The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series

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The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series Page 88

by Miller, Cassie-Ann L.

  She's such a brave girl. She tried to fight it, but I saw that single tear as it emerged at the corner of her eye. I saw the contraction of her throat as she swallowed back that lump of hurt.

  I'm a bloody idiot.

  She was right about everything. I've been pampered, catered to my whole life. There isn’t one physical possession I've ever wanted that I couldn't have. But love...kindness...friendship. Those are things I’ve been living without.

  When my father got caught cheating for the umpteenth time, my mother left the palace and never looked back. Meanwhile, the bastard philanderer was busy living the life of a Bachelor candidate. Half the time he doesn't even remember I exist. I honestly can’t remember the last time I spoke with him. As for my grandmother, she's essentially an ice block in a really pretty dress.

  Sadie is the first person I’ve connected with in a long time. At least since the accident. She’s real with me. She calls me on my bullshit. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Plus, she's fun. A wild spirit.

  And what did I do? I wounded her.

  It seems to be a pattern. The minute someone lets down their guard with me, the minute they start to trust me, I find a way to hurt them. That's why even my trouser-shitting rugrat sister would be a better choice to rule the nation of Ridgeland than I would. Seriously, how long would it take me to burn that kingdom down to the ground if left to my own devices?

  But Sadie...fuck...

  I have to make this right. I have to make things better with her. Because even though she's all kinds of crazy and even though I can't stop imagining all the forbidden things I'll never be able to do to her body, I don't want to be just another tosser who hurt her feelings without giving it a second thought. I don't want to be yet another reason she doubts herself.

  I suck in a deep breath and snatch my phone from the bedside table. I punch in a string of numbers I know by heart.

  There's an answer on the second ring. "This is the office of His Royal Highness Prince Xavier George Andrew Henry Cambridge of Ridgeland."

  I huff through my nose. Good old Thomas, as stiff and formal as always. "Thomas—it's me."

  "Sir? Prince Xavier?" I hear the shock in his voice. And then the relief. "Is that you?"

  "Yes, Thomas."

  "Sir—I've been worried sick.” As chatty as always, my personal secretary wastes no time catching me up on all I’ve been missing out on at the palace. “Lady Yolanda is very unhappy because she went ahead and ordered those feathers from Geneva for her headpiece and you still haven't confirmed whether you'll be attending the Brown-Bottom Geese ceremony together. And that little old American woman you left behind, she’s just been annoying the snot out of all the servants with her diva demands. It’s like she thinks she’s a Kardashian. As for the Queen—oh boy, are you in trouble. I've never seen her this upse—"

  I interrupt him. "Thomas, Thomas. I didn't call you about any of that."

  Long pause. "Oh?"

  A one-syllable utterance from my secretary. That's a first.

  Well, his jaw is going to drop when he hears the request I have for him. “What do you know about embezzlement? Money laundering? Concealing the source of funds?"

  Sounds of stuttering hesitation pour from his throat. "U-um..."

  “I need a large sum of money. Fast. And I need to cover up where it came from."

  Thomas’s hesitation quickly morphs into fear. "S-sir—I'm not sure what you're asking me to do..."

  I snicker to myself. I enjoy fucking with him. Sometimes, it's the highlight of my day. Especially on days like today when I’ve put my foot so far down my throat I may never see it again.

  The secretary is still fumbling with his words. "Is...? How...? Are you in trouble, Your Highness?"

  Am I in trouble? Yes, I am. I'm falling head over heels for a girl I should leave alone. But I've put a frown on her face. I've made her cry. And now, I'll do what I must to make it right.

  “I need you to set up a charity, Thomas. An education foundation. Drop whatever you’re doing and see to it now.”

  Chapter Eight


  Xavier’s words from the other night tumble about in my head as I lie in bed and stare up at the ceiling. I'm not a freaking softie who deliberately misinterprets the things people say and takes everything personally. I know he wasn’t trying to be insensitive when he made those comments about business school being a useless waste of time. I also know he felt bad when he realized he'd hurt me.

  Truthfully, it's not his words that have me all caught up in my feelings even all these days later. It’s just that life is unfair. I'd freeze my ovum and sell them by the dozen to be enrolled in school right now. Meanwhile, cash isn't an issue for Xavier and he has the influence to get into virtually any program he chooses. Yet he squandered his opportunities and took his good fortune for granted.

  It’s not his fault. It just is what it is. Different people have different priorities. And maybe I was a bit of a bitch with the things I said to him and the way I stormed off. I was just overwhelmed with the resentment I was feeling and I reacted immaturely.

  At the end of the day, our disagreement was just a blatant reminder that he and I aren't from the same world and we're at different places in our lives. Getting lost in my silly crush on him won't do me any good in the long haul. In two and a half months, he'll be gone. So it's best if I just bury whatever it is I'm starting to feel for him and keep focused on my goals.

  I roll over in my scratchy sheets and stare at the clock. "It's way too early for heavy introspection, Sadie," I grumble as I swing my legs over the side of the bed and my feet touch the floor.

  Still groggy, I take a good, long stretch and trudge into the kitchen. As soon as I get the coffee maker going, I hear a knock at the door.

  I'm not the type of girl who typically has guests before dawn. I approach cautiously, not knowing what I'll find waiting for me on the other side of the door.

  Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I swing the door open and find him there, leaning on the doorjamb. Just one look at that smug, handsome face and all the feelings I thought my body had gotten under control come swooping back in—longing, nervousness, resentment, excitement. That's the effect he has on me.

  There's no way to be discreet about it as I run my knuckles over the edge of my mouth to perform a drool-check. Talk about catching a girl off-guard.

  He doesn't seem to notice, though. He smirks and stretches an empty coffee mug my way. "Morning, good-looking." The gravelly base of his voice vibrates my lady parts. "I'm here to borrow the proverbial cup of sugar."

  I try recalling the positioning of the tiny tears in my washed-out tank top. If my memory serves me, my areolas are probably playing peekaboo with my unexpected visitor again as we speak. I quickly fold my arms across my chest. "The proverbial cup of sugar is gifted between neighbors. You're not my neighbor. You're my landlord so if you want sugar, it's coming out of my rent."

  One thick eyebrow scales up his forehead and his lips twist devilishly. “That sounds an awful lot like a proposition, Miss Nichols."

  The flush blossoming on my cheeks puts a major dent in my game face but I maintain my tough-girl expression anyway. My voice comes out way too breathy. “Oh, does it?"

  "It does." He grins, leans in closer and lowers his voice. "And think I like it."

  At that, a high-pitched, hiccuppy giggle bursts out of my mouth. “You’re so cheesy, Xavier.”

  Barefoot, sleep-faced and decked-out in my finest sleepware, I think I'm flirting with my landlord. What's wrong with me?

  All he has to do is flash his pearly white smile and I forget how only minutes ago, I promised myself I'd stop getting all tripped up over him. Haven't I learned my lesson?

  He's standing there in my doorway, all rumpled and delicious, acting like our last conversation never happened.


  I can play that game, too. All while keeping him at a safe distance.

  I snatch the cup from his hands.
"I'll go get your damn sugar." I pivot on my toes toward the kitchen.

  As I'm turning away, Xavier’s fingers close gently but urgently around my wrist. His eyes lock on mine and his brash smile melts completely, his expression growing earnest. His Adam's apple heaves when he swallows. "Sorry..."

  It's one word. One simple word. But it reaches around my heart and squeezes.

  “I’m really sorry about the other night. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I was a complete wanker. I insulted you.”

  My chest expands on a breath. “You did insult me," I affirm, a tingling sensation unexpectedly coming alive in my throat.

  His expression grows sad and pitiful like a puppy dog who's been a bad, bad boy. "I'm not too bright, Sadie darling...Rich? Yes...Good-looking? Definitely...But not too bright. I am living, breathing, muscle-bound proof that a man can't have it all..."

  I roll my eyes even as I feel a hint of a smile on my lips. "Seriously? This is your idea of an apology?"

  A bit of the tension loosens from his shoulders. "Yes." He returns my grin. Perfect, white teeth flash again and my knees go loose. My balance wavers.

  "Wow," is all I can manage to say.

  "I'm an arse. I'll admit it." He continues pandering to me.

  "Yes, you are an arse."

  Another grin. "Y'see—I'm self-aware."

  "Do you plan on changing then?" I fold my arms tighter across my chest and inadvertently squish my tits together. Xavier's eyes flit there instantly. They linger and I feel my nipples harden.

  He licks his lips, eyes still focused on my chest. "No, why would I do that?"

  I dip my head to get his attention back on my face. "Because there's no point in being self-aware if you aren't going to use that knowledge to better yourself."

  His eyes meet mine again and he winks. "Just kidding, darling." He clasps both hands in front of him as if he’s praying. "What I'm trying so ineptly to say is, forgive me. I'm an idiot and I recognize that I have a lot to learn…but I'm sorry. And I like being your friend.”

  “My friend?” Shock is surely written all over my face.

  “I'm your friend, aren't I?” A lock of his hair falls out of place and for a split second, he looks incredibly vulnerable, like my answer genuinely means the world to him. Then in a snap, the smirk is right back in place. "It's kind of lonely upstairs in my ivory tower. I like hanging out with you."

  Friends...I have a monster of a crush on the guy and he just chucked me into the friend zone. Well, this is new to me. Most guys will at least test the waters—see if you're open to sex—before writing you off completely. Prince Charming over here has different methods and means.

  I should tell him to go shove his offer but right then, he tilts his head to the side and pouts, peering at me from under his thick brows. Charming fucker…That one look intializes the disintegration of my panties.

  “You are insufferable…” I try not to smile. I fail.

  "Is that a 'yes'? We're friends?"

  I pause, just to make him sweat a bit. "It's a 'yes’,” I say reluctantly, as if there’s ever really any other option but to give this man what he wants.

  Xavier beams like he just won an Olympic gold medal. "All right!" He punches the air with enthusiasm. "I think we should hug or something, though. I mean, since we’re officially friends now." He bites the corner of his lip.

  "A hug?" I take a protective step backward. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!"

  Despite my lame protest, he swoops me up in his bear arms. "I won't be hugging your mouth, silly," and my feet leave the ground. I screech as he twirls me around. Oh my god—his body feels good against mine. Hard, taut muscles under smooth, soft skin. His heart beating a solid rhythm against his ribcage. And the masculine, intoxicating smell of him. I like this too much.

  A shriek pelts past my lips. “Xavier!” I slap his chest until he puts me down. I laugh as I find my balance. "I totally wish you weren't so damn gorgeous. Because you're annoying as fuck." The confession slips from my tongue before I can manage to halt it.

  "Okay,” his face lights up with satisfaction, “Let’s back up to the part where you just called me ‘damn gorgeous’. Am I quoting that right?"

  Shit—I can’t believe I said that. You are so sloppy this morning, Nichols. So sloppy. What happened to playing it cool?

  He's standing there. Staring at me. Smirking. Waiting.

  I guess I should simply own up to it. I’m attracted to him. It’s not the end of the world. “Yes, I just called you ‘damn gorgeous’.”

  He nods slowly. “Ah, okay. I just wanted to make sure I heard that right.”

  “Don’t let it get to your head, Prince Charming. It’s not that deep.” I turn away, moving toward the kitchen, and fill the empty cup with sugar, hoping to give my flushed cheeks a minute to recover. But he's right behind me.

  He clears his throat momentously. "Now, before we proceed with this friendship, there's something I have to confess to you.”

  I grab two huge coffee cups from the cupboard and fill them halfway with coffee. "Uncontrollable flatulence?" I shoot. Then, I snicker to myself, proud as hell of my diss.

  He glares. "Take this seriously, please."

  I turn away from the coffee machine and face him, giving him my full attention.

  Drawing his fingers through his hair, he blows out a heavy breath. “I take my friendships very seriously. So, we’ll be hanging out a lot. But if ever I’m not around and you find yourself pining away for my companionship, don’t be shy. Just tell me.”

  "You are so full of yourself," I tell him as I thrust a cup of scalding black coffee into his hands.

  He cackles and brings the mug to his lips for a drink. Gaze hooked to his, I do the same.

  It’s the caffeine, right? That’s why my pulse is fluttering so wildly? Might be time to switch to decaf.

  As he lowers the cup, his eyes soften, all signs of joking gone. “In all seriousness though, I think you’re damn gorgeous, too, love.” Shit—it’s not the caffeine. It’s him and his swoon-inducing self. “We have so much in common. No wonder we’re best friends.”

  I laugh so abruptly coffee goes flying from my nose. It takes me a second to catch my bearings. He’s laughing, too. At me.

  "Are you happy now?" I blot my nostrils with a piece of paper towel.

  He lowers his mug from his lips. “When you opened the door, you were frowning. I got you to laugh so, yes, I'm happy now."

  And this blushing thing is becoming a habit. I don't understand what he's doing to me. I try to catch my composure and speak in an unaffected voice even though my nerves are raising hell on the inside. “You seem to already have breakfast plans—" I nod toward the mug of sugar I put on the table for him, "—but since we’re officially friends, I guess it would be rude not to invite you.” In one conversation, the plan to keep my walls up and not let him in has gone up in smoke. Talking to him is so easy, so natural. For some reason, I want him to know me. And I want to know him, too.

  “Invite me?”

  “I was just about to go have breakfast in my secret place."

  "Your secret place?"

  I nod, my voice going low with conspiracy. "It’s somewhere special I only share with my friends…” On my breathy tone, it really sounds like my words could have a double-meaning. At this point, I don’t really care.

  He drops the coffee mug on the table with a thud and shoves it away. “Fuck my breakfast plans. I'm intrigued."

  I smile, pleased. My heart feels a little trippy. “Okay. Let me go get changed and I’ll be right back.”

  Xavier plops himself down on a rickety kitchen chair. "I'll be waiting right here." He snatches up one of my course manuals from the table and cracks it open, his ankle sitting on his opposite knee. He turns and flashes me a wink.

  My pulse thumps in my veins as my feet carry me down the hallway to my bedroom.

  Chapter Nine


  Transfixed to the effor
tless sway of her body, my gaze roves the length of Sadie’s silky legs as I follow after her. I know it’s impolite—un-gentlemanly—still I can’t help but stare.

  Her skin is so smooth and creamy—well, now that those crazy splotches have healed up—and the bulbous curve of her arse is just begging for a good squeeze. My fingers clench around the coffee pot, wishing it was her supple flesh they were holding onto.

  At the end of the corridor, just outside of my apartment door, Sadie hugs the box of leftover donuts to her chest and grabs hold of the rusty metal ladder bolted to the wall. She leaps and pulls her body up quickly like a momma primate with her offspring tucked safely under her arm.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing?” I call after her.

  “Relax.” She adjusts her grip on our breakfast and slams her bony elbow into the skylight window above her head. The hatch pops right open and a brisk gust of cool air spills inside, blowing her chestnut hair across her face. I’d never even noticed the skylight before this moment. Something like cautious amazement blossoms in my chest as I watch the adventurous lass climb the ladder. “Come on,” she summons me as the rusty metal groans under her weight.

  “Are you serious? That looks fucking dangerous. And don’t you see the ‘Do not enter’ sign right there?”

  She glares down at me. “Don’t be a chicken, Xavier.”

  “You mean, don’t climb up there and break my neck like a chicken.”

  She just laughs. “Isn’t Prince Charming supposed to be brave? Hurry up. Come on. You’re gonna miss it.” Her excitement echoes in the air as she disappears through the hole.

  I’m not a coward. I’m the guy who jumped out of a palace window to escape Ridgeland. But that ladder? That ladder just doesn’t look right.

  Against my better judgment I follow her because she looks like an angel beckoning me through Heaven’s gates. So damn pretty. I crane my neck to look up into the hole. The purple-gray hues of the predawn sky beam down on me. I pause for a second, taken aback by the beauty of it. I hear Sadie’s voice. She’s urging me to climb the damn ladder.


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