apologize. Ivy, this is Tommy, Tommy, Ivy. We go to school together. Ivy just moved here recently.” I explained as I placed me arm around her shoulder looking down over at her I winked. Ivy smiled and I liked seeing that real smile when she showed off her perfect white teeth.

  “Very nice to meet you Ms. Ivy. Please follow me.” Tommy said and we were seated immediately. Thankfully the rush of the crowd still had not got in since it was Saturday night, usually the crowd doesn’t start to get crazy until after 8. And right now, it was only 7.

  The waiter came over and we put in our order. Two iced tea’s and a large veggie half for her, and meat lovers for me. Ivy said she wasn’t a vegan or vegetarian or anything, but didn’t eat red meat a lot. We finally settled in and I watched Ivy take in the restaurant.

  “You know a lot of people it seems like. Are you some sort of golden boy, soul saver all star quarter back or something?” Ivy asked, continuing her visual conquest of looking over everything.

  “No.” I laughed taking a sip of my tea. “No golden boy, soul safe anything. My parents own this restaurant. So they all know me because I sometimes work here. Pretty nice bunch.” I explained. Ivy’s eyes got wide as saucers making me laugh. “What? It’s only a pizza place.” I explained. Ivy kept me smiling and laughing the entire time. She was actually very sweet and kind. So innocent but looked to have a naughty side too. I was liking her a lot right now. A LOT.

  “I’m just surprised is all. Seems like your parents know what they are doing. It smells amazing in here. I am starving now smelling this delicious food in here.

  I laughed, “Yeah, it’s not bad.” So tell me what kind of movies you like. Anything special you in the mood for? I will watch anything. I might deny seeing a chic flick but I suppose it depends.”

  “I really like anything. Except really scary movies. Like demons and ghosts and stuff. Chain saw I can take. But all that sci-fi ghosts and Satan really scare me.”

  I nodded, “sounds good to me. We can check out what is playing on my phone when we are done here. We continued on some basic get to know you shit. Nothing too deep. Just friendly talk back and forth. It felt good actually. Fresh face, someone kind and easy going. I feel like an ass for keeping her at bay so long.

  “So where you from? What the deal with your mom?” I asked her trying to get a feel for what her story is. The real Ivy that she hides and keeps locked up.

  “Well, my mom and dad divorced shortly after Mitchell passed away. They really couldn’t deal with it. In fact they still don’t deal with it.” Ivy said, taking a minute for a sip of tea. “It’s like Mitchell never existed or was born. Never have pictures out of him. Never speak of him. Ever. Every time I would bring him up, my parents would yell, and ended up fighting with each other before storming off to leave and go some place or in another room locked up for the rest of the day. I just gave up talking about Mitchell.” Ivy explained looking like she was playing with her fingers. I reached down and placed my hands over hers in her lap. I gently wrapped my fingers around her hands. I felt bad. She must be so sad and lonely. “Well, hopefully you will consider me a friend after tonight, you can always talk to me.” I said, leaning in, giving her a chaste kiss on her soft lush lips. I couldn’t explain how goofy I was feeling with Ivy.

  “How about you?” She asked. “Nothing too much to talk about. I have three brothers. I’m a middle, well actually third born. I have a younger brother and two older ones. Michael is the oldest, he’s 25 years old. Then there is David who is 23 years old. Me, Dominic, I am 17 years old and the baby is Joseph who is 12. He was my parents little “Souvenir” from a vacation.”

  Ivy laughed at that analogy. “Have you lived her all your life?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah, not living quite the exciting life. We go on vacations and stuff but we grew up here, my brothers and I. How about you?”

  Ivy seemed to look tense after asking here where she was from. “I don’t know, I guess we were originally from Michigan. Mitchell and I grew up in Michigan. Then after he passed, My father moved to Florida. He lives with his new family in Ft. Myers Beach. My mom then, decided she needed to “find herself” and we have been traveling ever since.” She said looking down.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? So you moved around a bit. No biggie.” I tried to cheer her mood up so she wouldn’t feel bad.

  “I know, it’s just… Well, it just seems my mom gets restless every few months. I have been to 3 maybe 4 schools a year. Seems after 12 weeks or so, sometimes a little longer, she decides we need to try another place. I actually stopped unpacking. Seems to be a waste of time moving all over all the tim
e. You know?” She looked sad.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you. You haven’t had much of a break through these last few years. I apologize for asking such personal questions.” I said looking down at her. And perfect timing, our pizza arrived.

  We dug in right away, Ivy seemed to love the pizza, and of course, I feel it is the perfect food. Having all major food groups in the same dish, perfect. I explained my theory on all the food groups being incorporated into pizza, she laughed. Trying to convince me that tomato sauce was not a vegetable. I beg to differ. But I let it go.

  “So, where were you last?” If I can ask. I said with caution.

  “Yeah, you can ask me anything you want. We lived in Texas. First near San Antonio. “Lakeland Air Force Base.” My mother worked there. Then we moved to Dallas. and we lived on a ranch there. I learned how to ride horses, and fell in love with boots. Well, not these per say, but boots in general.”

  “Good to know…” I said with a smile. “You must have a lot of friends all over the place huh?” I asked grabbing my third piece of pizza.

  “Nah, not really. I don’t stay any place long enough to make close friends. My past from Michigan seems like a lifetime ago. I wasn’t on the social media websites that we all have these days, back then so, things were different. I was too young for computer social pages. My parents didn’t want me involved with anything on the internet. Once I get more involved with high school, well after Mitchell died, I really almost did anything I wanted. My parents were lost in their own misery.” Ivy stopped on her second piece, not eating more than half her second slice.

  “Your not hungry?” I asked looking confused now.

  “What? No I was really hungry. I had almost two huge slices.” She showed me her plate like I didn’t believe her. I just rolled my eyes and took my fourth piece. I had the staff wrap the rest of Ivy’s side for her to take home.


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