Skye: an enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience, and fake relationship stand alone romance (Signature Sweethearts)

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Skye: an enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience, and fake relationship stand alone romance (Signature Sweethearts) Page 16

by Kelsie Rae

  “He doesn’t want to get to know me…I’m just his screwed up big brother, remember?”

  “Don’t talk about my husband like that,” I tease, closing my mouth when the waitress comes with our dessert. As soon as she sets it on the table, I pick up the spoon and scoop up a dollop of cream. “You’re a good guy, Liam. But I think it would help if you started believing it. Just sayin’.”

  I can tell he wants me to drop the subject, so instead of pushing my luck, I offer the spoon, and he puts it into his mouth. Almost instantly, he groans.

  “Yup. That’s the best one,” he states through a mouthful of coffee-soaked cookies with cream.

  “You think?” Curiously, I reach for the spoon and take another bite, letting the flavors melt on my tongue. “Yup. Totally agree. This is amazing!”

  Holding his hand out for a turn with the spoon, I shake my head and take another giant bite right in front of him. And apparently, that one action awoke the beast. An unamused Liam lunges across the table, knocking the spoon out of my grasp, and causing it to clatter onto the floor.

  “Hey! That was my spoon!” I pout.

  With a mischievous smirk, he dips his finger into the off-white cream then brings it to my lips. “I think I found a solution.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Like what?” he counters, oozing innocence from every pore.

  “Really? Well, alright, then. I guess I’ll just lick this off your finger like it’s no big deal.” I lean across the table and give him a decent view of cleavage before wrapping my mouth around his calloused finger. Swirling my tongue around the tip for good measure, I wait until I hear a low groan, then let it out with a loud pop.

  Eyes heating, he growls, “You did that on purpose.”

  “Did I?”

  I dip my finger into the dessert then bring it to his lips. “Your turn.”

  With a cocky smirk, he opens his mouth to lick it off, but I take full advantage of his trust and smear it across his nose.

  Laughing, he pulls away in shock before grumbling, “What the hell, Skye?”

  “That’s for our wedding cake.” I join in his laughter before the same heat from moments ago comes back at full force.

  “And do you remember how I cleaned you off?”

  “Maaaybe…,” I drag the word out as his eyes drop to my mouth.

  “Check, please!” he calls.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It’s weird. Flying home felt more like popping a strange bubble surrounding an alternate universe where everything felt real. I look down at our hands laced in my lap as Simon drives us back to Liam’s family’s estate. Where it’s still real. Teeth digging into my lower lip, I study Liam’s thumb as it rubs back and forth against my knuckle. It’s soothing. Rhythmic. And just enough to calm my nerves.

  Are we really going to give this a shot? Could this be my happily ever after?

  With a sigh, I look out the window. The trees blur across the highway and almost lull me to sleep. Before I know it, the car is slowing, and we pull up to Liam’s parents’ house.

  “You ready?” he asks.

  “For what?”

  “For our real life to begin.”

  Grinning, Liam tugs me from the car, and we head to the front door when it swings open. My heels dig into the concrete.

  What the hell?

  “Hey, baby,” Stacy coos with her arms folded across her gigantic boobs. My eyes narrow on the giant rock she’s still sporting on her left hand. My stomach churns as soon as I register its significance.

  The tension radiating off Liam is palpable beside me, and I glance over at him. His jaw is rock hard, his eyes narrowed into slits, and his nostrils are flaring. The guy is pissed. With sweaty palms, I squeeze his hand to let him know I’m here. I have no idea what shitstorm we just walked into. But I’m here. And I’m not leaving him.

  “What are you doing here?” Liam growls low in his throat, pulling me closer and wrapping his thick arm around my waist.

  I gulp under Stacy’s scrutiny as she assesses the intimate touch.

  “You’ve been ignoring my calls.”

  “We have nothing to discuss.”

  “I was worried sick.”

  He scoffs. “I’m sure you were. You need to leave before my father gets home. Our business is done.” His protective arm wraps around my shoulders and pulls me closer. I think he can feel the same tension I can, and he’s trying to protect me from it. Or maybe he can see the lunatic in front of us zeroing in on me like a freaking shark.

  Giving us a sick and twisted grin, Stacy’s next words rock me to my core. “Your father’s already home, Liam. He and I just finished chatting, actually. Seems someone’s been keeping secrets.”

  Liam’s arm squeezes me tighter until I’m sure my ribs will be bruised from the pressure, but I don’t even care. He needs me right now, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

  “Liam,” I whisper.

  He grunts, letting me know he hears my quiet voice.

  Turning into his chest in an attempt to keep the conversation between the two of us, I breathe, “Everything is going to be okay. I’m here. We aren’t getting divorced, remember? Whatever she might’ve said to your dad is going to seem like a sack of shit when we don’t follow through with ending our marriage.”

  “You don’t know him.”

  “I know him well enough,” I argue. “He knows he’s a crappy father, but you should’ve seen his face when I told him what you really did when you disappeared for months at a time. What you’re planning on doing with your money. Give him a chance. Explain everything to him. He’ll understand.”

  The muscles in his body stay tight, and I peek up at him to see his attention glued to the door.

  Swiveling my head in the same direction, my heart stops.

  Stacy is missing, but she’s replaced with someone so much worse. Mr. Davis’ large frame is centered in the doorway, but it’s the look in his eyes that makes me pause. So much disappointment. So much anger. It’s like a switch flipped while we were gone, and I’d give anything to make it flip back.

  “Liam. Inside. Now.”

  The strong, defiant man beside me folds under his father’s authority, reminding me of a lost puppy instead of a proud Doberman. Dropping his head, he walks inside but keeps his hold firm on my waist, leaving me no choice but to follow. Hasn’t he learned by now that I wouldn’t desert him?

  We shuffle inside before Mr. Davis motions to his office. My mouth floods with bitter acid when I notice Stacy sitting behind the desk with a smug expression.

  Aaand she’s back. Eyes narrowing into thin slits, I search for some of Saylor’s nerdiness and pray for some wicked Jedi powers to strangle the crap out of her while still keeping myself glued to Liam’s side.

  “Stacy,” Mr. Davis barks. “Please give us some privacy. If I need any more of your assistance, I’ll let you know.”

  Pouting, she opens her mouth to argue, but Mr. Davis raises his hand. “Not now. Go wait in the dining room.”

  With a huff, she pushes herself up from her seat and sashays out of the room before Liam and I step inside and sit down in the cushioned chairs across from Mr. Davis’ desk.

  Clearing his throat, Mr. Davis begins. “So, I assume you know Stacy.”

  “Obviously,” Liam answers snidely.

  “Lose the attitude, son. You’re in enough trouble as it is.”

  I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from defending him, but it doesn’t stop my nails from digging into the palm of my hands. Thankfully, the bite of pain is enough to keep my restraint intact.

  “Look.” Liam takes a deep breath. “Whatever Stacy told you, it’s a lie.”

  “Is it?” Mr. Davis interjects, steepling his fingers and pressing them against the cleft in his chin. “Then do you care to tell me how Stacy could possibly afford a ring like that on her finger? Or how my credit card has two astronomical charges on it from the same je
welry store? Or maybe how you were able to keep your relationship with Skye a secret from your little brother, whom she’s nannied for years? No offense, son, but the questions keep piling up.”

  I stay silent. My gaze ricochets between the two alpha men in the room, waiting to see which one will crack under the tension first.

  Sighing, Liam rakes his fingers through his hair. “You’d given me an ultimatum. If I ever wanted to see my inheritance, then I needed to get married.”

  “Yes. In a few years. I didn’t expect you to find a wife in a week and bribe her to marry you,” Mr. Davis grits out before turning to me. “Which brings me to you. I can’t believe I respected you. That I let you into my home and tasked you with watching over my youngest son. I don’t want you coming near Brody ever again. I don’t want you coming near anyone in this family. What you did is despicable. The greed––”

  Jumping to his feet, Liam growls, “Don’t you dare accuse her of any of that, or I swear to––”

  “Liam,” I cut him off. “It’s fine.” Turning to Mr. Davis, I continue, “Whatever you might’ve heard from Stacy is probably laced with a bunch of bull crap. Yes. Liam propositioned her because he was desperate to get out from underneath your thumb. He’s a grown man, Mr. Davis. And you were controlling him with your bank account while dangling his inheritance in front of him like a damn carrot. You knew the likelihood of him getting married anytime soon was unlikely, at best. You’re just as much to blame in this as Liam is. And so am I,” I concede. The words crack like a whip, causing Liam’s head to swivel toward me. He opens his mouth to argue, but I cut him off and divulge the truth. “Liam didn’t proposition me. I offered to help when I learned about who Liam really is. That the facade he’s created is simply that. A facade. He’s a good man, Mr. Davis. He just got tired of trying to prove it to you, so he let you believe he was a waste of space.”

  “Skye,” Liam murmurs, reaching for my hand. His grasp is shaky as he brings it to his lips and brushes his mouth against my skin. There’s a slight tremor in his voice that scares me.

  “What’s wrong?” I whisper, completely ignoring his father as he watches our interaction.

  “Ah, yes. Yet another lie. Liam, would you care to enlighten her, or would you like me to?” Mr. Davis interjects.

  Liam’s eyes squeeze shut.

  “Let me ask you this, Liam. Which non-profit organization were you working with?”

  He stays silent.

  “Cat got your tongue? Because Skye told me about your philanthropic efforts. Very selfless, son. I was quite impressed, actually. Maybe I hadn’t royally screwed up my firstborn, after all.” He laughs dryly. “Then Stacy showed up, and my suspicion spiked. Could he really do that? Create such a preposterous lie? Of course, he could. So I started calling. Every. Single. Organization that I could think of. It’s interesting, though, because not a single one of them has ever recalled working with a Liam Davis.”

  With my heart pounding in my chest like a freaking jackhammer, I fold my arms protectively around it. As if that might prevent the damn thing from breaking.

  “Liam?” My voice is scratchy as I look up at him to see his skin ghostly pale. His chest expands and contracts quickly with his heavy breathing, but he doesn’t say anything.

  A sharp pain shoots through me.

  “Look at me, Liam,” I plead.

  He doesn’t at first, choosing to stare at the bookshelves lining the walls, instead of the girl he’s proclaimed to care about.

  “Liam,” I try again.

  Defeated, he turns to me. “It’s not what you think––”

  “Then what is it? Did you lie to me?”

  “What do you want me to say, Skye?”

  Skin prickling in awareness, a wave of betrayal rushes through me, and my eyes gather with tears. “I want you to tell me the truth.”

  Reaching for me, his hand squeezes my thigh, but I shift away from him in my seat. With a shake of his head, he finally does. “You want the truth? Fine. My dad’s right. I was nothing but a waste of space. A liar. A cheat. I was the exact person you’d assumed I was when we first met. But I’m not like that anymore––”

  “You’re not?” I laugh in disbelief, shoving myself up from my chair. “Prove it.”

  He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “You know what? Don’t bother. I can’t believe that I actually trusted you. That I turned my life upside down to help you. I don’t do liars, remember? I’ve told you that, yet you lied to my face. Multiple times,” I grit out. “I just…I can’t believe I was so naive.” Digging my teeth into my lower lip until I’m sure it’ll bleed, I take a deep breath and pray my tears will stay at bay for one more minute. “I’m done. You got what you wanted. There’s no way Mr. Davis can take back your precious money since it’s already been transferred into your account, so there’s no reason why we should keep up this lie. I want a divorce. Don’t worry. I won’t back out on my end of the deal because I still don’t want a dime. I just wanted something real. Remember? And apparently, I won’t be finding that here.”

  With that, I storm away, not bothering to answer Liam as he yells my name. I don’t miss the desperation that’s laced in it, though. I just don’t care enough to fall for it.

  Not anymore.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  After storming away, I’d barely managed to grab my purse and keys before slamming the front door and getting behind the wheel. Thank goodness I left my car at their house instead of at my parents’. I’ll come grab my stuff later. Or maybe I’ll make Sway do it. After all, she owes me for all the kitty litter I’ve scooped for her over the years. My fingers fumble with my cell as I push my sister’s number and wait for it to ring. As it does, I shove my car into reverse and back out of the Davis’ driveway.

  “Hey, Skye! Back from your honeymoon?” Saylor’s voice is way too chipper for my sour mood.

  With a sniff, I mutter, “Do you know any lawyers?”

  She hesitates, losing her earlier cheerfulness. “What?”

  “Lawyers. Do you know any? Or maybe I could ask Sway. She had to hire one when the whole Anthony debacle went down, right? Yeah, I should probably call––”

  “Skye. What’s going on?” Saylor demands.

  “I’m getting a divorce.”

  “But I thought––”

  “You thought that was the plan from the beginning?” I choke out. “Well, things changed, and I fell in love with the bastard, and now I got my stupid heart broken. You’re right. Love sucks and is totally overrated, okay? I should’ve listened to you and seen what a terrible idea this was, but instead of rubbing my nose in it, maybe you should help me out. Now answer the question, or I’m going to hang up and call Sway.”

  “One of the parents from my class last year is a divorce attorney. I’ll give her a call and set something up for you, okay?”

  A tear slides down my cheek, and I wipe it away angrily before grasping the steering wheel in a death grip. “Thanks, Say Say.”

  “You’re welcome, babe. Want to meet me at Mom and Dad’s? Then you can tell us everything, and you’ll only have to do it once.”

  I laugh dryly while rolling my eyes and flipping my blinker on. “That’s a very efficient suggestion.”

  “Would you expect anything less from me?” she teases.

  “Good point. See you soon.”

  I go to hang up when her voice stops me.

  “Hey, Skye?”


  “It’s….” She hesitates, and I know that whatever is about to slip out of her mouth is a lie. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Blinking rapidly, the tears start to fall faster. She couldn’t be more wrong.

  “No, it’s not. See you soon.” I hang up before she can say anything else. She doesn’t get it. No one does. No one ever will. Because I fell for someone who isn’t real. And he never will be. No matter how much I desperately wish he was.

  After spilling my
guts to a room of pity-filled eyes, my mom offers a plate of cinnamon rolls, and my dad mutters something about searching for his shotgun before disappearing down the hall. Saylor had called an emergency meeting, and the whole gang was there with open ears and warm hugs when I pulled in.

  I seriously love my family.

  A crinkled tissue is in my hand, and I wipe it beneath my eyes for the thousandth time. My sisters flank each of my sides on the couch, reaching for Kleenex almost as often as I am.

  That’s when I see a sparkling sapphire on Sway’s ring finger.

  “Is that…?” My voice trails off as I stare at the gorgeous piece of jewelry that fits my sister more than any diamond ever could.

  Sway appears to be confused for a split second before understanding fills her face. Tucking her hand beneath her jean-clad thigh, she mutters, “Oh. Yeah.” Clearing her throat, she tries again. “Anthony proposed a week ago while you were…away.”

  I laugh at her near slipup. “Away? You mean my honeymoon?” My giggles get louder as I drop my head to rest along the back of the couch. “Oh my gosh. I just got back from my honeymoon, and now I’m filing for a divorce.” My sisters join in laughing with me when they finally realize how ridiculous the entire situation is. “It’s funny because that was the plan in the beginning. Can you believe I actually agreed to this? How could you let me agree to this?!” I accuse, still giggling like a schoolgirl. Obviously, I’ve crossed into delusional territory. “And I was totally cool with it! Then my heart just had to get involved, and I was stupid enough to get attached to the bastard. I cannot believe you actually let me agree to this!” I repeat as a fresh wave of tears stream down my cheeks.

  “To be fair,” Saylor begins, “We did warn you, but you’re a Swenson sister. That means you’re headstrong. No one can tell us what to do.”

  “Well, they can,” Sway interjects. “But it doesn’t mean we’ll listen.”

  More laughing ensues before I rest my head on Saylor’s shoulder, and Sway mimics the action on my other side, resting hers on mine.


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