I do not, cannot care if someone held strongly-worded opinions to the contrary, in fact those people were to be considered the most dangerous, and there would be a number of these people who would try to convince me of what was possible and what was not. I had had an experience and no one could tell me otherwise.
This spirit of conviction and rebelliousness would build upon certain characteristics already incubated in childhood. And then I found out about MKULTRA and the Bohemian Grove and the horrifying events that took place at the Franklin Credit Union in Nebraska; these are things that are true and well-documented, and when that bigger picture finally falls into place for a person, another irreversible change takes place. A sense of urgency is born when you discover something truly monolithic and evil at the core that rules the world and you know for certain that it must at all costs be mitigated before it literally enslaves everybody. The scope of the evil is all-pervasive, and it is rich and powerful beyond imagining, and in its face you are as nothing. Desperation beckons. Something must change.
It was necessary for me to believe in fantastic scenarios, in order to avoid becoming resigned to violent revolution; the call to action couldn't be ignored, but the solution with which I had not yet been presented needed to meet certain deal-breaker conditions: I could not allow myself to commit the same evils as those I sought to oppose.
security through obscurity
In security engineering, security through obscurity (or security by obscurity) is the reliance on the secrecy of the design or implementation as the main method of providing security for a system or component of a system
I was five, maybe six years old when my mother first told me about COINTELPRO, JFK and certain 'dark dealings' that made her leave San Francisco in the 70s. She told me about Black Panther meetings where non-violence was standardly preached and plans carefully rehearsed to avoid any aggressive confrontation, only to have protests disrupted by strange dudes showing up from out of nowhere and provoking the police to violence, and then the dudes would be found to have been working for the cops, and so I was able to go through life from a young age without that perceptual filter of unquestioning trust in the goodness of Government and Authority.
I have above recounted why I no longer held high regard for Consensus or Conformity. I would continue to discover, on a very regular basis, just how fabulously different from the common description of reality my experience would be.
Another time, a friend had shown me their 'alien implant'; it was a lump just under the skin above the crook of the elbow, was about the same size and shape as a grain of rice, and had shown up under unusual circumstances. As one might imagine, this threw gasoline on my fire and I became obsessed trying to find out anything that was known about 'alien implants'—I still thought at that time that it was all about aliens. Ahh, youth.
As luck would have it, the internet shortly became a thing and I then had access to an unparalleled source of invaluable information and total nonsense and no reliable way to tell the two apart, and spent a handful of years sifting through a constantly-growing mountain of nearly-useless anecdotal evidence.
It was during this search for actionable information regarding implanted technologies and how to decommission them that I found my perfect solution to the impossible problem; I found a website that gave me information that actually worked to disable the things, and it was on this same website that I was first exposed to the idea of orgonite. It was magnets for the implants, in case you're wondering; powerful neodymium magnets, placed over the site with the North face against the skin and left on for three days. I wish you good luck in dealing with the consequences, if you should decide to go that route.
plausible deniability
Best Answer: It simply means that a person can claim, and expect to be believed based on the circumstances, that they didn't do whatever it is that is being discussed. plausible means believable and deniability means the ability to deny, to claim you didn't. plausible deniability=the ability to claim you didn't do something (even though you did) and have people believe it.
As a fan of the writings of William S. Burroughs, I was familiar with the concept of orgone energy and had heard a little about Dr. Wilhelm Reich; in the summer of 2000, I came across the picture of an orgonite device on the internet for the first time and felt an immediate and unexplainable sense of recognition. I did nothing about it at the time and promptly forgot about it.
Several years later, in the summer of 2006, a friend told me about chemtrails. At that time unemployed, I had the opportunity to examine their claim—that fleets of airplanes were spraying strange substances into the sky that would alter the weather. I spent a full month every day sitting outside watching the sky and the planes and saw exactly what my friend had been talking about.
In the middle of a beautiful, cloudless sky, two or three planes would begin along the southern horizon and go back and forth toward the north laying down a series of parallel lines, then followed by a number of intersecting lines running east-west, to form a gridwork overhead. Over the course of a couple hours, the trails would spread out and bleed into each other, forming a single continuous sheet overlaying the entire sky from horizon to horizon and would last for about three days. If standard cruising altitude for airliners is around 30,000-40,000 feet, then the canopy would have been somewhere around 20,000 feet. I'm telling you, I watched that shit closely for a good while.
Concerned, I returned to the internet to find out more, and there rediscovered the orgonite device and the bizarre claims that went with it. To this day, I still can neither confirm nor deny most of what is said about it, beyond my own personal experience. There were bizarre things that happened for which I have no explanation, there were suspicious things that happened with odd timing, and there were things that happened for which I have only probable causes; I will constrain myself here to events which cannot be reasonably argued against, unless noted otherwise.
These were things that happened, in sequence:
In the late 90s, cell-towers popped up everywhere. Everywhere.
At the same time, the major airlines all went bankrupt and were consolidated. Immediately after their 'refitting', nearly every plane in the sky started leaving the persistent trails; people around the world began to notice these unusual trails in the sky and some people claimed they were getting sick from them. Everybody started going crazy with 9/11.
I have my own beliefs about what was happening clandestinely in the world arena, but one thing that was definitely happening concurrently was the synchronous proliferation of a certain practice of crystal-waving tree-huggery known as 'orgonite gifting'. Somehow, people had started spreading orgonite around at nearly the exact same time the chemtrails appeared en masse. How convenient!
The observant reader may notice a touch of sarcasm in the writing; it is my coping mechanism for having to swallow a pill of this girth.
The idea was this: that the chemtrails interacted with transmissions from cell-tower antennae, and that a small block of orgonite, if placed near one of these towers, would hijack its transmissions and burn a hole through the chemtrail-haze to the blue sky directly above that tower.
This was something that didn't rely on interpretation or wishful thinking—this was prove or disprove. So I tried it out. I picked three towers in a triangle several miles apart, made several of the devices and took them to the towers, planted them in the grounds nearby and waited. For several weeks running, every day when the planes would do their thing and the sky would be covered over with the low-hanging chemtrail-induced haze, there would appear three clear spots in the haze directly above those three towers. And the same would happen the next day, and the day after that, and then again.
In case the reader has missed the significance of that previous statement, I'll make it again, for the record: there would appear thre
e clear spots in the haze directly above those three towers. Repeatedly.
I was convinced enough; riding the city bus, friends' borrowed cars and my bicycle, I distributed orgonite to every cell-tower I could find. I canvassed the entire town and much of the county; I took orgonite to the islands and along the Interstate; I took it with me climbing mountains and sent it through the mail to friends out of state.
So, I guess you could say I got pretty obsessive about it for a while.
I became familiar with the look of the towers' effects upon the chemtrail-clouds. Someone had posted a photograph online entitled "Visible antenna transmissions", and it was of a hillside covered in the familiar spiky antennae with the sky above cut into regular waves of a rippled texture, and was speculated to be the effects of heat-distortion. I would recognize this pattern and became quite familiar with it very quickly. Eventually I would discover that I could trace these patterns back and they'd lead me to find towers that had remained hidden or were left off the industry maps. Some of them would be camouflaged remarkably well. It took me a couple years and I have to assume that I missed a few but, considering just how much of the stuff I tossed around, I figure I should have gotten some to within the recommended half-mile proximity to every tower in town. I grid-gifted this place. Hmph.
confirmation bias
Confirmation bias refers to a type of selective thinking whereby one tends to notice and to look for what confirms one's beliefs, and to ignore, not look for, or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts one's beliefs
I don't know why I felt so motivated to carry out this clandestine littering campaign, other than the vague hope that it might in some way contribute to the fight for good, by the means that had become available to me. I didn't have a lot of money, and I didn't know influential people; I did have a bicycle and forty bucks for a can of fiberglass resin. I went shop-to-shop asking for their leftover swarf and picked quartz pebbles up off the ground. It was almost too easy.
I've tested the stuff with various multimeters, a tri-field meter, and a number of scopes. I found that it would block microwave radiation leaking from the little oven on my kitchen counter, but then so did any large piece of metal. Not being able to measure anything significant about orgonite in a reliable way has been disappointing.
I believe in ghosts and I've had some profound paranormal experiences; still, in the back of my mind, I cannot help but to harp on the fact that all of it could have been hallucination, misinterpretation or wishful thinking. I have always been aware that it could all be dismissed with orthodox interpretations. I did not then, and do not now, care.
Since getting up to this nonsense, I haven't seen a return to the ominous, low sheeting haze that used to cover the town for three days at a pop back in the late 90s. The spraying still goes on—like I could do anything about that—but doesn't seem as effective as it might be otherwise. If the canopy is sprayed out over the bay and then moved inland over my gifted areas, it will start to burn away quickly (yes, beginning directly above my gifted areas) but these observations are my guesswork, all based on my own personal understandings. I think I have a pretty good idea of how it all fits together, but then of course I would, right?
During my 'gifting' period, I tried telling a few people I knew about what I was doing—it was unavoidable, having roommates and the manufacturing-process being extremely smelly and messy—and very quickly learned to keep my mouth shut on the matter. I lost several so-called friends to vicious gossip and discovered how alienated I really am from my peers. Every time I opened my mouth about it, someone would suggest a tinfoil hat, or worse. It has been a mixed experience, and I still occasionally doubt whether or not I was actually doing anything. I had so many (soooooooo many) weird experiences while involved with it, though, that I have to believe it probable.
Eventually I quit. I'd covered everything I could get to and that's about as much as I can do with it for now. I sincerely hope it made some kind of positive difference and wasn't just a bunch of wasted time and money. I did get a lot of good exercise with all the biking around.
If I'm to be absolutely honest with myself, I have to admit the very real possibility that I was seeing faces in clouds, that I was exercising nothing more than wishful thinking, that I'd wasted time and money that would have been better spent taking care of more worldly business. There were plenty of reasons for me to latch onto an achievable quest as a way of bolstering a waning self-esteem; there are many very good reasons to doubt everything about the orgonite situation. The other people I met who were also into orgonite were off-puttingly dogmatic about unprovables and given to fanaticism; yes, I am aware of the irony. There are any number of mundane explanations one could go to that would be perfectly reasonable and explain everything away nicely. There are a million different scenarios to explain it all away, and any one of them could be true.
I don't know, and I might not ever get the chance to find out.
I will say it again here, in case the message has been missed: I do not care whether or not people think it was all "real" or if it "worked" or not, or whatever. I was doing something that I thought might help. Maybe I was saving the world. Maybe I was dismantling a mind-and-weather control tower-network. Maybe I was inspiring others by the 'hundredth monkey principle' with the call to action. Maybe I was deluding myself and wasting my time spreading garbage around. In the end, it doesn't matter; I did what I thought needed to be done.
Yeah, I know how stupid it sounds—don't care.
8/13/13 - 7/10/2016
(NOTE – "Orgonite" is the registered trademark #78342280 belonging to Karl Hans Welz, who holds the rights for the name. I did not invent it.)
May any benefit derived from this Work be dedicated to the welfare of all living Beings.
0001 RUN [Cycle ON/1-bds1+x]
0010 LET xy(AB+) = Boris D. Schleinkofer = [BDS]
0011 GOSUB (ego) = [BDS + x + y]
0100 IF [BDS] >= 1 , THEN (abort/re-try/fail?)
0101 IF [BDS] <= 0 , THEN [BSOD ; GOTO 1001]
0110 IF [BDS] = 1 , THEN [fuctifino? ; U tell me , IF U figure it out]
0111 GOSUB (eat) = [BDS + bdsx+y+1]
1000 GOSUB (sleep) = [Cycle OFF/0-111]
1001 REM **nothing goes here
1010 RETURN [BDS - BDS = 0] , THEN [BDS - bdsx+y = 0]
1011 RETURN [BDS = BDS - 1] AND [BDS - bdsx-y-1 = 0] , THEN [Cycle OFF/0]
1100 GOSUB (death) = [BDS - BDS]
1110 RUN [Cycle OFF/∞]
Orgonomicon Page 17