The Megahit Movies

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The Megahit Movies Page 43

by Richard Stefanik

  Moonlight. They approach the gates to the Mines of Moria. There is a riddle over the top of the gate. Gandalf cannot find the magical words which will open the gate. Pippin throws rocks into the lake water in front of the gate. Aragorn tells him to stop. “Do not disturb the waters.” Frodo reads the riddle and asks the Elf word for “Friend.” The gate opens. The Mine is a tomb, littered with dead bodies of Dwarfs.

  The Lake Monster appears and grabs Frodo with his tentacles. The Fellowship fights the octopus-like monster. They run back into the mines as the rocks above the gate collapse.

  Gandalf fears a monster that lives in the depths of the mountain. Gandalf leads. Frodo sees a naked creature in the darkness. It is Gollum. Gollum has been following them for days.

  They enter the Great Hall of the Dwarves. Gimli mourns the death of the King of the Dwarves. Pippin accidentally knocks a skeleton into the well. It makes a great amount of noise as it falls to the bottom. Suddenly, drum beats and shrieks are heard from the cavern below. The Fellowship bars the door. The Orcs attack with a Cave Troll among them.

  Frodo is stabbed by the Cave Troll but is saved by the body armor given to him by Bilbo. The Fellowship runs through the Great Hall but they are surrounded by the Orcs and Goblins. Suddenly, a great red glow appears at the end of the hallway, and the creatures scatter. It is the demon Balrog. Gandalf tells them all to run. They run toward the stone bridge, part of which is missing. They have to jump across the gap. They finally all get across as Balrog approaches. Gandalf blocks his path and yells: “You shall not pass!” The rock bridge collapses, and Balrog falls into the depths. But his fiery whip catches Gandalf by the leg and drags him off the edge. Gandalf clings to the ledge, but finally lets go and falls into the depths. Frodo screams in anguish.

  The Fellowship gets outside the cave. They rest, but Aragorn wants them to continue because the mountains will soon be filled with Orcs. They all get up and go forward. Aragorn leads them into the Forest of the Great Sorceress. They are captured by a band of Elves. “You are in the Realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back!” In a field of White Light appears the Elf Queen, Galadriel.

  “Frodo, you bring great danger here,” says Galadriel.

  The Fellowship rests. Boromir and Aragorn talk of Gondor and bond in friendship. Aragorn is the Reluctant King. Galadriel asks Frodo to look into the mirror and tell her what he sees. Frodo sees the Shire in flames, and the Hobbits enslaved by the Orcs. “This will come to pass if you fail; he will try to take the Ring,” says Galadriel.

  Frodo offers the Ring to Galadriel, but she refuses. If she takes it, she will become the Queen that they will all love, and they will despair. They will lose control of their own lives and no longer be free. She refuses the Ring. Frodo is the ring bearer. He must do the task.

  Orcs were once Elves who were tortured. Saruman is creating new warriors: Uruk-hai made from the earth. They are sent out to get Frodo and to kill all the others.

  Galadriel gives Frodo a phial of light.

  The Fellowship floats down the river in canoes as they are hunted by the Uruk-Hai warriors. They sail past the giant statues of Kings. Legolas feels the threat growing near. He tells Aragorn. Frodo goes off by himself. Boromir, who is gathering wood, sees him. Boromir tries to persuade Frodo to give him the RING, then he tries to take it from Frodo. Frodo puts it on and becomes invisible. Frodo sees the Eye of Sauron. Boromir begs for forgiveness.

  Aragorn finds Frodo, but unlike Boromir, Aragorn pledges to help Frodo destroy the Ring. Aragorn is attacked by the Uruk-Hai. A big fight ensues. Merry and Pippin are chased. Boromir tries to defend them, but is killed. Three arrows are shot into him. Pippin and Merry are captured and carried away. A Uruk-Hai stands over the dying Boromir and is about to kill him when Aragorn attacks. They fight, and Aragorn cuts off his head.

  Aragorn comforts Boromir as he dies and pledges that “the world of our people is not yet over.” “I would have followed you my brother, my Captain, my King,” says the dying Boromir.

  Frodo stands on the shore of the river holding the Ring. He departs in a canoe. Sam runs to the river edge. He wants to go with Frodo, but Frodo refuses. Sam jumps into the river but cannot swim. He begins to drown. Frodo leaps into the water and saves him. Frodo pulls Sam into the boat.

  The Fellowship splits up. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas decide to rescue Pippin and Merry.

  Frodo and Sam look toward Mordor. “Sam, I am glad that you are with me,” says Frodo.



  Opening Scene: Snow Cap Mountains. Aerial views. Gandalf fights Balrog.

  Frodo watches Gandalf fall into the abyss.

  Gandalf slashes Balrog with his sword.

  Gandalf and Balrog fall into the lake at the bottom of the abyss. Frodo awakes from his nightmare dream.

  Sam and Frodo walk toward Mordor.

  They are lost – The eye of Sauron – The Ring. Elfin Bread. They eat some then walk. They smell something. Gollum. They are not alone. Sam and Frodo sleep. Gollum crawls on the rocks above them. He wants his precious. Gollum fights Frodo and Sam for the Ring. They subdue Gollum and tie a leash around his neck.

  Frodo pities Gollum. Gollum swears that he will serve his new master, Frodo. Sam does not believe Gollum. Frodo tells Gollum to lead them to the Black Gates of Mordor.

  Orcs carry Pippin and Merry. Orcs smell human flesh. They quicken their pace. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas are searching for the Hobbits. The Orcs are taking them to Isengard.

  Saruman pledges his allegiance to Sauron, then he incites the hill people to attack the villages of Rohan. He believes that Rohan is ready to fall. King Theoden’s son has been wounded by Orcs. The Poisoned King sits on his throne, controlled by Grima Wormtongue. Eomer, nephew of the King, is banished from the court by Wormtongue, who lusts for Eowyn. Orcs stop for a breather. They chop down trees. They are hungry for meat, and some want to eat the Hobbits. If not the whole body, then perhaps the legs. They are attacked by Eomer and the Rohan soldiers, and are all killed. The Hobbits escape into the Fangorn Forest.

  Aragon meets up with Eomer and asks him about the Hobbits, then they search among the burning Orcs. Aragorn traces the tracks of the Hobbits into the Forest.

  Merry and Pippin escape into the forest, but they are followed by an Orc who wants to kill them. They climb up a tree. Treebeard steps on the Orc. He is an Ent. “Nobody cares for the trees anymore.” Gollum leads Sam and Frodo into a bog swamp. Sam sees dead faces in the swamp water. Frodo looks down then falls into the water. Dead spirits try to grab him. Gollum pulls Frodo out of the swamp. “Don’t follow the lights.”

  Frodo rubs the Ring at night, as Gollum talks about his “precious.” Sméagol, of the River People, was not much different from the Hobbits a long time ago. Shrieks of the Black Riders. Frodo, Sam, and Gollum hide in the swamps as Night Riders fly above them on Fell Beasts.

  Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas enter the Forest looking for the Hobbits. They are confronted by the White Wizard, who quickly disarms all three. They discover that the White Wizard is Gandalf.

  Gandalf had defeated Balgor then went to heaven. They sent him back to Middle-Earth because his work was not completed. Before he was Gandalf the Grey, now he is Gandalf the White. He whistles for his white horse, ShadowFax.

  Treebeard with the two Hobbits walks through the forest. Gollum leads Frodo and Sam to the Black Gates of Mordor. From a mountain top, they watch the Warriors march into Mordor. Sam falls down a hill. Two enemy soldiers see the rockslide and search the hill. Frodo runs down and covers Sam and himself with his Elf cloak. The enemy soldiers cannot see them.

  Gollum stops Frodo and Sam from going in through the Black Gates. He tells them that there is another way into Mordor. Frodo trusts Sméagol, Sam does not.

  Gandalf, Aragon, Gimli, and Legolas ride to Edoras. Gima Wormtongue comforts Eowyn over the death of the King’s son. She rejects his advances. She goes outside the buildin
g and stands by the White Horse Flag. Celtic Woodwork. The flag falls from the post and lands at the feet of Aragorn as he rides into Edoras. Guards disarm the Fellowship, but Gandalf keeps his staff. He confronts Wormtongue, and with his staff, pushes the spirit of Saruman out of King Théoden. The King recovers his strength and health then takes his sword in his hands. He throws Wormtongue down the stairs, and banishes him from Edoras.

  King Théoden buries his son, and cries. “No parent should have to bury their child.”

  A horse rides up carrying the children from the Rohan village that was overrun by the mountain people.

  King Théoden does not want to go to war and decides to go instead to Helms Deep, the Rohan stronghold in the mountains. Gandalf leaves to recall the Rohan soldiers, and he tells Aragorn that Helms Deep must hold. “Look to the East for my coming on the 5th day at Dawn!”

  Eowyn sword plays with Aragorn. She is falling in love with him. King Théoden leads his people from the village. Wormtongue betrays them by telling his plans to Saruman. Saruman plans to attack Rohan with his DogBeasts.

  Frodo, Sam and Gollum journey. Frodo wants to help Gollum: “I want to believe that he can come back.” Sam believes that “the Ring is taking hold of Frodo!” They sleep. Gollum talks to Sméagol. “Liar, thief, Murderer,” says Gollum. Sméagol tells Gollum to leave. The Master will take care of Sméagol now!”

  Sméagol catches two rabbits, and wants to eat them raw. Sam cooks them. Frodo hears birds calling. He goes into the forest and sees an army with elephants marching by. Soldiers from Gondor attack this army. They capture Frodo, Sam, and Gollum.

  Eowyn falls in love with Aragorn, but Aragorn loves Arwen. He dreams of her. They kiss in his memory. Elrond argues with Aragorn. “Let Arwen take the ship to the West. She is immortal and you are mortal.”

  Rohan villagers travel to Helms Deep. Legolas senses something is wrong. They are attacked by the DogBeasts. They fight and finally defeat the Orcs with the DogBeasts, but Aragorn is pulled over the ledge and falls into the river below. Everyone thinks that he is dead.

  Wormtongue and Saruman stand on a balcony and watch the army of 10,000 warriors that will attack Helms Deep. They march to war.

  Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin watch troops as they march toward Helms Deep. Aragorn floats down the river. He dreams of Arwen. He is found by his horse and gets back on the horse. They slowly ride toward Helms Deep. Elrond and Arwen argue. Aragorn will die, but Arwen will not. She will grieve forever.

  Warriors from Isengard have been released.

  Frodo believes that the quest will claim his life.

  Faramir questions Frodo.

  Elves: “Do we leave Middle Earth to its Fate? Do we let them stand alone?”

  Faramir questions Frodo and Sam. Boromir was Faramir’s brother. Gollum is swimming in the sacred pool, unaware that he is surrounded by Faramir’s men. Frodo pleads for his life. He goes down to the pool and persuades Gollum to come out. Gollum is then captured.

  Sam tells Frodo to put on the Ring and become invisible so that he can escape. Frodo says no! Faramir wants the Ring of Power to save Gondor.

  Aragorn rides to Helms Deep. He has survived. Legolas gives Aragorn back the Elf charm he dropped that was given to him by Arwen. Saruman has an army of 10,000 against the 300 Rohan defenders of Helms Deep.

  Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin meet with the other Ents in the middle of the forest to discuss what to do.

  Aragorn commits to the battle and will fight with the defenders of Rohan.

  King Théoden: “How did it come to this?”

  Aragorn: “There is always hope.”

  Army of Elf Archers come to Helms Deep. “Elves will be proud to fight alongside Men once more!”

  Treebeard: “We have agreed that you are not Orcs,” he says to the Hobbits.

  The attack of Helms Deep begins in the rain. Explosions create a breach in the wall. A battering ram smashes against the front gate. Ents to Hobbits: “This is not our War!” Hobbits: “But you are part of this world!” Ents: “Go home!”

  Elves are killed in the battle of Helms Deep, including their leader.

  Rohan retreats to its last stronghold.

  Treebeard carries the Hobbits to the South, past Isengard.

  Faramir will not let Frodo go. He wants to take the Ring to Gondor.

  Treebeard sees his tree friends dead in the forest in front of Isengard. Treebeard declares war against Saruman. The Ents attack Isengard.

  The Ring is driving Frodo mad. The Fell-Beasts carrying Ringwraiths attack the city. Aragorn advises King Théoden to ride out and meet them. One last glorious charge for the people of Rohan. “The sun is rising,” says Gimli. They mount their horses and charge out of the room when the Orc/UrukHai army break through the door. They charge down the stone walkway, killing Orcs as they go. They look to the East, and see Gandalf with the Rising Sun at his back.

  The Ents attack Isengard. They pull down the dam, and waters flood throughout the plain and flood Isengard, destroying the caverns that Saruman built.

  Frodo is possessed. He walks to the tower and confronts a flying FellBeast that carries the Witch-King! Frodo holds out the Ring to the FellBeast. Frodo starts to put it on his finger, but Sam pulls him down off the wall. Frodo pulls his sword out and threatens to kill Sam. Frodo then drops his sword and says, “I can’t do this Sam.” Frodo almost gives up. “There is some good in this world worth fighting for,” says Sam. Faramir lets Frodo go.

  Gandalf, after the victory at Helms Deep, says “The battle of Helms Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin!”

  “Samwise the Brave,” says Frodo, as they walk toward Mordor. Sméagol-Gollum, argues with himself. “Kill them both, then we take the precious and be the Master. Kill Him! No, let her do it! Then we take it when they are dead. Follow me!” Gollum leads Sam and Frodo towards Mount Doom.


  LORD OF THE RINGS III - RETURN OF THE KING Opening Scene: Introduction of the Antagonist

  Gollum’s Story: Déagol and Sméagol are fishing. A fish pulls Déagol into the water. Déagol finds the Ring. Sméagol wants it. It is his birthday. They fight. He chokes him and kills Deagol to get the Ring. “Precious.” Sméagol goes into the mountains. He goes crazy. He eats raw fish and transforms into Gollum. He forgets his name. “Mine…Precious.”

  Introduction of the Protagonist

  Sam and Frodo are asleep. Frodo looks at the Ring on the chain around his neck. Gollum wakes up. He wants to go. Mount Doom is behind them. Sam says that Frodo must eat. Sam says he is not hungry. There is not much left of the food. They must be careful or they will run out. They need food to get back home to the Shire. Gollum leads them toward Mordor.

  Aragorn, Gandalf, and the others ride through the forest. Pippin and Merry are celebrating the victory of the Ents over Isengard. Treebeard has taken control after the flooding of Isengard, and Saruman is locked in the tower. Gimli wants to kill him, but Gandalf says no, Saruman has no more power. Pippin finds the crystal ball in the water. Gandalf takes it from him. They ride to Edoras. King Théoden celebrates with a toast to the dead heroes of the battle of Helms Deep. Eowyn drinks a toast with Aragorn. She is deeply in love with him. King Théoden is happy for Eowyn. Pippin and Merry dance on the table. Aragorn and Gandalf talk. “No news of Frodo? What does your heart tell you?” “Frodo is still alive,” says Gandalf.

  Gollum argues with himself. “Lead them to her, upstairs, the tunnel, when they go in, no one comes out. She is always hungry, needs to feed. Sam hears Gollum’s plans to get the Ring. Sam beats up Gollum, but Frodo stops him. Gollum wants to turn Frodo against Sam. Frodo needs Gollum as a guide. Frodo needs Sam for help.

  Night. Aragorn and Legolas sense trouble. “Something stirs in the East. The Eye of the enemy is moving.” Pippin takes the crystal ball, palantiri, from Gandalf while he sleeps. The Eye of Sauron sees Pippin and takes possession of him. Gandalf awakes and throws a blanket over the palantiri. Ga
ndalf questions Pippin. He saw a white tree in a burning city of stone. Sauron wants to attack Minas Tirith. He wants to destroy men before a new King can take the throne. Gandalf wants Théoden to fight with Gondor, but Theoden refuses since Gondor did not help Rohan. Gandalf must take Pippin with him because the Eye-of-Sauron now thinks that Pippin is the Ring-bearer. Gandalf and Pippin ride to Minas Tirith. Merry stays behind.

  Minas Tirith, The White City, is the seat of the Kingdom of Humans in Middle-Earth.

  There is a sickly tree in the courtyard. It will become healthy when the King returns.

  Elves with Arwen travel through the forest on the way to ships which will take them to the West. Arwen has a vision of a child running to an aged Aragorn. The child stares at Arwen. She returns to Elrond and asks him about her child.

  Elrond: “There is nothing for you here, only death.”

  Arwen: “You saw my son.”

  Elrond: Nothing is certain.”

  Arwen: “Somethings are certain! It is time. Renew the blade that was broken. Reforge the sword of the King!”

  Arwen’s hands are getting cold. Sauron’s evil is spreading and is killing the life force of the elves. Arwen refuses to leave. Two Elves reforge the sword.

  Shadowfax, carrying Gandalf and Pippin, rides to Minas Tirith, the White City of Kings. They arrive at the courtyard of the tree and enter the court of the Steward, Denethor. He wants to know how his son, Boromir, died. Pippin tells him it was defending the Hobbits. Pippin offers himself as a servant to Denethor. Gandalf wants the Steward to light the beacons and call for help from Rohan. Denethor refuses because he knows that Aragorn is at Rohan, and he will not give him Minas Tirith. Denethor wants to be King!

  Pippin is now in the service of Denethor. Gandalf talks about the impending battle. They see Mount Doom in the distance. The Witch-King that no man can kill will lead the Nazgul. Minas Morgul is his lair. A city covered by green light.

  Gollum, Frodo, and Sam are near Minas Morgul, by the rock stairway which will lead them to Mordor. Frodo, in a trance, walks towards the gates of Minas Morgul. A white light gushes forth from the tower into the dark night sky. It is a beacon that the troops of the Witch-King are on the move. Gandalf watches.


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