Destroyer of Legends

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Destroyer of Legends Page 12

by Clayton Wood

  “You have bruises,” Kayla noted. Sukri felt her fingers tracing them.

  “My trainer’s an asshole,” Sukri muttered.

  Kayla didn’t reply, resuming the back scratch. Sukri sighed, closing her eyes and enjoying it. Kayla focused on the middle of her back, to either side of her spine, then gradually moved outward toward her flanks…which gave Sukri more goosebumps. Then the claws transitioned to soft fingertips again, sliding up her flanks…and grazing the sides of her breasts.

  She shivered.

  The fingertips went down again, crossing over to the sides of her belly. Sukri felt Kayla lean in, her hot, soft fur pressing against Sukri’s back. Up the fingertips went, sliding past either side of her bellybutton, then continuing upward. They reached the undersides of Sukri’s breasts, stopping there. Kayla pulled Sukri into her, pressing her chest and belly against Sukri’s back. Sukri felt Kayla’s breath on the right side of her neck.

  “What…” she began, but her voice caught in her throat. She cleared it noisily, her heart pounding against her breastbone. Sukri felt something soft strike her belly gently, and realized it was Kayla’s tail. It tickled her bellybutton, then slid up her belly, past Kayla’s hands, and flicked across Sukri’s right nipple.

  Which reacted immediately, feeling almost uncomfortably tight…and making the heat and tingling in her groin intensify. She felt a pulsing there, and shifted her weight a little. Which was a mistake, as she was getting mighty sensitive down there.

  Kayla’s tail slid up to Sukri’s neck, then whipped back down, grazing her nipple again.

  “Mmm,” Sukri mumbled, squirming in Kayla’s grasp. But Kayla only tightened her grip on Sukri’s rib cage, just below her bust. Another flick, and Sukri’s nipple was painfully erect. “Okay now,” she managed to blurt out, leaning forward to try to pull away from Kayla. But the woman was surprisingly strong, pulling Sukri forcefully back against her. “What are you doing?”

  Kayla leaned in, resting her chin on Sukri’s right shoulder and gazing at her with those big golden eyes. She was smiling.

  “Giving you what you wanted,” she replied.

  “What I…what?”

  “I brought you to the tavern,” Kayla explained, “…and now this.” She pressed her lips against Sukri’s shoulder, kissing it. “You said you were tempted to become like me, back in the Shrine.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “I asked you what would help you make your decision,” Kayla continued, trailing her tail up Sukri’s belly…and flicking her nipple yet again. It was exquisitely sensitive now, and a little painful…but not in a bad way. The tingling and pulsing between Sukri’s legs grew more insistent, and she squirmed again. Things were definitely not dry down there anymore.

  “And?” Sukri pressed.

  “You said alcohol,” Kayla replied, “…and me.”

  “I did say that,” Sukri admitted. “Kinda meant that you would tell me all about how awesome it…”

  Another flick, this time to the left nipple.

  Sukri’s breath caught in her throat, and she tried to twist away. But Kayla held her fast…and Sukri felt the slightest pricks of the woman’s claws against her ribs.

  “Uh uh,” Kayla chastised. “Stay still.”

  Sukri froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She was pretty sure Kayla wouldn’t really hurt her, but the implied danger had its effect. Both nipples were painfully engorged now, and her neck was incredibly sensitive. Kayla shifted, the silky fur on her cheek brushing against the side of Sukri’s neck, and Sukri shivered.

  “Lie down,” Kayla ordered, letting go of Sukri and standing up. “On your belly.”

  Sukri cleared her throat, glancing back at her.

  “Thought you said Chartreux were subservient.”

  “Do it,” Kayla pressed, her tail whipping out and lashing Sukri’s back. It didn’t hurt much, but it sure got the point across. Sukri obeyed, laying on her belly on the soft animal fur below her. She felt Kayla’s fingertips on her back, then sharpness as Kayla brought her claws gently down Sukri’s back…all the way to her pants. Sukri felt tugging there.


  “Lift up your hips,” Kayla ordered. Sukri resisted.

  “Um, I’m not wearing any underwear.”

  “Neither am I,” Kayla reminded her.

  Sukri hesitated, then lifted her hips, and Kayla pulled her pants down over her butt, then slid them down and off her legs. Sukri felt the cool night air on her bare posterior, and felt incredibly exposed. She had the sudden, powerful urge to get up and get dressed, and leave the wigwam behind. But she felt Kayla’s hands on her lower back again, claws trailing over her buttocks and down the back of her legs.

  More goosebumps.

  Her hands slid up Sukri’s legs and buttocks, and then Sukri felt the claws come out. Down they went, making her shiver. Kayla slid her hands up Sukri’s inner thighs, then back down, caressing them.

  Then she got up, circling around to kneel by Sukri’s head.

  She ran her soft, furry fingers through Sukri’s scalp, kneading it gently, then focusing on Sukri’s neck and upper back. Sukri felt herself relaxing; Kayla was good with her hands, and it’d been a long time since Sukri had been touched.

  “Turn over,” Kayla ordered.

  Sukri hesitated, then did so, turning onto her back, looking upward. Kayla knelt just beyond her head, leaning over her, a smile on her lips.

  “What are you…” Sukri began, but Kayla pressed a finger against Sukri’s lips.


  Kayla cupped Sukri’s temples gently in her hands, then got down on all fours, leaning in and pressing her lips against Sukri’s forehead. Her lips, like the rest of her, were warm to the point of being hot.


  Kayla leaned down a little further, pressing her lips against Sukri’s. They felt incredibly soft, the smell of her fur surprisingly pleasant. Kayla held the kiss for a moment, then pulled away a few centimeters. Her golden eyes seemed to stare right through Sukri.

  Then she leaned in again, kissing Sukri…and biting her lower lip gently. Sukri felt Kayla’s tongue flick across her lip. To her surprise, it was soft.

  “Thought you’d have a rough tongue,” Sukri said after the kiss ended. Kayla smiled, leaning in again and kissing her. This time their mouths opened, their tongues mingling gently. No, her tongue was definitely not rough.

  “I kept it soft,” Kayla admitted. “For a reason.”

  “What’s that?”

  Kayla didn’t answer, kissing Sukri again. It felt marvelous, this slow, sensual kissing. Kayla took her time, rushing nothing. It made Sukri feel positively giddy…and more drunk than she already was.

  Kayla pulled away for a moment, eyeing Sukri with an expression she couldn’t read.

  “What?” Sukri asked.

  “Have I helped you make your decision?” Kayla inquired.

  “Mmm, maybe,” Sukri replied. “I could use a little more convincing.”

  Kayla smirked, leaning down and kissing Sukri again. Then she crawled forward a few centimeters, on all fours, until her breasts were right over Sukri’s face. She leaned down, kissing Sukri’s breastbone, then her upper belly…and continued downward, licking Sukri’s bellybutton.

  Sukri swallowed, her heart thumping in her chest, her whole body tingling.

  Still lower Kayla went, crawling so her own belly was brushing up against Sukri’s nose. Sukri felt Kayla’s mouth on her lower belly, that soft tongue trailing down even further. Ever-so-slowly, centimeter-by-centimeter, until it was perilously close to the pulsing between her legs. Sukri squirmed, her hips bucking uncontrollably, wanting nothing more than to meet that tongue. Yearning for it.

  But Kayla kept her lips just above, torturing Sukri…all the while sliding her lower belly over Sukri’s nose, until her own groin was positioned right above Sukri’s face. Sukri stared upward, feeling Kayla’s lips on her skin, her legs trembling.

  “Touch my butt,�
� Kayla murmured.

  Sukri complied, reaching around and cupping Kayla’s buttocks. She squeezed them, then pulled Kayla toward her, feeling the woman’s lips touch hers. They were hot…incredibly so. Sukri kissed them, then flicked her tongue between them.

  “Mmm,” she heard Kayla murmur, feeling Kayla’s buttocks contract under her hands.

  And then Kayla’s lips slid downward, and Sukri felt hot wetness there, meeting the pulsing in her groin. She gasped, tensing up, her hips bucking again. Kayla kept her mouth on her, flicking her tongue gently against Sukri.

  “Mmm,” Sukri murmured. “Oh!” she gasped, turning her head to the side and shuddering. Kayla continued to work on her, slowly and gently at first, then faster. Sukri returned the favor, matching Kayla’s movements. She felt Kayla react, grinding her hips into Sukri’s face, moaning as Sukri went faster…and going faster herself. Sukri felt a mounting pleasure between her legs, one that grew with every second. She groaned, gripping Kayla’s butt tightly and taking Kayla fully into her mouth. She felt Kayla tense up, felt Kayla’s tongue go faster, heard the woman moan again.

  The pleasure grew, and as it did, Sukri went faster, feeling Kayla do the same. Sukri tensed up, pulling her hips up, her pleasure growing stronger. She was getting close.

  Kayla gave a muffled moan, her hips bucking once, then again. She tried to pull her hips away from Sukri’s mouth, but Sukri pulled her in, crushing Kayla’s pelvis against her face. Faster she went. Harder.

  Kayla’s body went rigid…and her mouth went mad, her tongue working relentlessly on Sukri. Sukri felt her pleasure rise, and tried to pull her hips down away from Kayla, but it was no use. She had no chance against Kayla’s assault. There was no escaping the inevitable.

  She felt Kayla’s hips convulse rhythmically against her…just as her own pleasure peaked.

  Sukri stiffened, holding her breath…and holding back the inevitable torrent that awaited her. Then she gasped, letting go, giving in to the ecstasy. Kayla did not relent, even in the throes of her own ecstasy, bringing Sukri wave after wave of pleasure until she was capable of no more.

  Even then, as Kayla’s mouth lifted from her groin at last, Sukri felt a rhythmic pulsing there, the aftershocks of her rapture.

  Kayla pulled away from Sukri, crawling backward, then leaning down and kissing Sukri full on the lips. She pulled away, smiling at Sukri.

  “Are you convinced?” she inquired.

  “Sold,” Sukri replied.

  Chapter 14

  Hunter lay on his side on the cool rocky ledge sixty feet below the edge of the Deep, his knees curled up to his chest. Sweat dripped from every pore in his body, his heart pounding in his ears. Remembering the ungodly pain that had stopped just seconds earlier. Torture beyond anything he could have imagined. He closed his eyes, taking deep, slow breaths, collecting himself. Then he straightened, out, rolling onto his belly and standing up.

  Or at least he tried to.

  A heavy weight pulled him backward as he stood, and he stumbled, nearly falling off the narrow ledge. He grabbed onto the thick vine next to him, holding onto it for dear life.


  There was no pain now. No itching. Hunter looked down at his naked body, seeing huge pecs there. They looked even larger than before, but were no longer red or irritated-looking. He spotted a flash of white to his right, and turned his head to look at it.

  A chill ran down his spine.

  They were white feathers, he realized. Long white feathers attached to a large wing. A very large wing. He felt a twitching sensation in his back, and saw the wing move.

  Oh shit.

  He looked to his other side, seeing another wing there, spreading out at least five feet to his left, if not more.

  Oh shit oh shit…

  He fought against a rising panic, forcing himself to take slow breaths. Closing his eyes, he recited the mantra Vi had taught him.

  Emotion is temporary.

  There was another twitching sensation in his back, and the sound of rustling feathers.

  Emotion is temporary, he recited. Action is forever.

  He grimaced, opening his eyes and staring at the vine before him.

  “You acted,” he muttered. “And now it’s forever.”

  He let go of his death-grip on the vine slowly, adjusting to the new weight on his back. There was the slightest of breezes, and he felt himself being pulled backward. He grabbed onto the vine again, feeling the air flowing over his wings, its touch a gentle caress.

  I can feel my wings!

  Hunter paused, focusing on his right wing. On the feeling of the breeze flowing over it. He tried moving it; the limb of the wing felt like a second pair of arms, he realized, complete with a shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. He tried moving at the shoulder, as if he was bringing his elbow away from his body…and the wing flared outward.

  Holy shit.

  Hunter bent at the elbow then, and the wing pulled inward a bit. He extended the elbow, and the wing flared out to the side again. Moving the “fingers” moved the last third or so of the wing, including the tip. And the movements were extremely difficult, requiring all of his concentration…and they were still bumbling and awkward, his movements shaky.

  It was freaky.

  “HUNTER!” he heard a voice shout from above.

  He glanced up, seeing Xerxes leaning over the edge of the abyss, looking down at him.


  “Fine,” Hunter shouted back. “Other than I’m a fucking bird.”


  “Don’t have a choice, do I,” Hunter shot back. It wasn’t like Xerxes could climb down here and get him, after all. They’d end up getting merged by the Deep. As much as he liked his brother, he couldn’t see himself inside of the guy. He sighed, starting the long climb up to the top. The weight of his wings made it awkward, so he took his time, making sure his handholds and footholds were secure before continuing.

  A gentle breeze whipped around him…and nearly tore him right off the vine.

  “The hell?” he swore, holding onto the vine as tightly as he could. He glanced back, seeing his wings flared outward. He tried tucking them in – by pulling his “arms” to his sides and bending the “elbows” – and his wings tucked all the way in to his back. The force threatening to pull him off the vine vanished. He focused on keeping his wings in this position, continuing the climb up the vine. It was enormously difficult, holding his wings like this; he felt like a toddler when he moved them, with no coordination whatsoever. Eventually he made it to the top, Xerxes helping to pull him well clear of the edge of the pit. Xerxes stared at him for a long, silent moment.

  “Don’t say anything,” Hunter grumbled, feeling another breeze try to catch his wings. He moved further from the edge of the pit; the last thing he needed was a strong wind to blow him into the damn abyss.

  “LOOK…PRETTY,” Xerxes offered, ignoring Hunter’s demand. Hunter shot him a murderous look.

  “What did I just say?”

  “LIKE…ANGEL,” Xerxes continued, breaking out into a big grin.

  “Oh for Christ’s sake,” Hunter grumbled.

  Xerxes chuckled, and Hunter took a few steps back from the Deep. His wings were like trying to carry an umbrella in a strong wind. Any little breeze – unless he kept them tucked in – could push him around. A strong breeze might send him flying away like a damn kite.

  He sat down, concentrating on his wings again. If he flexed his pecks – pulling his “arms” in – his wings flapped, pulling forward directly in front of him. And, he noted, it made his chest look even bigger. If he did the opposite – like trying to pull his arms behind him – the wings went all the way back. They really were like a second pair of arms. A bumbling, awkward pair.

  “YOU…OKAY?” Xerxes asked. Hunter sighed.

  “This is gonna take some getting used to,” he admitted. At least he knew the Deep had worked on him. His change had been abrupt and monumentally painful, li
ke his mother’s. He stood up, getting dressed – after more extreme modifications to his shirt, of course – and faced his brother. Xerxes was staring at him. Just…staring.

  “What?” Hunter demanded, feeling rather self-conscious.


  “I can barely move the damn things,” Hunter grumbled. “I feel like a toddler trying to walk for the first time.” He turned away from Xerxes, starting the long walk back to the Kingdom of the Deep. “Gonna be a long time before I’m flying, if I ever even learn how to fly.”

  Xerxes walked beside Hunter, looking down at him with a big grin. He touched Hunter’s left wing, running his hand over the feathers.


  “Ha ha,” Hunter grumbled, tucking his wings in as best he could, pulling it away from his brother’s touch. “Let’s just get back home.”

  * * *

  The trip back through the veritable graveyard of skeletons surrounding the Deep – failed experiments of the monstrous pit’s strange power to fuse creatures together – was thankfully less eventful, no more creatures daring to attack them. After making their way back down the rocky hill to the forest, the sun had already started to set. They made camp in the usual fashion, laying on the ground to go to sleep. Having wings made sleeping awkward for Hunter; it was almost impossible to sleep on his back, and he hated sleeping on his belly. He eventually found a comfortable position laying on his side, draping one wing over his face.

  Then, mercifully, he slept.

  The next morning, Xerxes woke them both up early, and they continued their trek through the woods. Hunter took the opportunity to practice moving his wings, folding them and spreading them out, and putting them in various positions in-between. Breezes were annoying…that is, until he took the opportunity to see how he could interact with them. He soon found that if he leaned over and spread his wings, tensing them up when strong breeze blew right at him, it would push him backward…but also nearly pull him off the ground. Xerxes caught him practicing this, and stopped.

  “What are you doing?” he signed.


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