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Skye: an enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience, and fake relationship stand alone romance (Signature Sweethearts)

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by Kelsie Rae

“Already found one,” he informs me with a cocky smirk, accepting the topic change. “You just saw her walk out the door. And yes, you’re wrong. I don’t spend my time prancing around the world, spending Daddy’s money.”

  “She’s seriously going to marry you? Didn’t you just have a different girl in your hot tub the other day?” I can’t keep the disbelief from slipping into my tone.

  “Stacy’s fine if I dabble in other activities.”

  I gag. “Gross.”

  “We have an arrangement. One that benefits both of us. But don’t worry. I’ll be out of your hair before you know it.”

  “How long have you even known her for? Are you really ready to commit your life to her? Is she ready for that?”

  “What’s the saying? When you know, you know? And let’s be honest. I’m not committing my life to her, and neither is she. We have a common goal.”

  “And what goal is that?”

  “Money.” He shrugs.

  My stomach churns with acid. “That’s disgusting.”

  “Careful, Skye. Remember what I said about assuming?”

  Quirking my brow, I probe, “So, you’re saying that getting married for money isn’t disgusting?”

  “You don’t know what it’s like to have something held over your head. My dad has been able to use my inheritance against me for almost a decade. If I get married, then he’ll sign it over to me. I’ll finally be free.”

  My mouth opens to tell him that he could go get a job and tell his dad to shove it when I remember what he’s doing with his time––serving others. Even though his father doesn’t know it, it’s a more commendable use of time than I would’ve ever imagined.

  “Why don’t you tell your dad what you’re doing? I don’t think he’d hold anything over your head if he knew––”

  “You don’t know my father like I do. It’s always been his way or the highway. I gave up trying to please him a long time ago,” he admits. I don’t miss the way his shoulders hunch from the weight of his words.

  I catch myself almost feeling sorry for the guy when another question nags the back of my mind.

  “Are you bribing her to go through with it?”

  “What do all women want, Skye?” he answers my question with one of his own.

  I know what he’s hinting, and it makes me bristle.

  “Not all women want money, Liam.”

  With a shake of his head, he says, “Silly, naive Skye. That’s exactly what all women want. And I’m the perfect candidate to deliver it. Stacy isn’t a fool. Epic orgasms and a credit card with no limit. What’s not to love?”

  I don’t bother to argue with him because I can tell it’s pointless. He’s already decided that’s all women want. And I can’t blame him for his assumptions. I’ve met his stepmom. I’ve seen the girls he usually dates. From his experience, he’s one hundred percent right. All of those women want money. If he’s not willing to date someone with class, then he’ll never know what other women might want.

  Like me.

  I couldn’t care less about money. I want a man who loves me. Who’s honest. Hardworking. Cares about others. Looks at me like I hung the moon. And yes, delivers a solid orgasm too. Let’s be honest; I’ve got my priorities straight. I just wish Liam did too.

  “And where will you go when your dad signs over your inheritance?” I press, surprised how invested I am in this conversation.

  With a shrug, he says, “Dunno yet. But it’ll be far from here.”

  Since this is the most we’ve ever communicated, I decide to open up a little more. “You should try hanging out with your brother a little before you leave.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “He loves you and wants to get to know you.”

  “He doesn’t love me. He’s my dad’s prodigy. He’s already been brainwashed and believes the same things you did before I told you”––he clears his throat––“what I’ve been up to.”

  “He’s six. He hasn’t decided anything yet. And no offense, but you’re not a common topic of conversation in this house.”

  He laughs dryly. “That doesn’t exactly surprise me.”

  My heart aches at his asinine acknowledgment of something so…sad. It’s like he’s not even a member of the family. He’s nothing but an outcast.

  Clearing my throat, I encourage, “Then you should change his mind. He wants to get to know you.”

  “My dad’s going to be home soon,” he starts.

  “So? Brody deserves a chance to get to know you,” I reiterate. “Especially before you disappear again. You’re practically a stranger to him.”

  “Look. Just because I told you some shit tonight doesn’t mean we’re friends, and it sure as hell doesn’t mean you can tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. I have a lot on my plate and don’t have time for a play date. I’m going to bed.”

  And just as quickly as he started this conversation, he ends it with a swift turn of his heel and the click of his door.

  Here I am. Alone. In the hallway of a mansion. Feeling nothing but whiplash and confusion.

  What the hell was that?

  Chapter Five


  With the ring in my pocket, I knock on Stacy’s door and wait for her to answer. Rubbing my face, I regret the small coffee I’d downed before coming over, wishing I’d ordered an extra-large instead. I’m going to need as much caffeine as I can get to make it through today. I slept like shit last night after my conversation with Skye. It shined a giant spotlight on all the holes in my plan and peeled back a bit of the numbness that usually envelops me. Making me feel raw. And open.

  I don’t like those feelings. Actually, I don’t like feeling much of anything at all. I spent the early hours of the morning scrambling to put my armor back in place. I’m going to need it if I hope to make it through the day.

  I woke to a call from my dear old Dad at seven in the morning. The ringing blared from across the room, and I ignored it for about five minutes before finally throwing in the towel and searching my discarded jeans for my phone.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Hey, son. There was a rather large charge on your card yesterday.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure was. Only the best for my future wife.”

  The silence that greeted me brought a smile to my lips.

  “Excuse me?” my dad prodded.

  “Haven’t you heard? I’m getting married.”

  More silence on his end. And more grinning on mine.

  “You’re getting married?” he asked.

  Collapsing back onto the mattress, I stared up at the ceiling and felt triumphant for the first time in my life. “Isn’t that what you wanted, Father?”

  “Well, yes, but––”

  “But what? Do you plan on backing out just because I finally fulfilled your ridiculous stipulations for once?”

  Ignoring my jab, he said, “Your mother––”

  “Stepmother,” I corrected him.

  “Yes. Your stepmother and I will be flying home tonight. We’ll meet you and your new fiancée at the house. Understand?”

  Tonight? Stacy and I hadn’t nailed down all the details yet, but apparently, I had shit to do.

  “Understood. Anything else?”

  “No. I’ll see you soon.”

  I hung up the phone without saying goodbye and stared up at the muted white ceiling.

  As soon as my inheritance is transferred to my account, I wouldn’t have to deal with him ever again––any of them.

  Then maybe I’d finally be happy.

  After the call, I showered and ordered an Uber through their app. Convincing the driver to stop at Starbucks, I bought us both small coffees. And now, here I am. On the doorstep. Of my fiancée. Well, she’ll be my fiancée after I propose.

  My nose wrinkles in disgust, and a bitter taste floods my mouth.

  This is ridiculous.

  With a creak, the door opens to reveal a sexy as hell Stacy in a hot pink sports br
a and yoga pants.

  “Hey, Liam.” Her voice is sultry as it slips past her freshly lacquered lips.

  I hate lip gloss. It’s sticky. And messy. And usually tastes like shit. And who the hell hangs out in a sports bra if they’re not exercising? Although, maybe she is exercising but decided to blow out her hair and spend an hour on her makeup first? Who knows. Women are high maintenance like that. If they’re hot, anyway.

  Except Skye. Somehow she’s managed to look gorgeous in a baggy T-shirt and ripped jeans with her hair in a messy ponytail, so, I guess there are always exceptions to the rule.

  Dragging my gaze up to Stacy’s eyes and focusing on the present, I lift my chin in greeting. “Hey. I’m going to need you to meet my parents tonight.” I don’t bother with small talk. That’s not what I’m here for.

  Her brows pinch in confusion. “Huh?”

  “We’re getting married, remember?”

  “Oh! Of course, I remember. I just didn’t know I’d need to meet the parents. That makes it seem so much more real, ya know? I thought we were going to elope?”

  “Apparently, they need to make sure you’re real first.”

  Folding her arms and pressing her giant-ass boobs together, she pops out her hip and says, “If I need to meet your parents, then I’m gonna need some money for a new outfit. You want me to impress them, don’t you?”

  I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Digging into my pocket, I pull out my wallet and hand her a small stack of bills. “Here.”

  “Oo! And shoes. I’m gonna need new shoes.”

  With a sigh, I grab the rest of the cash and hand it to her while making a mental note to stop at the ATM.

  “Here. This should be plenty.”

  “Eek!” she squeals. “Perfect! Where’s my ring?”

  My annoyance spikes at the greed in her voice, but I stifle it before revealing a little blue box that holds a giant square-cut diamond.


  With pursed lips, she states, “Aren’t you gonna get down on one knee?”

  “If you’re looking for a knight in shining armor, then we should end this right now.”

  “Fine. Just give it to me.” Pouting, she snatches the box from my hand and opens it.

  Her mouth makes a tiny ‘O’ as she inspects the ring like a seasoned jeweler. “Excellent color. I can’t see any blemishes. And the cut is exquisite.” With a sensuous smile, Stacy slips it onto the fourth finger on her left hand then rests it against my chest. Satisfied with my offering, she gives me a slow kiss, opening her mouth and sliding her tongue into mine with ease. It holds the promise of sweat and sex, and I know if I wanted to, I could spend the next few hours passing the time with her legs around my waist. Unfortunately, the image holds absolutely no appeal right now. Especially when the taste of lip gloss explodes on my tongue. Gently, I push her away.

  “Can’t right now, but could you get me my keys? We need to meet at my house an hour or so before my parents get home. We can go over how we met and the details of our plans.”

  “Okay.” Disappearing for a few seconds, she returns with my keys and hands them over to me. The giant rock on her ring finger glimmers in the light as she grins up at me. “See you tonight.”

  I step off her porch before she has a chance to kiss me goodbye.

  “See you soon,” I mutter.

  Then I head to my car and start the ignition with the intention of spending my hours driving with the top down. I’d do anything for the warm breeze to whip some sense into me. But I’m done playing my dad’s game. As soon as I get my inheritance, I’m out of here.

  For good.

  Chapter Six


  Stacy: You’re not picking me up?

  I groan in frustration.

  Read the previous text, Stacy!

  Me: Sorry, babe. I can’t come pick you up. But like I already said, I can order an Uber for you.

  Stacy: How would that look to your parents?!

  Me: I already told you. We need to talk before they get here, so they won’t be home when you arrive. Make sense?

  A few minutes pass as I strip down in my bathroom and turn on the hot water. I need to shower, and I don’t have time for Stacy’s particular brand of crazy. If I weren’t under such a tight deadline, I’d call the whole thing off and find another girl to marry. But my dad is coming home tonight, and I need him to believe we’ve been dating for a respectable period before I proposed. Thankfully, he’s been in the Bahamas at our summer home for the past two months, so he doesn’t know that Stacy and I met a week ago. It shouldn’t matter too much in the long run, anyway. We’re going to get divorced or maybe even file for an annulment as soon as the money is transferred. Then she’ll be out of my life forever with her bank account cushioned in thanks for helping me out.

  That’s the plan, anyway. We just need to work out the logistics and get a prenup written because there’s no way in hell I’d get married without one.

  My phone lights up with an incoming message.

  Stacy: Fine. But you’re driving me home.

  Me: Fine. See you soon. Don’t be late. We have a lot to discuss.

  Stacy: Fine. Love you.

  I roll my eyes.

  She’s batshit crazy.

  Not bothering to respond, I set my phone on the sleek, black counter, then get into the shower and let the scalding water roll down my back. Fifteen minutes later, I reach for the towel and start to dry off my face when a pair of hands run down my abs. Jumping away, I tear the towel from obstructing my sight and see Stacy in a tight black dress that leaves little to the imagination. Her hair is twisted into a fancy bun at the base of her neck, and her makeup has covered every single blemish on her skin, making her look like a slutty porcelain doll. Her fake eyelashes flutter as she rubs her hands along my naked torso.

  “What are you doing in here?” I growl.

  “You said I needed to come over.”

  Wrapping the towel around my waist, I consider barking at her for sneaking into my room but decide against it. From what little I know about her, I’m going to assume she’s not known for her boundaries, and it wouldn’t do anything but waste my breath, anyway.

  “You’re right. Let me get dressed. Then we’ll talk.”

  Her hands find their way to the knot in my towel, and she tugs, leaving me naked in front of her.

  “Would you like me to help?” She smirks.

  “Maybe later. We need to hurry.” I walk into my closet and grab a pair of black briefs then pull them up my legs before reaching for the first shirt I can get ahold of and sliding my arms into the sleeves. It ends up being a dark button-up shirt. I continue to match it with a pair of slacks when she leans against the bathroom counter and asks, “So I’ve been thinking about our arrangement….”

  My brow quirks. “And?”

  “And I think we should discuss compensation.”

  Of course, she would.

  “I agree. I’m thinking the entire ordeal will last about three months, tops. I’ll have the lawyer put stipulations into the prenup for every month we’re together to keep things fair in case it ends up lasting longer than expected, but I think twenty thousand a month sounds pretty fair.”

  Her pouty lips form a frown as she considers my offer. “I’m afraid I won’t be signing a prenup. I think that we should split things fifty-fifty. After all, you need me.”

  Nostrils flaring, I squeeze my eyes shut as I finish buckling my belt.

  Once I’m finished, I say, “I think that’s far from fair and that you should consider my initial proposition because I won’t be compromising.”

  She trails her fingers along the front of my button-up shirt, starting at the neck then toying with the brass of my belt buckle. “I can make it worth your while.”

  Grabbing her wrist, I wrench it away. “No.”

  “Then I’ll walk,” she threatens.

  I scan her face in search of a hint that she’s bluffing. Unfortunately, I don’t s
ee it.

  “You can walk away with sixty thousand dollars, minimum. Are you sure you want to throw that kind of money away?”

  “I could walk away with a hell of a lot more than that, Liam. I know about the Davis fortune. Sixty thousand dollars is pennies compared to what you have coming to you. And if I’m going to help you, then I think I should get a fair share.”

  A headache of epic proportions starts to throb above my left eye, and I rub at it angrily before addressing Stacy’s astronomical request.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m dead serious. You need me. And I need your money. Either give me fifty percent of your inheritance, or we take divorce off the table right now.”

  I scoff. “That’s your compromise? A lifelong marriage sham? Are you serious right now?”

  “Oh, come on. It’s not that unbelievable, is it? I’ve already told you that I’m fine with an open marriage. You can do whatever you want.”

  “And what’s in it for you?”

  “I get a shiny, black credit card, and you get to foot the bill. Simple.”

  “You greedy little….” My voice trails off as I bite my tongue. I need more time to figure this shit out before I make a deal with the damn devil in a little black dress.

  “Little what, Liam?” Her eyes narrow into slits, reminding me of a snake, which is exactly what she is.

  “Nothing,” I grit out. “I refuse to play your little game. Take the original deal. Or leave. Those are your options. I won’t be pushed around by my father, and I sure as hell won’t be pushed around by a skank in a black dress, either. But decide quickly. I don’t have all night.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise, clearly shocked that I didn’t take her up on her offer and that I refuse to budge.

  “You’re serious?” she asks, dumbfounded. “You’d honestly prefer to show up without a fiancée than agree to my compromise?”


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