Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 13

by Valerie Twombly

  “I wasn’t going to touch her! I swear!”

  “Silence! You’ll speak only when I command it.” Hades flicked his wrist, and Clive’s mouth was sewn shut. The pathetic human moaned and pawed at his lips to no avail.

  Baal chuckled.

  “The punishment for your crimes is eternity in purgatory. You shall know unquenchable hunger and thirst. I also have a few sex-deprived demons who will love to make you their bitch while they feast on your flesh.” He leaned forward. “Over and over and over again.”

  Clive shook his head. Muffled screams came from his sealed mouth as he scrambled up and tried to run. He didn’t get far before he vanished. No doubt sent straight to his prison.

  Hades grinned. “Some days, I love being the Lord around this place. Today is one of them. He will suffer for what he has done. You showed excellent restraint by not killing him yourself.”

  “I wanted to but realized his punishment with you would be far worse.” He shrugged. “Besides, I plan to visit him often.”

  “He is your prisoner to do with as you wish.” Hades’ expression grew serious. “Take care with Zarek today. Remember your training, and you will survive your sacrifice intact. Did you tell Ranata of your fate?”

  “No. She only knows I asked for her mother to visit. She needs to concentrate on her training, not the fact I’m being tortured for my request. Only Kalin and Lileta know where I will be.” He’d sworn them both to secrecy. If Ranata found out he had bargained with the god for Ranata’s access to her mother, it would upset her greatly. He didn’t want her to feel responsible for his torture.

  “How will you explain your absence? Your wounds when you return?” Hades inquired.

  “I’ll figure it out. I need to go. It’s time for me to take Ranata for her visit.” He flashed before Hades could stop him.

  Ranata had showered and dressed in record time and now sat on the couch, legs crossed, tapping her fingers on her knee. What the hell would she talk to her mother about?

  Baal flashed into the room, and Ranata jumped a foot.

  “Damn, you scared me.”

  “I sense you’re nervous.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Ya think? I haven’t seen my mother since I was a young child, and now, I get to see her ghost and I’ve got one hour to make up for a lifetime of questions.”

  He slid in next to her and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. She leaned into his hard body and felt her tension melt away. It was then she realized how much she relied on him. He was like a security blanket, making her feel warm and comforted.

  “Can you stay there with me?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I wish I could, but duty calls. I have some good news, though. I’ve just spoken with Kalin, and it appears the vaccine is working.”

  She lifted her head. “Really?”

  “Yep. The half dozen they’ve tested it on are no longer showing signs of the virus. They plan to inoculate everyone today.” He tipped her chin up and gave her a kiss, lingering only for a moment. “You can tell your mother it was a success.”

  Her eyes teared up. “I guess I can. I wish I could tell her I have Raven, safe and sound.”

  “You will. Soon.” He stood and helped her to her feet. “Ready?”

  Her heart pounded until she thought she might faint. She took a deep breath. “Yes.” She needed to get her shit together.

  “Come here.” Baal pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. You’ll be fine. Keep your mind open, and reach for me if you need me.

  Next thing she realized, they stood on a stone path in the center of a beautiful courtyard. Fountains splashed water over colored-glass stones, and the sun warmed her skin. She glanced around and saw several large buildings with tall, marble columns. Everything looked bigger than life.

  “What is this place?”

  “Temple of the Gods. Each god or goddess has their own home here. The large one at the top of the hill belongs to Zarek.” He laced his fingers with hers. “We’ll walk the rest of the way so you can enjoy the beauty.”

  They started up the stone path, and she noted how everything seemed brighter here. The colors were more vibrant than she’d ever seen. Flowers bloomed along the path and filled the air with their fragrance. Women milled about, dressed in white, flowing garments, reminding her of ancient Greece.

  “It’s beautiful here. I feel so out of place, though.” Just then a tall man appeared in front of them. He looked slightly out of place, wearing faded jeans and a black Pink Floyd tee. His dark hair was tied back from his face and accented his silver eyes. He was gorgeous.

  He bent at the waist. “Your Highness, welcome to my home. I am Zarek, and may I say you are as stunning as your mother.”

  “Thank you.” How she’d managed to speak without stuttering amazed her. As she understood it, the king of the gods had just bowed to her and addressed her by title. Holy shit.

  He grinned. “And why would I not address you as such? You are the rightful queen of the fae and your position is to be respected. Never forget it.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Zarek can read all thoughts. Nothing is sacred around him, no matter how hard you try,” Baal interjected.

  Zarek flashed him a scowl, and for a moment, Ranata feared for her demon, but the god’s expression changed. “Be thankful, demon. Your mate seems fond of you. However, it is time for you to leave.”

  Baal vanished without a word.

  “You haven’t hurt him, have you?”

  “No, my dear. Shall we? Your mother is waiting.” He offered his arm, and for a brief moment, she thought of calling the entire thing off, but then placed her hand on his bicep.

  “Yes.” The scenery in front of her blurred then came back into focus. Except it was different. They stood inside a small courtyard, surrounded by crimson bushes. A single fountain, with a snow-white statue of a woman cradling a baby to her bosom, commanded attention in the center. Off to the side was a long table, and trays of food covered its surface. At one end, a woman rose from her seat. She wore a long, red gown that draped off one shoulder. Her hair was black as night and fell in large curls to her buttocks, pointed ears peeked through it. But, it was the large, blue eyes that looked at Ranata and filled with wonder and love that caused her to choke up. A tear slid down the woman’s cheek.

  “I will leave you ladies alone.” Zarek bent closer to her ear. “Remember you have an hour. The clock in the center of the table will begin once I leave.” Then he was gone.

  Ranata willed her legs to move, but they refused. She couldn’t believe her mother, the woman who had birthed her, stood in front of her. No, she was gliding toward Ranata as graceful as a swan on a calm lake.

  “Daughter.” The woman held her arms wide, and Ranata couldn’t take it any longer. The little girl who’d ached for her mom broke into tears and ran into her mother’s arms.

  Iris squeezed her and rubbed her back. “Shh. I’m here now. I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am that I was unable to come back for you and your sister.”

  Oh, god, she had to tell her mother that Raven was in danger. She had failed to take care of her baby sister.

  Her mom held her at arm’s length. “You have never been a failure. Where Raven is now was never your fault and is beyond your control.” She stepped to the side and slipped her arm around Ranata’s shoulders then led them to the table. “Sit. We have much to discuss and little time.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Baal found himself in the one place considered hell for a demon. A frigid landscape covered in nothing but ice and snow. A sharp wind bit at his skin and turned it beet red. Zarek had stripped Baal’s powers and begun his torture. Baal had been left with only a pair of jeans, a thin T-shirt and his boots. With no protection from the elements, he’d been instructed to start walking. He’d been told when he reached the other side, his sacrifice would be complete, and he would be set free. That is…if he made it.

  While he was immortal, and therefore, wouldn’t die from exposure, he would grow weak, and it was possible he’d never find his way out of the frozen tundra.

  He focused and placed a picture of Ranata in his mind. She needed him, and fuck, if he didn’t want her, as well. Failure wasn’t an option. He wanted to keep his mind closed but had promised her he would be there if she needed him. If he couldn’t be in person, at least, he could offer emotional support if she reached out.

  Bracing against the wind, he began his trek through snow that was almost up to his knees in some places. Clouds darkened the sky, turning it to an angry gray. Baal had a difficult time distinguishing between blowing snow and what was falling from the sky. Either way, it didn’t matter. It coated his hair, brows and lashes, turning them into a frozen mess. As his body shook uncontrollably, he became positive Zarek meant to end his existence. With no magic to aid him, he had no choice but to wander aimlessly in the hope he’d find the other side. If there even was one.

  A howl sounded in the distance, followed by a growling that set his teeth on edge.

  “Ah, hell.” Would he have to defend himself against beasts as well as the elements? He wondered what else Zarek had in store for him. He reached out with his thoughts to touch Ranata. Maybe, that would help take his mind off his current misery.

  When he connected, he received a rush of heat, but it was only temporary. Sugar, everything okay?

  Yes. I’m talking to mother now. Thank you so much for giving me this gift.

  Anything to make you happy. And he realized he meant every word. If she’d asked him for the moon, he’d figure out a way to put it on a silver chain and slip it around her neck. He loved her smile and intended to make her do it more often.

  His next task was to get Raven back. As soon as Zarek was done making him into a snowman.

  Iris clutched Ranata’s hands. “I’m so proud of you. I understand the virus is under control now. You have saved your people from certain extinction.”

  Ranata shook her head. “All I did was provide a little blood.”

  “No. It was more than that. You never hesitated and stepped into this position though you had little knowledge of it. You accepted a man—no, a demon—as your mate without question.”

  “Well, I did question that one, and I’m still not sure I understand, but he’s growing on me.”

  Her mother smiled, and her eyes sparkled. “You love him. I knew you would, and I knew he would protect you with his life.”

  “But will I ever have his heart?”

  “You already do. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be undergoing Zarek’s torture right now.” Iris plucked a grape off the tray in front of them and popped it into her mouth.

  “What?” Ranata’s blood ran cold. “What do you mean, torture?”

  Iris’s brows pinched down. “He didn’t tell you. I might have known he would spare you his pain.”

  Ranata was suddenly overwhelmed with panic. “Mother, you must tell me.”

  “When he asked Zarek to grant us permission to be together, it came with a price.”

  Fear gripped her, followed by anger, and she was almost afraid to ask, but she needed to know. “What has Zarek done to my mate?”

  Again, Iris smiled. “Ah, I recognize that passion in your eyes. You get it from me, and once it shows itself, there’s no stopping you.” She straightened. “Your mate was required to make a sacrifice for his request. He’s been stripped of his magic and sent to a world full of snow and ice—something demons despise. He suffers greatly.”

  Rage filled her, and she jumped from her chair, knocking it over. “No. I can’t allow him to suffer.”

  “Then you must confront the one who sent him there,” Iris whispered.

  Ranata balled her fists and clenched her jaw. “So I shall.” She had no idea where Zarek was now, but maybe, if she yelled, he’d come to investigate ruckus. “Zarek!”


  She opened her senses to Baal as she’d been taught and must have caught him off-guard. Pain filled her. Cold, biting pain. She gasped.

  “Zarek, you will come to me, at once.”

  Finally, he appeared. “Are you done so soon?”

  She focused on the one thing Kalin had taught her about magic. Find it and take it. Make it yours to command. “I want my mate back. Now. I insist you stop this insanity.”

  The god crossed bulging arms over his chest and glared. “Your Highness. You should tread lightly while in my realm or feel my wrath.”

  “Bring it,” she spat, not caring that he was far more powerful than her. Fear for Baal consumed her, and she would do anything to protect him.

  Would you fight a god for him, daughter?


  Then do it.

  It scarcely registered what her mother had whispered in her head. All Ranata could think about was the searing pain she’d felt when she’d connected to Baal, and she had to stop it. Now.

  She focused her mind on the colors around her. Magic was thick in the air, and it snapped with power. She grabbed it and shielded herself and her mother against any retaliation Zarek might throw at them.

  “Bring him back. Now.” She felt the power growing inside her. Starting as a tiny ball of light, she nurtured and fed it until it flowed through her veins like lifeblood. It was part of her, and she was willing to use it. Even if it destroyed her.

  “I will not ask again,” she hissed.

  “And I will not bend to the whims of a small female,” Zarek replied.

  Ranata raised her hands in front of her and sent a shockwave of energy straight at his chest. He flew back several yards and landed on his ass. A crowd gathered, and Zarek jumped to his feet.

  A blast came back at her. She braced, but the shield held. She looked over at her mother who was grinning from ear to ear. Not even her hair had been blown out of place. Determined to get her mate back, Ranata called more power to her and threw it back at the god in a blaze of fire.

  He shielded.

  “I can hold out all day. Eventually, you’ll tire and drop your guard,” he growled.

  “Never!” She had to find a way to win this.

  “Then I will destroy the entire fae kingdom,” he snapped.

  No. They didn’t deserve his wrath because of her. She was supposed to save them, not condemn them to death.

  Don’t let him threaten you, daughter. You have more power here than you’ll ever get anywhere else. A queen puts her people above all others. Always.

  She had to come up with a plan and quickly. Then it hit her, and she flashed a wide smile. “Maybe I will tire before you do, but…”

  First, Kalin appeared at her side. Then one by one, the fae warriors. Over one-hundred men filtered in to stand behind her. She mentally reached for each and every one of them and connected. Together, they would siphon every drop of power in this place.

  “You cannot beat us all. I may be new at this game, but I’ve learned enough to know I’ve just placed you in checkmate. Now…give me back my mate.”

  Zarek smiled, and Iris applauded, and now, Ranata was confused. Why did the god look pleased?

  “You have passed your test and proved not only are you ready to fetch your sister, but you’re ready to lead the fae,” Zarek said. “You, my queen, have one huge set of balls.”

  “I don’t understand.” She looked to her mother, who had moved in next to her.

  “Zarek would have given you your mate back when you asked, but he wanted to be sure you were ready for the challenges ahead of you. The best way he could figure to test you was to threaten the one thing most important to you. When you go for Raven, Lowan will seek vengeance, and he will try to destroy our people again. It is up to you to keep everyone safe,” her mother replied.

  “Lowan is only a demigod and less powerful than Zarek, and you proved not only can you handle the magic, but already, your people are devoted to you.”

  Ranata looked behind her and realized the magnitude of what had happened. “Ho
ly shit. I really did this?”

  Kalin beamed with pride. “Yes, you did, Your Highness. And with only one day of lessons. You opened a portal and brought your entire army to your side.”

  Wow, she had, hadn’t she, but even she realized there was still much to learn. Later, though. “Fine, I passed your damn test. Now, where is Baal?”

  Immediately, the demon was dropped at her feet. He rolled into a shivering ball. His skin held a bluish tint, as did his lips, and when she knelt to touch him, she found thick ice covered his lashes. She’d better take them out of here before her anger caused her to do something stupid. She looked up at Kalin.

  “You’re in charge until I return. Then, we go for Raven,” she commanded.

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  She looked back at her mother, pain in her heart before she flashed herself and Baal to the one place she was sure they’d be left alone. His home in Hell. Hopefully, it would provide him a sense of comfort. She pulled the covers back on the bed then began to pull off his boots.


  “Hush, you foolish demon. You’re home now.” She continued undressing him until he was naked then she removed her own clothes and climbed in next to him. Pulling him close, she spooned his back and brought the covers up to their chins. Then she waited.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Baal rolled over, groaned then opened his eyes. “What the fuck?” He looked around and immediately recognized his bedroom in Hell. He sat up. Scratching his chin, he rewound his memories. The last thing he recalled, he was freezing his ass off in Zarek’s torture chamber. Then a blurry image of Ranata standing over him surfaced. He sensed she was off in the other room, so he decided to take a quick detour to see Hades.

  “What the hell happened?” he asked Hades. “I know I didn’t spend a week in that shit hole, and something tells me my mate is behind it.”

  Hades looked up from his gardening, and Baal frowned.


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