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The Girls of Central High; Or, Rivals for All Honors

Page 9

by Gertrude W. Morrison


  The girls of Central High took hold of the regular physical exerciseswith renewed eagerness these days. Although this work had always beenpopular with the few, now the many began to show unwonted interest.There was "fun" in prospect.

  Mrs. Case was a fine physical instructor--the best, indeed, inCenterport. In the beginning she had had to meet much opposition in herwork. Dr. Agnew, of the Board of Health, had been her efficient aid inmaking parents see that the innovation of physical exercises in theschool work was a good thing. Now the majority of the girls' parentsadmitted the advisability and value of gymnasium training. But somemissionary work was still to be done in the homes regarding thesuggested "after-hour" athletics for girls.

  A healthy interest in the sports allowed by the Girls' Branch would aidin keeping the girls themselves from a more questionable use of theirspare time. It was much more healthful and much more wise for them totake part in sports and exercises calculated to build up muscle andmind, than to parade the streets in couples, or cliques, or to attendpicture shows, or to idle their time through the big stores in emulationof the adult "shopping-fiend."

  As boys are made more manly by physical exercise and sports, so girlscan be made more womanly by them. A healthy girlhood is the finestpreparation obtainable for the higher duties of life. As Dr. Agnew,Nellie's father, was fond of saying: "I don't care how much of abookworm a girl is, if she swings a pair of two and a half-pound Indianclubs, she'll come out all right!"

  The report of the organization committee was adopted at an enthusiasticmeeting on the following Saturday. Mrs. Case promised that money forequipment of at least one basket-ball court, better swimming facilities,and the preparation of a field for track athletics would be supplied.

  The Board of Education would do some of this work. A field on the edgeof Lake Luna--right behind the school's swimming pool, and adjoiningColonel Swayne's estate--had been obtained and in a few weeks trackathletics could be practised there. A fence was to be built to screenthe girls from too much publicity, and the paths for running laid out.Tennis courts might be established here, too, if the money held out.

  In the basement of the Central High building was a well equippedgymnasium, open to the girls and boys on alternate days. But not manygames of skill could be played there. For one thing, the ceiling was nothigh enough. And the girls--many of them--were eager to learn basket-ball,captain's ball, tennis, and other vigorous sports approved by the Girls'Branch Association.

  It was approaching that important day in the school year at Central Highwhen the M. O. R.'s "touched" those girls selected for membership. Thatcertain Friday afternoon was looked forward to by most of the sophs andjuniors with much anxiety. The freshmen had no part in it. The facultydid not allow the freshmen to belong to the secret society; but it wassomething for the sophs and juniors particularly to strive for.

  Some of the girls passed through the entire four years' course withoutbeing chosen for membership in the M. O. R.'s. But a girl who waspopular in her class, stood well in her studies, was approved by theteachers for her deportment, and displayed wit and skill in anything atall, was quite sure of being chosen in either her third or fourth year;but few sophomores were "called." Therefore it was considered aparticular honor to become an M. O. R. in the second year at the school.

  This Friday afternoon, known as "the day of the touch," all the girls ofCentral High gathered in the girls' yard. The M. O. R.'s had a modestclub house--an old-fashioned three-story, narrow dwelling on the samestreet as the school, and only a block away--and from that house thecommittee of nomination marched to the crowded schoolyard.

  The committee consisted of four of the seniors who had longest beenmembers of the secret society. They walked through the crowd of girlsand with the little be-ribboned baton each carried touched upon theshoulder the girls selected for initiation.

  Girls thus indicated were supposed to go home at once and wait for thecommittee to call for them that evening. Then they would be introducedto the club; but the initiation would come later. There was alwayssomething of a novel nature connected with the yearly initiation ofcandidates.

  It was both an honor and a social privilege to be "touched" for theM. O. R.'s. Both Laura Belding and Josephine Morse desired greatly to beamong the favored few of the sophomores to gain this boon. But nobodycould prophesy which girls would be chosen.

  Of course, the freshmen remained to "see the fun" and swell the crowd.And such girls as Bobby Hargrew hung about for the same reason, forthere was no more chance of Bobby's obtaining the honor of a "touch"than that she should go sailing around the moon!

  As for Laura and her chum, however, their hearts beat high. They_hoped_.

  And when Celia Prime came toward them with her baton the chums almostheld their breaths. You could not tell by Celia's face whom she intendedto touch. She weaved in and out among the girls, many of whom weresilent and watchful, others chattering away like magpies. But there waslittle "fooling" and "carrying-on," although Laura saw that BobbyHargrew was following Celia very closely and that the perfect gravity ofthe mischief-maker's countenance was sufficient to warn all who knew herwell that there was "something up."

  The next moment Laura was startled to feel a touch upon hershoulder--right in the spot where she had been told the baton was alwaysplaced. She turned swiftly. Mary O'Rourke had gone past. It was _she_who had touched Laura instead of Miss Prime.

  "Oh, Laura!" whispered Jess in her ear. "I've got it!"

  "Got what?" demanded Laura.

  "The touch. Celia gave it to me. And you?"

  "Miss O'Rourke, I believe," whispered Laura, just as eagerly. "Come on!let's go home."

  "Goody! Oh, I'm so glad!" gasped Jess.

  As they went out of the school premises they saw Hester Grimes hurryingout of the other gateway.

  "Do you suppose _she_ is chosen, too?" asked Jess, doubtfully.

  "I don't know. I saw Celia going toward her. Ah! there's Bobby Hargrewright behind Hester. What's that she's got in her hand--a stick?"

  "Hey, Bobby!" shouted Jess.

  But Bobby, giving her chums one glance, began to laugh silently,pointing at the unconscious Hester's back, and then ran away, giggling.

  "Now, what do you suppose that means?" demanded Jess.

  "I really do not know. But Bobby is up to something. I wish she wouldn'tact so," said Laura, with a sigh.


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