Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  Baal rushed through the compound the guardians had tucked away deep in a mountain. The Chosen, those select humans who knew about the immortals and assisted them with their dealings in the mortal world, were scattered around the area. Since Lowan had managed to find a way to free himself from his prison in Hell, and was currently creating havoc in the human world, everyone had come here to prepare for the worst.

  He needed to find Ranata.

  The desire to make sure she was unharmed slammed into him like a freight train. He hated that innocents were caught up in their war, and hoped she could tell him how she’d almost become a human sacrifice. He spotted Marcus leaving Seth’s room.

  “Where did they take the girl we rescued?”

  Marcus halted. “She should be with the Chosen on the lower level.”

  That was somewhat of a relief. At least, she was with other humans. “Who will be guarding the compound when we all leave?”

  “Aidyn has arranged for several Draki to stay behind.”

  Baal rubbed his chin. Having the dragons on guard was a wise move. “Good choice. I need to speak with the girl. I’ll catch up with you later.” He flashed to the lower level of the compound. People were parked at various tables in the large room, tapping furiously on the keys of their laptops. Some stared at the wall of monitors and whispered into headsets. Baal knew these were the worker bees who would keep their fingers on the pulse of what was going on. They had families, though, who must be stationed in another area, and most likely, that’s where he’d find Ranata.

  He scanned the room and spotted Daniel seated alone at a table. Baal sidled up beside him. “Where are the other humans?”

  Daniel looked up from his computer. “They’re spread out all over this wing. Who are you looking for?”

  “The one who doesn’t belong here.”

  “Ah. The dark-haired girl who looks like she’s about to freak out at any minute?”


  “I believe they put her down the hall in a private room.”

  “Great, I’ll find her.” Baal spun on his heel and headed out of the room and into the corridor. He took a deep breath. Being a demon came in handy. He smelled fear better than any other immortal, and the strong, heady scent of it came from several doors down.

  He snarled and moved toward it until he found himself standing outside a heavy door. She was on the other side, there was no doubt about it. None of the other humans in the compound would be this frightened as they were accustomed to dealing with the supernatural. He had to remind himself he was on the good side of the fight and to rein in his instinct to prey on people’s fears. He was a demon, after all.

  He rapped on the door. “Ranata?” Silence greeted him. It appeared she wouldn’t answer, not that he blamed her. With a sigh, he jiggled the handle. Locked.

  Damn it. He’d have to use his magic to open the door and probably terrify her further. “I’m coming in, so you best make sure you’re decent.” With a quick burst of power, he released the lock then pushed open the door.

  Ranata greeted him with a scowl from the chair across the room. “Have you come to release me?” Her tone was anything but pleased.

  “What? No thanks for saving you?”

  Fear radiated from her and turned her aura an orange-yellow encased in black, yet she lifted her chin, pulled back her shoulders and tried to put on a brave front. “Thanks. Now, can I leave?”

  She was a courageous woman, and that fascinated him even more. “It’s not safe out there. That brings me to the question of how you ended up with those people.”

  “Are you my father now?”

  He usually had a level temper, was even what they called easygoing, but this chick pushed his buttons. That pissed him off even more. “No, I’m not. I am, however, the one who saved your ass. Don’t you realize what they were about to do to you?”

  She shivered. Pulling her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around herself. “I do, and I’m sorry.” Tears welled up in her blue eyes. “T-that thing they were going to sacrifice me to. It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen. When I saw those fangs, I nearly died from fright.”

  He fought the urge to blurt out that he was the beast she feared. Instead, he refrained. “You’re safe now.”

  She nodded and sniffed. “I thought I could find my sister, but instead, I only got myself into trouble.” A single drop slid down her cheek. “I’m afraid for her. What if those people sacrificed her? I need to find out, and I can’t do it in here.”

  Well now, didn’t he feel like a shithead? “I’m sorry about your sister. Come with me. I need to show you something.”

  She stood and walked toward him. He held out his hand, and she hesitated for a moment before accepting. The warmth that came over him when she slipped her hand in his, momentarily threw him off guard. He led her out the door and steered her along the same corridor he’d just come down and back to the hub of activity, where he pointed to the bank of monitors on the wall. “Have you seen the world news?”

  She approached with caution and slipped into a vacant chair. Her eyes were glued to the TVs as the media showed the masses trying to exit the city in any fashion they could. Traffic had stopped, and people abandoned their cars and ran on foot. Humans were being trampled by their own or attacked by demons. Some were dragged off, screaming, while others were tortured in front of the cameras.

  Baal fought to control his anger, lest he frighten Ranata more. His heart went out to all the innocents, and he itched to jump into the thick of things and start slicing through the evil. “It’s not safe out there.”

  She looked up at him with terror-filled eyes. He wanted to scoop her up and tell her everything would be fine, but he didn’t have a crystal ball. He wasn’t even sure the gods knew what the outcome would be.

  Her lip trembled. “My sister, she can’t be dead. I’d know.” She glanced around the room as if finally noticing her surroundings. “Where am I, and who are all these people?”

  He sighed. “It’s a rather long story, and one that will have to wait for another day. Just know that you are in one of the safest places in the world right now. As for your sister…” He couldn’t believe what he was about to say. “I’ll try to find her for you.”

  Ranata glanced at her surroundings then back to the man who stood in front of her. How the hell had she managed to get herself into such a mess? Everything was a bit blurry, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to remember. What those men had planned for her… What Clive would have done to her if… She remembered Father Ryan. He’d saved her from one fate then condemned her to another.

  She shivered.

  “You chilled?” Baal asked.

  She didn’t know what she was, but one thing was certain. She didn’t think she’d ever give her trust so easily again. Too many she’d trusted had already betrayed her. “No, but I want answers. Where am I, and how did you find me?”

  The man gave a visible sigh. “Well, you’ll find out sooner or later. This is headquarters for… Well, think of them as your guardian angels.” He waved his hand. “These people are the humans who work for them.”

  His lips moved, but she didn’t understand a word he said. “So… you’re sayin’ angels live here?” She looked around again but didn’t see any wings. Only men and women who tapped on computers and spoke into cell phones.

  “Well, they aren’t exactly what you think. No wings, only fangs.”

  “Fangs. Huh.” Moving on then. “So how did you find me?” When she’d run from her captors, she’d had no idea where she was but realized she’d been in the middle of nowhere.

  He lifted a shoulder. “I was with my friend, Marcus, and we were scouting the area. I saw them getting ready to do you in.”

  She shivered again at the remembrance of removing her hood and seeing the large monster they’d intended to give her to. “I’m grateful beyond belief, but how are you involved in this?” She needed to know who and what she was dealing with. His eyes de
epened to a hue so rich it reminded her of liquid gold. Never before had she seen such an exotic and beautiful color, yet something lay behind them. Secrets. She didn’t know how or why she knew this.

  He raised a black brow. “Why do you want to know?”

  Yes, he was definitely hiding something. Why hadn’t she noticed it earlier in the bar when he’d handed her his card and asked her to come to Vegas for a job? Ranata chocked it up to being distracted by his good looks. The fall of dark curls that touched the collar of his shirt and the light shadow along his jaw mesmerized her. She found herself wondering if shaving ever erased the darkness on his skin. Her gaze dropped to the black tee that hugged a hard body underneath. For a moment, she was jealous of the lucky fabric but quickly regained composure.

  “I like to know who I can trust.” She looked back at the screens on the wall that still played the horror outside. It would be too easy to pretend she was watching the latest Stephen King flick, but she knew the truth. She’d landed right smack in the middle of Hell.

  He opened his mouth then snapped it shut only to sigh. “Fine, I don’t believe in lies. I’m a demon, and I’m here to help.”

  She blinked as if opening and closing her eyes would change what he’d said. He must have realized she was having a difficult time with his statement. He held out his hand with his palm open, and within seconds, a ball of fire the size of a grapefruit formed.

  She gasped and took a step backward. “How’d you do that?”


  Her skin prickled, as if she’d been plugged into an electrical circuit. Come to think of it, she’d been experiencing the same feeling since she’d been brought into this facility. The fireball shrank in size until it disappeared, and the so-called demon dropped his hand to his side.

  “Why don’t you look like the others?” she inquired.

  “Because I choose not to, but I can change my form at any time.”

  The fact that he was a demon should put her on edge, but it didn’t, and she questioned her sanity. “Are you a killer?” She stared back at the screens. “Like them?”

  “Never. Not all demons are evil.”

  There were a million questions she wanted to ask, but another person approached. It was the same guy who had been drinking with Baal at the bar. He stopped and stared at her.

  “You should be more careful of the company you keep,” he stated.

  “Your name was Seth. Right?” The man certainly looked better than the last time she’d seen him.

  His blue gaze pinched down. “Yes, and I hear you were lucky Baal was around to save you. How the hell did you end up as a sacrifice?”

  She shoved down her unstable emotions. “Look, I’m grateful for everything, but I’m not in the mood for fifty questions. Show me the exit, and I’ll be on my way.”

  “Listen up, cupcake. You’re not going anywhere. Didn’t you learn anything from your experience?” Baal’s sarcasm pushed all the wrong buttons.

  Ranata dug her nails into her palms and tried to steady her breathing. God, not now. Not here! The caldron that was her stomach threatened to erupt. Sweat trickled down the back of her neck. Why is this happening to me? There was no stopping it this time, so she took off at a dead run back toward the room where she’d been previously.

  Baal was momentarily stunned when Ranata took off on a dead run. Did she think she would find a way out? He stormed after her and heard Seth laughing behind him.

  “Fucking vampire,” he mumbled under his breath. There was nothing amusing about the situation. Instead of busting some demon ass, he was busy babysitting. “What did I ever do to be punished in this manner?” It seemed as though he were forever looking after someone.

  There was no rush on his part since she couldn’t escape, plus he could scent her. She’d gone back to her room. How convenient.

  “Running from me won’t help,” he yelled, stepping into the room. “And neither will locking the door.” He stood in the center of the small living area and looked around. She was nowhere in sight then he heard it. The sound of someone retching. Concern carried him straight into the bathroom where he found her hugging the toilet.

  “Ranata, are you ill?”

  “How observant. Now, go away!” Her body trembled.

  “Don’t think so.” He knelt next to her and pulled her hair from the side of her face, and it was then he noticed the tears. Marcus, I need you to come check on the girl. He hoped the guardian healer wasn’t too far away. His telepathic link with Marcus didn’t have long-distance service.

  “Are you well enough to move? We need to get you to bed.”

  She didn’t say a word but nodded, so he wasted no time scooping her up and headed for the bed. He was about to lay her down when Marcus flashed in.

  “What’s going on?”

  Ranata stiffened in his arms.

  “It’s okay. I called him. Marcus is a healer, and I think he should take a look at you.” Baal didn’t wait for her to agree. “I found her hugging the toilet. Maybe, a case of the human flu?” He laid her down.

  “Well, I can certainly fix that.” Marcus sat on the edge of the mattress. “Do you mind if I touch you?”

  She gave him a sideways look. “Touch me how?”

  Marcus raised a brow. “Perhaps, you’d be more comfortable if my wife were here? She’s a healer, too.”

  Relief swept over Ranata’s features. “Yes. Yes, I think I would.”

  Seconds later, Cassie flashed into the room and exchanged places with her mate. “Hi, I’m Cassie.” She stuck out her hand, and instantly, Ranata reached for it. Baal felt a sense of relief. He should have called Cassie in the first place.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “I understand you’re not feeling well?” The female guardian flashed a warm smile.

  “I… Actually, I’m feeling better now. It must be nerves.”

  “Well, I can certainly understand why. With all that’s going on and what you’ve been through, it’s no wonder.” Cassie kept hold of Ranata’s hand for a few more seconds before she let go.

  “Wow. You did something to me. What was that?” Ranata made a move to sit up.

  “I simply sent you a little healing energy, but you should rest if you can.”

  Ranata hugged her knees to her chest. “I want to leave. I need to find my sister.”

  “You’re aware it’s not safe out there?” Marcus approached and stood behind his wife.

  Ranata tipped her head to look up at him. “I know that, but you can’t keep me here.”

  Marcus sighed. “You’re right, but I cannot spare the manpower to help you. The choice is yours, and of course, you’re not a prisoner here.”

  “You can’t seriously send her out into that shit. I just fucking rescued her!” Baal fought to keep his demon under control.

  Marcus eyed him. “I cannot hold her against her will. She’s a grown woman and fully aware of the situation.”

  Baal growled then checked himself. “Ranata. I said I would help locate your sister, but under one condition.”

  She lifted a dark brow, and her blue eyes sparked with fire. Damn, she was a feisty one. “Which would be?”

  “I’ll take you out of here and give you refuge in one of my homes, but you must promise you’ll stay put while I look for your sister.” Marcus and Cassie both glanced at him but kept quiet. Yeah, he was as surprised as they appeared to be.

  “Why should I trust you?” She crossed her arms over her breasts, and he felt the loss of such a beautiful view.

  “Because you have no choice, and it’s a smart decision.”

  She pulled in a deep breath. “That’s not an answer. I don’t know you from Adam, and yet, you expect me to trust you?”

  “I saved your life.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not so stupid that I don’t realize you’ve been trying to get into my pants since we first met.”

  “Won’t deny it.” There was no reason to lie since she was correct. “However,
that was before. I have every intention of helping you find your sister.”

  Her brows pinched down. “So, now you’re saying you don’t have any sexual intentions?”

  Damn. Did he still? Well, she was one hot number, but even he wouldn’t stoop that low. “I’m not going to lie. You’re a beautiful woman, but I’m not a creep. I don’t force myself on anyone. Consent must be mutual. And… Well, shit has changed.” He scratched his head. “There are more important things that need our attention.”

  She studied him for a long moment, looking as if she were gauging the truthfulness of his statement. “Fine.”

  “Say it.” He didn’t know why, but he needed the words from her lips.

  “Say what?” She squinted at him.

  “Give me your promise.”

  “Fine. I promise I’ll stay in your home.” She leaned forward. “But you must also promise I’ll be safe, and that includes from you, as well.”

  “I give my word.” He couldn’t believe he’d just made a pact with her. Why the hell hadn’t he left the girl here and walked away?

  She gave Cassie a questioning look.

  “Baal once gave himself up to some very bad men to save me and Seth from harm. I’d trust him in a heartbeat,” Cassie replied, and Ranata seemed satisfied.

  “Okay, then.”

  Chapter Three

  Ranata quickly agreed to Baal’s demands because it would get her out of this place, but also, her gut told her to trust the woman named Cassie. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, however, she’d head out on her own. The sooner the better for her.

  “I need a photo of your sister and any information you can give me on where she was last. Where she likes to hang out. You know the drill, I’m sure.”

  She kept pace beside him as they climbed a set of steps. “I have a photo of her back at my place.”

  “Perfect. I’ll take you there, and you can grab whatever you’ll need to be comfortable.” He stopped and touched her arm. “Oh, and Ranata, don’t think about running off. You made a promise, and I take those seriously. Crossing me wouldn’t be wise.”


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