Reborn 1-5

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Reborn 1-5 Page 22

by D. W. Jackson

  “I will do that,” Ash said shaking the man’s hand.

  When Ash left the building, Shina followed behind him in silence. Outside Ash found Zelan sitting on the ground with one of the guards sitting in his lap while the other sat on the ground both of which were covered in sweat. “Master?” Ash asked in a raised voice.

  Seeing Ash the guard jumped up from her seat and smoothed her hair while blushing. “We were just practicing a bit while we waited,” Zelan said laughing. “I see that you acquired a nice slave, so is it time to go?”

  “Yes master, but we do need to go to town so I can have her slave mark overwritten,” Ash said rolling his eyes.

  “Town might be nice, but as an apprentice you will have to provide a little money for expenses.”

  Ash still had the two hundred gold that Emelia had given him but he didn’t want to spend that if he didn’t have to. He still had over thirty silver so he pulled out five coins and passed them to Zelan.

  Tossing the coins in his hand Zelan frowned. “Seems a little light.”

  Sighing Ash pulled out five more coins and handed them over. Tossing the coins again Zelan smiled and put them in his pocket. “Then we should get going,” Zelan said. After giving the two guards a light kiss on the cheek, Zelan rushed in the direction of the city.

  Ash wanted to talk to Shina during the walk to the town, but with each moment that passed the air became tenser making it harder to talk. By the time he knew it, his chance was gone as they had entered the city.


  “You do what you have to, I will meet you in the morning at the exit to the city,” Zelan said before disappearing into the city.

  As Zelan disappeared into the crowd Ash looked back at Shina who still had a vacant expression. “Shall we go to the slave merchant to have your mark changed?” Ash asked with a weak smile.

  “As you wish master,” Shina replied in a lonely tone.

  After asking a few people, Ash was able to find a slave merchant, though it was one that dealt with mostly humans, he agreed to perform the master overwrite for ten copper coins.

  Shortly after the slaver placed his hand over the slave mark on Shina’s right shoulder, she started to gasp in pain. The look on her face made Ash’s stomach tie in knots. After a few seconds, the slaver removed his hand and Shina fell forward slightly.

  Seeing Shina lose her balance Ash quickly supported her. After a few seconds Shina regained her composure and deftly removed herself from Ash’s grasp.

  With the slave contract finished, Ash decided it was best to get a room at an inn so that he could talk to Shina about Yuki. He had wanted to mention her daughter but Ash was afraid of what her reaction would be.

  There were numerous inn’s costing from a couple coppers to a gold coin. Ash didn’t see the need to have an expensive room, but still wanted some comforts so he decided to get a double room for twenty-five silvers.

  “This is your room sir,” the young woman said, opening the door and handing him the iron key to the room.

  “There is only one bed,” Ash said as he looked around the room.

  “That is what you asked for sir,” the young woman said tilting her head. “If you wanted separate beds then you should have asked for a twin room customer.”

  “Then can I please get a twin room?” Ash asked blushing slightly.

  “It will cost an additional five silver for a twin.”

  “That’s fine,” Ash said pulling out another five silvers.

  Ash and Shina were taken to a room three doors down. The beds were slightly smaller than the one in the previous room but at least there were two. Ash had originally wanted to get separate rooms, but it seemed that members of the beast tribes were not allowed to stay unattended.

  “Shina, would you come here for a moment,” Ash said, patting the bed next to him. Shina looked at him and Ash noticed a slight shiver run over her body. Her eyes hardening she took slow but steady steps.

  “Ummm…I don’t plan to do anything to you,” Ash said as Shina shifted nervously next to him. “I just wanted to tell you that…Well the reason I bought you was…Your daughter Yuki…She well…”

  “Yuki! Y-you have you seen Yuki?” Shina asked grabbing Ash’s arm hard.

  “Yes…Yuki is,” Ash fumbled with the words as he tried to find the words. “She is my slave.”

  Hearing that her daughter was a slave Ash expected that Shina would become violent, but instead she broke down and started crying. “My baby is ok.”

  After getting Shina to calm down, he started to get her to talk little by little. It seemed that news of her daughter’s illness had been reported to the slaver who had taken her, in order to check to make sure that it didn’t spread. Shina believed that her daughter had already left the world.

  Ash told Shina about how he had met Yuki and about curing her and everything up until her had left to find her. The whole time he was talking, Shina continued to cling to him her eyes radiating warmth.

  “Master,” Shina said after Ash had finished his story her face only inches from his. Before Ash could respond Shina’s lips were pressed against his own and he was pushed back on the bed. The warmth of Shina’s body and the feel of her tongue in his moth felt great.

  Pushing Shina away, Ash rolled off the bed and jumped to his feet. “Wa-what are you doing?”

  Shina looked at him and licked her lips and smiled. “I was just thanking master for saving my daughter.”

  “I would have been happy with a thank you,” Ash replied.

  “Awww, but master had such a cute look,” Shina said, biting the corner of her lip.

  Rubbing the corners of his temples Ash let out a heavy sigh. “You and your daughter both enjoy playing around too much.”

  “Ara…Did master buy us without knowing about the fox tribe?” Shina asked as she stretched out on the bed. “Master, how much do you know about the beast tribe?”

  “Not much…Yuki and Shina are the only ones I have really met,” Ash admitted while taking a seat on the other bed. “Can you tell me about the beast tribes?”

  “It’s a little embarrassing.” Shina gave a slight giggle and jumped from where she was lying next to ash and laid her head in his lap. Shina moved so quickly Ash didn’t even have a chance to respond before he found himself looking down to see her looking up at him with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “But if master were to pat my head I will tell him.”

  Seeing no harm in the request, Ash started rubbing Shina’s head. Just as with Yuki her ears were soft and fluffy and her hair felt like silk under his fingers. Shina gave off a contented sigh and wiggled slightly. “Most people lump the best tribes together, but each tribe has its own characteristics, making them more or less popular as slaves. The fox tribe is not really that popular,” Shina said this with a smile as if she were bragging. “Once we are branded as slaves, we are forced to follow our master’s orders, but we will never do so willingly. We are known for being smart and tricky and there are many stories were members of the fox tribe have tricked their masters into their own deaths.”

  Listening to Shina’s words Ash’s face paled. Shina gave a light laugh and reached up and rubbed his cheek with her hand. “Master doesn’t have to worry about that. While it is true we fight against being slaves to those we don’t like, we are also fiercely loyal and loving to those we accept.”

  “How do you know I am not a bad guy and are tricking you?” Ash asked, turning his head as his cheeks turned a light red.

  “Ara…Master is cute,” Shina replied lifting her head from his lap and pressing it against his chest. “If master was lying, I could tell. I could also tell that when master spoke of Yuki he thought warmly of her.”

  Shina ran her hand up Ash’s chest as she pushed her body against his. “I didn’t buy you for that,” Ash said pushing Shina away.

  In response Shina smiled. “I have accepted master, but master hasn’t accepted me. What is Shina to do?”

  “For now, why don’t we ge
t something to eat,” Ash said quickly escaping Shina’s grasp.

  At the sound of food, Shina’s long red tail started to float back and forth and her ears perked up. Springing to her feet, Shina grabbed Ash and pulled him toward the door. “Let’s eat something sweet.”

  Seeing the way Shina acted, it was hard to believe that she had a daughter. As Shina pulled him along, he used the Analyze skill, but everything was blocked so she was at least five levels higher than him.

  Ash had wanted to eat in the Inn, but Shina pouted and Ash soon found himself sitting in a small diner eating a meat pie while Shina enjoyed a large steak that had cost him thirty coppers. Every now and then Shina was grab his fork and take a bite of his food with a giggle. Ash wanted to get mad, but she had such a happy look on her face it made it impossible. Having never spent much time with a woman outside of Emelia, and Ash was completely at a loss of what to do.

  “Can you tell me about your stats?” Ash asked after Shina had finished her meal and ordered a sweet cake.

  “Master asking a lady such questions,” Shina said giving out a devious smile. As ash looked at Shina and the way she acted he started to understand why vixen, the term for a female fox, was attributed to enticing women.

  “If master must know, I am level nineteen. My occupation is thief.”

  “Do you belong to the thief’s guild?” Ash asked.

  “No, I got the job title when I was young and was forced to steal to live,” Shina said her ears drooping slightly. “Does master hate it?”

  Seeing Shina’s worried look, Ash thought back on his previous life. There had been many times when he had snuck food and other things from the houses he had stayed in. He wouldn’t call it stealing, but if he had ever been put in a position where he had to steal to live, he was sure he would. “No, you just did what you had to,” Ash said after a few moments of thought and instantly Shina ears perked up and she gave a warm smile.

  Seeing her warm gaze, Ash couldn’t help but blush. “We should head back, it has been awhile since I was able to enjoy a good night of sleep.”

  “Master,” Shina softly said while pulling Ash to a stop outside one of the many stores on the main road.

  “Huh do you need something?” Ash asked his mind elsewhere.

  “I only have this set of clothes,” Shina said while looking at him with large round eyes.

  “Oh! Umm then we should buy you some for the trip back. We will also need to get you a bedroll for sleeping,” Ash said casually.

  “I am fine with just clothes,” Shina replied with a coy smile. “I can just share master’s bed.”

  “No, no, no, you need your own bed,” Ash said, trying to back away. Shina left out light “tch,’ as she pouted.

  Shina’s sour mood only lasted until they entered the clothing store. Most clothes were made to order for the higher classes, but normal people bought readymade clothes. Shina moved among the clothing picking up one after another and holding it in front of her then returning it. Ash had watched shows back in his last world showing women shopping, but he always thought it was exaggerated, but now seeing Shina he stated to think he had been wrong.

  “What do you think master?” Shina asked, holding up the seventh set of clothes.

  “Don’t you think it might expose a little too much?” Ash asked as he looked at the light green top that hung low in the chest and a pair of shorts that looked as if would barely cover the essentials. Just imagining Shina wearing them, Ash blushed deeply.

  Seeing Ash’s response Shina smiled and placed the clothes on the counter along with four other sets. Shina also picked out a dark red cloak. Once the clothes were purchased, Ash also acquired a travel pack and bedroll for Shina though she pouted about wanting to share with him. If Ash was to say he didn’t think about it, he would be lying, but he forced himself to refuse her.

  By the time they returned to the inn, the sun was starting to hang low in the sky, casting a reddish orange haze over the horizon. Ash paid another silver for a bath to be brought to the room.

  Four men carried a wooden tub just big enough for one person. Once the tub was in place, buckets of steaming water were brought in, one after another until the tub was nearly filled to the top. After forcing Shina from the room, Ash quickly undressed and entered the tub. The feeling of the hot water was like bliss after days of travel on the road. Slipping down to let the water cover all but his face Ash let out a contented sigh.

  “Master, should I wash your back,” A light voice said from behind him.

  “How did you get in here?” Ash asked as he looked back to the door sure he had locked it. While turning his head, he saw Shina standing behind him wearing only a smile.

  “Ara, did master already forget that I am a thief. A simple lock like that is as simple to open as breathing.”

  Ash closed his eyes and turned back around. Soft hands pressed against Ash’s back pushing him forward. As Shina entered the bath, every part of Ash’s body went ridged. He could feel her legs brush against his as well as her twin soft peaks pressing against his back. A tingle ran through his body when Shina pulled back and began washing his back with the soft cloth that the inn had provided.

  After she was done, Shina asked Ash to wash her, but he refused, even after she pleaded in a sulky voice. After he was clean, Ash quickly jumped out of the water and dried himself while hiding the best he could as he dressed. Once he was finished, he ran from the room, but he still got a full view of Shina sitting back in the tub with her top exposed as she watched him with a smile.

  As soon as the door closed behind him, Ash slid to the ground breathing heavily. “What is wrong with her?” Ash asked out loud as he shook his head.

  When the door opened Ash fell back and found himself looking up at Shina who was wearing a thin nightshirt they had bought earlier.”Ara, if I knew that master was going to be so sneaky, I wouldn’t have put on my undergarments,” Shina said as she placed her index finger against her lips.

  Scrambling to his feet Ash ran into the room trying to escape from Shina. Having spent little time with women, Ash had no defense against Shina’s attacks, leaving his heart racing and his mind in a haze.

  Thinking it best, Ash quickly entered his bed and covered his head with the thick blanket. A few moments later, Ash felt as another body entered the bed. Soft arms with silky skin wrapped around his body. “Sh-Shina you…You have your own bed,” Ash stuttered.

  “I just wish to sleep next to master,” Shina whispered in Ash’s ear, sending a tingling sensation though his body.

  “Shina I…I order you to sleep in the other bed,” Ash said in the most commanding voice he could muster.

  “Master don’t be like…ahhhhh,” Shina started to speak then started to moan then yell. “Master please,” Shina said as she rolled from the bed and hit the ground. Stunned Ash sat up and looked at Shina and noticed that her slave mark was glowing a light blue as Shina groaned in pain. The glow slowly went away and Shina stood and looked at Ash pouting. “Master.”

  “The other bed,” Ash said, though his vice didn’t carry much strength. Shina frowned as her ears drooped and her tail hung limply behind her, but she slowly went to the other bed.


  “Master it is time to wake,” A soft voice whispered in Ash’s ear. Opening his eyes, Ash looked up into a pair of large brown eyes.

  Wiping his eyes, Ash sat up and looked at Shina who was already dressed in the green shirt and shorts they had purchased the day before. Her large chest pushed against the fabric of the shirt and the low cut exposed a dangerous amount of shin. The shorts weren’t any better as they hung low enough to allow to allow her tail to freely move while threatening to expose everything.

  Tearing his eyes away from the dangerous sights, Ash removed himself from the bed and started to put on his training clothes, but found that they were no longer stained with sweat. Looking back to Shina, she just tilted her head and smiled. “I thought master would like it better if it was cleaned,
so I used some of the left over bath water to wash them.”

  “Thank you,” Ash said as he moved and did his best to hide as he changed.

  Once Ash was fully dressed, he and Shina left the inn after eating a quick breakfast. Seeing that the sun was already peeking over the horizon, Ash feared that Zelan was already waiting on him, but his fears proved to be unwarranted. In fact, it was more than an hour later when Zelan finally appeared, looking sick and his clothes in a disheveled state.

  “Smells like alcohol,” Shina said, holding her nose while giving Zelan a look filled with disdain.

  “Don’t be like that,” Zelan said, looking over Shina.

  Shina covered her chest with her arms and glared at Zelan. “Seems I’m hated,” Zelan said in a sad voice. “Well the day is wasting away, let us get moving.”

  Unlike before with the added stats he gained from winning the gambler’s game Ash didn’t tire at all. His stamina had almost doubled and his endurance which affected stamina use and regeneration had also got a good boost. It was such a great effect that even when they stopped for the midday meal, Ash still had a small amount of stamina remaining.

  As they ate Zelan looked at Ash closely. “Ok what happened?” Zelan asked, breaking the silence that hung in the air. “I would ask if you happened upon a dragon core, but I don’t even think the little duchess has enough gold to purchase one of those.”

  “Huh dragon core?” Ash asked, his voice displaying his confusion.

  “Didn’t think that was it. Very…Very rarely monsters drop cores that boost stats, though it is very rare and it is illegal to sell them to anyone but royalty. That aside, how did you get so much stronger in just a day.”

  “I don’t know if I am allowed to tell you,” Ash admitted. “It had to do with the guild.”

  “Ah then don’t say anything more,” Zelan said sighing. “Every guild has a secret way of getting stronger, but they hold those secrets with a death grasp and I have no urge to have to fight against the entire gambler’s guild. Still with the added strength, I don’t think it will be a problem for you to carry the rest of the weights,” Zelan added with a vicious smile while he began pulling out stacks of iron plates.


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