The story opens with shots of a night beach party. A young man sees an attractive girl and approaches her. She runs away and he follows. She takes off her clothes as she runs for a nighttime swim in the ocean. She swims out to sea then is attacked and eaten by a shark.
The Wizard of Oz
A young girl and her dog are running down a deserted country road. She looks behind her to see if she is being followed. The girl picks up her dog and says, “She isn’t coming yet, Toto. Did she hurt you? She tried, didn’t she?” We immediately have a situation of a frightened young woman in jeopardy being pursued by an unseen villain, who has tried to hurt her little dog. Dorothy instantaneously captures the audience’s empathy while the unseen antagonist earns the enmity of the viewers.
Shrek reads from the fairy tale book while in the outhouse. He then takes his morning mud bath.
Peter Parker has to run after his school bus. Finding Nemo
Marlin and Coral look over their new home and batch of eggs when they are attacked by a barracuda.
Monsters, Inc.
A child in bed is scared by a monster that, in turn, is terrified by the child’s screams. This is all taking place in a simulation room monitored by Mr. Waternoose.
Bruce Almighty
Bruce has to wear a hairnet while doing a news story about a bakery.
Matrix Trilogy
Neo is sleeping by his computer which sends him a message. Pirates of the Caribbean
The young girl, Liz, is standing in front of a ship as it sails out of the fog. She is singing a song about pirates.
Harry Potter-The Sorcerer’s Stone
Prof. Dumbledorf extinguishes all the lights on Privet Lane. Harry Potter is delivered by Hagrid and left on the doorstep of his guardian’s house.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The back story of the creation of the one Ring, the death of Sauron, and the loss of the Ring is narrated.
The protagonist is usually introduced in a way designed to immediately generate audience empathy for the character. Dorothy and E.T. are sympathetic characters chased by unseen “faceless” assailants. By not showing the pursuers, the audience’s empathy increases because they envision the pursuer to be the most horrible creature they can imagine. Dorothy, Luke Skywalker, and Kevin are both neglected by their families. Elliott has the additional problem that his mother does not believe him when he tells her he has seen a creature in the yard. This immediately generates empathy for him in the audience because they know he is telling the truth, yet he is not believed. Luke Skywalker also feels that he is not getting the support that he deserves from his aunt and uncle.
Each of the protagonists are initially presented in a manner designed to immediately create an empathetic bond between them and the audience. Titanic
Rose is working with her pottery when she hears a news story on the television discussing the adventures of treasure hunters for the Titanic. The TV displays a picture of a naked woman wearing the jewel, “the Heart of the Ocean.” It is Rose as a young woman.
Star Wars
Luke is unhappy living on the farm with his aunt and uncle. He is lonely and wants to join his friends at college.
Phantom Menace
Anakin Skywalker is working as a slave in a junk shop owned by Watto. E.T.
The small child-like extra-terrestrial is chased by “faceless” creatures with flashlights. He is then abandoned by his spaceship.
The Lion King
Simba, the future King of the Pride Lands, is presented to his animal subjects.
Return of the Jedi
Luke Skywalker, dressed as a Jedi Knight, enters the domain of Jabba the Hutt and demands he release Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia.
Jurassic Park
Dr. Alan Grant, a digger, who hates computers and children, is working on an excavation, digging up dinosaur fossils. He discusses the attack patterns of the Raptors.
Batman punishes two muggers who have terrorized and robbed a couple in front of their young son.
Home Alone
Kevin tries to get a member of his family to help him pack his suitcase, but they are all too busy and ridicule him for being incompetent.
Forrest Gump
The floating feather, which represents Forrest, flows through the air and lands on Forrest. He picks it up and places it in his suitcase.
Cpt. Martin Brody gets out of bed in the morning. He receives a phone call telling him to go to the beach to search for a missing girl. When he arrives at the beach, he searches with the girl’s boyfriend, and, together they find the girl’s half-eaten body.
Independence Day
Each of the four protagonists of this movie is introduced in an empathy producing situation: Captain Steve Hiller with his girlfriend Jasmine; David Levinson playing chess with his father; President Whitmore on the phone with his wife and daughter at the White House; and Russell Casse drunk as he flies his crop dusting plane above the wrong field.
Men in Black
A van, filled with Mexican aliens, is stopped by a Border Patrol. The aliens all exit from the van. Suddenly D and K, two MIB agents drive up to the scene. K gets out and starts to speak to the aliens in Spanish until he identifies one who does not understand the language. K and D escort this alien down a slope and unveil him to be Mikey, a convict from another planet. When one of the Border Patrol men approaches, Mikey decides to run for it. K’s partner D falls to the ground and is unable to stop Mikey. K takes out a gun and destroys Mikey. Since the alien was seen by the Border patrol, K erases their memories with a flash of the Neuralyzer. K must also erase the memory of his partner D, who has become too old for the chase. Now K must find a new partner. The story then switches to the Will Smith character that will later become J in MIB, running down a city street chasing a criminal, who he will later discover is an alien. K and J will become the dual protagonists of this story.
Sixth Sense
Dr. Malcolm Crowe is first seen celebrating his award with his wife. He is then shot in his bedroom by a deranged former patient. This generates tremendous empathy for the character.
Empire Strikes Back
Luke is attacked by a white snow creature while on patrol on the ice planet Hoth. The creature intends to eat him and hangs him upside down in the ice cave. Luke is in jeopardy: a life and death situation. This is an empathy scene for him. Luke awakes and uses his powers to free himself from the ice and the creature.
The Grinch
We first see the Grinch when four teenagers from Whoville approach his cave on Mt. Crumpit. The Grinch scares them away.
The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy, in distress, is running down a deserted country road, pursued by an unseen assailant. Dorothy is shown being ignored by her aunt, uncle, and the farmhands when she appeals to them for help.
Shrek reads from the fairy tale book while in the outhouse. He then takes his morning mud bath. He is likeable, but he is a sloppy Ogre.
Peter Parker has to run after his school bus. Finding Nemo
Marlin and Coral look over their new home and batch of eggs when they are attacked by a barracuda. Marlin tries to defend his home, but is knocked out.
Monsters, Inc.
Sulley is in bed sleeping when Mike wakes him up.
Bruce Almighty
Bruce has to wear a hairnet while doing a news story about a bakery.
Matrix Trilogy
Neo is sleeping by his computer which sends him a message. Pirates of the Caribbean
The young girl, Liz, is standing in front of a ship as it sails out of the fog. She is singing a song about pirates.
Harry Potter-The Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter is delivered by Hagrid to Prof. Dumbledore and is left on the doorstep of his guardian’s house. Harry
has a scar on his forehead. Because he is in danger, it is best for him to live away from the world of magic until he is older.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Frodo sits under a tree in the Shire. He is reading a book when he sees Gandalf approach in a cart. Frodo and Gandalf are happy to see each other.
INTRODUCTION OF THE ANTAGONIST Ruthlessness and betrayal are traits that will generate enmity for the antagonist. Especially betrayal! It is important that a relationship of trust is established in the mind and feelings of the audience between the antagonist and one of the sympathetic characters in the story. The audience should not suspect that the sympathetic character will be betrayed. Then, when the betrayal occurs and major harm is caused to the character with whom the audience has empathy, the audience will react with intense emotion, hate the antagonist, and feel that he is worthy of destruction. This is the type of emotional hatred that the writer wants the audience to feel because they must emotionally want the protagonist to destroy the antagonist.
To have the antagonist laugh with glee at the desperate state of a sympathetic character is another way to create enmity for the antagonist. If the antagonist terrorizes a vulnerable character, then enmity is generated for him and his supporters. Both Elmira Gulch (Wicked Witch) and Darth Vader are introduced pursuing young women whom they place in jeopardy (Dorothy and Princess Leia).
Cal exits his car near the boarding plank to the Titanic. He displays aristocratic arrogance when talking to Rose and the Porter.
Star Wars
Darth Vader is introduced while leading an attack of the Imperial Soldiers against the Rebel spaceship. He captures Princess Leia and is characterized by her as a villain.
Phantom Menace
Darth Sidious advises the leaders of the Trade Federation to kill the two Jedi Knights, who have just arrived as ambassadors to negotiate a settlement to the blockade.
Faceless men with flashlights chase the child-like E.T. through the forest underbrush.
The Lion King
Scar is reprimanded by Zasu and Mufasa for not attending the presentation of Simba. This reveals Scar’s resentment at losing his position as first in line for the throne.
Return of the Jedi
Darth Vader lands his spaceship on the Death Star and informs the Commander that the Emperor will soon be arriving to inspect the work. He also says that the Emperor is not as forgiving as Vader.
Jack Napier (who later becomes the Joker) is introduced in his apartment with Alicia, boss Grissom’s girlfriend, with whom he is having an affair. Napier is listening to a TV newscast announcing the City Hall’s new war on crime. He expresses arrogance and contempt for the police, contempt for his boss by having an affair with his girlfriend, and contempt for Alicia.
Jurassic Park
The Raptor, a vicious highly intelligent dinosaur, devours one of the Jurassic Park workers.
Home Alone
The principal thief is introduced as a police officer. This betrayal of trust is later revealed when it is shown that this is the disguise he uses to scout out houses he intends to rob.
The great white shark eats a girl swimming late at night in the ocean. Forrest Gump
People who do not believe that Forrest is normal and should be respected as a human being are the antagonists of the story. The first instance of this are the men sitting outside the store who stare at Forrest because he wears braces. Next is the scene with the school principal, who wants Forrest to go to a special school because he is not normal. His IQ is 75.
Independence Day
The shadow alien spaceship moves across the moon surface and darkens the U.S. Flag. The alien spaceship then moves toward the planet earth.
Men in Black
The Bug crash lands his spacecraft near a farmhouse, destroying the farmer’s truck in the process. He devours Edgar, the farmer, then uses Edgar’s skin as a disguise and searches for “the Galaxy on Orion’s belt.”
Sixth Sense
A dead person terrorizes Cole Sears.
Empire Strikes Back
Darth Vader is searching for the Rebel base. The Grinch
Mayor August May Who scolds the children for going near the Grinch’s cave on Mt. Crumpit. He warns them about awakening the Grinch.
The Wizard of Oz
Elmira Gulch is introduced as the person who was pursuing Dorothy. She then takes away Toto. The Wicked Witch of the West is introduced as seeking revenge for the death of her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East.
Lord Farquaard tortures the Ginger Bread Man. He has cut off his legs. Spider-Man
Norman Osborn is driving his son, Harry, to school. He is later arguing with the military about the progress made in his research project.
Finding Nemo
Human divers capture Nemo and take him to their boat. Monsters, Inc.
Mr. Waternoose reprimands a monster for not performing as he should in his efforts to scare children.
Bruce Almighty
God appears as a janitor. Bruce is his own worst antagonist.
Matrix Trilogy
Agent Smith interrogates Neo.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Barbossa confronts Liz who wants to parlay with him. Harry Potter-The Sorcerer’s Stone
Prof. Quirrell first meets Harry in a London pub. Voldemort comes after Harry in the forest by the dead unicorn.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Sauron slaughters men in the opening sequence, until the ring is finally cut off his finger.
CLIMAX SCENES The climax scene of the movie is always the most exciting and emotionally engrossing scene for the audience. This is the “obligatory scene” in which there is a battle between the protagonist and the antagonist. The survival of the love interest will also be determined by the actions of the protagonist. The outcome of this battle will determine the fate of the unique concrete object and the primary objective. Only one of these characters will survive the conflict that rages in this scene.
The story climax, the final choice of values by the protagonist as discussed in another section of this book, may or may not be part of this scene. But the plot climax always is. In this scene, the following questions are resolved: What happens to the primary objective? Who obtains the unique concrete object at the end of the film? What is the outcome of the battle between the protagonist and the antagonist?
For examples of the climax scenes, and the difference between the story climax and the plot climax, read the relevant chapters in this book.
RESOLUTION SCENES (The Final Scene of the Movie) The final scene consists of the resolution of the story. The conflicts are resolved both for the protagonist and the community (including the audience). All open questions, complications, and loose ends are tied up. After this scene, there are no more crises and no more confrontations, for there no longer is any opposition that could generate conflict.
In the climax scene of the movie, the threat to the protagonist and the community has been destroyed, and the community returns to stability and equilibrium. There is usually a celebration for the defeat of the antagonist and his forces; a joyous event where the protagonist reunites with the community. This allows the audience to express joy and release all the final emotional tensions that has been built up in the climax scene.
Once the conflicts are resolved, the movie usually ends as quickly as possible. This resolution has traditionally been called the “denouement” of the story. In most popular films, there is a preference for clear endings that lack any moral ambiguity. The protagonist and his values have overcome the obstacles, and he has triumphed over the antagonist. The audience is left happy, feeling that once again, all is well with the world. To paraphrase Aristotle, their emotions have been purged through pity (for the protagonist) and fear (of the antagonist). The audience then leaves the theatre having had an emotionally satisfying experience.
p; Titanic
Rose walks into the Titanic stateroom and up the stairway to meet Jack by the clock. They kiss and Rose rejoins the community on the Titanic. The ghosts of those who drowned on the Titanic applaud.
Star Wars
Luke Skywalker returns to a joyous rebel base after destroying the Death Star. The community honors Luke and Han in a celebration in which they are awarded medals for saving the planet.
Phantom Menace
There is a grand parade in the central plaza of Theed, Naboo, celebrating the victory over the forces of the Trade Federation. Queen Amidala stands next to the Supreme Chancellor Palatine, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Sio Bibble, and the Jedi Council. In the parade are Boss Nass and Jar Jar. They stop by the Queen and walk up the steps to stand by her side. Boss Nass holds up the Globe of Peace. Everyone cheers. The parade moves on.
The Lion King
The same as the opening, but now it is Simba and Nala’s cub that is raised up for the animals of the kingdom, completing the “circle of life.”
E.T .
Elliott learns the lesson that sometimes the people you love must leave, and although this may be a painful experience, the friendship can still remain for a lifetime. Elliott and E.T. have triumphed over the forces that have sought to keep E.T. a captive. He has won his freedom. Their final parting is witnessed by Elliott’s family and “Keys,” the government agent. Friendship, along with freedom, are reconfirmed as values that the community should cherish.
Return of the Jedi
Luke Skywalker has a victory celebration with the Ewoks, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Princess Leia. Luke then sees the smiling spirits of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and his father, Darth Vader.
The Mayor and Police Commissioner stand in front of City Hall and address the community, acknowledging Batman’s triumph in saving Gotham from destruction. They read a letter in which Batman promises to help them if crime returns. All they have to do is call him with the Bat Signal. Alfred calls to Vicki Vale, who enters the limousine and sips champagne as Alfred drives her home to wait for Bruce. Batman stands in silent vigilance from the dark rooftops above Gotham City.
Jurassic Park
The Megahit Movies Page 19